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Lightline Netherlands International
« on: November 12, 2024, 18:30:44 pm »
Lightline Netherlands International, November 12th, 2024

This is Lightline Netherlands International for Tuesday, November 12, 2024 

your host is Elise, 

with a brief summary of the meeting with "Mission Urantia", last Monday,

and a quotation from part of an earlier speech by Machiventa Melchizedek to the board of "Mission Urantia".

We thank our Lord JESUS who spoke to us about LOVE.

Ron was with us, he listened to the Lightline from his room and at the end we all wished him well. 
I'm so sorry Ron, that I stopped the recording too early, but we hope to hear from you again.

Here is the link to the tape:

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2024, 10:00:44 am »
  • 111224 Audio Tape Lightline Netherlands International; host: Elise Sophia Veronica
  • Subjects: a review of Machiventa Monday transmissions through Mission Urantia, Machiventa’s previous words to Mission Urantia about the necessity of cooperation, and Love - it is the greatest gift from God;
  • Speakers: Jesus; 
  • Transcribed By: RAZ ( I welcome corrections - message me )
  • Link To Tape: 

Hello everyone, this is the Lightline Netherlands International. It's November 12, 2024, and this is Elise, your host on the Lightline Netherlands International, on Tuesday, November 12, 2024. I have decided to open the Lightline despite the closed circuits, as you saw last Sunday with Dominick's and Rene's Lightlines. But we would like to inform you about the decision we made to try to get to know and to get more acquainted with other organizations and to maybe get involved in our mutual goal and work in the disseminating of the messages and revelations as we have received them over the years, and how to get all that important information and the knowledge about God in us as our Thought Adjuster to the people of Urantia who are obviously in need of such knowledge.

So that made me decide to go on this day, Tuesday. But let's start with a prayer and thank our Father. Dear Father, we are gathered here again to be with you and to maybe, if possible, to hear your voice. We welcome all those who have taken the time to be with us. We're glad that Ron, may be here, and I hope that he will get all the blessings you have, Father for him to recover and to go where he has to go and what he has to do. We have come together to share our love for you, Father, for Christ Michael, for Jesus, of course, for the Melchizedeks and Magisterial Sons and all Your divine associates who we know are with us in all our sorrow and happiness, and who keep giving us their blessings. We thank You, Father, for the gift of life and for the opportunity to show that our lives are for You, while trying to assist and attend to our brothers and sisters in their material and spiritual need and to speak Your name in honor of You, Father, thank you so much. Thank you, Father.

So this is Elise. I wanted, I just wanted to inform you a little about something that you have read, maybe on the discussion forum yesterday, when we attended a meeting of Mission Urantia, which is an organization, with a few of our members. Mission Urantia is an association or organization, I don't know how they call themselves, founded by people with the purpose of reaching the population and to make them aware of God and the Spirit of the Universal Father who lives within us. And they do so by trying, as they say, and these are their words, to assert and embody the Presence of Spirit, which is the Thought Adjuster, into the affairs of mankind by preserving, promoting, and implementing the teachings of the Urantia Book and the lessons and values of the teaching mission and the Magisterial mission.

And this is Elise again, with my own words. These people we talked with, they all have a good knowledge of The Urantia Book. They have often participated in study groups and some of them have been part of the Teaching Mission, and some of them know many of you maybe, they know Ron Besser, and what they want is to preserve and pass on all these valuable lessons to others and for other generations to come. And with this, we think, and they think, that collaboration is the best way to help spread this knowledge and to better understand the value and content of The Urantia Book and to live by the lessons that are given to us through The Urantia Book and all other ways, as the Correction Time followed by the Teaching Mission, and, of course, the many, many transmissions by others and through Ron Besser as the number one transmitter of revelation, the Magisterial Foundation, as founded by Ron Besser, has much to offer, and Ron has always been very supportive of this idea.

Ron has always shared all information openly by sending emails and invitations to sister organizations, and by openly discussing the news and and revelations in his Lightlines. So some of us came together with these friendly people at the Mission Urantia meeting to see how we can communicate and cooperate better to reach more people, but especially to promote cooperation between the organizations. We all have one goal in mind, and that's to make everyone realize that God lives in us as a fragment of Himself and that He leads us to our common goal, to reach Him, the Father, after finishing our ascension careers. There were four of us present, and we exchanged some information, we introduced ourselves, and Dominick spoke briefly about the invention of free electricity, the electrons, and muons, etc, and how it works. Well, he gave he gave them a good picture, and he told them about Rayson, the Magisterial Son, who has worked with Ron.

He Dominick, told them about the patent that has given Ron the right to go ahead and to make plans and eventually go into production. And I think that they found it a very interesting thing. Well, they refer to it as to what The Urantia Book tells us about science and ultimatons. Well, I think Ron has always endeavored to involve every organization in all that he has done and in all that he has received, and well, I think we hope to have found in this group, a cooperative partner, maybe in disseminating our findings, our goals, and our knowledge, and making these things useful to the people of Urantia, and at the same time assisting each other in achieving that common goal. Well, this is more or less what we have done, what we experienced and perhaps there are people in this group today who would like to respond or say anything to this, or maybe you have any questions, or maybe we have an addition from Dominick or the others who attended also?

Okay. Then I also wanted to say that this group is working under the guidance of Machiventa Melchizedek, and although it were not the words that He spoke yesterday, Machiventa only spoke briefly in the introduction in the beginning, but I have here something that Machiventa Melchizedek spoke some time ago to that group to help them in their search of how to work together and with the best ideas to get their goals achieved. And maybe you'll get the idea of what Spirit likes to say, and what they like to see us do as well. So I'm going to read this. It's not my, it's not a transmission that I'm doing, but it's something that Machiventa spoke to the other group, and it could be very helpful. And it's this:

Machiventa said; "We must find a way to work together in a collective manner that brings the awareness of a global planetary administration to this world, and it lets them know that there is a plan, a plan for each personally, and a plan for humanity collectively. The key to this plan is each individual being willing to put the effort in to make this living connection with the First Source and Center and allow themselves to be transformed by the power of this living connection. Because out of that transformation will come the collective willingness to move beyond individual differences, individual personal agendas, individual egos, and find a way to put the good of the whole ahead of the good of any one individual.

Machiventa went on to say; the key to this plan is each individual being willing and try everything. When I talk about the First Source and Center as your connection, I talk about your Adjuster, as you probably understand, we need all that collective work. Ask yourself how you can plug into doing everything within your power to guarantee its success. Talk about among each other how to pool your energy and how to support one another, because right now, no one has a vision big enough to encompass how you would take this period of a remarkable revelation to this world, or how to approach the people. How are you going to be of assistance to each other? These are all questions you may consider and find solutions for in your own soul. Speak to your Adjuster and ask for assistance and insight, ask for support and wisdom. For this is an enormous task that humanity has to work out, and where We can only help you by answering your questions and your concerns that you meet on the way while doing your very best to learn from each other's mistakes and not lose hope for a better outcome. Well, this is the end of the quote.

Now, of course, this was spoken to this group, this is Elise speaking now, but I think that it applies also to us as well. For this is general information for those who understand and like to work with Spirit, in cooperation with spirit, and for the benefit of our planet and its people. So I wanted to give that to you. Well, this is what I have for today, and I will see now if we can get any connection to Spirit. So please give me a minute for that.

Good day to all. This is your Jesus. And although circuits are low, I always know how to come to your group and give My love to you. I bring you My love. That's the only thing I would like to speak about today. Love, it is the greatest gift from God. Love is God. God is love. God reveals His love in everything that comes from Him, and everything is and comes from Him, in all and everything we can find His love. And it is up to you to discover and learn to feel God's love and to apply it in your life with others, who then again, pass on your love to those they meet in their lives, and which gives them all the strength to cope with life and to manifest love in everything you do.

I am Jesus, and in my life, in this world, I have conveyed the love of our Father, our God, to everyone I met. The love of Father was represented in Me as I carried not only an actual fragment of God, the Father within me, as the Adjuster, but also the divine attribute and character of Michael of Nebadon who shared this life with Me and dwelt within Me as the great secret and wonder of God who is alive and truly present in man. Yes, this is what happens when a Son of God, a Creator Son, decides to incarnate to enter a human body and experience a human life as present within a human being.

This is the secret of the Father, the secret of Sonarington, a sphere which surrounds Paradise and is intended for such a process that is realized and accomplished by a divine act in which the Creator Son temporarily leaves His local universe and literally resides in the body of one of His created intellectual beings of His universe for the purpose of experiencing and fully understanding His children in their existence. This is the greatest love that only a divine Creator Son can have for His creatures and for His creation. It demonstrates the paternal sacrifice of the Creator's loving act, His love surpasses everything, everything you know and experience in love here on Earth. It is the pure expression of divine love and can only be felt when man has fully connected himself with God. A state that will take place when man unites with his Creator after his many experiences in the journey through life where he has learned that love is the greatest gift and greatest benefactor, and that man can only come to God in love as God himself is love. This is Jesus. I have spoken as your friend, as your brother, as your teacher, as the Son of God and the Son of Man. I leave you in My love and I bless you. Good day.

I thank you, Jesus. Thank you very, very much. I see that Dominick has raised his hand, and I'm going to unmute you, Dominick. Yes, go ahead, Dominick, are you there? Lemuel, I unmuted, Lemuel?

Thank you, Elise.

Don't tell me that it is not working.

Yes, it is. Yes.

Oh yes, I hear you all right.

I want to say, first of all, the words of Machiventa Melchizedek are so true and worthy of repeating so many times because they are so true and so pertinent at this moment in our history, and also the wonderful words that we have just heard from Jesus. Love simply is, and there is no place without love if one is able to see it and to be able to see it, one only has to look but to look with your inner eyes and not your outer eyes. And I would just like to say, I am reminded constantly from my own beloved indwelling, that love that we have within ourselves is like, like the flame of a candle, you know?

We all know that a candle can also light 1000 other candles, and yet it maintains its own light and its own heat. It doesn't matter if that flame of just one single candle lights a million other candles, its own light is never depleted. Well, this obviously is love in action, and we all have this light within us, and we only have to express it by being what we are. We are children of our Creator Father, Michael of Nebadon, as Jesus expressed throughout his life. Well, we are not Jesus, of course, but we are able to use Him as our inspiration and example of what is possible. Let our light shine and spread it wherever and wherever we go. That's all I have to say, thank you, Elise, thank you.

Thank you, Lemuel, really true. And you've taught us the same all over again, many times, really true. And that's the words spoken there by Machiventa, they, well, they really catch me and I think it was so beautiful to read that to everyone here. And of course, well the words that Jesus came to tell us are very moving, and I'm so glad that He could come here. And thank you for doing that, Lemuel, because it's so appropriate to do it now. Thank you so much.

Thank you, Elise, thank you.

Okay. I muted you again. I see that you did. You did raise your hand again, Lemuel, did you? Hi, Elise, are you unmuting yourself? Okay, mute yourself. Okay, mute yourself. Go ahead, please. I won't interfere. Thank you. Dominick, you are unmuted, or were you going to say anything? Or was it just by accident? I think you probably, we probably lost you. I have no idea. Well, I don't think there is anything else today to say on this Lightline. And I think we had really beautiful words spoken to us, at least not directly spoken to us by Machiventa, but they just appeal to us just as much, and they're beautiful and wonderful and worth to well, to have them on the discussion forum, we can do that because it's for everyone, and not only for the people who are here gathered.

So if there is nothing else, well, I'm just want to close this Lightline. I have nothing else, and I see no hands up, and I just, well, let me thank you for being here. We have a whole list of people here, and that's so good to see, because I, we all knew, know that the circuits are down for most of of the time, and we don't know when everything will be back to normal, but it's much better to wait and have it all restored than to just struggle along. So thank you for being here, and goodbye to everyone. I don't know if we have a Lightline next week. Let's just see how everything works and goes. Have a good day and enjoy yourselves.

Hey, Elise.

Yes, are you there, Dominick?

Yeah, I had the family come in, so I stepped away if you asked if I was around.

Oh, okay.

Yeah, when you do unmute everybody who's listening, say hello to Ron. he's right here you want to mumble or shout or something,

I will unmute everyone then, okay, so take your turn. Don't shout altogether.

Let Ron, let Ron say a few things first, he's got the mic.

Okay. And then I'll let you and I'll give you the time, I'll give you a little time to say goodbye or hello to him. Okay, unmute him all. Wait, wait, wait, I will stop the recording. Should I? Yes.

Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)