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Messages - gcmeyer83

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AUDIO TAPE Links - Comments - Schedule inside / Doing THE FATHERS WILL
« on: December 03, 2024, 07:02:01 am »
Hello Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Serara Forum.  Last night upon entering bed for a night’s sleep I received the following short contemplation:
   You all know that THE FATHER would never ask you to do something you could not do. So what do you do when he does ask you to do something?  You do it of course!  The Father already knows what you are capable of doing and that’s why HE even asks.  That method continues for Eternity.  Start now and you will be with HIM for eternity.


Threads for New Transmissions / Writing of the Urantia Book
« on: February 15, 2024, 15:28:23 pm »

Writing of the Urantia Book.
Early on when discovering the Urantia Book I came across  the included website video attached.
Sioux Aliva – Dr. Sadler and the Urantia Book  detailing some of the writing of the Urantia Book.  Your earlier members may have seen this earlier on but I have not seen anything about is in my rather short time as a member.  Anyway it is a very interesting video about the writing of the Urantia Book.

Threads for New Transmissions / New Euclid telescope
« on: November 09, 2023, 14:54:59 pm »
The above link is about the abilities of the new Euclid telescope.  It includes some pictures of outer space never see before.  Man are they in for a big surprise when JESUS appears and they find out all that area if full of tens of thousands of planets similar to Urantia (unless Ron has already told them lol) and full of mortal beings very similar to us. Still it is interesting.

Threads for New Transmissions / Prayer of Worship
« on: August 04, 2023, 14:50:21 pm »

Prayer for Worship
I kneel before you, to answer the call.
Our faith and awareness has fallen so low,
And we need your guidance for it to regrow.
YOUR Love for us has no end
And our love for YOU, must set a new trend.
A trend that voids us of all strife,
And puts us on that road to LIGHT in our life.
That road will slowly get lighter and lighter,
And the shining of love will get brighter and brighter.
By staying attuned we will learn more and more,
And one day St Peter will be opening the door.
The glories that continue beyond this ascension,
Are beyond our understanding, to even mention.
All of the things we have done and acquired,
Is everything YOU have always desired.

Threads for New Transmissions / Another Poem
« on: May 25, 2023, 14:58:18 pm »

         Getting and staying attuned
Urantia has fallen to its lowest spiritual level,
And many believe it was caused by a devil.
One cause may be in our very own soul,
We have forgotten or never new its primary goal.
There is a life you can live that is almost faultless,
By living a life of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness.
Love all you know and go the extra mile,
And you will make OUR FATHER in Paradise really smile.
The Missions to do this are about to start,
And you will be asked to do your part.
THE FATHER has given you all HE can muster,
A fragment of HIMSELF as your THOUGHT ADJUSTER.
HE is within you every minute of every day.
Guiding and protecting you in every possible way.
Teaching you that when THE FATHERS WILL has been done,
Your road to Light and Life, will have been won..
JESUS and HIS Missions have been here for some time,
And the road ahead will be a very long time.
Slowly things ease up and get better and better,
By following THE FATHERS WILL, letter by letter.
There is an end to all of this strife,
The Day all reach the Road to Light and Life,
Urantia will have had a great rebirth,
And the work that you did, will show its worth.

Another Thought Adjuster transmission for me.

Today I have Machiventa Melchizedek to give you some import words you can post.
 Here HE is.

Good Morning to you George.  I am happy that your Thought Adjuster asked me to say a few things to you for a post that others can be made aware of too. You have learned the Melchizedeks are the emergency responders and protectors during dire times. In fact in you rereading of the Urantia Book just yesterday you read I was named the Sage of Salem long ago and taught the concept of the ONE GOD. We ourselves have been very busy these days also awaiting the return of JESUS and HIS Missions starting.  You have also heard this may be the greatest event in all of creation and it will happen on your lonely planet of Urantia. You may find it even hard to comprehend the dangers and the chaos that will occur at the start of such an event but the Melchizedek's will be here to protect you in every possible way.  From the human side your groups are very much in need to interface with your fellow beings at first. Human to human is more understandable but we and others will work with you through all of it and keep you safe and up to date on what’s to happen and how to do it.  Of course you are a small group compared to all of Urantia and there will be many different Celestial helpers spreading the word too and many of them will be transmitting thru your group too. We do expect chaos for a while at first, but we will be doing our part in all of this protecting your group and any new person that accepts the teaching of JESUS and his Missions. I do thank your THOUGH ADJUST for allowing me to speak and all THOUGH ADJUSTERS will be in contact with us as needed and I thank you also George for listening and doing this.
Thank YOU so very much too Machiventa for your words of encouragement and protection.

Threads for New Transmissions / Doing Transmissions
« on: January 24, 2023, 08:12:17 am »

A session I had with my Thought Adjust this morning who introduced TARKUS to me.
This is TARKUS George and you had it right!  I agree with your Thought Adjuster in this effort you were asked by Ron to do is a very good idea, and here what I can say for now about it.
George was asked by Ron that he knew he was a transmitter and he should do more of it. George got with his Thought Adjuster and asked for help in doing this at least once a week and as he got more comfortable with it to do it even more often.  We think it is an excellent idea to keep you all attuned to what is about to happen. You already do known revelation will only be given when THE FATHER says it is time, but this is an excellent way to get to know the Celestial helpers and get comfortable with working with them and be ready to start the revelations to come in doing THE FATHERS WILL right off.  There are many Celestial beings as anxious as you are that would love to have and know someone on Urantia they could work with and this is one way of doing that.  Each time you transmit you get a new Spiritual Being and thus get various viewpoints. Every viewpoint will be expressed in a slightly different way, but they will all be expressed as a facet of THE FATHERS WAY and you will get a well-rounded understanding of what it’s all about. Even after JESUS appears and the Missions start you can keep using this technique to help out in any way you can.  Give it a try and see how it goes, you will feel its results inside you.  May THE FATHERS WILL prevail, and have a great day.

Terrific news Ron, I will be down there with my socket wrenches as soon as its ready to put up!

Threads for New Transmissions / Thought Adjuster Transmission
« on: August 18, 2022, 09:46:51 am »

This morning I had my usual daily Thought Adjuster sessions and ask Him a rather doozie question.  I ask Him what is the percent of mortals on Urantia verses the percent of mortals on a planet already in Light and Life that attain Paradise is.  His answer follows:

TA: You are correct in assuming I cannot tell the exact percentages but I will say: those already on a world of Light and Life do have a much greater numbers in continuing on.  That is also one of the main reasons that JESUS and his missions are so needed on Urantia to get many more of your kind on the road too.  This will happen with time and by then Urantians will have the same possibilities as any other planet that has been on the road to Light and Life from their creation already in it.   That happens on any decimal planet and Urantia has decimated almost to the bottom of the list, so you can see how desperately JESUS and His Missions are needed and being so far down Spiritually this must start very soon or it may be too late.  THE FATHER has pulled all the stops and it will start very soon.  You and all the Serara Forum and Light Line members are very important in the beginning phase of this endeavor as you have heard all along.  Keep attuned to your Adjusters and attuned to the Forum and Light Line daily,  This is where you will hear it first and right after that the rest of the world will hear it too and the chaos will start.  You members are mostly aware of what you should do but it is worth repeating and repeating.  Stay tuned and out of harm’s way at first  Your friends and family members can be told what’s happening by  phone or email or even visited if they live nearby, but stay away from public gatherings for at least a couple of weeks.  Of course you will be kept aware of what is going on and you will even have protection but don’t be rash about what you do.  Keep the thought of THE FATHERS Will in all your endeavors and know your Thought Adjusters are with you and protecting you too. Serve as best you can and all of you will be on the fast track in your ascension careers.

TERMS HELPFUL TO KNOW / I have the simple answer
« on: October 06, 2021, 17:01:45 pm »
WOW Ron!  This new post is something else but I have a simple explanation of it at least for me... Its going to take me all that unknown future time just to comprehend what you said here, and if your still holding Light Lines 3 Trillion years from now then I will have another 3 Trillion years worth to figure out what you say then.  If that keeps on you have to know THERE IS NO END  To Our FATHERS desires and Will

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