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Thank you Elise for your comment but it's you and the rest of the crew who do the Voice of God transmissions are my source of inspiration, and thank you Occerpa for your comment. I try to be selective and eclectic in what I try to share, not that I'm in total agreement with all that I post because we are still in a Luciferian culture.  So, the people who post these topics don't have the advantage of having the revelations we have to gauge what they put out and I get that.  But the source of information is still valid to a point.

I thank you both and for the rest I thank you for your thoughts.


Ron Besser:
WEYDEVU, BE CAREFUL, as the cabal has its feelers out on all of this alien comfort studies as they are making everything possible but keeping things under wraps.  Who am I talking about?  The Pleadiens not, but ourselves (not aliens but objective controllers)  This is a fine topic, don't get me wrong, but it is full of mistaken identity (wrong foucs on who did what), and you would not know that but Spirit does know, more or less fully, what is occurring in this matter of appearing aliens.  I am not going to speak to it much, but the report you received via the Internet misses one very important fact:  what was seen was not alien at all, but male control of the media making it appear one way or another.  The Internet is full of this kind of person, and we do not get a full picture of what really happened, and that is because money is so important to those who put this stuff on the internet.  I am not making claims against this internet version, but the voicing of spiritual talk is now reminding us that not every thing we see or talk about is true and the internet recording we have here is misleading mostly.  

That does not tell you much and I am not being informed well, but even the cabal, (the insurrectionists) on this planet are making sure that this kind of stuff sent out by those on the internet is somewhat fraudulent  due to the fact the people who issue reports on the internet are money hungry and they like to keep the insight they think they are supplying, so fascinating you and everyone else cannot put it down.  I am MERCORI, and Ron does not know me well enough to say who I am, but I will tell you I am a commander of one of those ships you saw briefly and that is not a good way to tell you who I am but it will have to do.  As MECORI (MIC- CURI in pronunciation),  I tell you to be careful Weydevu, as to repeat stories that you get from UFO style people, they will confuse you totally as they are unlikely to ever tell you the full truth.  Listen:

That incident is real.  But the incident is not real by what they may be saying about it as they are on the level of 1st graders, and you are at least on the 4th grade level, and many including Ron responding to this are on an even higher level and only Ron is making sure you know more than you thought you did and that you Weydevu must use your judgement in talking about these events.  

For instance, the alien ship is not a shop but a scout.

For instance, the person you mistake as something else is a drunk woman and she fell down and seems to have disappeared but she passed out and was partially hidden on the ground by very poor lighting.

Third, there is nothing  for  any of you to take well from the pictures taken that night, as the pictures are improper lensing and I dare not tell you more, but the entire incident is not for you to bring back for discussion, because the litigants in this story indeed are alien ships, but we are not discussing their problems, but your problem with others on this discussion, range from incredible error in picture taking, and that the mall residents did not see half of this of what is represented even when and while the incident was underway.  I am MECORI and I greet you later in the MISSIONS TO URANTIA shortly.  K"



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