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No puedo explicarme que pudo haber sucedido para que el texto saliera en blanco.  Espero que Ron como siempre, me asuste en esto para que se pueda leer mi post.  mis disculpas

Ron, very grateful for your comment on my inquiry into The Wireless Man.  Trying to read between the lines, I prefer to understand that you think that although you don't see much application for it, you don't declare that you disagree either, and that allows me to continue playing with the idea of the WM.  And thank you Ron for once again, a new contact with SAIBABA, which will always be pleasant and motivating for me. I hope that from now on, His appearances will be most frequent.  SAIBABA says:
"No one is born by chance. There is a space destined for each person that cannot be occupied by another or remain empty; your place belongs to you before your conception, which has also been programmed so that your being develops its attributes in the most favorable context. No one is born alone for themselves. You are part of a system in which every being plays a necessary role, no matter how small or fleeting it may seem in the concert of Humanity. In a puzzle there are no secondary pieces, each one is essential and unique, its lack would damage the entire drawing. In some cemeteries you can read this epitaph: 'No one is irreplaceable'. Thinking like this is a big mistake, everyone who has been born is absolutely necessary for the realization of the Divine Plan, that is why it incarnates. There is not a single being that was born in vain; convince yourself of this and look at your brother from today from this perspective from which you can understand that each life responds to an objective that is essential for life of others and for one's own evolution, also marked by the presence of the most distant and most unknown individual.  'No one knows to what extent it is united, linked to each human being with whom it shares the same space, this one of the inconceivable Universe'

Thank you Rayson, I did not expect so much, but it was a concern that, although quite childish, I wanted to know if in the most "ultra deep", these energies, were related as the Everything should be, at those levels of the particle of God, Omnipresent .
I would not like to waste the opportunity of this connection with you so specialized in the matter, so that you can give me your opinion on that other idea that for many years ago, for many crazy, the one that I have called The Wireless Man.  In itself, the concept should be accepted as evident since since we were born with a material body, any relationship that we can establish with non-material realities on the other side of the veil could only be wireless.  From the microscopic single-celled amoeba, that "wireless" influence makes its reality and influence felt.  And as life becomes more intelligent, these connections with the material world also become specialized, until the human being becomes a t/r (transceiver), thanks to his inherent ability to tune into his Adjuster of the Thought (the divine chip).  The seven assistant spirits of the mind demonstrate this system of wireless communication, culminating in the higher frequencies of the spirits of Worship and Wisdom, only accessible to the mind influenced by the divine spark.  When I read about these Spiritual Helpers, I imagined them as transmitter stations, each one broadcasting on a specific frequency.  So to the extent that man seeks answers to his philosophical questions about his origin, purpose and destiny, to that same extent, possibly, he will, let's say, update his intercommunication device with that invisible world of the other. side of the veil.  A person in prayer is simply making use of that reality of wireless communication.
Ultimately, wireless is a term adapted to refer to intercommunication beams that are not visible to our optical system, since, according to teachings learned from SAIBABA, all living beings are interconnected by (intelligent) light beams.
I regret not being able to synthesize all that idea that I have been conjecturing about the concept of the Wireless Man, which in my opinion could be a great convening power to bring together all religions in harmony around our one Universal Father.  Thanks Ron

I tried twice, one at 11 am sharp, and the other 15 minutes later and that special Dominick LL that was announced had not started;  just to inform because I did not know of any cancellation announcement.  And I did not leave without considering any help that could be offered to achieve the privilege of being able to establish a connection with the Divine Voice.  Furthermore, I believe that with so much emphasis and dedication placed on the forum for all of us here to achieve the ability to become transmitters, no opportunity for assistance from those who know how to get there cannot be underestimated.  On this topic that to this day I do not have clarity on how it is achieved safely due to the fact that some express it so easily but that for others it is almost impossible, I want to refer to SAIBABA, now with much more confidence by confirming that Ron is also already a follower of SAI, who said: "When the supreme appoints his chosen one, a phenomenon common to all devotees occurs: the display of the ability to hear the Divine Voice, but not as an audible sound in the manner of the spoken word, but as perfect intuition that provides guidance, wise counsel, support and protection. When the Lord summons you He makes you the object of a rare privilege because, from the day you respond, your consciousness comes into contact with His; then everything changes, becomes intense, new, magnificent, and the Power is revealed. You will be able to verify this: When the Master calls, existence becomes transforms into Life"
Something more related to the fact of human birth that Ron referred to with numbering and everything, I want to add the following aside also from the wisdom of SAIBABA:
"In a similar way, the call of the One is reiterated in the history of Humanity from era to era, from minute to minute, the divine touch is produced, filling the soul of man with anxiety and sleeplessness, and impelling him to follow a Master to fulfill the mission that has been assigned to you since the beginning of the Centuries, because each one of you was born with a purpose marked by the highest Wills; the Masters ensure that this destiny is fulfilled at some point in the Evolution and act to protect the chosen one for a long time before making himself known. When the most propitious moment arrives, the Master stands before you and points to you, showing Himself as goal and path, mirror and model, food and abode. Human life is a gift that must be taken advantage of; the key to this is to admit the fact that you are in a world of non-casual events and that, as you notice the almost prodigious concatenation of the facts that weave the fabric of your existence, it will become more evident. for you the reality of an ordering intelligence of which your Master is a living and temporary manifestation, even when His influence far exceeds the Name and Form through which He makes Himself known." Thanks 

Ron I hope that not only can I ask this question properly, but that it does not fall on the list of questions that do not qualify for an answer.

I bring this up as nonsense, because it will most likely make everybody laugh.  The wireless charging that cell phone manufacturers have been using for some time now based on electromagnetic energy, what relationship in its smallest expression can it have with the WTP, or at all, are they at all related to each other?
 Don't worry if it doesn't warrant a response.  Thank you

Thank you very much Ron for this SAIBABA transmission. As you know, it is an immense joy for me to see my beloved teacher of so many years appear on the forum.
Of course I recognize that my lack of knowledge of the language limits me a lot and although I thank Google for allowing me to participate in the forum, but I also know that the service has deficiency which is more notable due of my  writing and vocabulary limit, this affects everything else. Thank you for the tolerance that everyone can show me with my publications and to you Ron my gratitude for your words of sympathy without worrying that they are only to correspond to my deep admiration that I express to you for your exceptional achievement of unattainable magnitudes. Thank you for that impeccable leadership.
Thank you beloved Father SAIBABA, for your words of support and attention to my unabashed dedication, and to my efforts to follow your teachings, not an easy task in the midst of so many challenges and commitments to attend to. Now I will try to read this post with more dedication, to be able to understand this interesting publication as much as possible.

Arthura's dissertation or master conference, as I called it, sheds a lot of light on what to expect as a member of the forum, from the different transmissions that so often, seem contradictory to us, an aspect that very possibly is the cause of an important number of members have left. You have to learn to read between the lines, as it says, to see if you can elucidate what is being said or revealed.

One question among others that arises from this long material is, if the spirit itself is not capable of solving obvious problems, why on Urantia was the power of the "bad guys" allowed to grow so much, because at least I don't see how the malig arms power of the Empire could be confronted and defeated, when it is said to have more than 800 military bases in the world.  In truth there would be little hope if they decide to unleash a world war.  Of course I understand that when talking about Spirit, it is understood that it does not include the power of the Universal Father. Hence I consider as a blessing and in its place, the prayer raised to the Father for PJammer, which we hope will be answered.

Thank you very much Dominick and very grateful to Arthura for such an important transmission.

Me too. Amen Thanks PJammer 

To reinforce Arthura's message about the Recognition of our Inner Dweller or Divine Gift, I remind you of this poem that I wrote a few years ago. I think the term Taco (Breker) is known, the main switch in the register box of the 7electrical installation of a home. Lowering the Taco is the voice to interrupt the flow of energy and thus leave the entire house in darkness, without the sounds of radios or televisions, to eliminate all types of distractions. In this case, a state of stillness is desired to be able to devote oneself to tuning in. with our Inner Dweller.

NOTE: Poetry in Spanish with an approximate translation

Que difícil nos resulta aceptar el hecho 
De que este estado de vigilia que vivimos
No es más que solamente un profundo sueño
Y que por ende los sueños que soñamos dormidos
No son más que sueños dentro de otro sueño

Las preguntas del caso serían, cómo caimos en este sueño?
Y cómo hacer para despertar a la realidad verdadera?
Baja el taco y entregate a la guía del Morador Divino
Quien conoce a perfección el cómo, el cuando y el por qué 
Y quien solamente espera a que le entregues el timón de tu destino 

Rindete y confía para siempre en sus diestras manos
Que te llevarán hacia toda la verdad de tu existencia
A través de la gran aventura de la carrera universal
Colmada de sorpresas tras sorpresas sin final
Hasta la misma fuente de la ambrosia

Baja el taco y deja fluir libre y sin restricciones 
Que se haga la voluntad de Dios, no la tuya  
No te afanes, ni te preocupes por nada
Y terminarás reconociendo sin esfuerzo
Que todo no es más que un Juego Divino

Octavio Cervantes Pava
Barranquilla - Colombia


How difficult it is for us to accept the fact

That this state of vigil that we live

It's nothing but just a deep dream

And therefore the dreams that we dream while asleep

They are nothing more than dreams within another dream

The real questions would be, how did we fall into this dream?

And how to wake up to true reality?

Turn down the breaker and surrender to the guidance of the Divine Dweller

Who knows perfectly the how, the when and the why

And who only waits for you to hand him the helm of your destiny

Surrender and trust forever in his wise direction

That will lead you to the whole truth of your existence

Through the great adventure of the universal race

Full of surprises after surprises without end

To the very source of the ambrosia

Turn down the breaker and let it flow freely and without restrictions

May God's will be done, not yours

Don't be ansioux, don't worry about anything

And you will end up recognizing without effort

That everything is nothing more than a Divine Game


The interesting question of the many that I could ask in the face of so much information and news, is this in relation to Ron's laments: How does what is apparently bad turn out to be good and what is good, bad? Because I cannot understand, and I would very much like to, how the information persists that the Empire is murderous and criminal by all accounts, but which, as Ron says, is good and Russia, which has maintained a sober and balanced attitude despite the Western press against her, she is the bad one. I really can't understand this and if I'm wrong I'd like to know where the crux of the issue lies. And by the way, what comment do you have Ron about Tucker Carlson's interview with Putin, which in record time reached one billion views? It's not that I want to open a discussion about this, but in my way of analyzing, if the Second Coming is delayed, it is due to the wars designed and sponsored by the Northern Empire. I don't consider myself well-versed in the matter but my case is, as I said, we have a son residing in Vilnius and of course I don't miss the news.

I do not want to leave the LL of last Wednesday far behind, to present my gratitude to Rsz, Lemuel and Arthura for that extraordinary message about the Recognition, especially of the divine presence within us, our beloved Adjuster. With this intervention by Arthura, we can verify that although we think that everything has been said on the matter, we find that there will always be new data to take into account, which not only represent significant contributions to go in search of that high achievement, but that it is not something that one can learn without merit no matter how many talents one possesses.
I take this opportunity to congratulate René and his magnificent work that he does there with his people from El Salvador and that important Eladio broadcast yesterday Sunday; They just need to do a good equipment review because the sound quality greatly affected the good performance of the transmitter. May they continue in that purpose, as surely there will be many of us who will benefit.

Thanks to you Ron for opening this thread so that we can learn about that prodigious skill you call fission, which allows you the mastery of "writing" at levels that I place at quantum levels, no less. I understand that no other mortal could access any of this without undergoing that metamorphosis that you have had to go through based on sacrifices and suffering that I think no one like you could qualify. Thank you Ron for all that viacrusis so that today we can have a leader of your stature. Now that Pope Benedict VIII (I thought he was Benedict XVI, Joseph Ratzinger), nominated you as a occasional replacement for Pope Francis, I remember that I came to suggest here that you were worthy of being the founder of the universal religion of man of the third millennium, based on these new ephocal revelation.
And with respect to the invention of the architecture of the preparticles, I think that here the particle of God (semiquaver ?) must be properly defined, which would determine the most significant divine attribute (for me) such as Omnipresence. One would then understand what SAIBABA stated that: "God is the greatest of the greatest and the smallest of the smallest". Thanks you Ron

I put this comment here in this thread because I couldn't locate the post where it is mentioned, in general terms, that Ron is not very fond of sunbathing, and then I considered that, in essence, everything is energy and I also think if I can in this same publication, I will also make a comment about what Ron began to call the semiquaver, which seemed very appropriate to me because it is the most graphic way of referring to a fleeting preparticle as stated in musical notation.
It turns out that there was a time when after lunch I took a walk of about 20 minutes in the same patio of my house and one day, very spontaneously (intuitively?), I started looking at the sun, which at that time on the small island where I lived in the Caribbean, it was intense. Of course the first time was a matter of just a instant, but little by little I increased the duration day by day, until it reached 30 seconds and more. At first it is left with the reflection of the sun on the retina, but some time later this effect disappeared and I can even say that the vision remains clearer for a few seconds. Of course, this is not what I recommend doing for everyone, but there pages on YouTube that guides you in this practice. The comment that I consider instead is that as a doctor, I never found in my long practice a single case that could relate it as a skin cancer type lesion caused by the sun's rays, as I have said, in a place where the sun is hot. almost all the year. In fact, sunstroke produces first-degree burns and even quite serious ones on sensitive skin, as will occur in cases of cancer. So I wanted to hear comments from both Ron and anyone else who wanted to weigh in. Thank you


I am very happy about the important reaction my last post received from Father Michael. Thank you very much Ron, for that interesting and mysterious work that you do even while incapacitated in bed as you were. I try to understand some of this but I can only imagine that in order to transmit and write at the same time in that extensive and almost flawless way, celestial powers not within the reach of our technology must come into action.
On the other hand, thank you very much, Father Michael, for those details about me that, while filling me with satisfaction, I take as more of a commitment. However, with respect to the fact that it is not only obtaining permission to pass to the mansion worlds but also submitting to the judgment of sin. And that about sin would really be important as it is necessary to delve deeper into the topic because from a very young age we are afraid of not sinning and sinning. Until the Universal Father sent his only begotten son, so that with his death he would wash away the sins of the world. A fact that from very early on I considered not true. And thanks to the UB, it became clear to us that the tendency to evil is inherited but not sin. And sin is defined as the deliberate and conscious act in open rebellion against the will of the Father and the laws of his sons. I think that whoever has heard of God and who has declared that his will be done, not mine, could not be applicable even in case of ignorance.
I will continue to try to discern as much as possible about these crucial aspects in our current life. I wish I could get a more comprehensive statement on the subject. Thank you


That fact that only 200 million humans on the planet qualify for the mansions worlds does not cease to cause astonishment now that it is not an automatic step as I can understand.  We already had that statistic of the classification of the different levels of spiritual development of the human being and it was also quite depressing for me.  But deducing that those of us around here should consider ourselves lucky, I can't help but compare myself to others and I can't find that distinction.  In fact, around the planet, history and current news give us a good image of the volume of human beings with truly wild behavior, although the cases that impact us the most are those that occur in our region or country due to their rapid spread.

 To name just two recent events that are astonishing due to the atrocity and human misery, I refer to the case of a son who came home and found in plastic bag, the head and in others bags, the remains of his mother's body that she had been murdered by a "friendly" neighbor.  Another case was that of a boy who killed another because he did not pay him 5 thousand pesos (a little more than 1 dollar).

 So certainly living on a planet in the midst of so much savagery would have to be considered a heroic fact without mentioning the wars that I consider most degrading in the human experience.

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