Author Topic: The Secomd Return of Jesus Christ To This Planet - A New Notice to read:  (Read 18527 times)

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Offline Ron Besser

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July 23, 2024
York, Pa
Ron Besser, transmitter:

I AM JESUS.  I clarify a small note to all of you especially that now Ron Besser has been forced to extrude a great deal of information about two things:

1 -  The DEITY ABSOLUTE is now spokesman for the UNIVERSAL FATHER NOT; however, it is now apparent that JESUS wishes the highest possible level of God to speak to his issue to the planet URANTIA.  Here is his JESUS's response:

2 - JESUS CHRIST speaks to you all:
"I am sure that we have concluded a momentous series of posts that only Ron seems to be capable of doing.  They are said and done and search them out on this site.  

"However.  This:

"WE are now deploying a choice we never thought we had before.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON has concluded that any Mission to Urantia right now is forced into oblivion by the American presidential race.  No one expected the outcome of what has happened to Joe Biden, but his sudden decision to not run for a second terms has caused irreversible damage to the JESUS ADMINISTRATION and the appearance of OUR MISSIONS to Urantia.  We are withdrawing NOT.  

"However, Ron has become seriously ill, and we are not going to work without a good human to help prepare the way.  WE have solicited the good works of Ron and others to get noticed of a permanent appearance of the divine on Urantia, but as always it seems, we are forced back on positions we did not want or even entertained.  FOR that reason we state the following:

** [Jesus speaks emphatically]
"WE are now conditioning our Return to a Secondary position of Trust:

1 - No longer do we trust the governments of certain areas of the world to hold back any war;

2 - No longer do we present the Gospel of the past, but are concerned we dare not present any Gospel, and stand back with any religious connotation of what We wish to achieve; 

3 - Ron here is fighting the cabal tooth and nail to keep this dictation on line and square, and I for one do not know how he does it for so log, but he does, and for that reason I am taking on one last statement for the future now:

STATEMENT BY JESUS for the future:
"I shall RETURN.,  However the fight is on big time to clear this planet of the evil it keeps being heaped with, and I now remove my candidacy as a Second Return for now.

"That should be honestly searched by those who are nuts about the subject of JESUS, but I am not making any promises any more over an issue that is now so overblown that I have no real sense of what my reception would be.

"For that reason I state the following:

1 - No more pandering to the presidential race on Urantia.  It is a subject of little interest with us, but be assured the outcome is important, but we are not sure the BIDEN will stay back and not run again.  I warn you all to stay the course with the spiritual plans and to ignore what politics might do to the mind.  There are some high surprises coming folks.  Watch out and use a CALM MIND to asses the probabilities of a huge fight over the presidential examination of what is to come to all of you soon enough:

2 - The Local Universe of Nebadon has recently acceded to running a DOMINION of neighborhood Local Universes.  Today that group of Local Universes in the Dominion are recalling their ambassadors and to reconsider the entire operation in view of the current conditions operating in the Local Universes as now considered a Dominion of broken hearts.  This is not familiar territory but it is to Ron, and we let it alone for now.

3 - I am CHRIST MICHAEL, and Ron is feeling correctly that an era has ended.  What to do? 

4 - Do nothing.  At least not yet.  Mr. Mo Seigle: rhis is a warning to the URANTIA FOUNDATION to stop meddling in universe affairs as Ron is fully aware of what you do and why you do it.  Do not become a secondary proscription to the fact, and we are warning Mr. Seigle that the end is near enough for enterprises if you dare make more false statements.  You are not in the position you think you are.

5 -  To the URANTIA FOUNDATION in particular,  there is no present danger unless your bring it oh yourself.  Keep away from drafty comments about ":you will show them!" materials because you are inciting a small upheaval quite unnecessary.  Keep the air cool and watch out for further plagiarized announcements not.
6 - I AM MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and I repeat a warning to the URANTIA FOUNDATION:  If you persist in the unnecessary cessation of the publication of a worn out Urantia Book, you will have ME, the Creator Son, to answer to.  The book is totally adequate for another 10 to 15 years run at most, but by then we have an answer for your cursed view that there is something wrong with a book that did not prepare for a future like this one is turning out to be!

7 - I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and in spite of the Urantia Foundation's dislike for this kind of communication, it is the one communication I will keep on Urantia for the foreseeable future.  I insist you learn to transmit and take the Deities more or less directly as Ron Besser has learned  to do directly now.  WE enjoy the rapport as well as learn his mind which is hilarious at times over your doings alone.   And now this:

THE ENTIRE REASON for t his communication is to make URANTIA aware I am insisting on a MISSION to the planet!  Do not cross me sir!  You are not forgivable for several things you have said and done and I let them pass for now; however, you have some answering to do for spending the kind of money you do t hat does no one any good except to salve your own egotistical drive to see to it the URANTIA FOUNDATION may always remember your generosity.   That you have been premier in, but you have also turned the Foundation into a bipartisan eventuality that makes it extremely difficult to use as a Universe affair.  I am warning you of the following Mr. Seigle:
     a - Do not forsake the Magisterial Foundation when it discovers that the new book to be issued does not necessarily contain much or any reference to the old Urantia Foundation;
    b - Ron Besser is not at the root of the rot in the Foundation, but you pretend you have no problems of a drop off of readership now, and while that IS NOT CAUSED BY YOU, it is caused by an ancillary accident of time that has found a new use for religious proscriptions in the various sectors of the Urantia population.  I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON and you Ron are clearly a choice so long as you remain silent about what you know otherwise.  I am making nothing available to anyone else right now, but please be assured we have a long talk for the URANTIA FOUNDATION  shortly and that is when I am clear of the Urantia problem of a threatening nuclear war again.  I am fully ascertaining it nuclear war, will not but the world will become quite different if that threat appears, including the likely end of the URANTIA FOUNDATION if this war keeps up with you and most of the readership. K"
BREAK - - -

Ron here -  I think you all should be aware I have been transmitting solidly for four (4) hours, and the heat from SALVINGTO HOUSE is red-white hot.

I do not have much of anything to add to these three posts. But let me remind all of us that we observe today the following for your own sense of where Urantia and we stand.

First, I am consolidated out of work soon as my sudden illness is taking a toll not, but I see a long period coming of no issue to come forth over participating in a divine Mission to this planet.  IT should happen, and JESUS is something of a wild card  in all of this, but I also assure you I feel the heat of a Creator Son, that cannot believe what he finds to change on this planet.  I am not fully informed and I should not be, but please inform yourselves of this about URANTIA:
    1 - It is saturated with long lost care for its environment, and the population is soaring in spite of governments trying to control it.  That is going to cost Urantia big time and not too long for the future to show us what it means to be on the wrong end of a populatio curve endlessly up;
    2 - I see no redemption planned for Urantia at the moment.  Michael is like some of us: you put your nose into the  drug trade it is likely to cause you and then harm if you want things legal.  It is not possible yet to be legal about the drug trade but over half of the American population, according to Michael of Nebadon, employs drugs as a way to get through the week.
    3 - I am no longer a mover shaker on this world of cost reduction to do anything anymore, but I do not spend a lot of money anyhow over the use of so many people to obscure the simple message from Jesus over two thousand years ago:  "Keep simple your life.  Keep away from vice you know is not good for you.  And above all, love the Lord as you love yourself, and all will be well.

Thank you all
Ron Besser

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline Ron Besser

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"I AM THE MAGISTERIAL SON reporting Ron, and please make this message short and sweet to all:

MONJORONSON, The Magisterial Son assigned to Urantia to speak clearly:

"You are trying very hard Ron to keep a clear channel and you have succeeded with Me mostly and others who feel you must clear the communication sets to get it clear to have listeners be very careful right now, the 1st of August at now 11 am Thursday the 1st, to be discerning in what comes forth in transmissions.


"But second, Ron, you are under severe attack by the rudiments of our forces on Urantia to be very careful what you say.  So far you are right non and I want to remind all that Ron does not rely on just transmissions, but has ancillary voicing if necessary if it is important to be clear about transmitting experience.

"Right now, you are all warned to at least pay attention to what you are receiving.  NOTHING.

"Please be advised, and this is MONJORONSON speaking to all of you.  There are no more transmissions to Urantia until about 4PM  today the 1st Day of August on your planet.  I am sorry to report even Ron is having difficulty but that is shut back to make sure you can read this plainly.  We suggest to attempat transmission occur until later this afternoon and that is about 4PM August 1, 2024 New York time.   Thank you.

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania