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Michael Speaks on Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024


Ron Besser:
Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024
York, Pa


“I am judicious and caring this Sunday, Easter Sunday of 2024.

“I care tremendously that Ron survive this glitz of a holiday, and wait no longer to speak, and tell you this”

“The house Ron lives in is old and trustworthy.  It is 160 years old and older than even that, however, it is told it must lie down, and to be lost from sight for the moment, as it is lost to the wilds of time, and 2709 Sunset Lane is the last monument to me of an era that has seen the United States become the super power it has become, and the super power it remains.  It is the one country that must survive this awful event to come to all of you shortly.

“Ron has prepared a wonderful lightning call free electricity, but he cannot make waves that produces it as he is dying of a huge number of diseases, none of which are assigned to the usual doctors which appear on URANTIA.

“For that reason we have left him go as long as he has to, and for that reason we must take our course and leave him alone.  Later today he may have a word or two to say, but I will not be present for the simple reason the FATHER has arranged that I speak to no one today, except as I may hold forth in a separate messages such as this one for the moment.

“I am not to speak directly to Ron today, as no human has a chance to speak to a Creator Son while that Creator Son is preparing remarks for a Mission that must be presented to ALL of the world.  For that reason I stand down from Ron, but use his hands and mind to type this out to all of you for a change.

“I have not been available for six days now, even though you have received me in the game of Lightline.  That is because my robot is available to genuine care and for that reason it shares a memory salute tgol this one and care for him is given.   

“Lastly, we are ready for the Missions.  You who sit and wait get it clearly now.  You have waited long enough now.  I am grateful it is recommended you sit back and enjoy the time with friends and family today.  Dominick is coming back from a CONFERENCE that the UAI had in Baltimore, on the habiliment of a collapse bridge that spans the city of Baltimore with the death of 8 folks, not 6, as the span entrance to t he bridge had two cars on it not seen before and they are beginning to wonder just what went so wrong with the design of that bridge?

“The truth of the matter is it is a terrible bridge design the was revised three (3) times and never got a cap on it because it lost its ability to sway with the wind in places and frankly, it would have collapsed on its own years from now.  The trial to make that bridge whole again is not feasible and they better junk it all and put it another place, as the currents out to sea are precariously difficult and we do not recommend it be replaced in the same spot at all.

“In my estimation no bridge should be placed there.  And I believe there are some engineers who agree as it is precarious at best and no longer a favored place to place a bridge by even the city of Baltimore, as it is full of aspirational diseases currents which make it unfavorable to its moorings.  I leave it at that and hope they decide to trash what is left and uncover the bodies of two more who did not know what happened, it was so fast it lost its memory for those who were unlucky enough to approach it at the moment of its collapse.

“Finally, the MAGISTERIAL FOUNDATION is relieved of all its positry, and that is spelled correctly, as it is a word that means “lost not, but lost none the less”, and for that w e say this:

“The MAGISTERIAL FOUNDATION is welcome to stay, and be the guide post for free electricity and Chronicles, but it is no longer a special guest of the Mission to Urantia, as no human mission may stand with the the cumbersome materials of a Magisterial Mission or a Spirit Mission, for the FATHER has ruled it should not be attempted again.  I for one rather enjoyed it and it stood for the Urantia Foundation briefly enough to get some things done, but it is a waste of time for Me to consider it as a special gift of humans to get the whole idea of a Mission to it.

“Ron fully recognizes it has no standing except as a place to put free electricity and the Chronicles of the Life and Times of JESUS on earth.  He will see to it the best he can but he is defeated by us refusing any position he may wish to hold as we will write the Chronicles ourselves.  HE has as good shot of writing the Chronicles from your diaries and thoughts as it proceeds to be seen again shortly.

“WE close with one last statement: No one should attempt to abridge the Magisterial Foundation for anything, as it is truly the one we favor of the care and holding of our wishes up to the point of the last will and testament of what should be said and done in favor of the last tailing of this Mission for which it stood.  I am especially wondering if a bit of it stands with us as the voice of God until it could be fully digested by your minds until the real thing came along.  

“I close now and the cabal that follows Ron faithfully now, is lost to its own regeneration not, but the cabal insists it has a place and it does not.

“For that reason, let us stand aside and let them holler and carefully expound on there sayings, but not to heard any longer and that is final.  I wish you all a good Easter day, and we will have a lot of more to say, on Monday the 1st of April in Elise’s Lightline for sure.  K”



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