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OTHER TRANSMISSIONS POSTS HERE FOR READING => Threads for New Transmissions => Topic started by: SophiaVeronica on August 16, 2022, 19:10:57 pm

Title: Changes will soon come
Post by: SophiaVeronica on August 16, 2022, 19:10:57 pm
This is Jesus at your side, I am all that you are aware of and I thank you for being so kind.

We are all waiting for things to get going but never mention hour nor day. The world situation is horrible as is the situation with the insurrectionist and all those who oppose our plans and the Missions that are very much affected by their bad behavior and unwillingness to behave. But we have our ways of dealing with them and the Ancients of Days are active in getting them where they belong.

Take to heart what we keep telling you and wait out. You have all shown that you are able to be patient and you have a good understanding of what is most important to accomplish right now. Nothing can be set up or started without peace, which is the most difficult thing to achieve in a world like Urantia where people don't care about each other and the terrible conditions under which the majority of the world's population must try to earn a living to feed their youngsters and educate them to become good citizens with knowledge and experience with which to serve their people or even the world.

So many talents are lost for lack of proper education. Young people who have no purpose in life tend to become disinterested and can lower themselves to bad behavior and even criminality due to their environment and the lack of interest of the governments in their countries, who only care about their own wealth and prosperity to be used for unnecessary luxuries and silly entertainment without any moral or spiritual knowledge.

All this will change once We tighten the reins and your people in charge become willing to listen to wise counsel. Many will leave office and many will not understand what is going on and start wandering in search of a new way to survive. I speak harsh words but you know how to take this and so do some of the others on this list.

Please continue your prayers for all that is needed to turn this world into a place of morality and social behavior that is so very much needed on this planet

Thank you Elise for taking this transmission.

Thank you Jesus for your clear statements.
