Author Topic: Volume 3 in 2025. Indexed with Volumes 1 and 2 indexed  (Read 3160 times)

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Volume 3 in 2025. Indexed with Volumes 1 and 2 indexed
« on: December 28, 2024, 10:02:34 am »
Here is the rest of what can be categorized as volume 3 in the year 2025.

Paste the title into the search box to find it on this forum website.

DateTitleTeachersAudioTranscriptImageIndex Title
05.28.23Human Development. Rebirth and Salvation.?XXV3 L59 Human Development. Rebirth and Salvation.
07.25.23First Tues LightLine with Dominick TransmittingMACHIVENTA, MICHAEL of NEBADON, HOLY SPIRITXV3 L60 First Tues LightLine with Dominick Transmitting
08.01.23Internal Consistency Machiventa MelchizedekV3 L61 Internal Consistency
08.07,23Attitude of CabalTrinity Teacher Son MARGULV3 L62 Attitude of Cabal
08.08.23Questions, Purpose, Participation, Q&AMACHIVENTA, EVE, ARTHURAV3 L63 Questions, Purpose, Participation, Q&A
08.14.23Limiting Beliefs and the Light WithinThe Adjuster as FATHERV3 L64 Limiting Beliefs and the Light Within
08.15.23Maintenance of Culture, CivilizationMACHIVENTA, MICHAEL, MONJORONSON, JESUSV3 L65 Maintenance of Culture, Civilization
08.22.23Working Groups examplesMACHIVENTAV3 L66 Working Groups examples
08.29.23Electron and Soul: Revelation for LifeWELMEKV3 L67  Electron and Soul: Revelation for Life
09.05.23DNA Timeline. Mission DNAAmadon & AdamV3 L68 DNA Timeline. Mission DNA
09.12.23Self-talk, Discipline, Will, Confidence, TrustTarkas, El Elyon, MACHIVENTA, ARTHURAXV3 L69 Self-talk, Discipline, Will, Confidence, Trust
09.19.23Human Perceptions of MissionsMACHIVENTA, MICHAEL, MONJORONSONXV3 L70 Human Perceptions of Missions
09.26.23Mission UpdatesMICHAEL of NEBADONXV3 L71 Mission Updates
10.03.23Tues LL Subject ?MACHIVENTAXV3 L72 Tues LL Subject ?
10.13.23Developmental Spiritual Psych 101ARTHURAV3 L74 Developmental Spiritual Psych 101
10.17.23General Spirit Transmissions and TeachersTeacher Aaron, MACHIVENTA, MICHAELV3 L75 General Spirit Transmissions and Teachers
10.24.23Projects Evolving on Spectrums of Unity and DivorceAdamV3 L76 Projects Evolving on Spectrums of Unity and Divorce
10.31.23Magisterial Foundation, Missions, God the SevenfoldMANITUBA, MACHIVENTA, ARTHURAV3 L77 Magisterial Foundation, Missions, God the Sevenfold
11.07.23Ascenders and DivinityAmadon with Amanda. AdamV3 L78 Ascenders and Divinity
11.14.23Planetary EpochsMACHIVENTA, Amadon, Adam, MidwayersV3 L79 Planetary Epochs
11.21.23Sequence of EventsARTHURAV3 L80 Sequence of Events
11.28.23Morontial Supervisor and life reviewsARTHURA with Morontial SupervisorV3 L81 Morontial Supervisor and life reviews
12.05.23Review-Summary of Material PresentedMACHIVENTA, MICHAEL of NEBADON, ARTHURAV3 L82 Review-Summary of Material Presented
12.12.23Zones of Control, Personal-Group. ProphecyARTHURAV3 L83 Zones of Control, Personal-Group. Prophecy
12.19.23Importance of Social CohesionMICHAEL of NEBADONV3 L84 Importance of Social Cohesion
01.02.24New Transmission Circuits in 2024MACHIVENTA, Adam & Eve, MANITUBAV3 L85 New Transmission Circuits in 2024
01.09.24DNA, Living and Future SystemsAdam and MACHIVENTAV3 L86 DNA, Living and Future Systems
01.16.24Time Space as a Universe AdditiveTarkasV3 L87 Time Space as a Universe Additive
01.24.24Projects_Unity and Divorce Factors. Mission StructuresARTHURA, Eve & Adam, MICHAEL OF NEBADONV3 L88 Projects_Unity and Divorce Factors. Mission Structures
01.30.24Right to Life, Achievement and Pursuit of Soul GrowthARTHURA and Adam & Eve and MICHAELV3 L89 Right to Life, Achievement and Pursuit of Soul Growth
02.06.24Amadon talks about wisdom of life and spiritual messagesAmadon & MICHAEL & MACHIVENTAV3 L90 Amadon talks about wisdom of life and spiritual messages
02.13.24The Subject of CapacityARTHURAV3 L91 The Subject of Capacity
02.20.24Transmission and RevelationARTHURAV3 L92  Transmission and Revelation
03.05.24 Dreams and RealityARTHURAV3 L93 Dreams and Reality
03.19.24Transmission Contrast and ComparisonsMACHIVENTA and ARTHURAV3 L94 Transmission Contrast and Comparisons
03.26.24out-of-date-Mission-updates7 speakersV3 L95 out-of-date-Mission-updates
04.02.24National Identity & Adherence to the Father withinARTHURAV3 L96 National Identity & Adherence to the Father within
04.23.24Brotherhood in Modern Times. Governance re-statedMICHAEL & ARTHURAV3 L97 Brotherhood in Modern Times. Governance re-stated
04.30.24Purpose of Lightline & Soul Personality SurvivalInfinite Spirit, Machiventa Melchizedek, Michael of Nebadon, Universal FatherV3 L98 Purpose of Lightline & Soul Personality Survival
05.07.24Spiritual Missions Affect Spiritual Ecology & EconomyARTHURAV3 L99 Spiritual Missions Affect Spiritual Ecology & Economy
05.21.24Electric Gravity of Religion and Harmonic Frequency BrotherhoodARTHURAV3 L100 Electric Gravity of Religion and Harmonic Frequency Brotherhood
05.28.24Who higher Beings are and what faith is for youMICHAEL OF NEBADONV3 L101 Who higher Beings are and what faith is for you
06.04.24Stories and Perception Force and Source Legacy of RebellionUNKNOWNV3 L102 Stories and Perception Force and Source Legacy of Rebellion
06.11.24Ascension, Fusion and LegacyMACHIVENTA & ARTHURAV3 L103 Ascension, Fusion and Legacy
06.26.24Sun LLMICHAEL of NEBADONXV3 L104 Sun LL
06.18.24Memo of Cooperation. The Law of Delegation. MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEKV3 L105 Memo of Cooperation. The Law of Delegation.
06.19.24Universe Technique of Government. The Potential of Rebellion & Actual RebellionMANTUTIA MELCHIZEDEKV3 L106 Universe Technique of Government. The Potential of Rebellion & Actual Rebellion
06.25.24Planetary Emergencies of PsychopathyMACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK & ARTHURAV3 L107 Planetary Emergencies of Psychopathy
07.02.24Means of Property and Power Distribution.OFFICE OF MONJORONSONV3 L108 Means of Property and Power Distribution.
07.03.24Tues LightLine TBD?XV3 L109 unlisted
07.06.24Tues LightLine TBD?XV3 L110 unlisted
07.14.24Determining Your own ValueMICHAEL of NEBADONV3 L111 Determining Your own Value
07.16.24Current Social Problems & GovernanceARTHURAXV3 L112 Current Social Problems & Governance
07.23.24Divinity and DeityARTHURA, MACHIVENTAV3 L113 Divinity and Deity
08.06.24Tues LLARTHURAXV3 L114 Tues LL
08.13.24What Happened to The House that Jack Built?XV3 L115 What Happened to The House that Jack Built?
08.20.24Re-born of the Spirit. Your relation to Church and State.MICHAEL of NEBADONV3 L116 Re-born of the Spirit. Your relation to Church and State.
08.27.24New Thought Christ Consciousness (de-evolution)MICHAEL of NEBADON, MONJORONSON, MACHIVENTAV3 L117 New Thought Christ Consciousness (de-evolution)
09.03.24The Benefits of Cosmic Citizenship AttainmentARTHURAV3 L118 The Benefits of Cosmic Citizenship Attainment
09.17.24Soul and Sovereignty. Rebellion LegaciesARTHURAV3 L119 Soul and Sovereignty. Rebellion Legacies
09.24.24Truth's Impact on GovernanceARTHURAV3 L120 Truth's Impact on Governance
10.01.24The Pillars and Columns of Government. 1-3 and 4-8ARTHURAV3 L121 The Pillars and Columns of Government. 1-3 and 4-8
12.19.24Conditional_Unconditional_LoveMICHAEL of NEBADONXV3 L122 Conditional_Unconditional_Love

AND here are Volumes 1 and 2 for reference:

DateTitleTeachersAudioTranscriptImageIndex Title
06.01.22Review and CircuitsTarkasXPL1 Review and Circuits
06.01.22Perseverance TrainingTarkasXPL2 Preserverance Training
06.03.22Abide in MEAdjusterXPL3 Abide in ME
06.06.22A Transmission a DayTarkasXPL4 A Transmission a Day
06.07.22The ABC's of TrinityCHRIST MICHAELXPL5 The ABC's of Trinity
06.08.22Distinctions Between Civilization and CultureAdamXV1L1a Distinctions Between Civilization and Culture
06.09.22Principles, Meaning and ValuesAdamXV1L1b Principles, Meaning and Values
06.10.22Education ReformsAdam & EveXV1L2 Education Reforms
06.11.22Mission DefinitionsMICHAEL StaffXV1L3 Mission Definitions
06.12.22The HouseholdEve & AdamXV1L4 The Household
06.13.22Spiritual Nutrition, Frequency, DensityEveXV1L5 Spiritual Nutrition, Frequency, Density
06.14.22Inner Guidance, Mission GuidanceARTHURAXV1L6 Inner Guidance, Mission Guidance
06.15.22The Grand Scheme of ThingsARTHURAXV1L7 The Grand Scheme of Things
06.16.22Will, Mind, Extra-Mind EndowmentsARTHURAXV1L8 Will, Mind, Extra-Mind Endowments
06.17.22Democracy, AutocracyARTHURAXV1L9a Democracy, Autocracy
06.17.22Democracy, AutocracyARTHURAXV1L9b Democracy, Autocracy
06.18.22Introduction to StatecraftAdamXV1L10 Introduction to Statecraft
06.18.22FreedomMICHAEL OF NEBADONXV2L1 Freedom
06.20.22RelatednessMICHAEL OF NEBADONXV2 L2 Relatedness
06.21.22Striking a BalanceMICHAEL OF NEBADONXV2 L3 Striking a Balance
06.22.22Hurry and ErrorMICHAEL OF NEBADONXV2 L4 Hurry and Error
06.24.22Tapping into your TAMICHAEL OF NEBADONXV2 L5 Tapping into your TA
06.26.22Experience, Truth and ErrorMICHAEL OF NEBADONXV2 L6 Experience, Truth and Error
06.27.22Questions. Administrative DriveMICHAEL OF NEBADONXV2 L7 Questions. Administrative Drive
06.29.22Delivering Principles & ValuesMICHAEL OF NEBADONXV2 L8 Delivering Principles & Values
06.30.22Embodiment of PrinciplesGABRIEL OF SALVINGTONXV2 L9 Embodiment of Principles
07.05.22Culmination of a World ViewCHRIST MICHAELXV2 L10 Culmination of a World View
07.09.22Unity in Eternal LifeORDER OF MELCHIZEDEKXV 2 L11 Unity in Eternal Life
07.11.22Incarnation AbilityARTHURAXV2 L12 Incarnation Ability
07.12.22Life Taken for GrantedORDER OF MELCHIZEDEKXV2 L13 Life Taken for Granted
07.13.22Recreation, Work, ServiceStar Student ClassroomXV2 L14 Recreation, Work, Service
07.15.22Fostering & Cultivating Souls & CivilizationMACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEKXV2 L15 Fostering & Cultivating Souls & Civilization
07.16.22Synthesizing Politics, Principles, & ValuesMagisterial MissionXV2 L16 Synthesizing Politics, Principles, & Values
07.18.22Violence of the StateFor Those with EarsXV2 L17 Violence of the State
07.20.22ComposureFor Those with EarsXV2 L18 Composure
07.23.22Co-Operation & Non-CooperationSTAFFXV2 L19 Co-Operation & Non-Cooperation
07.27.22Setting New StandardsARCHANGEL ORIONXV2 L20 Setting New Standards
07.28.22Divine Right of RuleMETCALF MELCHIZEDEKXV2 L21 Divine Right of Rule
07.29.22The State & Rest, Leisure, HumorARTHURAXV2 L22 The State & Rest, Leisure, Humor
07.30.22Perspective of Mission DetailsARTHURAXV2 L23 Perspective of Mission Details
08.08.22The Origin of GovernanceARTHURAXV2 L24 The Origin of Governance
08.09.22Transmission Services, Mission & QuarantineARTHURAXV2 L25 Transmission Services, Mission & Quarantine
08.10.22Quarantine & DisbarmentARTHURAXV2 L26a Quarantine & Disbarment
08.13.22Transmission Reception Basic EducationARTHURAXV2 L26B Transmission Reception Basic Education
08.18.22Be Not TimidARTHURAXV2 L27 Be Not Timid
08.24.22Church and StateANCIENTS OF DAYSXV2 L28 Church and State
08.25.22Tribes, Nations, CivilizationARTHURA, Eve & Adam, MOST HIGHSXV2 L29 Tribes, Nations, Civilization
08.31.22Distinctions Between Ministry & Mercy-JusticeARTHURAXV2 L30 Distinctions Between Ministry & Mercy-Justice
09.03.22The Privilege of DissatisfactionARTHURAXV2 L31a The Priviledge of Dissatisfaction
09.04.22Service Operation & Co-operationARTHURAXV2 L31b Service Operation & Co-operation
09.06.22The Regulation of GovernanceARTHURAXV2 L32 The Regulation of Governacne
09.09.22Personality Within Governance & StateARTHURAXV2 L33 Personality Within Governance & State
09.10.22Midwayer Exchange Program of Magisterial MissionsARTHURA & Midwayer PotentiaXV2 L34 Midwayer Exchange Program of Magesterial Missions
09.20.22Jurisprudence of Rights and ServiceARTHURAXV2 L35 Jurisprudence of Rights and Service
09.21.22Organization & Structure Level-SetARTHURA & Ascender DelegationXV2 L36 Organization & Structure Level-Set
09.22.22Personality Identification& AssociationMICHAEL, JESUS & ARTHURAXV2 L37 Personality Identification& Association
09.25.22Personality & Frequency Wave ModulationARTHURAXV2 L38 Personality & Frequency Wave Modulation
09.30.22Sedition & Government StructuresMICHAEL OF NEBADONXV2 L39 Sedition & Government Structures
10.06.22Rebellion Doctrine RefutedGABRIEL OF SALVINGTONXV2 L40 Rebellion Doctrin Refuted
10.07.22Summary Lessons AppliedUnnamed DelegationXV2 L41 Summary Lessons Applied
10.09.22Transmission ReceptionUnnamed MidwayerXV2 L42 Transmission Reception
10.14.22Your Trust & Participation on My ReturnCHRIST MICHAEL JESUSXV2 L43 Your Trust & Participation on My Return
10.17.22Personality, Experience & InfinityARTHURAXV2 L44 Personality, Experience & Infinity
10.18.22In the Interest of the Kingdom of HeavenARTHURA & DelegateXV2 L45 In the Interest of the Kingdom of Heaven
10.19.22Defining DelegationBen-Amin & SALVINGTON DelegationXV2 L46 Defining Delegation
10.22.22Journey and DestinationARTHURAXV2 L47 Journey and Destination
11.04.22The Power of No. Agreeableness, Openness and WillARTHURA et alXV2 L48 The Power of No. Agreeableness, Openness and Will
12.04.22The Meaning of RespectARTHURAXV2 L49 The Meaning of Respect
12.11.22Education & Law Concerning Citizen Salvation StatusBen-Amin & ARTHURAXV2 L50 Education & Law Concerning Citizen Salvation Status
01.14.23Intelligence, Wisdom & GovernanceARTHURAXV2 L51 Intelligence, Wisdom & Governance
01.29.22Self-Governance & WillMELCHIZEDEKSXV2 L52 Self-Governance & Will
02.01.23Spirit is Action, God is the SourceAnonymousXV2 L53 Spirit is Action, God is the Source
02.08.23Life and Light of GovernanceARTHURAXV2 L54 Life and Light of Governance
02.09.23Spirit Energy InvestmentsSPIRIT STAKEHOLDERSXV2 L55 Spirit Energy Investments
02.13.22Societies & Unity Toward Light and LifeARTHURAXV2 L56 Societies & Unity Toward Light and Life
02.19.23The Reality of ConflictARTHURAXV2 L57 The Reality of Conflict
02.21.23Ideology and FaithARTHURAXV2 L58 Ideology and Faith