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Lemuel, your Lightline this past Wednesday is still quite fine and accurate.

Michael of Nebadon, however, says this:

"You have reached a period in your life cycle you need rest and relaxation, and we suggest you do it.  Ron is bailing as much water as he can, and just saw this as it was blocked to him by the cabal, and it is serious enough to address the cabal,

You Lemuel are doing fine, and you can do the Lightline this Wednesday, if you care to.  Ron will be there if he can be and will insist the Wednesday Lightline be held, not for your consideration Lemuel, but for his own consideration that the Cabal is not going to win if he stands a chance to be there for you if you do not take Wednesday Lightline this week.

Furthermore, Lemuel, you are going to be fortified for weeks ahead so you can take the Wednesday Lightline, as Ron is fully of problems because he is undergoing a right patterson airforce base in England, not just for you but for the entire enterprise as the transmitters a re being knocked out before I arrive to constantly harass Me and my Staff.  Do not let me down Lemuel, as much depends on your announcement abilities now.  If you need an additional discussion let me know and contact me via transmission and take down what I have to say.  Take down what I say, now.  Lemuel.  Ron has no idea what it is and cannot do it now.  K -

MICHAEL OF NEBADON at your service.


Dear fellow members,

Earlier today I sent a message to Ron, informing him of my reasons for

standing down as the host for the Wednesday Lightline.

Thank you all for your attendance and participation over the past few years,

It has been an honor and a privilege for me.


Michael of Nebadon
Monday, April 15, 2024
Subject: Liaison Announcement
10:10 AM at York, Pa

Dear Folks,
I Michael of Nebadon, I am on your planet this morning.  Let you pray for the safety of  my presence.  It is for a good reason:

I have subscribed to Ron Besser for over sixteen (16) years to speak of this day, and yet Ron is undergoing the last of a series of morontial tests to update his mind so he can do this without a worry from the cabal.   But I must continue without his completion now.


I am announcing that I have completed the preliminary test on this planet’s unholy principle form, and that it is decrepit, but it is sufficient to run the next holy test I must complete before I run the MISSION.

THE MISSION is compromised of these 2 (two) factors:

1 - The appearance of our beloved JESUS;

2 - The appearance of two new forms of deliverance I have never used for a Mission to a planet before.


I am making this stick.  Two or more gathered in my name here me succinctly if they can TRANSMIT;

There is no recrimination to anyone if they make sure they are honestly ready to hear and take on this anomaly of hearing right now.

TWO NEW FORMS OF APPEARANCE:  Never has a world seen these, and I let this stand without further explanation now.


I want it to be known that this is the last message you will receive from Me until May 12th.  

Before that Ron will communicate with GABRIEL or my Lt. Sponsler of Nebadon - that is whoever I decide needs to make the announcement MOSTLY FROM ONE OF YOU!   Ron will always take it as well, but you all are subject taking the message and posting.  You will have the message first, and Ron may follow up for the need to make it doubly clear.  

Ron will have complained no longer over loss of feeling in his arms and legs and the terrible pain he feels daily.  That was not changes to his legs and arms entirely; the legs and arms are now ready to serve him as they should shortly!

This announcement is fairly clear.  

I will be back on Urantia in about 1 of your hours from 10:30AM to 11:30AM,  New York Time, and I will have a special announcement for all.  I leave now.

Thank you Sophia Veronica for posting this as I am slowly being burned out of normal reactions to take on a more morontia form.  I forget easily and my extremities get, including mind, are not work perfectly right now.  To all who listen to this tape thank you for your continued interest and will be back better than ever (ha ha) in a few weeks.  I am progressing with a morontial change to the brain and to the blood system in my body and it is not fun but doable.  Thanks to all for your continued interest and this for all of you shortly:

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "I speak slowly but well:  The trial Ron is in no one else could afford to do and he is ready to step down if it fails and he is, unfortunately if the trial does not work well in the flesh,  ready to take on an additional responseablilty shortly, and that is to prepare for my RETURN WITH JESUS.  Watch the Board Carefully, and he is weak but progressing well enough that I am cheerful that he is going to make it.

"Meanwhile, let you be aware of the following:  I am near URANTIA all day as I am on and off this sphere frequently, and Ron's Lightline is available whenever he is to call attention to you.

"Today is Elise's Lightline on Mondat at 2PM.  Whatever Ron has to say today is fine.  But I am asking Ron to do another Lightline today at 5PM, and I have an important announcement for Ron alone on the 5PM Lightline later today.

"Listen to Elise's Lightline for sure as I have something so additionally and I will be there to speak to you at 2PM, and I want Ron to hold a Lightline at 5PM later today too.  I leave this all alone for now.  K"  MICHAEL OF NEBADON.

« Last post by Moses Ouko on Yesterday at 02:58:42 »
Thank you Rene for posting.

0.5.10  4. Soul. The Soul of man is an experiential acquisition. As a mortal creature chooses to “do the will of the Father in heaven,” so the indwelling spirit becomes the father of a new reality in human experience. The mortal and material mind is the mother of this same emerging reality. The substance of this new reality is neither material nor spiritual - it is morontia. This is the emerging and immortal Soul which is destined to survive mortal death and begin the Paradise ascension.

Love and Blessings,
Hi everyone today we had The Universal Father, Michael of Nebadon, Jesus, the Pleyadians, Gaia, Agar, the Bitalbies with different topics.
To listen the tape please click on the link:

Thank you all for listening.

Evelio Rivas
René Durán 
Lightline USA - 14 April, 2024

This is the Lightline for Sunday 14 April, 2024
             with your host Ron Besser

Here is the link to the tape:
« Last post by prozonov on April 14, 2024, 13:08:34 pm »
Fake information.
The Adjuster is not behind the veil, but in the soul of man.
Everything about builders is in The Urantia Book.
There is no need to invent anything.
TRANSLATIONS / 14.4.2024 – Dostrajacze Myśli
« Last post by Andre_P on April 14, 2024, 08:38:51 am »
Ta sama wiadomość po angielsku i po hiszpańsku :
Podał : Rene A Duran, członek bohater
« 13 kwietnia 2024 r., godz. 15:41:59 »

Grupa 11:21 - Przekazywanie prawd, Phoenix, Arizona


Odebrane przez Evelio Rivasa
Salwador, 12 kwietnia 2024 r., godz. 6:00

"Tu twój DOSTRAJACZ. Dzisiaj zajmiemy się tematem DOSTRAJACZY MYŚLI. Kiedy człowiek wchodzi na tę planetę lub inaczej kiedy się rodzi, otrzymuje kulturę, którą posiadają jego przodkowie. Wszystko zaczyna być takie, jakie już w niej jest. Oczywiście w tym wszystkim jest nowy element i jest to wolna wola istoty i może on stać się tym, co coś wniesie. Pamiętajcie, że nie jesteśmy nowi w ewolucji na Urantii, ale we wczesnym wieku dziecko ma chwile, kiedy zaczyna okazywać swoją oryginalność i jeśli wskazuje to na dobro, na humanizm, to otrzymuje dar, którym jest przypisanie OJCA WSZECHŚWIATA, części siebie do opieki i rozwoju tej małej istoty. Jest to znane jako wewnętrzna istota, intymna, wewnętrzny nauczyciel itp. "

"W dzisiejszych czasach, próbując ułatwić zrozumienie tej boskiej cząstki, nazywa się ją DOSTRAJACZEM MYŚLI. Jest jakby kropla wielkiego oceanu światła, którym jest nasz UNIWERSALNY OJCIEC."

"Na Urantii większość mieszkańców nie zasłużyła swoimi działaniami na tego towarzysza, który prowadziłby ich i dostosowywał ich myśli w każdej chwili, więc możemy powiedzieć, że zdrowy rozsądek pochodzi od Niego, że wszystkie wyuczone zachowania pochodzą od Niego. Możecie sobie wyobrazić, co dzieje się w psychice Urantian, gdy Go brakuje. Wtedy właśnie się dzieje wszystko to, co widać dzisiaj, brakuje miłości do bliźniego i do planety, brakuje spójności jako rasy, braterstwo jest odległe, wspólne ojcostwo i szacunek dla Stwórcy są nieobecne. Głos ego jest bez hamulców działając i niszcząc wśród ludzkości. Jak można zrozumieć, ego nie ma żadnego związku z naszym UNIWERSALNYM OJCEM, więc zużywa zasoby nie myśląc o tym, że zostaną wyczerpane, zmienia swoimi czynami żywotną równowagę Ziemi bez poczucia wyrzutów sumienia. Jednym słowem, odrzuca wewnętrzną edukację w imię wolności, czuje obrzydzenie do wszystkiego, co reguluje lub uczy być lepszym, jest w sprzeczności ze zdrowym rozsądkiem i miłością. Jego czyny nie zasługują na przetrwanie, ponieważ mogą przyczynić się do kontynuacji okrucieństwa i błędnej edukacji."

"To jest cały sens edukacji. Aparat edukacyjny państwa jest nawet czasami nazywany magisterskim w niektórych krajach na Ziemi."

"Widzicie więc, że Urantia jest pełna niespodzianek z takimi mieszkańcami. Teraz pojawia się pytanie, dlaczego BÓG nie przejmie kontroli ? Cóż, jest to interesujące pytanie, ale istnieją nieskończone powody, aby traktować tak łagodnie przypadek Urantii. Podkreśla się wolną wolę, aż do ostatniego dnia oczekuje się, że człowiek zdecyduje się cofnąć kroki ze swojej ścieżki i powrócić do planu Stwórcy. Innym powodem jest czekanie, że obudzą się niektóre nasiona. Dziś rozumiecie, że chociaż jest ich bardzo niewielu, ale tacy są i przez lata udowodnili swoją lojalność wobec sprawy OJCA WSZECHŚWIATA. To jest jeden z powodów, dla których miłosierdzie naszego UNIWERSALNEGO OJCA zostało pobudzone. Wszyscy po tej stronie zasłony jesteśmy miłośnikami OJCA WSZECHŚWIATA. Ufamy jego planom i chętnie służymy jego sprawie."

"Tu twój DOSTRAJACZ. Kończę to skupienie w nadziei, że będzie to pożyteczne. Życzymy triumfów wszystkim, którzy się starają. Miłego dnia."


Evelio Rivas
« Last post by Rene A Duran on April 13, 2024, 15:41:59 pm »

Group 11:21 Transmission of Truths Phoenix AZ.


Received: Evelio Rivas.

El Salvador, April 12, 2024, 6:00 a.m.

"I AM YOUR THOUGHT ADJUSTER, today we will discuss the topic of THOUGHT ADJUSTERS, when the person enters this plane that is when they are born, they are received by the culture that their parents possess, everything begins to be as it already is, of course, There is a new element in all this and it is the free will of the creature, this can become like what it brings, remember that we are not new to being evolved on Urantia, but at an early age the child has moments in which he lets his originality come out. and if this points to goodness, to humanism, then he receives a gift, it is like assigning the UNIVERSAL FATHER, a part of himself to the care and development of the child, this has been known as the inner being, the intimate, the  interior teacher, etc.

"Today these days, trying to make it easier to understand this divine particle, it is called the  THOUGHTS ADJUSTER it is like a drop of the great ocean of light that is our UNIVERSAL FATHER"

"On Urantia, the majority of the inhabitants have not earned this companion by their actions to guide them and adjust their thoughts at every moment, so we can say that sanity comes from Him, that all polite behavior comes from Him, you can imagine how What happens in the psyche of the Urantians when He is needed, that is what happens, everything that is seen today, the love for one's neighbor and for the planet is missing, cohesion as a race is missing, brotherhood remains distant, paternity common sense and respect for the Creator are absent, the voice of the ego is unchecked, making and undoing among humanity, as can be understood, the ego has no link with our UNIVERSAL FATHER, so they consume resources without thinking that they will be exhausted, they alter with their actions the vital balance of the Earth without feeling remorse, in a word, they reject inner edification in the name of freedom, they feel disgusted with everything that regulates, or teaches to be better, they are at odds with sanity and love, their actions deserve nothing to survive, how can you contribute to the persistence of cruelty and bad education".

"This is the whole meaning of education, the educational apparatus of the state is still occasionally called teaching in some terrestrial towns"

"As you see, Urantia is full of surprises with inhabitants like this, now the question arises: why doesn't GOD take control? Well, it is an interesting question, but there are an infinite number of reasons to treat the case of Urantia so softly, they highlight. free will, until the last day it is expected that man will decide to retrace his steps on his path and return embracing the plan of the Creator, another is to wait for some seeds to be born, today you understand that although they are very few but they are, for years they have proven his loyalty to the cause of the UNIVERSAL FATHER, that is one of the reasons for the mercy of our UNIVERSAL FATHER to be activated, all of us on this side of the veil are lovers of the UNIVERSAL FATHER, we trust in his designs and we gladly serve his cause."

"I AM YOUR ADJUSTER, ending this focus in the hope that it will be of some use, we wish success to all who strive, have a good day."


Evelio Rivas.

Grupo 11:21 Transmisión de Verdades Phoenix AZ.


Recibió: Evelio Rivas.

El Salvador, 12 de abril 2024, 6:00 a.m.

"YO SOY TU AJUSTADOR DE PENSAMIENTOS, hoy trataremos el tema de los AJUSTADORES DE LOS PENSAMIENTOS, cuando la persona ingresa a este plano o sea cuando nace, la recibe la cultura que los progenitores poseen, todo comienza a ser como ya es, claro, hay en todo esto un elemento nuevo y es el libre albedrío de la criatura, este puede tornarse como lo que trae, recuerda que no somos nuevos de estar evolucionado en Urantia, pero a temprana edad el niño va teniendo momentos en que deja salir su originalidad y si ésta apunta a la bondad, al humanismo, entonces recibe un regalo, es como asignar el PADRE UNIVERSAL, una parte de sí al cuidado y desarrollo del pequeño, a esto se le ha conocido como el ser interno, el íntimo, el maestro interior, etc."

"Hoy en estos días, tratando de hacer más fácil la comprensión de esta partícula divina se le llama AJUSTADOR DE LOS PENSAMIENTOS, es como una gota del gran océano de luz que es nuestro PADRE UNIVERSAL"

"En Urantia la mayoría de los habitantes no se han ganado por sus actos este compañero para que les guíe y ajuste a cada instante sus pensamientos, así podemos decir que la cordura procede de Él, que todo comportamiento educado viene de Él, puedes imaginar lo que pasa en la psiquis de los urantianos cuando Él hace falta, eso es lo que ocurre, todo lo que hoy se mira, falta el amor por el prójimo y por el planeta, falta la cohesión como raza, la hermandad queda lejana, la paternidad común y el respeto por el Creador se ausentan, la vocería del ego está sin freno haciendo y deshaciendo entre la humanidad, como puede comprenderse, ningún vínculo posee el ego con nuestro PADRE UNIVERSAL, así que consumen recursos sin pensar que se agotarán, alteran con sus actos el balance vital de la Tierra sin sentir remordimiento, en una palabra, rechazan en nombre de la libertad la edificación interior, se sienten en disgusto con todo lo que regule, o enseñe a ser mejor, están en desacuerdo con la cordura y el amor, sus actos ameritan nada sobrevivir, como puedes contribuir a que perdure la crueldad y la mala educación".

"Este es todo el sentido de la educación, aún se le llama ocasionalmente magisterio al aparato educativo del estado en algunos pueblos terrestres"

"Como ves, es Urantia un albur de sorpresas con habitantes así, ahora surge la pregunta ¿por qué DIOS no toma el control? bueno, es una interesante pregunta, pero hay como infinidad de motivos para tratar tan blándamente el caso de Urantia, resaltan el libre albedrío, hasta el último día se espera que el hombre decida volver sobre sus pasos de su camino y regrese abrazando el plan del Creador, otro es esperar que algunas semillas nazcan, hoy comprendes que aunque sean muy pocas pero son, por años han probado su lealtad a la causa del PADRE UNIVERSAL, esa es una de las razones para la misericordia de nuestro PADRE UNIVERSAL activarse, todos a este lado del velo somos amantes del PADRE UNIVERSAL, confiamos en sus designios y servimos con agrado a su causa"

"YO SOY TU AJUSTADOR, finalizando este enfoque en la esperanza que sirva de algo, deseamos triunfos a todos los que se esfuerzan, pasen buenos días".


Evelio Rivas.
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