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Messages - Clency

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Threads for New Transmissions / LA wildfire
« on: January 11, 2025, 09:19:57 am »
TA: “I warned you, some days ago, that 2025 will be the year of great turmoil on Urantia, but you must not be disturbed by what is occurring right now or in a near future, just keep the faith and everything will be alright, even though it may seem that the situation is out of control.”

“The LA wildfire is only a light introduction to what may happen during this year; tectonic plates, earthquakes, volcanoes, sunamis, just to name some. It is a pity that those calamities are unpredictable or undetectable by your most advanced technology.”

“Canada and Australia are the two countries that are mostly under the gun of a wildfire, but the power does not pay more attention and the population just have to hold tightly in the midst of the catastrophy. However, we have the assurance that Urantia will not be blown out by a nuclear war, so be in my peace.”

General Discussion / Re: NDE
« on: January 08, 2025, 11:31:21 am »
There are many, throughout the world, with different belief system, who testify an encounter with JESUS during an NDE and they were so much submerized by the glory of the LORD that most of them have become true believers. It makes me ponder how powerful the Second Return could have upon the mindset of people from different religions when they will be face to face with the Son of GOD.

General Discussion / NDE
« on: January 07, 2025, 11:39:00 am »
NDE stands for Near Death Experience and there are many throughout the world, with different backgronds, who relate an encounter with JESUS. There are some who receive messages from the LORD for humanity, while others are advised to go back to life because their time has not come yet. There is a common denominator in all that is reported and it is that there is a life after death, but science is unable to confirm this theory. The fact that someone can come back to life after death, reporting his/her meeting with JESUS, is a vital proof that we are not left alone. What say you ?

Threads for New Transmissions / Re: MICHAEL sends an encouraging message
« on: January 06, 2025, 10:29:15 am »
Happy to hear from you Amethyst, I myself have been kept away from transmission and I still feel myself like in a no-man’s land often times, despite my trials to connect with our usual friends up-stairs, but I am not giving it up. Anyway, I don’t know why, I have the gutt feeling - I may be wrong - that 2025 may have surprising events in store for us, so I keep up the faith. Perhaps other transmitters, as yourself, may bring about some great news from above. GODspeed.

Threads for New Transmissions / Hopeful Year
« on: January 01, 2025, 09:39:57 am »
Archangel Gabriel: “There you are, stepping in a new year with your heart full of hope. So, what are your expectations? Well, I know you are lingering for the Second Return of JESUS, and as time goes by you feel that everything is crumbling around you and that the world, if left alone without a Divine intervention, is heading to a irremediable catastrophe. You may think that the time is ripe to bring about a change on Urantia, but the FATHER’s plan is not ours, so we have to comply to HIS desire, knowing quite well that HE is a GOD of justice and love.”

 “The time will come when everything will stuck together assuredly, the ringing of the bell for a go-forward will sound high in the sky and you will know that you have to roll-up your sleeves so as to participate full-handedly for a change. In the meantime, just scroll the news, make your own analysis, bad or good and pray for the best. You don’t know what is in store for you during this new year, even though you have the feeling that everything is going astray and that waiting longer may bring about a failure, but that will not be the case. Keep your faith at a high level and be in peace.”

Pleiadeans Communications and Other Human Civilizations / Ummites
« on: December 26, 2024, 10:58:02 am »
This is the message I received during my daily stillness this morning. I put it here on the table for your own appreciation.

“We are a small group of Ummites from Ummo, a remote planet in a far away galaxy and I am speaking as one according to my leadership. We have been perusing all around the other galaxies, from planet to planet, looking for something different from what we are used to, when we came across Urantia and we decided to stop by.”

“We, the Ummites, are well advanced in technology, we have an underground life with everything we need and the reproduction of our species is fully under control. Time, as you know it on your planet, is of no avail to us, while life itself has a frame of sustenance longer than yours. Our decision to stop by your planet is to study the bio-diversity, people with different languages and customs, but way behind us in terms of advanced technology.”

“We have been on your planet since the year 1950, based on your length of time which is not ours. So why do we stay here for so long ? Mainly because we need to uplift your knowledge in the field of modern technology that can be useful in your daily life, but we are noticing that you are not ready yet to receive new ideas, your “drone”, as you name it, is an example. The “drone” technology is given to you because it is useful to detect natural calamities like earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis, but you are making fool out of it. So we step back with our projects because you are still childish minded.”

“I would like to end this message by ringing the alarm bell, your world is on the brink of the end of time as reported in your Holy Bible, there are difficult days waiting ahead, so be careful.”

Threads for New Transmissions / Re: 2025...WWIII ?
« on: December 19, 2024, 07:22:25 am »
Thank you Dominick for this briefing about Ron's health condition. I am sure that I am not the only one who feels like an orphan without Ron's guidance, his examplary knowledge in regards to the unseen and his magnificent facility of outer spiritual communication. We all pray for his recovery and hope that he will be still with us to testify the SECOND RETURN. AMEN

Threads for New Transmissions / Re: 2025...WWIII ?
« on: December 18, 2024, 04:55:43 am »
[font=Arial, "sans-serif"]Hi ! Robert, I presume that you are not the only one to look after some news about Ron’s health condition. I, myself, am stunned not to have some regular feedback from those who are in contact with Ron on a daily basis, be it physically or by any way of communication. On my own point of view, some health news from anyone in the know would have brought energy and encouragement to the forum members, not to give up the fight. Anyway, let us pray for Ron’s quick recovery and that he will still be together with us all as faithful witness of the Second Return of our LORD, JESUS CHRIST.[/font][/b]

Threads for New Transmissions / 2025...WWIII ?
« on: December 17, 2024, 11:05:07 am »
Thought Adjuster : “ You have been pondering for months now about what is in store for us all in the coming year 2025. In the view of the alarming conditions prevailing on Urantia with a nuclear war pending over your head, it is indeed a normal state of mind to think that a WWIII is just around the corner. For sure the Russia-Ukraine conflict is the starting point that will bring the whole world on fire, with the participation of China and North Korea on behalf of Russia on one side and NATO-US on the other side. It will be hell on Urantia, but FATHER will not tolerate such situation to occur because HE has His own way how to deal with the war-mongers and to bring them on the right path.”
“ So you are asking yourself whether there is a Divine Plan and what can it be ? First of all, JESUS will be back assuredly, but not in the way you are all looking for. HE will come in all His Glory in due time and HE will not be visible until the situation is brought up to a normalcy. We can be assured that JESUS will work Himself right during His invisibility and you will all feel a change in the monitoring nation-wide. Peace and Love will be the only moto to go forward with the idea that you have the help of a celestial army already on duty with JESUS as the Header. Just keep focusing on the work ahead and rest assured that I am always by your side to adjust your thoughts.”

General Discussion / JESUS'real life
« on: December 01, 2024, 11:53:05 am »
Maria Valtorta was a mystic from Italy, she is the author of the “THE GOSPEL AS REVEALED TO ME” where she relates the life of JESUS with astounding details approved by experts in different knowledgeable fields, like science, archeology, geography, etc. She was stabbed on the back by an anarchist during a manifestation and she was kept on bed until her death some years later. It is during that time she received the Divine inspiration to write a book in regards to JESUS whom she said will come back in whole His Glory. If you want to know more about Maria Valtorta, just google her name and you will be overwhelmed by her writings as I am.

General Discussion / Re: Second Return ( October 29,2015)
« on: November 01, 2024, 08:01:29 am »
[font=Arial, "sans-serif"]To Julio da Luz : Thank you for the translation, but I must say that I am at ease with both French and English language, having grown-up in a country colonized first by France and later on by England. English and French are taught since the primary education up to the secondary. My country is part of the African Union, having signed up a convention, but is not on the African continent per say. I was breeded on an island in the sun where the only language used by the people is the “patois creole”, a mixing-up of French and English. My only regret is that since my stay in France, my English-speaking has been lost in none-practicing. That’s it Julio.[/font][/b]

General Discussion / Re: Second Return ( October 29,2015)
« on: October 30, 2024, 12:19:27 pm »
Some years back, when I was still a youngster, I said to myself that it would be a blessing if I can do it up to 70, now that I have crossed the line my only wish is to be a witness of the Second Return, to bring to this glorious event my humble support before I quit for another adventure. Anyway, thanks to all for your best wishes and may the UNIVERSAL FATHER gives us all the strength while waiting for the event to come.

General Discussion / Re: Second Return ( October 29,2015)
« on: October 29, 2024, 12:22:38 pm »
In October 30th 2015 I was 68 years old, I don’t remember whether I was a member of the Serara forum at that time, but I hope heartily that the promise will occur as a gift on my 77th birth date to-morrow the 30th of October 2024. AMEN

Seven years later, in October 2024, the US currency has never been in a lower depreciation. Just have a look :
. The US is in debt of $35 Trillion
. Inflation is running over 3%
. A recession is to be expected
. The people in charge keep spending money
The crumbling of the US dollar will bring about the entire world on its knees. It’s now or never for a DIVINE INTERVENTION.

General Discussion / Re: A BIG THANK YOU
« on: October 23, 2024, 03:00:10 am »
Weydevu, my dear bro, please forgive me if I misinterpret your above message, it gives me the feeling that you are weary of the situation that seems to have no ending and that you are making your leave. I hope it is not an “adieu”, but an “au revoir” as we say it in France.

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