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Divine Guidance of Governance => Series II Lesson 01 to . . . Ohrbeck Tapes - Michael of Nebadon New Series for Missions => Topic started by: Dominick O on July 14, 2022, 09:34:05 am

Title: Lesson 15 MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK. Fostering Cultivating Souls & Civ. 07.14.22
Post by: Dominick O on July 14, 2022, 09:34:05 am
Audio Link (https://heartbrain-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/dominick_heartbrainmedia_com/EU6_u9TwR_dBmVzCtLWTlfQBHj2dJ2J2vNBUDvOCj5-4-g?e=xDJSt0) (27m)

The path to Paradise is always fostering and cultivating, learning and teaching.  Melchizedeks are always fostering and cultivating souls and civilization with Michael for Father.  On a planet they are always fostering new souls and cultivating the field of civilization for evolving souls and the universe field.  Then the topic shifts to statecraft and the planetary phenomenon or war, and what it fosters and cultivates without intervention.