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Group 11:21 Transmission of Truths Phoenix AZ.


 Received: Evelio Rivas.

 El Salvador, April 8, 2024, 4:30 a.m.

 "We are the PLEIADIANS, we are here on Urantia to support you, we wish to serve in this transition process that you have begun, one of the characteristics is that you conceive of any relationship with Divinity in a vertical manner, this is a consequence of the influence that terrestrial culture "It has been dyed with rebellious thinking, it is clear that we do not have that character that they have painted us."

 "We are as a commission authorized to provide relief and help in everything you need, our capacity can serve you, we want to point out that the terrestrial case has been very noticeable for some time, the issue is that the population suffers from a dream that we would say is endemic, and is not in tune, has allowed its beautiful planet to enter the crisis that today seems endemic, with this we wish to express that what was said by your Distinguished Master SAMAEL is exactly the truth, 'the neighboring humanities are preparing to help in the terrestrial crisis and the terrestrials do not realize it'"

 "It is a very unfortunate condition that you do not realize the crisis you are going through"

 "There are factors that affect this, it is necessary to overcome them, one is the adaptation that is strongly rooted in terrestrial thinking, they think that they can adapt to everything that the environment presents to them, that is fine up to the point where it is already done habit, letting the crisis advance, compromising the outcome that it may have by taking them by surprise, another factor rooted in the Urantian mind is the belief that they can do everything, machismo we would say, which is also of the female sex, remembering GOD until it arises a force that can eclipse them, this means that they choose not to remember the Creator until there is a danger that they cannot control."

 "This thinking is sponsored by disobedience, and they have not wanted to listen to the calls that have been made to them for sanity, for brotherhood, for peace, meanwhile they continue to distance themselves as a race and enter into routines to survive without paying attention to what What happens inside"

 "We want to point out that without making internal adjustments it is impossible to move forward, the fight has to be spent within oneself, spending outside is interesting for them, prolonging the sleep that already weighs on their souls that they have stopped feeding, basically, we would say that it is urgent to reduce the ego"

 "We are the PLEIADIANS, pleased with the evolution they are having, we wish everyone progress, have a good day."


 Evelio Rivas.

Grupo 11:21 Transmisión de Verdades Phoenix AZ. 


Recibió: Evelio Rivas. 

El Salvador, 8 de abril 2024, 4:30 a.m.

"Nosotros somos los PLEYADIANOS, estamos aquí en Urantia para apoyarles, deseamos servir en este proceso de transición que han iniciado, una de las características es que conciben de manera vertical toda relación con la Divinidad, esto es consecuencia de la influencia que la cultura terrestre ha sido teñida con el pensar rebelde, es claro, que no somos con ese carácter que nos han pintado"

"Estamos como una comisión autorizada para brindar socorro, y ayuda en todo lo que necesiten, nuestra capacidad puede servirles, queremos señalar, que el caso terrestre es muy notorio desde hace algún tiempo, el asunto es que la población padece un sueño diríamos endémico, y no entra en sintonía, ha dejado que su hermoso planeta se adentre en la crisis que hoy parece endémica, con esto deseamos expresar, que lo dicho por vuestro Insigne Maestro SAMAEL es exactamente la verdad, 'las humanidades vecinas se preparan para ayudar en la crisis terrestre y los terrestres no se dan cuenta'"

" Es una condición muy lamentable que ustedes no se den cuenta de la crisis que están pasando"

" En esto hay factores que inciden, se hace necesario superarlos, uno es la adaptación que está fuertemente arraigado en el pensar terrestre, piensan que pueden adaptarse a todo lo que el medio les presenta, eso está  bien hasta el punto en que ya se hace hábito, dejando a la crisis avanzar,  comprometiendo el desenlace que pueda tener tomándoles por sorpresa, otro factor arraigado en la mente urantiana es la creencia que pueden con todo, machismo diríamos, el cual también es del sexo femenino, recordar a DIOS hasta que surge una fuerza que pueda eclipsarlos, esto se traduce que eligen no acordarse del Creador hasta que hay un peligro que no pueden dominar"

"Este pensar es auspiciado por la desobediencia, y no han querido escuchar los llamados que se les han hecho a la cordura, a la hermandad, a la paz, entre tanto continúan alejándose como raza y adentrándose en rutinas para sobrevivir sin prestar atención a lo que pasa en su interior"

"Queremos señalar, que sin hacer ajustes internos es imposible avanzar,  la lid ha de pasarse dentro de sí mismo, pasar afuera les resulta interesante prolongando el sueño que ya pesa sobre sus almas que han dejado de alimentar, básicamente, diríamos que urge achicar al ego"

"Nosotros somos los PLEYADIANOS, complacidos con la evolución que van teniendo, deseamos progreso a todos, pasen buenos días".


Evelio Rivas. 
General Discussion / The sound of silence
« Last post by Clency on Yesterday at 14:41:11 »
When I was a younger lad, about ten years old, my dear father taught me a lesson, by saying that I must pay attention to nature’s behavior. He said to me : “Son, when there is calmness all around the place, you can be of certainty that something awful will occur.” Having grown-up in a tropical island where cyclones are common denominators, my father’s lesson has been very useful and each time there is like an atmosphere of quietness, I say to myself that something great is going to happen. Do you hear the sound of silence ? I have the gut feeling that something great is waiting ahead which will take us by surprise. Some countries in the world have been recently experiencing natural disasters because of climate change. The time is ripe for a celestial breakthrough, we have been waiting so long, it is now or never.
1. 040824 Audio Tape Lightline Netherlands International; host: Elise
2. Subjects:
- report on the conditions on Urantia and decisions that has been made during the past days and weeks concerning the Missions  
- problems that spirit must face dealing with the leaders and nations of Urantia and potential solutions
- our purpose and potential in life
- Jesus’ words of encouragement and commission to us
- Tuesday LightLine canceled for tomorrow
3. Speakers: Michael of Nebadon, Machiventa Melchizedek, Mantutia Melchizedek, Thought Adjuster of Elise, and Jesus
4. Transcriber: sonsofGod
5. Link To Tape: 

Hello, everyone. Good day and good evening to some of you. This is the Lightline Netherlands International for Monday, April the 8th, 2024. I'm Elise, your host, and I welcome you all and thank you for tuning in.

Well, let me ask if there is someone to join us, but before we may say and welcome anyone, let us ask for our blessings from our Father for this session and for the world that is in such a terrible confused state. It has so many difficulties to deal with. We ask for your blessings, your help, your care, and love, Father, and we thank you for everything we receive from you every day of our lives. Thank you. Well, let's ask if there is someone who would like to address this group tonight.

Michael of Nebadon
Yes, this is Michael of Nebadon. Hello, everyone. I'm here, and I'm very glad to address this group on the Monday Lightline. You have a good number of listeners, Elise. We have 12 altogether here and people are working. And there is a phenomenon taking place that's quite interesting for your planet. The moon going to pass your sun, a full moon, is quite a phenomenon to watch. But, well, we'll stick to the Lightline for now, and, well, let me say this. Where should I begin?

A Mission on a normal planet is quite an undertaking. But a Mission on Urantia requires all of our strength and effort to estimate, and it's very difficult to carry out. The Missions that at first take place in spirit are usually vast and impossible for you to imagine. But what you know is the conditions on your planet. And also the plans that have been put forward to renew the earth. And that takes an enormous amount of time, strength, and reflection. It involves many lives, including many from outside of your planet. And we also have to deal with the insurrectionists, the rebels, who keep working against us. But they will be taken to other places where they will be judged.

However, I'm Michael of Nebadon, and I have to tell you that it is necessary that the earth is being completely freed from the poison and pollution that is constantly being inflicted on it. And for this, we need to use the means of spirit, which do not always seem very friendly. As you are also aware of, there are many high spiritual beings involved, and decisions had to be reconsidered and approved, and now the situation does not remain the same. Things are most complicated and almost impossible. We have to adopt new methods, and all of that will be of effect to many departments in the universe.

Moreover, man's attitude is not very flexible, and we are constantly confronted with the unchanging convictions of man who allows his own will to triumph over the will of the Father. I ask you, as I have done so many times, pray and be patient. The hour of the call will take place, and all who have waited so long to serve will be recognized. That doesn't mean you have to sit around and wait. Take time to care and serve your friends, your family, your neighbor, anyone who gives you an opportunity to love and serve.

Live as Jesus showed you, by serving his Father in heaven. Follow his example, and all will be well. I'm Michael of Nebadon. I do not speak many words today. I only tell you, we care for you. We love you; we are with you. This is Michael. I wish you a good day and I will turn this over to Machiventa Melchizedek to inform you about more that has been going on over the last days and weeks. I thank you for listening and good day.

Thank you. Thank you, Michael. Thank you, Michael of Nebadon. Thank you for opening this Lightline and for your words. And welcome Machiventa Melchizedek. Please go ahead if you're ready, if you're there.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Oh, yes, I'm here. I'm here, Elise. I'm Machiventa Melchizedek and greetings to all of you. Let me speak to all of you about the situation that has developed over the past few weeks.

The whole situation regards life and the possibilities for change and growth for spiritual receptivity, whether it is the individual, your society, your governments of your nations, it all has deteriorated from month to month. And as you know, every attempt on our part, that is the side of spirit, has been stopped or withdrawn because nothing would worked to our satisfaction or our intention on a planet that seems to be in a state of deterioration in areas of government, governance, education, environment, and with that the people, and everything necessary to form a solid foundation for a man and his environment, which is necessary for a sustainable society.

We as the Melchizedeks are familiar with life on all planets and we know exactly how to act when circumstances ask us to intervene or where we may take charge, or deal with the situation. Which we always do in consultation with Michael of Nebadon, who is the Sovereign Lord of your local universe of Nebadon. We do give our full attention to Urantia. This planet is very important not only for this local universe, but for the grand universe, and even for the master universe where creation will be expanded in the far future. You are all well instructed and you have learned enough to understand the myriad of difficulties that we have to face, and all the circumstances both above and below that have made it impossible for the highest authorities to continue what has been laid out for Urantia, and proves to be one of the most difficult Missions ever undertaken.

Everything possible has been working against those who are going to the extreme of their ability to assist in what needs to be done for further development and spiritual growth on this planet. Where your Sovereign Michael of Nebadon has decided to let things be quiet until solutions are found and Missions can be continued in a different way to address the huge problems of poor development in your civilization, in spiritual understanding and knowledge about life on a planet. Your planet, that is now developing into a low educated and morally misbehaving overpopulated world.

In recent times during your Lightline, your last Lightline from Dominick it was mentioned that planets for humans were going to an evolution and are evolving from tribes to nations. And that this should eventually lead to a higher civilization of scientific and social and other institutions in a cooperative manner to a civilization of Brotherhood, which is, as we then said, far removed from the competitive or war-like civilization that you have now on the planet.

And the issue here is unity, unification. But that seems to be far removed from the thoughts of the people of Urantia, who are learning to fight for themselves, only for themselves, to be number one in charge of the most important positions in communities and in the world, as powerful small groups of individuals over entire communities that are thereby doomed to be left behind in many respects and are also deprived of what should have been a planet of growth, prosperity, and well-being for all, without even one of its citizens having to suffer an undignified life, or miss the opportunity to use their talents.

And that takes devotion and love, care and wisdom. That will lead to unification in families, in groups, nations of the world, care for the world, for its people, for all living things in it, to create one united world as the Father has ordained. So that man may become like him and find him through the means the Father has given you for experience, as you move through the many realms created specifically for that sacred purpose, and to grow toward the unification of it all.

I am Machiventa Melchizedek, I know you all, and you all know that changes have occurred and they will occur and at the moment that will not be communicated to you. We are not quite sure when or how this will work out, but do not be distracted from your good decisions or worried by actions taken for the planet. Remember, the universe is one and unification must come from the lessons of life and the overriding purpose of creation, which will ultimately be realized for all.

And as you can witness in a healthy and unified civilization entering the next planetary stage, a period of light and life, (recording error, couple of words lost here - 1) of Margul, your Trinity Teacher Son, who is ready and eager to start as Jesus is, as the Melchizedeks are, and all those whom you have yourself acquainted with for so many years.

I am Machiventa Melchizedek, and I advise you to take this time to be still and contemplate these things in your mind without worrying about the bigger picture going on behind the scenes. It is impossible for you to understand the magnitude of what needs to be done, or what you could ever do, except to know that you are a child of your Holy Father who loves you, and cares for you.

Be good, be loving, be helpful, be thoughtful, and do not forget your Universal Father God, who longs for you to walk the path of life that is set out for you. As Machiventa I tell you, you will likely hear from us and many others when we deem it possible to share something important to you, our human supporters. That's what you are. And remember, you're always under the care of Michael of Nebadon, of Jesus, and many, many others, so that you may feel protected and loved. We're still here. We're here for you, we're here for the world. And know that you are in the hands of the Father, the first Source and Center of all. This is Machiventa Melchizedek stepping back and I leave you in the peace of your Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon. Good day to all of you.

Thank you Machiventa, thank you so much. (Excuse me). Well, this is Elise, and I just have to see if there is anyone else who would like to speak to us.

Mantutia Melchizedek
This is Mantutia, your Planetary Prince. I am rushing in, for we have just concluded our meeting for today with the planetary government to make decisions for the times ahead. Because the situation on this planet is rough and uncomfortable, we could say at the least, we have been forced to change some of our plans. And these mainly have to do with the people on Urantia who seem to have no need for God, or his ministry, or his care in their lives.

I am Mantutia, and as you know, Michael of Nebadon, your Creator Father has postponed and silenced all the work for the Missions, and for good reasons. For there is no reason to start a Mission on a planet that is at war, for the warlike thinking that is rampant in many of your nations. If there would be any visible Mission, there must be an attitude of attention and openness and willingness to receive a delegation, so different from what you are used to see, and hear, and read. Michael himself has been in close contact with the planetary government and he sees no opportunity at this time to do anything of value on Urantia that could change the situation. He will of course never perform miracles to attract attention or to change the situation. But he'll wait until people are ready to receive what has been prepared for this world of negligence and stubbornness.

Time after time, attempts have been made to start the Missions and to this day, they were not even given a chance to start. And of course, from our side, you can imagine no one wants to intervene in the midst of destruction of murder, of people fleeing the bumps, and other war materials that you have invented and have armed yourself with over the years, thinking that they would be safe if they were to be attacked by their enemies. Well, my friends, that is not the case. The more the nation's develop and arm their countries with heavy, very dangerous nuclear weapons, the greater the threats will be, and the situation will worsen and tension then will increase. And it will only come to times when a world will either be in destruction, or for man will come to his senses and lay down all weapons, and start talking about peace.  

A start must be made on saving humanity, on saving the planet, on saving everything that lives on it before it is too late, and before human life on this planet, on this world has become impossible. Michael, your Sovereign ruler is deeply concerned and even angry that your governments are not taking the responsibility and are making no effort to negotiate, and we wonder if they will ever be able to do so. We, on our side, cannot assist or advise a government that has completely lost its way and has forgotten to act for the good of the nation but it's only seeking power. Ignoring the care and well being of the people is wrong, it is the wrong move. It will never lead to a solution, let alone peace.

What must happen is an opportunity for your world leaders that they should meet in long sessions to get to know each other and learn that you are all one people regardless of borders, race, religion or culture. All nations are built and rely on the families, your family, the smallest social group that forms a unit, and it's the building block of the future by being together, by meeting, by talking, by getting to know each other. They will finally see that the need for peace and happiness is the same all over the world and does not differ in your countries, just as it does not differ in all the families you can find anywhere in the universe.

So, let's hope that there is something that are good, and they hope for the good. Of course that will turn the situation around that might even force people to turn their attention to what is more valuable and could cause them to let go of the greed and the goods of the world, and to concentrate more on the things of God, which they have paid little attention to, and which is the most important and powerful force in the universe to help you find truth and value in your life. This has to come across all of the people, and the people in your governments have to become aware that they must let their egos go and meet with one another. This is Mantutia, it is all I wanted to say for this moment. I am Mantutia Melchizedek, and we thank you for listening and I wish you all a very good day.

Thank you, Mantutia Melchizedek. Thank you for your words. And let's hope that your words for better days will come true.
Let me have a look at my dashboard and see if there are any other who have joined us at the moment that we are shifting and that is me included. I see no question marks, no hands up, so, I know you like to see if I can continue and maybe there is someone else who could address us. We still have time. Is there someone else who would like to speak to us?

Thought Adjuster of Elise
Yes, Elise, this is your Adjuster. And I would like to speak to all present here, and anyone else who would like to listen. We are the Adjuster. We know the purpose of your life and your presence here at this time. We know the mission of your life in this world, where every child experiences what life is for them, and takes the steps forward on that habitable planet. But one planet is not the same as another one, and you are all created and adapted to the living conditions that the planet offers you.

So, it is on every planet everywhere in the universe that man has to deal with the conditions and the situations on that planet. And so it is that man will have to find his way and try to live as best as he can (- 3 - and provide to) his family, and through his experience create a civilization through knowledge with or without the help of religion that man comes to know God and wants to serve Him. The experiment of a universe with so many different life forms complementing and assisting each other in development and growth, all on the way to their Creator, is a beautiful and wonderful event, which the Father has designed and has provided everything necessary to make himself known in his universe and to reveal himself as Father. God's plan is grand and infinite, and will move, teach, and empower all of God's creatures to participate forever in the creation that has no end.

Just hold on a minute, I have to clean my throat. Just hold on. I'm sorry. Okay, let's continue.

Thought Adjuster of Elise
Everything that lives has the potential to evolve. People equipped with a mind can think and learn to understand and imagine the visible and the invisible. And these things will be able to be realized and thus determine the future of the group that will survive according to the law of evolution, which means that everything must be understood, and everything must be in balance before and during the next phase. Everything in the universe is centered on the presence of God, on his love, on his knowledge. In essence this knowledge is already inherent in the pattern of all creative things. It merely takes growth and discovery, and of course a mind to stand, and also the mind to understand who and what God is. What his purposes are and how man will be able to accomplish that. This is your task as a human on the planet, but you have been helped and ...

Well, this is Elise. I just do not know that word. Well, let me say, you just have been helped by your Adjusters.

Thought Adjuster of Elise
You all have an Adjuster. So, ask for him, take your time to think about this, what you have heard, and walk this earth with the piece of God in your heart. We are the Adjusters speaking through this transmitter. We wish you a good day.

Thank you, Adjuster, thank you. I don't know if we have anyone else here for us but I will give it a try, and just give me a minute to see if I can connect to someone. I think there's someone who would like to connect to this Lightline, just a minute please.

Good day and good evening to all of you. Yes, I would like to address this group. This is Jesus, and I would like to give you a bit of encouragement. Some words of hope that will help you deal with your maybe disappointments about the changes and the silence of the Missions. You hear on the forum you have all been so loyal. You have been loyal listeners and workers, and you are all greatly appreciated for your patience and work. I am Jesus. And we ask you for a little bit more, if you can handle it. If you can be patient again with those who are constantly working to put this world on the right track and are trying to give a little bit of wisdom through counseling to those who keep showing their care and love for humanity. For humanity on Urantia, she is suffering so much from the terrible circumstances of war and crime, which then lead to death, hunger, and sheer pain for so many of your fellow human beings.

What can we ask of you? We ask you to stay the course, no matter what decisions will be made about you, or your world. We asked you to pray and give gifts to those who are in need. They have nothing all the way to the point where there is no hope.

I am Jesus, I am your Shepherd. Remember? But I am the Shepherd of all for all. Even for those without faith, without a church or temple, even when they forget to pray, or when they do not remember the things that I have taught the people on earth. We cannot change this situation, you cannot change this situation, but we will be there to assist. And we ask of you to be brothers and sisters to each other. And to remember my teachings which I gave so many years ago. I ask you to pray with me for your brothers and sisters who need everything. I asked the Father that they may find the strength to pick up what is left to be there for each other, to care for each other where possible. We pray to the Father for each of his children wherever they need his love. We pray for all. We pray for all of you. We pray for all who stand ready to help. We pray for all who lost their lives. They will be cared for on the mansion worlds.

I am Jesus and I am with Father, and we are there for all of them in spirit and in their hearts. This is Jesus. Stay with me and we will overcome. I love you and I leave you in my piece. Good day, my good people.

Thank you, Jesus. Thank you.  
This is Elise again, and we'll see once more if there is someone to speak, but I have a feeling that Jesus was here to give us some courage and love and understanding for what we are going through with all of our spiritual leaders and helpers. And that his words were the last for this session of this Lightline. Let me wait and see. I have a look at the dashboard, which is still the same. If you have any comments or questions or if there are anything that you would like to say, … Okay, I see your hand up, Dominick, and you are unmuted. Go ahead, please.

Yeah, I just want to announce that … Elise, thanks for the meeting. Yes. Yeah, am I … am I audible? Can you hear me?

Yes, yes.

Okay, great.


Lightline for Tuesday is canceled, tomorrow. I just needed to start with that announcement while we have everybody on the line who might be showing up. I’ll post it to the forum too. And that's all, back to you.

Okay, thank you. Thank you, Dominick. Thank you very much. Yes, well, we have some minutes left, but I think this is a good time to close the Lightline. And I just want to thank all of our listeners that you were here with me. And of course I want to thank all our speakers.

I now remember Michael of Nebadon, Mantutia Melchizedek, Machiventa Melchizedek, and the Thought Adjuster, and Jesus. I hope I did not forget any. Well, we're very grateful for everyone that took the time to be here with us, and thank you for your words and your attention, and your care. And with this I will just stop the recording and wish you a very good day and a good sight of the Sun eclipse if you are there to watch it. Until next week bye to all of you.


Lightline for Wednesday the 10th of April is canceled.

As a reminder from Mon LL and announcement, Tuesday, Lightline is cancelled for April 9th.
We thank our Speakers for today's Lightline:

Michael of Nebadon; Machiventa Melchizedek; Mantutia Melchizedek; The Adjuster and Jesus.

Link to the tape: 

Hi everyone, we had the Universal Father, Michael of Nebadon, Gaia, el Co-Ultimate, Jesús, Arturah, different topics, we had 14 callers.
To listen the tape please click on the link

Thank you all for listening,

Evelio Rivas 
René Durán 



Thank you very much for your reply to my questions and I will read them

over and over in order to absorb well the full content.

May God bless you always and keep you safe.


Robert, from the Urantia Book is this:

6. The Eternal Son

8. Realization of the Eternal Son

6.8.3 As persons you may conceive of the Universal Father and the Eternal Son as separate individuals, for they indeed are; but in the administration of the universes they are so intertwined and interrelated that it is not always possible to distinguish between them. When, in the affairs of the universes, the Father and the Son are encountered in confusing interassociations, it is not always profitable to attempt to segregate their operations; merely recall that God is the initiating thought and the Son is the expressionful word. In each local universe this inseparability is personalized in the divinity of the Creator Son, who stands for both Father and Son to the creatures of ten million inhabited worlds.

Ron here Robert -  So far Nebadon has 3.8 million human planets to administer.  That does not mean Michael of Nebadon will have 10 million in the future, but it does mean a lot more planets will appear in Nebadon in the future.

Further, the present count of 3.75 million inhabited planets in Nebadon so far does not mean another 6.5 million planets more will occur either.  It is up to each Creator Son to determine the status of the total number of human planets he will contribute to their Local Universe.

I remind you that our Creative Spirit is gone from Nebadon, Robert.  Did you forget that?  She participates in creating the human forum, and the Urantia human form was designed millions of years ago and is now considered obsolete.  But I know nothing about what is planned for future human forms on Urantia, for that is still an open question for the Deity Absolute to decide when the time comes.  Do not forget that the design of humans on other planets is birth without human reproduction systems in place.  Please remember other posts and especially the Pleiades  forms and ask Carole Deptula to take a post from Pleiades to speak to their forms--  they are invisible to us and reproduce differently.

THE PLEIADES speak -  "Thank you Ron.  You are dealing with a virtual cabal now and that makes these communications very hard to produce; however, you are well enough done to get the direct voice of the Pleiades now:

"Human reproduction originates as a human form not.  You proceed from an animal form on Urantia to a human form as you are Ron being fully Adjustered to the end.  For that reason man goes from an animal until about age 14 if all is working well, and then he becomes human with the addition of an Adjuster now much later than it used to be.  As a result you are running out of good human stock until much later in the age group, and it shows in the terrible loss of humans due to ageless Adjusters insisting the child be ready for adulthood much earlier now.

"When this occurs frequently now there is nothing to stop children becoming far too immature to take on adult living without an earlier Adjuster.  Why this happens now is not known, but the entire reason seems to be predicated on the fact that the animal nature on Urantia is increasing, and the adult terminology of the old Urantia Book, is far too sophisticated for younger pre-humans to grasp.

"For that reason, there cannot be a human holding pattern of 14 to 16 years of age as you went through Ron, but unsuccessfully.  You waited until you were almost twenty  (20) years of age to mature enough to be and adult at all.  For that reason your life seems short, but you are one of the oldest on Urantia without having torn down a previous life to live the adult life available once you are fully Adjustered.  For that reason you are more than ready to attend to the mansion worlds, but you cannot do so because the MISSION FOR URANTIA is on, and you must sustain life longer than usual to live a life of  (no ease), but disease in order to gain the contrariety of living a full adult life on Urantia.  Few can do that now, and here is why:

"Mankind is about broken on Urantia.  You cannot maintain adulthood the way you have without going through puberty in a wild fashion.  You refused to do it but you are refusing not the full estate of responsivity, and now insist that everyone you associate with show adult supervision before they make the real sacrifice to work with you as a mature adult of the realm.  Not everyone on the discussion form is a real adult yet and yet you expect them to behave as such.  Not everyone can yet, and you allow that to happen anyhow.  That is rare and forthcoming and has nothing to do with your illness or your reserve to speak to Calk.  That is a reserve which is excellent and about as close as you are going to get to a real solution to your problem of technology with WTP.  That was given with the understanding you would be able to work it better, but Urantia is so difficult now you may never be able to work it properly.  We have to see something better come along besides Dominick or Elise which are both adults and working well but shy to expand technology as a part of their lives.

"And finally, Robert you are getting quite old but are ill due to a transfer of your life to the United States before you were fully an adult, and that has cost you a civilization of worth to go down the drain, and force you to expand your current life cycle into a mode of poor understanding of what is required of you.  You Ron have a detriment as big as your head, and that is because you have nothing to make you an adult but you insist on being one, and enjoy growing up with real adults such as General Powell and  Pope Benedict VIII.  They are genuinely good models of Urantia adults we and we hope you live long enough to enjoy what they produce for you yet!

"In conclusion, Dominick will appear this afternoon for you but he is leaving shortly to go home and straighten out that mess.  He is not going to tell you much as he is growing older than you are quickly, and that is not helpful to you, but then what is helpful to you as you are slow to take on the responsibility of adult hood yourself, as you still enjoy the lackluster life of the younger elephants on the planet and you are not using yourself well mostly at all at the moment.  K"

THE PLEIADES have spoken Ron, and surprise you accept all that said to you.  Good.  For most of it is correct, but you have done an amazing thing few ever do, and that is to fairly give back your life to the Master Force Controllers in order to enjoy the craft of high elevation of information and still enjoy the benefits of a very young age.

"For that reason, MICHAEL OF NEBADON wants you on staff to make sense of people who cannot age more than their chronological age suggests.  In the time of General Washington, the age of an individual was the actual age of contribution to the planet.  But now a  16 year old is only half that age as a human and not really human yet.  That bothers you but at the same time it allows a lot more digression and maybe it is better than expected.  This is all new to you and you rather enjoy it.  Pope Benedict is actually 116 of age when he died and he is mighty sick of that age already.  You are about 86 in adult language and you are mightily sick of the age already too, but you are required to finish your life much later than now, and we dare not speak to that yet.

"Now this:  Elise you are still in your teens.  Gitz you are older than Ron but a half a dozen years and he is 58 in real time terminology and would have gone over at age 29 had he left it when he came home to York after New York 30 years ago.  Funny how maturity is operated best with ease of living, and he has had a tough life but living has been easy for him for years anyhow.  But you grew by leaps and bounds after coming home from New York Ron.  Dominick is about 74 and you Ron are bout 77 now in real terms not 81 which you are chronological age now.  We must be careful with any and all of this because you age in actual years lived is 105 years old Ron and no wonder you are tired all day sometimes.  In any case enough of that, and to the rest of you, most of you on the discussion forum are about 60 years of age with a few far below that for reasons of State I do not go into it.

Finally you Robert are about the age you have achieved anyhow and none of you go over with a deficit of earning your passage tot he Urantia age group you are founded in when you appear there in certain years forthcoming soon.  The age for mansion world disclosure is about 50 chronological years of age on a planet and Urantia has reached that generally but it has stopped growing because of real world tensions and the inability to grow old.  Ron has grown old; so has Dominick, and George, but the rest of you are relatively young and thank goodness you had the age of Ron to guide you as following a Creator Son is extremely hard, but Ron does it without a big change of habit to do it either.  We let this all stand for now.  Good day.   I am Master Force Order #404 with 402 and 401.  Ron says thank you "guys" but we corrected him just to stay Master Force Organizers entirely.  K"


Good afternoon, Ron

How are you today?

I have a couple of questions that I need more explanations.
Father Michael of Nebadon said I quote:

'' I have over 10 million inhabited planets under my care in a local Universe 
of Nebadon.''
That is a gigantic task, how He is able to take care all those planets?

Now my second question:

'' ...The earth form of bodies on your planet, Urantia, are very poorly
designed for what we now call the end of civilization, and the beginning
of a new founding means to replicate human through, not birth, but by a 
Promagnan Form of interstellar reproduction.''

Can you explain Ron ''Promagnan Form''? What type it is?

Thank you Ron.

Bests reagards


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