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Lightline Netherlands International
« on: November 19, 2024, 16:54:44 pm »
Lightline Netherlands International, 19/11/2024

This is Lightline Netherlands International for Tuesday, November 19, 2024, with your host Elise.

I want to thank Machiventa Melchizedek for His time and words, so very much appreciated, 
and my deep gratitude to You Machiventa for always helping me, at any moment, in any circumstance.

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2024, 15:07:39 pm »

Well, hello everyone. This is the Lightline, Netherlands International for Tuesday, November 19, 2024, and I'm Elise. I welcome you all, and I thank you for joining. And I welcome Lina. I just, I'm just noticing your name, Lina, welcome. I want to do a short prayer to the Father and thank him for bringing us together once more. We askMichael of Nebadon to be with us, and we ask help from celestial beings who are near us and our most valued, Melchizedek helpers who never forget about us and are here whenever we need them. Let's pray for Ron Besser and for all who suffer, for all who pray with us for a better world. Let's pray for our leaders and hope that they make the best decisions for this planet and for its people. We pray for Father to be at our side today. Thank you so much, Father. Amen.

Yes, this is the Tuesday Lightline, and the last Lightline for this week. It might be the last Lightline for this week. Maybe we will have another one, a Spanish Lightline on Sunday, but I'm not sure. And any Lightline, of course, that might come up at any time this week, but for me, it will be the last time, the last Lightline for some time, and we will continue with the Lightlines in January of 2025. But for now, well, I would like to see if there is someone from the spiritual side, who is able and willing to talk to us. So I will take this moment to settle myself in the light, in the light of Christ Michael, in the light of The Father, the Eternal Son, and the Infinite Spirit.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is your answer. Good day. This is Machiventa Melchizedek. I am your Planetary Manager, and I welcome everyone to this Lightline. We are on this Lightline with just a few, how many are there, Elise?

We have six altogether Machiventa.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Thank you, Elise, and that is enough to speak to you all for a moment before we close the Light lines for a time of peace, for meditation and reflection on everything you have experienced in the last couple of months and maybe years, and for the rest and peace of mind, because you might have to deal with a lot in the future. The Magisterial Foundation, with its discussion forum, is a great place where you all work and try to do something to reinforce and unite the spiritual growth in yourselves and in the world under the auspices of your Creator Father, Michael of Nebadon, for the well being and the spiritual progress of your planet and for Michael's universe, the universe of Nebadon.

It is well known to all of you that, in essence, you are ruled by spiritual laws and mankind will become more aware of the divine rules and its rulership, and it will become a living example of these spiritual rules, which is the law of the universes that will be better understood as people will become increasingly aware of their spiritual heritage and what it means to live a life on this planet that has gone through a very different evolution compared to the other planets. A lot of work and change is needed, and there is still much to learn and to achieve in the near future. Man, or rather mankind, must learn first that every citizen of this planet has the same responsibility, and you all have the same hereditary characteristics to contribute to material and spiritual progress.

Just a minute, okay, well, go ahead please, Machiventa.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
It will take a long time to dawn on all people if they continue to fight with each other, and where so many of your brothers and sisters are treated as inferior citizens, and where there is a passion for material things that still seem to be the greatest happiness and fulfillment for many. I am Machiventa Melchizedek, and I know your world very well, and I have a good knowledge of how people live in many different cultures that exist on your planet, and what is most preferred, and where people strive for. But we know, and you know, that all human beings want love. Every creature needs love. That is a common thing on all planets, because God, your Father, is love, and you all come from Him, and you all long to return to Him.

But your world has strayed far from that ideal, and must now cope with the consequences of earlier leaders in your past future and your long ago, your long ago history, where your leaders have been given the task to advance this world and the people and to lead them through an evolution that would lead them to different phases of scientific and social, economic and spiritual growth, where progression and adjustment take place gradually. There is one exception when a divine intervention is planned for such a planet, which takes place in certain epochs on each planet that is inhabited by intelligent human life.

We the order of Melchizedeks, have been on many planets, and we have been leading and teaching many populations on worlds that differ greatly, and we have witnessed great changes, but sometimes much has been lost again in their civilization, when people lost interest and got distracted in the new social and just culture, and they began to behave, not so very intelligently, and didn't have any worth or special addition to the culture. We have watched great civilizations come and go, and we have seen spiritual values lost in bad behavior in which a culture fell quickly back into its former habits.

But we, the Melchizedeks, are always leading groups that work for a better world and who have the knowledge and show interest in Michael's plan. I am Machiventa and I have been working with different belief systems and religions, and I have carried different functions, but always as one of the Melchizedek order of Sons of the local universe. When we see a group that has the potential and shows the willingness to work for the world and the well-being of the population, we are always there to help in some form of communication, to find solutions together for the existing problems, and to search for new ideas and ideals to execute. 

Cooperation is the key. It will bring peace. It will bring togetherness. It will bring friendship and knowledge about each and every person that will work in a certain group. It will inspire you to talk about important things and not to have to start all over again, but to go forward and continue with what already has been mastered before. If we could find more groups on every continent of your world that would be willing to hear our words, your world would progress very quickly. It would be easier to reach everyone, and it would promote your scientific and your social, political, and spiritual view. It could unravel many problems, and even invent new methods to use in your society.

But you cannot teach people what they do not understand or refuse to know, and the first thing that needs to be taught and reminded is people's responsibility and honesty, responsibility and openness are the important things to use in your families, in your communities, in your country, and all over the world, and with your modern and fast communication systems, you could achieve success in no time. And that is our call to every individual, man or woman, to be an example and to live a more conscious and responsible life, as Jesus showed you during his time on earth when he spoke openly in honest, understandable words to the people, yet some of them turned their backs on him, and Jesus let them go.

But those who understood the meaning of his words and were willing to accept his teachings followed the master. We the Melchizedeks, We want you to know that we are always here to help you, to give you direction in your efforts to build a well-ordered and strong society. But you have to do your work, and you owe it to your Creator to do everything you can to help this planet get back into the circle of planets moving toward the times of Light and Life that will begin to dawn on the world when everyone, every citizen, shows their love to one another and to God. We would like you to use this time, this coming time, which is a time of festivities. You have Thanksgiving coming up, Christmas coming soon, and other festivities in different countries all over the world, we would like you to collect yourselves and find solutions in a cooperative way for the things you have not yet sorted out, and to be aware of the help that is offered to you through your meditation practice, through your prayers, through your talks, with your Adjuster, with God.

You are a dedicated and valuable group to communicate with and you are all very capable of finding the truth for yourselves, because you are aware that you are guided by the highest and most precious source, and that is God Himself, through your Thought Adjuster, who lives in you. In every of your uncertainties, in every of your quests, in every trial you face, turn to the Source within, only He teaches you the truth, and that applies to every normal person. Your Adjuster will come to you in your hours of stillness, in your meditation, and in your practice transmissions, in everything of value and truth, in every single word you receive, it is of utmost importance to develop a trusting relationship with your Adjuster and to make that contact every day. For He is always there, waiting for you and giving of Himself the best.

We want you to know that you are not alone. You are not left to yourselves and to your own devices. You know that we are all here to help and to guide you in building strong communities that are able and willing to cooperate with each other and to unite and to help Michael in his plan to establish his strong and lasting governments grounded in those parts of his universe that have suffered under Luciferian forces for so long and are still suffering its consequences. So take time to be with your Adjuster. Do it frequently and ask Him to help to transform your mind so that you will be prepared for times to come, prepared to walk together and to strive together in your common goal, in love for one another, which will give love to your soul, and changes will occur in your lives, and it will make you ready for your next step, your future life on the mansion worlds.

Spend time with your loved ones and give to others what you like to receive and be happy. There are opportunities for everyone to speak God's love. You can do it in your family, in your communities, on your workplaces, and even in business and politics, only if you want to see it if you're not closing your eyes for the needs of your brothers and sisters, you all need love. You all are able to give so much love. The world needs love, and every day gives you a new chance to give your love to others, to celebrate God's love and Jesus's love and His care for humanity and for this world, where he lived a life totally dedicated to our Father In the heavens, because Jesus knew it to be the most important thing in his life, and learned to contact the Father even in his younger years in the household of His earthly father and mother. Jesus loved all people, just as much as his family members, because he was aware of the love of God for all his children, and he possessed the gift of showing this divine love to the world.

I am Machiventa Melchizedek. Go in peace now and remember those words. We're all together. Do not forget. I am Macheventa Melchizedek, and I take my leave, and I thank you for this Lightline, Elise, and I wish you all a very good day.

Thank you, Machiventa Melchizedek. Thank you. Thank you very much. Well, this is Elise. I don't know if there is anything else, but just give me a second. But I have this feeling that it's a speech and a talk, actually, from Machiventa to us, to encourage us to go on, and work together, think of each other, and support each other. So we might not hear from him for a long time on the Lightlines, because they will be suspended but I hope that you will hear Machiventa Melchizedek in your own transmissions, maybe or otherwise in your meditation and stillness time, and if not, ask your Adjuster to come to you. Let me have a look at the dashboard. I see we have more people. We have nine together at the moment, and George Huber has joined us, and Amando, Lemuel is here, and Salvador. Well, that's a good group, and I'm glad you all heard Machiventa Melchizedek's words, and I'm very thankful and grateful for his words. I'm asking this group if there's anything else if you want to add anything, say anything, or ask anything, or if there is something that Dominick wants to say to this group, you're on the list, Dominick, if not, if there's anyone else, I can only, I can only say that I will think of you, of all of you during the time that we are without Lightlines, but we are still a family, and we'll be thinking of each other. Every now and then I get a message from Phyllis, and that's really nice when she is able to take time to write to me, or maybe she does that to other people too. She told me that her granddaughter had recently, recently had a baby, and the whole family is so happy because she lost her grandson a couple of years ago, and that was a great loss in the family, so they feel the happiness of a newborn, perfect little baby. Yeah, I see Lemuel. I'm going to unmute you because, I'll let you speak Lemuel, just go ahead. Please go ahead.

Excuse me. Thank you, Elise, excuse me, thank you. Yes, I didn't hear all that Machiventa Melchizedek said, but I get the gist of what he said, and I would just like to add a few things of a similar vein, really, just a short time ago, maybe a couple of weeks ago. Well, perhaps, as some of you know I do, I like very much to do an audio transmission on a Friday when I'm out walking in the country. I've always enjoyed doing it, and what I did a couple of weeks ago, I think, was called the end of a chapter. Well, I'm sure you all understand now we've come to the end of a chapter. Excuse me.

Quite a long chapter for some of us as members of the discussion forum, and perhaps some of some of us remember the teaching mission way back 30 years ago in the '90s. So for me, personally, it has been a long chapter, and perhaps not so long for some of you. The fact remains that we have come to the end of this chapter with the Serara Forum and everything that we had prayed for, everything that we had planned for, and everything that had been announced, as you all know, seems to have come to naught, to nothing. I say, seems to have come to nothing, because that's not quite the case. It is the case that we have come to the end of a chapter, and we must wait for the next chapter to begin, and this is the most difficult period of the time when it is like being in no man's land. The door seems to be closed behind you and there is a door in front of you, but it is not yet open.

So in the meantime, what do we do? Well, perhaps one or two of you may be tempted to throw in the towel and say, well, that's it. What's the point of going on and thinking about the missions, hoping for the missions, etc? Well, yes, you can do that, or you can just simply be patient and wait to see what happens. You and well, I will mention it now. Perhaps you have heard the latest news that President Putin of Russia has now changed his plan for nuclear warfare because of Joe Biden's agreement to allow Ukraine long-range missiles. So this is the actual news at the moment. So between now and January, of course, we could have the beginning of a third world war or even a nuclear war. Well, I, for one, will not allow and cannot allow myself to be influenced one way or the other by that I believed 85 years, and I've survived so many other wars. I don't mean to belittle these things, but in fact, I'm not worried at all.

I only want to point out that the situation is as it is at the moment. So who knows what the next chapter is going to be? Maybe we have a new chapter on the discussion forum in January or not. If we are still here, perhaps we will, let us hope so. But as MachiventaMelchizedek today pointed out, as I saw, pointed out, many, many times, hold on to what we know that we have, what could have been, what should have been, what would have been; is neither here nor there. So let it go. In fact, it has gone, at least for the moment. So let it go. We have with us, as you know, God, we don't need anything else. Someone once asked me, I'm going to repeat it, because we still have some minutes here. If you don't mind, bear with me just a moment. I have been asked more than once by people who, for whatever reason, do not like the idea of transmitting thinking, you know, you're not worthy, or whatever the case is, which is just rubbish, of course.

Now I want you to know how I started years ago, and I'm going back 1967 or something like that. I started an imaginary conversation out loud, imagining that my beloved was standing by the side of me and we were walking together. Well, obviously, literally, if you are walking with a friend outdoors and you were talking together. You talk in a loud voice. You don't just think the conversation. You speak the actual words. Well, I started doing this a long, long time ago, and I soon discovered that, in fact, I was having a response. Little by little, and this gave me such a boost to my faith and joy that it has continued ever since. And this is my beloved indwelling fragment, and you have exactly the same thing in all of you. If you want to transmit, then simply converse with your indwelling Thought Adjuster.

Maybe, obviously, you need to do it where other people cannot hear you. I am sure you have the opportunity sometime during the day to be on your own and have a chat. Remember what I said. He is with you. He is you. So talk, talk to your indwelling, and you will soon discover the thoughts and words will come into your mind that they were not from you, they were from Him, and you will be so thrilled, so overjoyed to have this contact with Father. So between now and January, or the next time we come together as a group with a Lightline, hold on to this. Whatever happens in the future, this is the most important thing you can ever achieve, while still in the flesh. Now, I think you all know and understand that, and so for the rest, just let it go, let it be. All right, that's all I want to say. Thank you, Elise, for giving me this opportunity to say these few words. Thank you.

Well, thank you, Lemuel, I'm glad you took that opportunity. I want to say that I had that experience myself when I started to converse out loud with my Adjuster, whom I really had to imagine above or next or beside of me. I also take walks in nature, and that's a good place to start that if you have the opportunity, nature will give you the calmness and the well the stillness and the reality of God's creation.

I have walked in places where they have just cut some beautiful trees, and I was so sad, but I started to first, I started to complain to God that it's so such a silly thing to do. But then I heard words of consolement, of support, and He said; What do you care about one tree? It's my tree. It's still there, although it's gone, it's still there. It's as there, as much as you are here. And I felt really happy about that. So that's, that's a little thing that I can tell you. And well, let's close. There's no one else. Oh yeah, there is a Lemuel, yes, or you still have, I have to mute you. I guess, yes, I did. Or did you want to say anything else? Let me unmute you. No. Did you Lemuel?

No, that's all. Thank you, Elise.

Okay, okay, I'll mute you again. Thank you. Well, I think we can close this Lightline off, and I thank Lemuel for his words, and we hope for a better future, despite the threats on this world, and I can only repeat Lemuel, what you said, we have God, and that's all we need. It's the best we have. So we heard you clearly, Lemuel, and we thank you. And I want to, of course, I want to thank Machiventa Melchizedek. He is, He's always here for me, and He's always with me, and He is such a good companion. I thank you so much, Machiventa, and of course, you the listeners who are here and listening, having your own thoughts. I wish you well, and I wish you a beautiful Thanksgiving, and I'll say goodbye for now, but not forever. Of course, we'll be back, and things will happen as they should happen. And well we may begin in new chapter of a very, very thick and sad book you never know. So goodbye and I love you all, love you, and enjoy. Bye-bye.

Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)