Author Topic: The Japenese Have Invented a Muon Flow and that eventually produces electricity  (Read 10205 times)

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Offline Ron Besser

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I am fully put out with this announcement, but thank goodness we have a patent, for it is a flow of Muons off a broadcast tower that leads to the production of free electricity.

Bob Kalk sent me this news item today.  Bob is a member of the UAI and has taken an interest in how we produced free electricity without the need of electrons to broadcast lots of electricity for over 200 miles from a transmitting tower we build on the plant.
For those who may wish to read the Muon broadcast article, the reference is:
   I may have more on this later.
For your information the Japenese will shortly  discover that Muons carry preliminary voltage of free electricity, and then the fat will be in the fire, as we hold the first patent protecting that use of that discovery for ourselves.  I have little more to say about this yet, but here is MICHAEL OF NEBADON to comment on it:

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "As Ron recalls, every patent fight ends up with winners and losers, and you are about to get into a patent fight big time, as the Japanese already know that Muons carry the light of electricity in their innards.  For that reason Ron is way ahead of the rest of the world, but he will be fighting a patent custody body for years if he does not patent one more item:  How to transmit electricity using a flow of Muons.  Get with your patent attorney Ron and explain this message is bad news for your comfort and you need an additional patent on how to transit Muons in particular.  Get it done today and you have time.  You have the money to do it and do it quickly as this spells trouble for you and us if they get it too soon.  K

"Further Ron, the cabal is angry at you for spelling this first today, but I see it is the germain news to you and you are not going to let it go.  You need to get to your attorney and to allow another patent to protect how you broadcast Muons, period.

"And further more Ron, do not take your leisure over this patent and push it immediately over the patent you now hold and sight this article as it is a direct threat to your intention to modify electrons into muons and you must make it clear it is a break through the Japanese are not aware of but it is only a little time to discover it.  Haste is your byword now.  K

"SECONDLY, do not take my word for it, but you are under threat by the US Department of Energy as they consider this patent to be malleable to the point you may not use it for any reason but to broadcast Muons.  If the Japanese learn to broadcast Tachyons the fat is in the fire.  Do not mention this to the attorney, but make sure he hears the story from you first.  Get an additional patent on broadcasting Muons at once. K"

MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK - "You Ron have foolishly let this patent molder for a year, and while you do not give a rats fanny over it, please realize Seraphim are ready to hit you where you live too and they will not get a chance if you move quickly enough.  The Japanese are good competitors but they are lethal not when they gather you already have it patented.  You do and this time they will ask you to share it not religiously but well and do not get too excited yet over dealing with the patent attorney as Kalk has to understand you are covered by the fact of a patent already done over a year ago now and you hold it strongly and well.

"Further, you must make amends not to any one, but the attorney is making headway on this patent himself and he wants a piece of it but has no longer a good will drive to speak to you because you left him sit with nothing to do.  But bo hoo Ron that leaves you vulnerable as he knows how to abstract this patent into more and more prolific patents.  He should be notified at once and he is now rushing to be in the hospital not but if he does not get regulated on this patent again, he will drop it and leave it alone.  Not my cup of tea at all and you have one magnificent advantage, and that is to stay quiet at the moment as they search the realm for patents and they will find yours fresh and new and will approach you kindly to ask to share it and do not share it easily but listen to their deal(s) and you will  become a friend of their science funding too as you have more t do with Muons, as these may be the people to do your science with Ron if you treat them favorably.  I am sure you will get a letter from them shortly, and  if not, why not?
"The last chance you have at all Ron is stay coy and deliverable at the moment as you patent on preparticles if the first ever of this kind and no one is familiar enough to make it available for discussion.  But leave it to you and you will bumptiously destroy their patent to transport Muons because you are the first to  discover their use.  I leave it at that for now.  MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK at you service,  K"


Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline HelderPoeta

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Ron, if the Japanese register something that you know and didn't register on patent, will them be able to to use the WHOLE free electricity technology for their own profit? Having the chance of that going on greedy corporation hands?

Offline Ron Besser

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That Helder Poeta is a good question for the legal profession.  What the Japanese have not done is to do a patent search, and that is a fancy terms to show what patents already exist for the transmission of Muons.
First of all let me explain something about preparticles that is not generally known:
1 - They are all built by using Ultimatons to build them;
2 - The Japanese are good businessmen but they often fail to understand that other people had to learn what they learned long ago, and that the sciences are not meant to be the exclusive right to hold patents alone, and that people like me participate in patent production, and yet the Japanese seem to seldom hold anyone responsible for truly useful inventions except unless they do it alone and well in Japan.
3 - I admire them tremendously for coming up with a flow of Muons to do this work, but it is  barely the full idea of what a position can do if you learn to transmit Muons for what they use their transmission for.  I am not an expert in the sciences in spite of waht it might look like, but I do hold an unusual patent that uses Muons exclusively to create home and automobile electric power as a use to drive them well.  There are other and many uses for transmitting MUONS  but I doubt Urantia pays attention to me or the patent I hold until I am long dead and gone.  Then they might say isn't this a marvelous idea, why didn't we use it sooner?
4 - Muons are not practically usable unless you have a specific use to transmit them.  They the Japanese found a good reason, but the Japanese fault no one for not telling them my patent is real and good, and they will find the problem for them if they press this too hard, because patent infringement is costly, and I must alert my attorney this is brewing and let him handle the case if there is infringement coming.  I am now an old man and I hate it, but I am positive that there is use for my patent on electrical production and we have to wait for some news events to produce a good and solid statement that Besser saw the use of Muons year ahead of this development in Japan.
5 -  And finally this:  I cannot maintain all the systems I have originated, and I do not know where this patent goes for use; however, let it be known that electrical production on this planet may come under a very serious kind of starvation, and that is because the rods inside an Ultimaton are reportedly during bright red.  The normal rods in Ultimatons on Urantia are usually bright blue, but when they turn a dark red, that means the Ultimatons are facing some sort of problem and it is beginning to happen here.

6 -  There ar e two rods in the body of an Ultimaton.  Their color is usually a bright blue if anyone could see them but they re so tiny, it takes one hundred of them to form an Electron.  For instance a Proton take  fifty-three (53) Ultimatons and the Neutron takes  one thousand fifty-four (1054)  normally, but since the use of nuclear power in 1945, Urantia has been the only planet in its constellation to have Ultimatons turn their Rods a bright red.  The Universe considers any bright red rods in Ultimatons to be an emergency  material condition on the planet.  I have no idea what it takes to bring such back to normal at all.  End of lesson.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "You Ron are settling into a death stab not but beware the long knives are out to kill you.
For that reason we close this chapter today and hope things settle down entirely to remind all of us that the evil of a parsimony  is its size and not what it  can do. 
You who just watch these responses have no idea what it takes from persons such as R
on to do  this kind of posting.  He is near death today and I know that means next to nothing for most of you, but he must not leave without a statement of what is to come shortly to URANTIA.  It is THIS:

"Please be aware FATHER  placed the stars around that title.  For this reason:
1 -  The Patent for electrical production on Urantia uses a Muon flow to carry the latent electrical production to homes and transport.  It will be the only useful production tool they have to produce large volumes of electricity shortly, as the entire matter of electricity ends on Urantia because the ELECTRONS are becoming  more rare due to an inference in the cabal that insists they maintain any use of electrical devices.

2 - Ron has refused their use of any such thing, and he is quickly becoming a hero against such an insurrection.  For reasons of State we stop producing words and close this down, and Helder Poeta, your fresh approch to the subject brings these  comments out more than we thought should be done, and that is because Ron is under a serious death threat and that we must prevent now.  Good day for the   time being.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON.

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania