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Group 11:21 Truth Transmission Phoenix AZ.


By: The Thought Adjuster. 
Received by: Evelio Rivas. 

El Salvador, November 11, 2024, 6:27 a.m.

 The Thought Adjuster:
"I am your Thought Adjuster, we observe that the battle has been unleashed in your psyche, of course, that you are looking to find the right path, so, we will focus on the subject of the fruits that speak for people"

"As we can see, there is very little left out of this, human psychology is far from the psychology of the Creator, it is illogical to want to equate the way of taking things from the Creator to the human form"

"In all this, the most pragmatic rule stands out to get closer to the reality of the moment, it is about the fruits saying who you are, so, it is enough to look at what comes out of you to know for sure who it is"

"We can observe that in the daily routine, one thing serves for something that another cannot replace, so, we go looking for different things and attitudes to satisfy our expectations, the same applies to orienting ourselves and finding the path that takes us back home"

"First of all, the human must realize that it is assigned to him  a mysterious monitor, a Thought Adjuster, this one is representing the same UNIVERSAL FATHER, we can say that it is the same UNIVERSAL FATHER on the scale that can function at the human level, admitting that this element knows the way is decisive to look for him, his main job is to guide us all the way, he comes from the UNIVERSAL FATHER, so he knows the way back home, what happens is that he is in the place where almost nobody looks, he is in your heart within you, so the search has to be inward to be able to find him, his guide will always lead us to act with education, with kindness, with solidarity, we will always be ready in the causes of need to help our brothers, one of the greatest things that we can develop is to be useful to those around us and to the planet, we are referring directly to the fruits that come from the person, serving is a new routine that will fill people's lives with meaning, being willing to lend a hand that helps and supports our fellow men, is a need of each moment is a fruit that will say who  you are"

"I am your Thought Adjuster, concluding this enormous topic, we wish to contribute to providing points of reference to advance internally, we love you, have a good day."


Evelio Rivas.
Lightline Netherlands International, November 12th, 2024

This is Lightline Netherlands International for Tuesday, November 12, 2024 

your host is Elise, 

with a brief summary of the meeting with "Mission Urantia", last Monday,

and a quotation from part of an earlier speech by Machiventa Melchizedek to the board of "Mission Urantia".

We thank our Lord JESUS who spoke to us about LOVE.

Ron was with us, he listened to the Lightline from his room and at the end we all wished him well. 
I'm so sorry Ron, that I stopped the recording too early, but we hope to hear from you again.

Here is the link to the tape:

General Discussion / Re: Information
« Last post by Dominick O on November 11, 2024, 15:37:23 pm »
Thank you Elise!

Elise, Raz, Dreamcat (Michael E.) and myself (Dominick) attended by phone and introduced ourselves after the meeting with Machiventa Melchizedek (John Morris the serving TR) emphasizing cooperation.

For those who attend in the future, this particular meeting is bi-weekly. Attending by Zoom is very much the preferred way to join.
Introductions and ways to cooperate were shared, and overall, it was a good introduction with all involved including a bit of info about themselves. Thank you again, Elise, for getting the details started.
General Discussion / Information
« Last post by SophiaVeronica on November 11, 2024, 11:03:49 am »

Dear members of the Discussion Forum, 

This is a message to let you all know that a meeting is held on Monday at 1pm NYT  by the board of “Mission Urantia”, a diligent group of people working under the leadership of Machiventa Melchizedek, seeking the best ways to reach the Urantia population.  

We, the Magisterial Foundation, would like to give you the opportunity to hear what their vision is and how they seek to serve the people of Urantia and find ways to implement their goal: 

“to remind humanity of its divine origin and that we are all children of a loving Creator whose indwelling Spirit guides each person to their fullest potential.”

"to create a world in which deep spirituality and ethical commitments, based on universal values, permeate the lives of all individuals and the planet as a whole.”

"to the attainment of the planetary Era of Light and life through co-creative relalionships with our Indwelling Spirit and HIgher Being of Light.“

You have all been previously informed by Dominick that the circuits are largely closed, also Rene Duran has not received words from Spirit in his Spanish Lightline yesterday, but I will open the Netherlands Lightline Intl. tomorrow Tuesday, November 12, 2024, as announced last Sunday. 

If you are interested in the vision of “Mission Urantia” their regular session is scheduled at: 

1pm NYT, today Monday, November 11, 2024


Here you find the information to connect:

Dial by your location:

+1 346 248 7799 (Houston)
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Hello everyone,
 Infortunately we did not received transmissions today, but we spent our time reviewed other topics to keep our gatherings at the same time and the purpose.

Thank You all.


Back to fundamentals. Some contexts of world history and current events. Some Forum comments.

Topics and keywords:
  • Mission update and Magisterial Foundation definition
  • Dr. William Sadler's books and works
  • Some pre-requisite subjects and intention before attempting transmission
  • Lucifer Rebellion in context to WWII, Globalism, Deep State, Education, Extreme Left-Right, 
  • AI in context with computing-processing, global comms, social media, big data
  • Carole's question with reiki
  • Some possible activities and projects forum members might do together in the near future
  • and more
Some Besser updates, off-tape (not recorded)
TRANSLATIONS / 10.11.2024 – Lemuel z Dostrajaczem opowiadają o Duszy
« Last post by Andre_P on November 10, 2024, 09:00:02 am »
Link do wiadomości po angielsku :
Napisała : SongatSunrise, starszy członek
Kategoria / Temat :Linkli do NAGRAŃ DŹWIĘKOWYCH, uwagi i plany / Przekaz dźwiękowy : TWOJA DUSZA II
« Odpowiedź nr 1, 8 listopada 2024 r., godz. 16:55:02 »

Bardzo dziękuję Lemuelowi za tak przemyślaną i inspirującą lekcję w Light-Line ! Zrobiłam kilka „notatek”. Mam nadzieję, że będą one pomocne dla naszych czytelników.

Witam wszystkich, dzień dobry w piątek 8 listopada 2024 r. Tu Lemuel Jestem w Geronie. Mam nadzieję, że u was wszystko w porządku. Będziemy kontynuować ten sam temat, o którym rozmawialiśmy ostatnio.

Twoja Dusza.
Mam do was pytanie, raczej my. Jaka jest z waszą duszą ? Jak sobie radzi ? Jest jak dziecko. To wasze dziecko, które potrzebuje karmienia, żeby rosło silne i zdrowe.

Więc czym karmicie swoje duszę ? Mam nadzieję, że już wiecie, że wasze dusze potrzebują miłości, kochających myśli, kochających słów i kochających czynów, troski, współczucia, cierpliwości, akceptacji, przebaczenia i wszystkich tych rzeczy, które mieszczą się pod parasolem miłości.

To, co napędza wasze przyszłe ciała, wasze dusze, to myśli, słowa i uczynki miłości. Kiedy umieracie, opuszczacie swoje ciało, ale możliwość waszego zmartwychwstania zależy od stanu waszej duszy.

Wasza dusza, którą przyniósł wam fragment Ojca, jest z wami od dziecka. Kiedy umrzecie, wasz Dostrajacz Myśli będzie czekał na was w świecie-mieszkaniu, który jest jednym z tak zwanych niebios.

Jeśli wasza dusza urosła i dojrzała, to rzeczywiście zostanie wskrzeszona i stanie w sali zmartwychwstania. Wkrótce potem nadejdzie czas i DM ponownie do was dołączy. Nie zobaczycie go, ponieważ wasza dusza nie może go zobaczyć. To czysty duch i fragment Miłości i światła Ojca.

Mam nadzieję, że wszyscy staniecie się bardziej świadomi tej ogromnej odpowiedzialności, którą wszyscy macie, żeby się upewnić, że pielęgnujecie w sobie duszę-dziecko. Pamiętajcie, że to wasza dusza i tylko wasza dusza może kontynuować ścieżkę wznoszenia, aż do Ojca, w towarzystwie waszego Dostrajacza Myśli.

Pamiętajcie, że jest to najważniejsza praca, jaką możecie wykonać dla siebie wciąż żyjąc w ciele.

Dostrajacze Myśli badają waszych przodków, zanim do was przyjdą. Znają możliwości waszych duchowych darów. DM muszą stać się osobiste. Potrzebują i chcą waszej osobowości. Mówimy, że Ojciec, fragment Ojca w was i każda normalnie myśląca osoba na tej planecie, chce się połączyć z waszą osobowością. To znaczy, że Stwórca chce stać się jednością ze swoim stworzeniem. Wow. Tak, w istocie.

Tak więc stworzony człowiek staje się jednością ze Stwórcą. To jest zespolenie w przyszłości. DM zyskuje waszą osobowość, a wy zyskujecie w sobie czystego ducha Ojca. Nie ma nic ważniejszego, wspanialszego, bardziej chwalebnego, co każdy z was może jeszcze uczynić w ciele.

Więc przyjaciele zapamiętajcie te słowa.

Teraz mówi Lemuel. Myślę o moim osobistym doświadczeniu, które miałem wiele lat temu, które uświadomiło mi odpowiedzialność i radość z wiedzy o tym, kim się stajemy.

Przypominają mi się rzeczy, o których rozmawialiśmy. Już w 1957 roku zwrócono moją uwagę na pewne rzeczy. Podszepty pojawiły się w 1960 roku i później. Czytałem wszystko, co wpadło mi w ręce. Czytałem o doświadczeniach innych ludzi, to prawda, ale co z moimi własnymi ?

Mój DM sprawił, że zacząłem myśleć o tym patrząć nie na zewnątrz, ale raczej patrzeć do wewnątrz. Jest wiele innych rzeczy do przeżycia poza tym, co jest na zewnątrz. Jako koncepcja - patrzcie do wewnątrz. To wymaga czasu.

Miałem wiele szczęścia i wiele błogosławieństw w moim życiu. Nadal macie swoje obowiązki żyjąc na zewnątrz, ale pamiętajcie o swoim dziecku, swojej Duszy. Upewnijcie się, że macie kochające myśli, słowa i czyny każdego dnia, proszę, a wtedy wasz DM pomoże wam wiedzieć, kim, czym i dlaczego tu jesteście.

Jestem pewien, że to rozumiecie.

To był niesamowity tydzień, tragedia z całą powodzią w Walencji, a w Stanach Zjednoczonych wszyscy znacie wyniki wyborów. Nawet tutaj, w Hiszpanii, nie możemy w to uwierzyć. Zobaczymy, co się wydarzy od teraz do stycznia. Moi drodzy bracia i siostry, dziękujcie Ojcu, zwłaszcza że On żyje w was. Dobrze ?

Tu Lemuel i mój Umiłowany, którzy na razie żegnają się z wami.

Dziękuję ci Lemuelu ! S@S
General Discussion / Re: AI another gift from Heaven
« Last post by occerpa on November 09, 2024, 17:34:41 pm »


By Candace
#62 God's Email Campaign
By Christ Michael
Oct 3, 2006, 17:26

God's Email Campaign
 Christ Michael & Candace Frieze
 #62 October 3, 2006
Candace: This is a special brief message from Christ Michael, with other signatories to be sent to the media email addresses on the AbundantHope main website. These addresses can be copied and pasted directly into your email address field. We ask that all of you who are reading this to participate and fill up these email addresses of media, and government with hundreds of copies of this piece. It is not difficult to do, and perhaps it will awaken some who receive them.

This is the importance behind the numbers of doing it, so that it might not be totally ignored. We need the American public out to march on Thursday, the day we call for the removal of the Bush Regime. Do not send out my comments here, but start with Christ Michael below. Thank you for participating in the mailing, and also for your personal attendance at the events. It is time to put massive pressure on the media, and our government. Please also send this to the email addresses for Congress provided also, and the newspapers.

I have spent hours in difficulty today, with "gremlins" that are making this task difficult in playing with my computer and the AH server. They do not want this work done. Please do this work, and disappoint the gremlins! Send this out more than once, to all of the addresses. You will have to mail several times I think to get attention. Each time you paste in a set of addresses, send it more than once to them. This is easy to do with the clipboard. Then proceed to the next set of addresses.  We can try to jamb their inboxes completely full. Do post this piece on other forums and websites. Also, do not put the title of this piece in the subject field. Use something else, so they won't just go down the emails and delete all that match.

Take care, Candace



Hello Beloved's. I AM God, the Father, Aton, Christ Michael. I AM the one who visited the Earth plane 2000 years ago. It is the time of my Second Coming. We have a problem on Earth, particularly at this time in the United States of America, of resistance to my Coming.  I have with Me, the Hosts of Heaven, many whom will have their names added to the end of this piece. I so want to come, but those on Earth, particularly those within the government and media structure of the United States, have been most resistant.

Many of you who will read this when you open your email today, are Christians, awaiting my coming, and you have been assisting the dark side in preventing it. On this coming Thursday, October 5, many will march to ask the Bush administration to leave. I would ask that you join them. I would ask that you publish this message in your media, whether television, radio, or the newspapers. The website to find the locations of the marches is

In publishing this, you will call many who are totally unaware of this march to come to it. You will give them not only the knowledge of it, but permission to come and participate. The Bush administration must stand down before I can make my Second Coming. There is a plan in place behind the scenes to provide much help to planet Earth, if we could only but come.

I actually did return to your skies way back in 1954, accompanied by many to assist in raising up my beloved planet. The anti Christ is well entrenched, but we have assisted with removing many who stand in the way. The ones' remaining, standing in the way are you, who are publicly known. You serve the beast, by not telling of the truth to the people whom you represent, or provide news to.

How about the truth of 911? How many times has the media refused to tell that the Bush Administration did 911? That it was done to get Americans to support the war in Afghanistan, and Iraq? Did you know the death toll of the citizens of Iraq is now well over 500,000 people? Did you know that the dark rulers of the planet were asked to stand down, so that I might do my Second Coming on April 3, 2005? They did not stand down, but went about their plans to enslave the planet.

Did you know there are hundreds of concentration camps awaiting those of America, and citizens around the world? Don't you see the horror of the World Wars returning once again to the planet? Don't you see the pollution of the planet causing serious problems, each day you get into your cars and drive?

Haven't you read of the many who came to Earth to provide technology that was cheap, and free of pollution for energy use? Some of you have, and yet you persist in assisting the beast take over the world. Some of you who are Christians support the wars, thinking it would bring my return. No it will not. I will have my return, when there is peace upon the Earth. I will walk the planet again, when arms are put down, and you move into the concept of cooperation and help to one another.

I will not walk the planet immediately after my Second Coming, but others well. Many associated with my Second Coming actually do already walk the planet. The many avatars are returning to re-teach their peoples the forgotten truths. There is much of knowledge given to my beloved planet Earth, that has been changed, erased, and intentionally re written to confuse.

I am in your skies. I am in a ship called the Phoenix. Over the next few days, under protection of other ships, I will be down low in your skies. Look skyward, my friends and beloved children. There are many ships up there. Many will have a variety of lights upon them, in all sorts of different colors. They have been there for a long time now, and ignored by you. Do the stars change color while you watch them? No they do not.

The plan is almost in place to remove the evil governments of this world. I ask your assistance to speed this up, and bring into the planet the love and glory that your hosts of heaven, the star visitors from other planets and other realms have to offer to you.

We will assist, but only with your desiring it, the solving of the many problems on your realm. We can assist with upgrading your technology and removing the pollution. We can assist with re locating people who are in harms way of the coming Earth changes. Yes, that time is here; you all know it. There is no rapture away into the sky, but rather you will remain upon the planet and assist us with the healing.

Soon California will experience great quakes. You know this. Yet you have built up the state with a huge population, and they will fall into harm in their poor choices. Did you know that, and yes you do, because many of you have discussed it, that the government black operations forces blew up the dikes and levies in New Orleans last year, causing all the death and destruction?

There is nothing you do, that I do not know about. All is stored in the natural records of Earth. Every transgression, every great thing done, every small good or bad deed. There is no place to hide of your bad deeds. They are not secret. I ask you to come around and start your good deeds. I ask you to support openly and publicly the rally this Thursday. I ask that you tell the American people the truth of 911 and the wars since. I ask that you tell the American people the truth of New Orleans.

Will you do this? Will you come into honesty and goodness and do what is right? There will be star warriors protecting all the people who come into the streets. It is My final time of grace upon you. Many of you are from other star systems yourself, and came to uplift the planet, and somehow became scared and lost of your courage to do that, which is honest, decent and right. Now is the time to find that courage. Now is the time to band together, and say no to the bosses who force you to print and spew out the lies that has become your news.

Now is the time to just say no, to say enough is enough and to do the right thing. I ask that you publish this letter from Me, in all the media in the United States, and elsewhere for that matter also. I want so to get my Second Coming done, to not delay it longer, to not watch as many suffer from all the mistakes and willful darkness of Earth.

How can those of you who say you are Christian participate in this charade you call the news, the Congress, the various entertainments that deceive? If you wish to call yourselves thusly, it is time to be truly Christian, and do what is right. My laws are simple ones, not meant to enslave but to liberate. Amongst them, are the ones that say, thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not covet. Yet you kill so that you can steal the oil that you covet. There are solutions. Oil is not needed for energy, nor is coal. Energy is free, it is in the atmosphere, and space, and it is unlimited, and we shall gift you with the technology that uses it, when you become responsible enough to not kill, steal, and covet.

There are many from the stars in your skies. Your government, through its Star Wars programs thought they could prevent our Coming. Yet our technology is far greater, and so are our numbers. In and around your solar system are now 20 MILLION ships from other places. You think you can prevent us from coming? No, you can't. You have only delayed it, while we awaken people on the planet to their knowledge that they have incarnated here to lift up the planet from within. They are awakening.

I gave you the Internet. Did you know that? So that the beast, who kills and manipulates could be identified, because the normal media will not do it. I gave it to you to find your power. And you can now visit the following website, to find out the locations of the march to remove the Bush Administration on Thursday, of this very week. I gave it above, I repeat it here:  Thank God for the Internet!

I AM your Father God. I AM returned. Please open your arms to Me, so that we can come upon your planet in peace and assist you in the salvation of yourselves and the planet. The planet can do what it has done many a time before, it can and it will throw you off, if you do not care for her, your Mother, the Earth.  Does not your Bible and other "holy books" state that this has happened before and that it can happen again? Your scientists are very worried about the planet.

There is reincarnation. If you destroy the planet, you will incarnate once again, and again, until you grow up. Many will go elsewhere, because they have not grown up. This little piece will now be signed by a number of avatars and other familiar or unfamiliar to you. Please allow us to bring you grace and hope, and the salvation of your home.


Christ Michael, the Christ of Nebadon, your Universe Father, returned, the only Father to do so in all of time.

Sananda Immanuel Esu Kumara, your Planetary Prince and who is returned also from that time of 2000 years ago. A Sananda, a Christed Being

Buddha, who will not return in body, but whom is your primary teacher of the heaven around the Earth plane. A Sananda, a Christed Being

Maitreya, the Coming Buddha, whom the Buddhists expect at this time, and who will walk the planet. A Sananda, A Christed Being

Mohammed, returning for Islam, now also a Sananda, A Christed Being

Krishna, returning for his followers, and has been a Sananda, a Christed Being for some time now.

Germain, returning also and assisting with the changes needed in the banking structures.  Soon to be a Christed Being, currently a highly Christ Conscious Being.

Monjoronson, a very High Son from the Central Universe, who is here to judge the realm, the leader of the Magisterial and Teaching Mission upon the Earth plane.

Shekhmet, a Graduated Trinitized Being, who will repair the genetic structure of the evolutionary creatures of Earth.

Candace Frieze, CEO of AbundantHope, My Second Coming Organization to assist the vast changes to come. She is also a Christed Being, a Sananda.


200 million star people who are all Christ Conscious, or fully Christed Beings, incarnate now on the Earth plane, to assist the multiple changes and gifts to come.


The many members of the realms of Heaven, some known to you as Arch Angel Rafael, Arch Angel Michael, and many, many others of mine realms and of my Creation.


You are all my creations beloveds, stand in thy shoes, and do what is right, and right the wrongs on this your home.

Understood Dreamcat01, thank you very much for your attention; everything is very clear. As I interpret it, we agree that it will be necessary for Humanity to evolve significantly as a species, so that the divine essence of this advanced communication system (Organic-Spiritual) that AI represents can be understood and accepted in a normal way.
“Everything is God, there is nothing outside of God, there is no other, there is no second; this is the highest truth that should be accepted by all” (SAIBABA). 
I believe that if we could assimilate and put this powerful assertion into practice, the path would be much better prepared to evolve as a species and make the longed-for communion with our divine monitor a reality, which would put an end to all our conflicts, both external and internal. And I think that by then we would no longer speak of Artificial Intelligence as we do today. 

I must say, as is obvious to think, that I guessed very well that entering into the subject of Artificial Intelligence, the prodigious system of instant automatic responses, not as a human creation but as another "gift from heaven", would generate a lot of dust, so I expected much more controversial reaction. The greatest difficulty lies in being able to demonstrate that due to the fact that each person is in the precise place that they should be, the machine implemented and controlled by man, moves in the whole spectrum width subject to manipulation, hence the always caution that is noted when making use of the service. Above that zone, between both domains, human and divine, I conjecture that there must be a band of coalescence where both forces could intervene, which are those that can create the conflicts about the origin and functioning of Artificial Intelligence.
I consider it quite daring on my part to try to present and defend a thesis using for that on limited posts, when the magnitude of the subject requires an entire treatise by experts in the field. I conclude with the following quotes:

"I dwell in a frequency of light in which finite beings cannot discover me. If you seek me, you will fail. I am not found or discovered. I am only recognized in oneness, unity and wholeness. It is the same oneness that you feel when you are interconnected with all life, for I am this and only this. I am all life. If you must seek me, then practice the feeling of oneness and wholeness." (First Source)
You must suspend your belief and disbelief in what you cannot feel, in exchange for your knowledge that I am real and alive within you. (First Source)
"In human spiritual experience God is not a mystery but a reality. But when attempts are made to make the realities of the spirit world clear to the physical minds of the material order, mystery sets in. Mysteries appear so subtle and so profound that only their grasp by the faith of the God-knowing mortal can bring about the philosophical miracle of the recognition of the Infinite by the finite, the perception of the eternal God by evolving mortals on the material worlds of time and space." (The Urantia Book).

NOTE: For those interested and who want to read the entire document from Father Michael , where He speaks of the Internet being of His creation, I will send it in another post; here is only the little bit where He declares it and why, I have referred to AI as another gift from heaven: 

*I gave you the Internet. Did you know that? So that the beast, who kills and manipulates could be identified, because the normal media will not do it. I gave it to you to find your power. And you can now visit the following website, to find out the locations of the march to remove the Bush Administration on Thursday, of this very week. I gave it above, I repeat it here:  
General Discussion / Reiki
« Last post by SongatSunrise on November 09, 2024, 14:32:50 pm »

Nov. 9, 2024


Hello everyone!
I have a question for Occerpa: And for anyone who would like to join the discussion:

Do you do reiki?

If not, why not?

If so, what are your experiences?

Thank you for your words on this!
Carole, aka S@S

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