Divine Guidance of Governance > Announcements about the US Dollar and the Types of Proposed Changes to World Trade and Investment by the Divine Missions to Urantia

The QFS - What is it ?

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This is an excerpt of an article I came across which explains what the Quantum Financial System (QFS) is all about. Honestly, I am unable to say whether such a system is credible or not, eventhough it is attributed to Celestials and seems very attractive. It would please me to know what Serara or any other of our Celestial friends think about it, but anyway I leave it to your appreciation and feedbacks. So, here we go :
«  If you haven’t heard of the QFS (Quantum Financial System – which comes from ET’s) then take a read. (Me emphasizing)
Reality and the QFS
The banking industry as we know it, will cease to exist; repeat, the banking industry as we know it, will cease to exist. With the QFS in place, banks are irrelevant.
Ø They will serve no useful purpose.
 Ã˜ They will not be interlopers in the transfer of money as they have been.
 Ã˜ They will not make money off of, “other people’s money.”
 Ã˜ They will not be able to receive deposits or participate in checking accounts.
 Ã˜ They will not be able to sustain the massive amount of overhead that they have sucked out of the economy, because the fees they charge will be gone.
 Ã˜ Personal finances will not be a profit driven industry because the business of banking will be eliminated in the QFS.
 Ã˜ The QFS and the personal connections into the QFS will be free; no profit incentive, ever; no insufficient fund fees, no overdraft fees, no account fees, etc.
 Ã˜ QFS is a service rendered outside of the world of profit motivation.
 Ã˜ It’s hard to understand the demise of the banking industry but start getting used to it because everything is changing.
BTW, just a side note in case I am wrong, any money extorted or made by any banker or banking institution, by delaying the release of funds, will be confiscated by the QFS. They will be escorted out of the building into the paddy wagons and the money will be returned to owner!!! Is the QFS already in place?
The QFS has been working in parallel with the present Cabal banking system, for many months now. Just ask the crooked banker that have already been caught. With a flip of the switch, the old will be gone and the new will be functional. It will be a personal resource to support our financial activities.
Ø The QFS is like a Heavenly Central Bank.
 Ã˜ It will be free.
 Ã˜ It will be secure.
 Ã˜ It will be easy to use.
 Ã˜ No fraud, no deception, no hidden fees,
 Ã˜ No Cabal type control over the movement of money.
 Ã˜ No government oversight that meddles into personal lives.
 Ã˜ There will be no income tax to use as a reason for getting into everybody’s lives. Sales tax will sustain government fiancial requirements.
When you want to make a purchase you simply initiate a transfer of money to the seller’s account. It’s all done in house. Your account can be given out to anyone because your account can never be hacked, duplicated, or used without your permission through biometric confirmation of your identity. »
Back to using the banker’s greed as the delay for the release of funds.
The release of fund……….., will not be done through the present banking system. It will be done through the QFS. There is absolutely no way for any banking institution to interfere with the release of funds, nor have any control over its secure use by any currency holder because they will not be involved. To say otherwise is like the man behind the curtain trying to continue his deception after he is caught. The plan is in place. And when it’s time for the release, WE WILL ALL REDEEM/EXCHANGE AT THE SAME TIME – AND WE WILL ALL BECOME LIQUID AT THE SAME TIME. Reports to the contrary are false. All new Gold Backed currencies are in the QFS and as such, funds will not be released until we have access to the QFS. The education/instructions on how to access our money in the QFS will be given at the time we have our redemption/exchange appointments.
No redemption/exchange funds will be released until the QFS has been activated.

Ron Besser:
Clency, I would be curious who these fellows are who perpetuate the idea that banks are the dirty dealers by making money off of credit and loans.  They are essential but need reform.  I did a quick read of the list your reprinted and fine it hopelessly ideal to achieve without first instituting financial reform of the Federal Reserve.

The Federal Reserve as it is put together today is a creature of modern banking practices, but it controls the flow of cash and value into the financial institutions we call banks today.  To provide a less commercial take on banking (and I agree banks need  reformed to handle money better than they do now), the Federal Reserve will have to cash in its gold and currency laws and provide a system of barter and trade without currency being the primary value exchanged.  One hundred goats are valuable but only to the right person while a 100 dollar bill is valuable to anyone who picks it up to spend for things they want.

The point I have to make to you Clency is that you cannot, and no one can, speak to what this list really means without some underlying philosophical debate as to how to achieve barter without creating livestock or houses as the new currency.  It is too short handed and not nearly extensive enough to build a sub devlopemtn or a New York skyscraper for offices at all.  It is too weak to meet our financial demands today and even I have to have a better banking system that is more secure than the one we have now as thieves are set to pounce all over us once we have a deep recession or even a depression when it happens again, and it will.

At best the QFS is a Communistic system, and a very old one at heart, and the ideas been around since Hegel and Kant and Marx.  We need more sophistication, not less, and while the pastoral idea is pleasant the QFS suggests, it is big trouble for accumulating wealth and amassing enough to create a sustained civilization.  I thank you for bring something forward I thought was really gone for good, but not so.


Here is a follow-up of the above excerpt article about the QFS.
Last week we wrote a brief introduction to the QFS (Quantum Financial System) and its supporting Quantum Computer.
 Naturally the concept of a system holding the accounts of the world’s population is awesome and raises a number of practical questions and concerns that will only be addressed when we experience the system in real time. Obviously the QFS is totally reliant on the Quantum Computer to process transactions between accounts and we are yet to hear of any performance statistics, so we quote the following which we expect the Quantum Computer to leave in the starting blocks, figuratively speaking.
 China has had the fasted supercomputer in the world for a number of years but the USA have just unveiled their new supercomputer named ‘Summit’. Summit is located at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee and now holds the world record of 200 Quadrillion (200,000,000,000,000,000) calculations per second.
 With the current World population of 7.6 Billion as at May 2018, source Wikipedia, one could hypothesize that Summit could perform 26,315,789.5 calculations for each of us PER SECOND so the capability of QFS supported by Summit even could run the new financial structure, and the technology is available now. It has been obvious for a number of years that we need a change and to be brought up to speed in a new largely digital financial environment.
 Let us embrace it, not fear it, because we are told it will be brought into play without impinging excessively on our current way of doing things and because so much planning has gone into bringing us to this point.

If this new technology is real and working or in the working – I am not the one to go swear about it – it can be life-changing and a big tool for the Missions in the perspective of a unic world currency backed by gold, to uplift the debt load nation wide. Domtia

Ron Besser:
Clency, I assume you read what I wrote as analysis of your first post.  That they announce what follows is full of good information and I concur with them that we have a fight on our hands to provide a decent financial system.  But what they propose is fantastic and has no real application in numbers to global concerns for the research that must be done to understand we have a bad capitalistic system and the QFS makes it worse by changing it in to an apocalyptic reversion to a society without funds mostly as happened in the Great Depression of the 1930's.

My advice to you Clency is to stay away from dreaming as you get yourself all tied up in ideals that have no foundation in trust by the people or any real hope of being made to work among citizens of a world to be made so poor soon that a fake dime seems almost to be a solution as to how to spend yourself back to financial health.  I suppose you can be like Repunzle to let your hair down the ivory tower to any who promise these versions of financial on the backs of computer technology, but this scheme is not well thought out.  Instituted it would block true financial equitable standing among the people of a very poor worl soon to be.

And by the way Clency, world population counters have a bad logorhythm as the Universal Censor announced months ago that the total Urantia population now slightly exceeds nine (9) billion people.  I provided a fairly long post on how the log used fails to take into account that proportional deaths and births was not correct in the first place,  In the second place the density of population on Urantia is so acute math hardly has a formula to predict future births and death.  We are way out of skew on Urantia and unfortunately the planet will bring the population back down to less than four billion, or even three billion, when it goes to cool the interior center core of molten rock in the center of the earth.  

RonB, I have given it some thought: the massive loss of the population to the possible 6 billion who may perish is staggering, given the population to be 9 billion, what then happens to so many of these who die so suddenly?  Has Michael got places ready for such a mass exodus? Understandably, TUB, has the normal procedure of those who die are to proceed to the Mansion Worlds, but this massive amount of exodus is very unusual and it begs me to ask, how and what happens to these people in such a state? I could imagine, so many are in shock, will require rehabilitation, education, and readjustments and so on, or do they all just go into a big sleep for a while until such time it is ready for them to wake up?

It is quite clear to me that the Michael Mission will have a lot less people left to tend and deal with upon Urantia, given the challenges of renewal is still ongoing, yet the staggering numbers gone and the huge amount of work on the other side of the veil to help those who cross over does present a double mission in my view. Do you see this to be the case Ron?  Thank you for correcting the statistical error in the census count Michael and hope that you have good plans for those who are not going to make it on earth. This is such a sobering picture to consider. As humans we tend to be so polarised in our view of the here and now and forget the other side of the equation, the hereafter! And what a huge number that will suddenly find themselves in a different place altogether. Just thought to bring this up as I am sure some other will pose the question too on what happens to everyone when they are gone. To be fair, so many who do crossover vary in degree of their own spiritual and psychic level and I'm sure those who are mature will be taken care of, it's the ones who may be less, or worse spiritually dead, I wonder what next for these ones. Boy the question keeps rolling on the other side of the equation of the Michael Mission! Knowing what Michael has planned for all those who move on, would help smooth out some uncertainties for us would be greatly appreciated, thank you.



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