Divine Guidance of Governance > Announcements about the US Dollar and the Types of Proposed Changes to World Trade and Investment by the Divine Missions to Urantia


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Ron Besser:
"Today is the 7th of August.  By the 12th of August there will be, somewhere, a likely financial melt down.  It is likely to be in Asia, but not entirely predictable.

"Clency notes the so called Chinese NASDAQ, and we have God the Ultimate fooling around again we see and we request cessation of  this interference.  Be assured we can blast it free if we have to . . . . . .

GOD THE ULTIMATE - THIS information is priviledged and must cease.  You Ron completely upset us with your reporting. [God the Ultimate you are not the Censor at all . . . ]  I am God the Ultimate and leave.  Good day. 

RON HERE - We let this exchange stand to show that interference by experiential Deity continues on Urantia.  You who transmit will have to be sure you know what you are doing to get clearance to continue at least for the time being.  I appeal to our Superiors to find a way to prevent this interference as it will kill of all development with work on Urantia thrugh normal channels . . .

SERARA - "tHANK YOU Ron and we continue . . .

"The last past year, we have forced a new issue on Urantia and China has taken advantage of the break down in currency discipline once fully controlled by the United States alone.  China just moved 94 tons of gold into its financial system to buttress the Renminbi which in turn is the foundation to the off shore Yuan, and that is the Yuan that has an exchange rate, and now is in the position to take the US Dollar for a real ride into oblivion.  Only if the United States backs it currency in gold will it have equal partity with the off shore Yuan now.

"Ron asked me to comment on this situation and I am glad to do it.  God the Ultimate now sees it is educational and not for financial gain, and Ron correctly reminded HIM that He is not the Universe Censor on these items at all and that settled the issue.  This:

"The Renminbi is the basic Chinese currency.  It is a hold over from Mayo Tse Tung decades ago when the Leap Forward was the thing and China need foreign currencies to trad at a profit for a change.  But the Renminbi has not gotten too powerful and is forcing the US Dollar back into safe haven status, and that in turn forces the Renminbi to flush itself with gold to keep pace with the increasing value of the dollar.  For that reason, China today asked the US Dollar commission to allow the Renminbi rise to dollar status and they refused it by noting it was not a Reserve Currncyy such as the US Dollar and British Sterling and almost the Swiss Franc.  For that reason China became belligerent and shot the dollar down today but failed togain ascendancy much to their grief and surprise.

"We are sure now that the trade war will relsult in the destruction of one or both currencies.  However, the US Dollar has such strength every where that it can sustain a run on the dollar and not be bothered all that much by traders offering a premium to the gold petro Yuan or the gold Renminbi.  This is a superb lesson on currency manipulation, and China is now caught red handed doing just that and is fined by the US Dollar by strenthening against the Yuan in particular now trading just below 7.1 to the dollar.  It's traditional trade is 6.9 to the dollar and just one tenth in less value to the Yuan costs China about one hundred billion in profits.

"if this ever breaks out into a hot war, China has the financial power to lease the United States navy at one hundred billion dollars a day and win the war.  However that is impossible and China in spite of its military and navy buildup is woefully behind in striking power and they know it and are being very careful not to start anything they cannot finish.  

"Finally, the US has to put its financial house into order or it will be crushed by the new currencies the Magisterial Foundation will show the world by backing the Magisterial Dollar to replace the USD.  The USD is worth roughly 97 cents today compared to the 1986 US dollar and that is based on what the dollar then could buy as what it can buy today.  There for awhile the USD was worth more than the 1986 dollar but those days are pretty well gone for now. 

"I conclude that there is every good reason to proceed with the Magisterial Foundation first without a currency involved but we have the full faith and trust of the Salvington Government behind us to back all Magisterial Foundation Dollars to the value of 1.05 compared to the 97 cents the present dollar is worth today.  Following that. the Chinese trade war with the United States will destroy both currencies for already the BOJ is fully dependent on the war to bolster the Yen and Ron looked at it today and wondered what happened since the dollar last week exchanged to the yet and 111 and some change, and today it is 105-106 and increasing in value more.  This indicates and imbalance between the dollar and the yen to almost ten percent of its bond yield in the US bond market, and spells big trouble for Japan if they do not intervene and reduce the Yen back to 111.

"Finally, the USD is not floating against the Chinese Yuan for parity.  Parity means equal to the other.  China has enough wealth to have the Yuan equal to the value of the dollar, yet they spend it over seven times higher to force the dollar to eat the extra value of the Yuan and that is what Trump is so angry over and Trump warned China over a year ago that it dare not exceed 7 Yuan to the dollar or the US would snub the Renminbi and force it off the market.  This has not yet happened, but it will if China goes belligerent in the South China Sea.  That is all we have for now folks.  SERARA.

MOTHER SPIRIT - "I add this Ron, you are polite but firm with God the Ultimate only because you do not understand his need.  His need is to blast you out of the place but has learned without you there is a parity problem with the Missions themselves.  and you never saw that coming but are under the hell week again of the Ultimate forcing itself on you.  Good luck."


GOew TopA

Thank You LORD SERARA and Ron for these insight informations about the financial situation between USA and China. They open-up and broaden even more my own understanding of what is going on in this realm. President Trump and Xi Jinping are playing a dangerous game at the expense of the world and both the dollar and the Renmimbi/Yuan will never come out victorious of this trade-currency war as long as it can last. Unfortunately, it is the under-developed countries which will suffer the most of this situation. The Magisterial Foundation Dollar (MFD), backed by gold, is likely to take-over in the long run as the world currency – I don’t have any doubt – but I am curious to know how it will look like in paper form. Will there be a logo of the Magisterial Foundation, instead of a portrait of a personality printed on it ? Domtia

Ron Besser:
Clency, I never thought of the design of the Magisterial Dollar.

First, please understand the Magisterial Dollar is printed by the United States Federal Reserve.  It is their dollar, but backed by all the gold they need to run it completely and fully as the currency of estate for all of Urantia.  I have given this list some details on how the Federal Reserve and the dollar here meet and become one and I am not doing that today again.

However, the brains behind this idea reside in the Magisterial Son we call SERARA, and he needs to explain to you Clency, that your visions are right on.  Here is SERARA for you:

SERARA = "First Ron fully understands these are Magisterial Son ideas and slightly mistakes how he means what he says above.  He did not give the original ideas for this Federal Reserve accommodation, I did, but he posted it several times as summaries and really was just referring to the fact he posted my ideas.  Fully explained, he feels the same as I do and takes my ideas as his too.

"I am truly tried by the Trump administration taking on a trade war with China as it was just beginning to recognize you cannot do what they do and remain a viable economic center.  You Clency are a budding chemist and banker and they go together.  Ron keeps telling himself you very badly need to be in York with your fellows and work important decisions with ME, the Magisterial Son, and coming COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC REFORM you and Ron serve on as he likewise is a budding banker and wishes you to participate with him in this endeavor.  I also am forcing the issues somewhat with Michael of Nebadon, and that is to establish the MAGISTERIAL BANK OF NORTH AMERICA, and that is subject to change Clency, and to use our bank to run the Federal Reserve portion of currency constraint outside of the Federal Reserve Board Room at this time.   Understand it is part of the Federal Reserve with regard to the Magisterial Dollar but the rest of our bank is separate from US government business. 

We now have MICHAEL OF NEBADON ADD TO THIS CONVERSATION AS FOLLOWS: "I am Michael, and this:  Ron and I have joked about what and how to deal with a name of a bank, the Magisterial Bank, without causing people to misunderstand its purpose.  SERARA seems to think the MAGISTERIAL BANK should divinely control currency issues for the entire world through it, and I feel ti is better to loan the entire world the money through it, and let the Federal Reserve run its own business without them allowed to disturb parity subjects at all.

"I also see Ron liken Clency to a budding banker but he is more a budding Currency Trader than a banker because he sees the advantage of something called arbitrage and making a lot of money at it.  Under the Magisterial Bank of North America, arbitrage no longer exists as interest rates will be the same around the world at any given time and no differences exist county to country as they do now.  Ron used to run arbitrage for Dr. Ilok and nearly succeeded in bring the whole thing off but got caught up with a local banker who was a horror to deal with in all cases and he nixed it before he understood what was offered.  Therefore Clency, look not at York but at Paris,. because we need an office there too and Ron will set you up when the time comes.  Much to be spoken about there but not now."  SERARA now speaks:

SERARA = " I conclude Ron you are deeply interested in these things too and will make reports available.  For now, Clency, the Magisterial Dollar carries a gold seal and a symbol of God placed on all currency that is called the Magisterial Dollar.  Other currencies will be allowed, but I prefer that the one franc note be worth one US Magisterial Dollar.  I think that explains how this will work.  I am SERARA and thank you all for getting this out of me before I explode:

"I am SERARA, ron, and you adore me and Monjoronson and you want us on URANTIA immediately.  Well so be it.  My Council of Equilibrium exists like the Council of Equilibrium exists on Paradise too, and they say your view of the situation on Urantia so squares with our views that you must attend my arrival today at noon New York Time, with my full COURT and that we start invisibly and at once to drain the gold reserves of China to the point it can no longer provide mischief to the dollar trades now underway in Europe.  This is way beyond you Ron, but Clency knows the tricks too, and beware Clency, the self destruction of the Yuan is available if it gets much beyond 7.015 per dollar.  Stay out of the markets for at least six months Clency or you can loose what you have easily.  K."

Ron - I thank you both Michael of Nebadon and SERARA, and folks please pay attention to what you just read about the Magisterial Sons, both SERARA and MONJORONSON, are arriving at NOON NEW YORK TIME 08 AUGUST, 2019 to begin their financial work for Urantia.  I do not know what that means for a Magisterial Mission, but beware if any of you play the currency games at all you might lose your shirts if in gold and the Yuan and the Dollar for now.  Good day.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON = "Ron speaks for all of us.  Now is not the time to enter the capital markets in France in particular, Clency.  In Hong Kong the HK Dollar is set to peel back to a six year low about now, and the Riyal (converts to 27 cents today per Riyal) of Saudi Arabia may crash due to the steep fall in oil price that will not be easy to correct.  Stay out of these currencies unless you know really what to do when they start to wobble.  Michael of Nebadon."

SERARA - "Ron you are being interfered with again and just cut out now.  Thank you. K"


The Brexit and the downturns of German economy can be the main factors of a european recession in a near future and thus creating a domino effect around the world.
The Bundesbank, Germany’s Central Bank, said in its monthly report : ‘‘ The German economy contracted again in the third quarter of the year. That followed a decline in output of 0.1 per cent in the second quarter – leaving the single currency bloc’s largest economy and traditional force in recession. ’’
In another article it is stated :
·       The gold reserves of the German Bundesbank rose in September for the first time in 21 years ; German gold reserves rose to 108.34 million ounces in September from 108.25 million ounces last month.
·       It was the Germany’s first gold purchase since 1998 and while the amounts are not huge at 90,000 troy ounces, it highlights the Bundesbank and German concerns about the global monetary system and euro itself as Christine Lagarde takes over the ECB (European Central Bank)
It seems that other countries – UAE, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Turkey – are all adding to their gold reserves, perhaps in a perspective of a financial collapse in Europe. Domtia

Ron Besser:
Clency, you and I are the ones who have some interest in this area.  I am deeply imbued to state that what the Germans are experiencing is mild compared to what the United States is about to suffer.  Right now we are on a high due to the Chinese detailing buying our agricultural products and that tends to inflate our trade balance better than mot countries will experience this fourth quarter of 2019.  However, according to SERARA, the Magisterial Son who is an expert in world economies, the trail to provide Urantia any release from over whelming debt problems has failed in the world bodies we know as the World Bank and even the United Nations to find some agreement on how to cope with a recession in Germany or other EU nations. 

The Promissory Notes from Japan and England are heavily weighted on the idea of recession by those who purchased  them several months ago, and bond sales in the United States did not attract much interest lately either, but we are concerned that those who purchased them might be left holding the bag as no one can determine just what will happen when some major currency fails which it will do.  

Therefore, Clency, and any others, if you have investments in Bonds or other instruments of national sovereignty, get out while you can.  The gold standard is not likely  to come back without a Magisterial Mission, and frankly that type of Mission appears to be so far off the table now we can think of it as a promise desired but opportunity lost.

The acquisition of gold for sovereign security is woefully out of date in my opinion and they will have to rely on debt instruments to get through this mild recession to stay awhile as part of the EU economic downturn.  I worry about Great Britain as the United States has yet to establish good credentials to  the Bank of England as it always did in the past and that is the pretense of Trump playing grand pubbah over not much as usual.  Fully explained I doubt we will ever know to do so, but England will weather the storm mostly because they are already practicing austerity by forcing local government in England and Wales and Scotland to find money to run themselves which is the first time since the second world war.   As an aside, here in the United States, local governments run themselves and tax independently of the US Treasury.  The US is much more secure than most countries mostly because of that.  In France I am not sure where you get the money to run local governments at all.

In any case we are in for a bad blow and let us hope we can get out without a 2008 style deep recession as we are not fully recovered from that one yet either.  K/"

MICHAEL OF NEBADON = "Ron lost SERARA this morning over trials of liberty to speak anymore since the entire matter of Magisterial Sons and Missions is now so far off the table we are not sure if Urantia will ever get such a Mission at all.  Ron finds that deeply depressing and wonders why the remedy they propose cannot be applied while we have an economy on Urantia at all.  

"The sad fact is that Ron and all who support this world reformation have once again been  slapped with an Infinite Spirit tax on using ME or Salvington to run their affairs at all.  Ron runs his affairs by working on the idea of an SER and it is secure for that use, but Serena arrived this morning and bashed him good and he is furious he has to deal with that Order that is so outside of the purpose of using all of you he wonders what evil lurks again in the Supreme as they are the Supreme in the case of Uversa and Urantia all the time.

"God the Supreme survives on Urantia as the Residual Supreme.  That is nothing but a death knell to Ron and to the rest of you, yet you Clency revill in the idea that all gold is worth a sizeable amount of dollars all the time and prefer to deal in it rather than a paper currency.  Fair enough, but you forget that gold has no intrinsic value except what is assigned to it by a world currency controller such as the United States, Great Britain, and lately, China and Formosa of all things.  Let those place alone in your thinking as the are useless soon due to the fact of overwhelming debt crisis coming to the fore to all of Urantia.  I doubt there are enough words to detail to you just how bad the crisis is until all of you get hit with a depression so deep you will all wonder if you can get out of it at all.

"Finally, as an aside to these remarks, let me assure you Ron and Clency and Amethyst and about six others of you on this web site, you are not thrown under the bus again by the Infinite Spirit, but by another agency we seldom hear from and that is not the Assigned Sentinels Ron, but from their neighbors, the Adam and Eves of trial and error somewhat.  They have determined that Ron leaves them cold and silly over issues they consider germain to their defense of  the realm wherever they enter and to use them as adjuncts to the Supreme revelation of an epochal revelation like the SER.  Ron considers them as teachers and feels they need to establish the protocols to best study and apply the SER.  They fully agree but Serena rebuked t hem all with the statement that anything Ron wanted was an anathema to Serena and therefore the Infinite Spirit.  Ron says he believes somebody is so off the saddle on these ideals he refuses to cow tow to the entire idea that Serena should have any influence ever again.  We concur with that view, but until Serena is removed and Ron restored to a health plan it is curtains for all on Urantia who cared about remediation of debt and a way to find good and dependable government.

"Clency:  You and Ron are the only two who care about these subjects yet you are both widely read when you do make remarks about the supply of gold and the idea of recession entering the picture just in the time when full recover from the 2008 recession-depression is about to be made.  Trump has precipitated a huge depression by ordering a war against the Japanese Yen to the point the Bank of Japan has little to do but defend itself against the Federal Reserve's wish to use the Yen as a reserve currency to take pressure off the dollar and that makes Ron frown greatly as why do such a thing to a good ally?   The answer lies in Trump himself and his wish to reveal himself as a democrat, small d, aristocracy much as a time lord in Dr. Who once said, we are Time Lords, but we hardly rule the universe itself.  That is the truth for you to ponder too, all of you, as that which rules the universe is present in Serena and Ron dislikes her very much.  She is unkind and crude in applications of heart or soul yet insists She is the Supreme too.  We sincerely doubt that is the full truth anymore but Ron now must bit another bullet and run out of sight of this Order of care they say, but really a brutal dictatorship by spirit over lands of such poor quality we doubt they can exist long on Urantia at all.

"Israel is pushing its final stay on Urantia before it is crushed with financial gloom so harsh it cannot survive as a country in a democracy without having to throw everyone out of Israel that is not truly Jewish.  The fact is that the Jews in Israel see nothing but gloom already and they are trying to force the central government into a bankrupt position of staying out of world affairs until they get the corruption in government under control.  Netanyahu is no more guilty of such than Golda Meir but is hit with the infamous right so hard he cannot form a unity government and must bow to the others to form one.  They will but it is weak and will collapse at the first sign of trouble.  In any case we remind Americans they are in deep trouble too when the entire matter of debt and  the crisis hits for good and gold will not save anyone this time, I am afraid to report.  Your gold reserves Clency, whatever they may be, are hard to horde when this thing hits very hard.  We speak now to another problem in a following post next.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON."



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