Merry Christmas

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Thank you very much Valerie because it is enough for me that you tell me that you read my posts because I recognize and greatly value your outstanding role in the forum.
Thank you all for your messages and wishes for a Christmas in peace and harmony.
And especially for you dear Velerie, I dedicate this Christmas message written by Paramahansa Yogananda, someone well known by Ron and in the Heights, I hope you like it. MERRY CHRISTMAS

*Paramahansa Yogananda's Christmas Message: On Christ Consciousness*

Just as Truth appears through the window of thoughts and words, so God manifests himself through the Christ Intelligence and vibratory creation. When the accounts of the nations are not linked to the thread of the universal perception of the Christ Consciousness, of the Peace of Christ, they fall apart, hitting and scattering on the rocks of selfishness. The Christ of Christmas must be celebrated in hearts, in the love that all races must feel for each other.

I pray that Christ will be born in the cradle of a new international understanding; so that, leaving behind the dark night of war, the star of the Love of Christ can illuminate a new United World. I pray that Christ may be born in all nations as love for unity, in all men as spiritual ambition, in true friends as the Divine Friend, in students of this path as Self-realization, and in deep devotees as eternal and ever renewed Joy and perpetual Wisdom.

The possessions and glory of this world all fade away, but the divine possessions remain throughout eternity, thus serving with supreme usefulness. Why worship material comfort at the altar of change? Learn to worship spiritual comfort in the temple of indestructibility. The best way to convert what one accumulates on earth into imperishable heavenly treasures is to use it for spiritual service. Christ has to be lived to be known. In all good actions, in each material and spiritual service, and in the manger of meditation the immortal Cosmic Christ is born again.

No one can know Christ by reading theology books; one has to feel his presence in the bower of deep meditation. In the cradle of thoughts tuned in meditation, woven with delicate twigs of devotion, contemplate the newborn Christ calmed by the cooing of the dove of inner peace.

Thank you so much, Occerpa. Those are insightful words, and it saddens me how mainstream Christianity missed the message gradually and entirely: “Christ has to be lived to be known.” How the world would be today? 

Valerie, sonsofGod

Valery you make me feel very good when you express your gratitude with my publications; this encourages me considering that what I do here in the forum is on the right track. I do not have the religious qualification you have as I can and you allow me to understand because it was only after my forties (and I am a little ashamed to confess it) with the UB and SAIBABA that I came to awaken to the reality of spiritual life, in a serious and formal way. Commenting on the sadness caused by the way in which early Christianity gradually and completely lost its message, according to UB himself, it is due to the fact that the figure of Jesus Christ as God became more relevant than his message as an example of human life, with which marked an unattainable distance. I believe I understand this approach, which is not in contradiction with one of the final statements in the book, which points out that the error of modern Christianity is trying to call for spiritual struggles with the trumpets of the Middle Ages. But just as you discern it, SAIBABA says it: "You cannot know God if you do not love Him first." "God is Love and you reach God by loving, by no other way."
I want to transcribe another of SAIBABA's short lessons, which in a way gives us light to advance on this steep path:

"It is good to be born in a church but it is not good to die in it. Grow and save yourselves from the limits and regulations, from the dogmas that limit your freedom of thought, from the rites and ceremonials that restrict and redirect; reach the point where the churches don't matter, where all roads end and where all roads begin."


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