Author Topic: USA Lightline 24 March, 2024  (Read 3052 times)

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USA Lightline 24 March, 2024
« on: March 24, 2024, 15:46:48 pm »
Lightline USA, 24 March 2024

This is the Lightline for Sunday, 24 March, 2024
                  with your host Ron Besser

Below is the link to the tape:

Offline SonsofGod

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Re: USA Lightline 24 March, 2024
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2024, 11:24:07 am »
1. 032424 Audio Tape Light Line USA; host: Ron Besser. Other transmitter: Lemuel
2. Subjects:
  • Lightline calls are to be maintained, explanation of Lightline broadcast; only through Magisterial Foundation.
  • visible Mission and Jesus' Return is scheduled after May 12th, 2024; It must be preannounced in the morontial world first; structure up of the Magisterial Foundation; The Mission will at once announce peace on Urantia, people will reply with joy and fear to the major changes, stock market will plummet, millions will lose much money.
  • the Urantia Foundation needs to turn over the power to the Magisterial foundation, 6th Epochal Revelation.
  • Pope Benedict VIII concerned about Vatican being wormed, and their inability to hear in the spirit.
  • Dominick and Seven Gits will attend the UAI meeting next week, representing the Magisterial Foundation; Dominick must transition; Ron is a late Apostle; Arthura will attend to Dominick.
  • Plans to establish the Magisterial Foundation Library in Virginia; Edvard Casey offers his help.
  • Plans to rename the Holdings to Christ Foundation.
  • Dr. Sadler spoke about the early Urantia Foundation
  • Urantia Foundation inevitable transfer of authority to the Magisterial Foundation
  • Plans to repair Ron's body with the help of the Life Carriers
  • Preserving Ron’s legacy; this audio Lightline will be appended to that charter.
  • Commemorating Jesus’ resurrection; pray at Easter next Sunday.
  • Eternal Son speaks to Jesus’ position in Paradise, each local universe has a Jesus; 90,000 more will end time; 3 points of schedule of the Missions; The Urantia Foundation allowed to issue their resignation.  
  • Michael of Nebadon pray for the Mission and the people of Urantia.
3. Speakers: Michael of Nebadon, Machiventa Melchizedek, Pope Benedict VIII, Saint Matthew, Arthura, Edgar Casey, Dr. Sadler, Michael of Paradise, Jesus of Paradise, Jesus Christ, Master Spirit Two, Eternal Son
4. Transcribed by: sonsofGod
5. Link To Tape:

Ron Besser  
Hello, everyone, today is the 24th of March, our Sunday Lightline. I'm Ron Besser, your host. Welcome.

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael of Nebadon, Ron.

Ron Besser  
And we welcome you, Michael.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you.

Ron Besser  
Go ahead, please.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you. I do enjoy the protocol, Ron, it is very clean and nice. The truth of the matter is, we don't have a long communication today, primarily because the cabal is particularly vicious.

Ron Besser  
I've been fighting them pretty hard, Michael.

Michael of Nebadon  
And for that reason, Ron, I want you to understand that the entire matter today is not truncated. But we do have a rather short schedule. For reasons of our own, there are now 19 on this call, and thank you for your interest. The Internet is now using about, oh, I would say five of you on the Internet call. The rest of you are on the phone. Now, I want to have you understand this.

The last few days have been very difficult, not only for most of you, but for Ron as well. There is a good reason for the difficulty. We have got to get into Utantia, and to make our callsign visible to the rest of the world. To the people of the world, we will be seen as Jesus. To the readers and joiners on this Lightline call, we will be about five to ten minutes later with a real name and a transmission.

I want you to hold a Lightline on Tuesday. Dominick, with me in mind. We've got some big announcements coming for Tuesday. For Monday, we don't think Elise has a lot to say or do at that time. She is not aware that we are holding a Lightline today, simply because she forgot it's Sunday. In any case, I'm sure she will suddenly come to the attention that it is Sunday and that the Lightline is being held. And finally, this to all of you before I get into anything else verbally. That is that the entire matter of Lightline calls are to be maintained. Follow your schedule please. I will hold Lightlines on the schedule you're written up for. And finally this to you, Ron. The entire matter today is going to be taken up by other transmitters, because your breath is almost hollow and you are following a very difficult invitation this morning, which places you squarely on the opening day, this coming May.

As many of you know or remember, on the last Lightline that Ron was on we announced that probably May 12th would be the start of the visible Missions. That is not that far away. And we wish to remind you all that the date we set was May 12th. For reasons of your own please keep in mind, we operate all of this on New York time zone. That's the Atlantic coast of the United States. And finally, this to all of you who may be waiting for the final announcement, we've already made it. That was on Wednesday. And for those of you who cannot remember the time, it's always 2pm, New York time. We don't vary it.

And finally, this to the rest of you. There are several of you here who have never heard a Lightline. What a Lightline is, it's a direct communication from the Father, the Son, and the Spirit directly to the minds of those we trained to speak us directly. They broadcast the direct word on the telephone, and you're always welcome to listen. We use a specialized vocabulary, it's not biblical, it's epochal revelation. I am the Creator Son. I was Jesus. I indwell and was Jesus, and Jesus himself was the Son of Man. I am the part that was the Son of God. I speak through Ron, he has been trained to handle it.

And now to the rest of you who are used to these transmissions. The coming spiritual Mission to the United States first, and to the rest of the world a little later, we will come through a transmission not on your mass media anymore, but on these Lightlines. We consider it safer and easier to use. Now, usually at 2pm from… well, usually, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, these Lightlines are held at 2pm. Same place, same telephone number, and so forth. There are going to be Thursday and Friday Lightlines Ron, if you can handle it, we will advise you to take them on.

And finally, this to all of you who are listening either by the Internet or by other means. Please be advised that we are now going to broadcast only on the Lightlines through the Magisterial Foundation. And that is what you're listening to now, on the schedule at 2pm. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, occasionally Thursday, Friday and Saturday, when we call for them. We will make our major announcements regarding the Mission. The visible Mission will be in May, beginning May 12th, to remind you. And for that reason, Ron, you're going to be alive in spite of the fact that you think this is almost your last day, as awful as you feel. It will not improve much but somewhat. And finally, this to those of you who transmit during the weekday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, we are going to use you starting at 2pm and going a little less than an hour. There is not a lot of news to be held for the full hour at this moment. After May 12th, you will have your full hour and perhaps more.

And now this to all of you. The Lightline for today is not truncated. I am turning this over to Machiventa Melchizedek. They are the spiritual emergency Sons. The Melchizedek mentioned in the bible. Is the Melchizedek that speaks with Ron today. He was called the Sage of Salem. You will probably find him in the beginning of the Old Testament, known as the Sage of Salem.

Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa speaking now.

Ron Besser
We thank you, Michael, and welcome Machiventa. Please go ahead.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you, Ron. I am Machiventa Melchizedek. I am the Sage of Salem, and I spoke to Abraham on those blustery cold days, when I incarnated in what now is Palestine. In those days, it was called Judea. I showed up in the flesh and I addressed myself to Abraham of old. He welcomed me immediately and taught the tribes of Israel the One God.

For reasons of state Ron, we are calling you one of the tribes today.

Ron Besser
I feel Malta Flores. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek
You're welcome, Ron.

Ron Besser
The bloom it's all over me. Thank you, Machiventa. Go ahead, please.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you, Ron. The truth of the matter is, Ron is a transmitter with an invertebrate sense of humor, we cannot control. He is one of the most chatty and favorite of the transmitters because he simply cannot stop joking. We enjoy him, and for that reason we are quite happy to see him.

Now this. We are quite (help-em and) helpful to welcome you, Paul from Dallas, thank you for attending. And to the rest of you. There are now 25 on the call and that's a healthy quorum. For the rest of you, let me re-announce it. Our Missions are visible Missions. Spirit Missions will begin May 12th, 2024, and we will make announcements to begin with on this Lightline radio station, which is really a conference call. Use the same time, the same number, to listen to our announcements. We are not going to broadcast through others. And now this. I am Machiventa Melchizedek, I am the Sage of Salem. Here is Abraham, Abraham of old.

Ron Besser
Welcome Abraham. Please go ahead if you're ready.

We are Ron, thank you. You are particularly fragrant today. We come into your area of personality circle, and find that it is not feeling well, but well enough to do a Lightline. You will get better today. And for reasons of state you say Thank God.

Ron Besser
It's awful Abraham right now.  

Yeah, thank you. The truth of the matter is it hits your eyes. It gives you a headache. It aches your limbs, and you say well, let's get through this. But I want you to understand Ron, that you are the first transmitter ever to bow before us in the chair as you are transmitting, I have never seen that before. I do enjoy it. Yes I can, Ron.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Now this. The trial that the Creator Son must attend to is that there must be a pre-announcement in the morontial. The morontial worlds are where you go after you died on Urantia. Ron will attend the morontial worlds after he dies, probably later this year. For that reason, please be prepared to understand that those of you who have Adjuster contact will be sent to mansion world four. Mansion world four contains a Urantia book study group. They will welcome you. We we've added that to the itinerary, since those of you who attend here, mostly read the fifth epochal revelation. That is a 2,000 plus page of the highest revelation you will ever read, it's the fifth epochal revelation. Jesus is the fourth epochal revelation. Adam and Eve are the third and so on. I, Machiventa Melchizedek, I am the second epochal revelation as the Sage of Salem in 1978 BC. That was the year I met Abraham by your calendar.

And now this, Ron, I do enjoy your memory. You can remember those things from the fifth epochal revelation.

Ron Besser
Yes, Machiventa. If those would bother to read, I have it open for reading on the discussion forum, is a link at the top of the forum to read. There is a paper and you, your revelation to Abraham, well mentioned and written into it, as well as the life and times of Jesus from the spiritual archives. It's quite a read folks. 500 pages of a lot you never knew about Jesus. If that's all for me, Machiventa, please go ahead.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Yes it is, Ron.

Ron Besser
I think, I had something removed, but that's okay. Go ahead, please.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Yes, you did, and it’s this. Today is probably your last Lightline Ron, under the old circumstances of changes to your life system, as well as how much time you spend with a discussion forum, the Magisterial Foundation, and the other five or six foundations that group with it. We are going to use all of them, Ron.

Ron Besser
Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek
For reasons of state, the Rayson Corporation is a nonprofit 501 c3. So is the Magisterial Foundation and all of the 501-s that you have accumulated as departments to operate all that we need to operate with. You have been so complete; we heartily need any visible or public addition to it. Thank you.

Ron Besser
We are grateful to join with you, Machiventa, and thank you for using them.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you, Ron.

Michael of Nebadon
Now this. This is Michael of Nebadon. I have prepared a speech today that I would like you, Lemuel, to take on if you're awake. Unmute him, Ron.

Ron Besser
Just a minute, Lemuel. You are now unmuted, Lemuel. Well. Would you pick Michael of Nebadon into the transmission, please, and proceed from what he requests? Go ahead, Lemuel.

Thank you, Ron. I am awake. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
Yes. Thank you for picking me up. This, indeed, is Michael of Nebadon. And for those of you who are new to the Lightlines, and there are a couple of you here, you may be surprised to hear a different voice. This one at the moment is through Lemuel, but there are other transmitters as well that are used during Ron's Lightline.

Ron Besser
Lemuel, we are getting an echo. Place your phone slightly different if you would please.

Is it too loud or not loud enough, Ron?

Ron Besser
No, it's an echo. It's hollow.

Is it hollow now?

Ron Besser
Well, go ahead with what you've got. That's fine.

I've just got my mobile in my hand, I've got nothing else, Ron. from I don't have anything else.

Ron Besser
Right. Go ahead with what you've got.

Michael of Nebadon  
To continue, this is Michael of Nebadon, and I was about to say to some of you newcomers to the Lightlines that it is quite normal sometimes to give the voice of Ron a rest, by asking other transmitters to transmit. So, this is why at the moment, I'm speaking through Lemuel.

You are all fully aware that for many years, you are waiting (for) the Magisterial Mission and the Return of Jesus to appear on Urantia. These have been planned for many years now, and every time that we were ready to announce, at the very last moment something always happened to prevent us from doing that. And so, disappointment, frustration, and also the credibility that some of you have had have been totally lost over the years. Those of you who have sincerely desired to spread the good news about the Missions and the Return of Jesus. You have all had egg on your face and you have lost all credibility. Nevertheless, you are still here, and your loyalty is noted and very much appreciated.

Well, I can tell you now that we, you, do not have to wait much longer. These things have been spoken to before many times, yes of course. And you are probably so tired of hearing the same things. But I also would like to point out something to you, apart from the fact that I assure you know the latest news, what is the atrocities that have taken place in Moscow over the past 24 hours. The constant wars going on small or larger around the world for many years, there has not been a total peace on this planet of Urantia for many-many years. And so, to establish peace on Urantia globally will not be easy, but it will, add it must be established.

You have now been informed that there has been a change in that we now do not intend the first announcements to be on your mass media. That will not take place now. We have decided, for various reasons, not least of which of course is safety, to make our first announcements via the Lightlines. And so, during the next month of April, through the several Lightlines that will take place. These announcements will help to prepare people for the visible announcements taken place after the 12th of May. This year, the 12th of May 2024.

It is of course, something totally unforeseen and unprepared for by the vast majority of the world's population. And so, it will come as a tremendous shock and there will be tremendous unbelief, and there will be in many places, panic and fright, because the unknown is always frightful. It is only through knowledge that fear is dispelled. I would like to repeat that. It is only through knowledge that fear is dispelled. It will take time, but it will be done. And hopefully by the end of May and the beginning of June people throughout the world will have come to realize that it is something extremely important happening on this planet. Because by then peace will have to be established, it will have to be announced. The wars will end, and that of course in and of itself will be a tremendous relief, and a reason for a tremendous joy and thanksgiving. But at last peace has been declared. So, indeed, it is a tremendous amount to look forward to, but also in the beginning, there will be problems, yes.

There will be a tremendous change in the stock market. It will plummet. And there is a lot, many, many people (who) are going to lose a tremendous amount of money. And this in itself will cause tremendous problems personally, and there will be many people who will try to take their own lives. They will not be able to support these evident changes that would bring about in their lives. Well, there are many things that I could say, but now it's not the time and it is not the place. But I only would like to reaffirm what will soon take place and to encourage you, all of you here, stay the course. And please do not allow what is taking place in the world to put you off.

You have a saying, if you kind of stand the heat get out of the kitchen. So that is to say, turn your television off, if you do not want what you see, to affect you, so deeply. Turn inwards to your real self, those of you who are aware that you have within you. A Father fragment of God termed as your Thought Adjuster, and it is pure spirit of God, it is a fragment of God. Turn inwards to that and do not be perturbed by what you see outside. Keep your own counsel. Do not go spreading the news like perhaps you have done before. You have learned your lessons. But others of you to newcomers, you want to share this. But be very careful to whom you speak, because there are those who are not ready, and perhaps never will be ready for the truth. The truth means they will have to come to terms with the fact that they have, as you're saying, been barking up the wrong tree all lives by believing something and having faith in something that is simply not the case, and never has been. This of course will affect many, many millions of people especially in the institutionalized religions throughout the world. They think and have always thought that they have the truth. They do not, and they never have had the truth. So we shouldn't see in the very near future what the truth shows people, here on this planet finally. And where we all go from this moment on into a much brighter future than has ever been the case in the past.

This is Michael of Nebadon, and this is all I have to say at the moment. And bid you all good day. And thank you, Lemuel.

Thank you, Micheal. Thank you so much. Thank you. Well, I hope that was all right for you, Ron. I, I hope it was alright. I'll hand this back to you now, if I may.

Ron Besser
Thanks very much, Lemuel. Thank you, Michael, for stating it so clearly.

Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa Melchizedek, Ron. I now wish to speak a piece through you. You're sitting here listening to Lemuel, and you wondered if the major religions might get a heads up as well. The Vatican in particular, because of its size, is especially open to messaging. But the other Protestant religions around the world, the well-known ones, don't have such a distinct headquarters as the Catholic Church does. We will make no announcements; they will learn through the scuttlebutt.

Ron Besser
Well, thank you, I was interested and curious.

Pope Benedict VIII
This is Benedict the Eighth. The recently deceased Pope, who is now on Mansion World Three, Ron, in the Pope group.

Ron Besser
Well, welcome Benedict. Go ahead and speak as you wish.

Pope Benedict VIII
Thank you. I have asked permission to speak to the Vatican. They do not allow me to get through Ron. I am sorry to say that there is no special avenue allowed to be open to the Vatican, but you feel Ron, that they could help put a lid on things, particularly Central and South America. If they somehow knew and could warn that something like this is up.

Ron Besser
That is tricky, at best. And you fully understand that you just told me.

Pope Benedict VIII
Michael of Nebadon is here with the group, the Pope group. And he is speaking to them that they should manage to transmit to the laity as best they can. And that to warn you, Ron, they speak the Christian Bible and not the wording that Michael of Nebadon uses to announce to groups like you. For that reason, they may not address the Return of Christ, but they may address the change of the Apostles from Peter to Paul. That they are all soon to speak to the congregation and to the laity of the church and all other dioceses as it may happen to appear. I am Benedict the eighth.

Ron Besser
I'm most grateful, Benedict. Thank you for the evaluation.

Pope Benedict VIII
Thank you, Ron. We are always grateful to hear from you. Now this. I am Benedict the eighth. Ron and I have had a long going relationship, speaking to the epochal revelation. Ron does not press it or push it, but merely speaks. I have learned a great deal since my death, and boy, do I wish I was in the Vatican today. They have no way of being warned, Ron. Not from up here. And yes, you say I'm sorry. So am I. But those are the rules that are being enforced from the Pope group on the mansion worlds to the Vatican on Urantia. For the rest of you, stay back. Don't attempt to do it. Ron has long ago learned that they are too officious, and they press anything new away unless they want to know, and they haven't a clue. For that reason, then Ron, let us look at the following information from St. Matthew.

Saint Matthew
Thank you. I am St. Matthew. Greetings.

Ron Besser
Greetings, Matthew. Please take command as you wish.

Saint Matthew
Thank you, Ron. I love it. And this. We are now going to speak the truth to you, Ron, as you never heard it spoken.

Ron Besser
All right. I'm battered down. Thank you.

Saint Matthew
The truth of the matter is that the Magisterial Foundation is well reserved to handle many of the public announcements of the coming spiritual Mission to Urantia. Its one of our favorite ways now. It gets out so much better when we make a tape and it can be heard by the laity.

Second of all, you are pretty sure you're going to lose your life very soon. You are broken, not in your vitality, but in the resources of the mind which must always understand who is what and how it is to be produced. The cabal has attempted to muddle you. They do so once in a while, but not enough to keep you out of business and the ways that you must conduct it. Your details are right around your desk, you keep overlooking them.

Ron Besser
Well, I thank you. I couldn't seem to find them.

Saint Matthew
Thank you. Second of all, the usual visitations you receive are now put aside slightly in order that Dominick may begin his transition. He must transmit (transit). He must make the transitions or just walk off. It is too important for the Magisterial Foundation not to have a backup. As you are staying Ron, more than you know, and he is staying with you for the duration.
And finally, this to the rest of the Board of the Magisterial Foundation. Your obligation is to stay the course and make sure that Ron and all of the leaders on that board have the full appropriation of your support. We've got to find money, find donations, because it is expensive. This weekend, Dominick and Steven Gitz, both board members, are attending the Baltimore Maryland UAI conference for the Urantia Book discussions. They will begin on Thursday, this coming week, and end on Easter Sunday,

Ron Besser
The 29th, I believe, of March.

Saint Matthew
The truth of the matter is, Ron, that is correct.

Ron Besser

Saint Matthew
And thank you, Ron.

Ron Besser
Well, thank you, Sir.

Saint Matthew
This is Matthew. I am the Apostle Matthew. This: Your need for a verification of heart and soul, Ron, is not forthcoming. That is our choice not, but that is the choice of Michael, for some reason.

But what the Father has said to the apostles, Ron is a late apostle. He carries the heat, the fervor, the challenge, and the care that Michael up here, once more, in the flesh on your planet. Please make sure you understand that if Ron disappears, he will reappear for the Magisterial Foundation in some manner.

For Dominick, you must follow the course. No laying back, no becoming tired. Follow our instructions, please. Arthura will attend to you. Ron, Arthura is here now and wishes to dictate,

Ron Besser
Thank you, Matthew. And go ahead, Arthura. Thank you for attending.

Most welcome to you too, Ron. I'm Arthura. I am hyper infinity. I live on the edge between hyper infinity and the infinity of the Master Universe. Yes, people there is such a thing. Ron knows more about it than anybody else and should attend this conference to talk about. However, it is especially bad right now. His transition must be successful, or he's not going to make it.

For our own reasons of state, Ron, we have our evidentiary remarks to the Father, to the Son, and to the Infinite Spirit. We've asked for you to be annealed and to prepare your way to remain as long as Michael may need you. I'm Arthura. Good day.

Ron Besser
We're most grateful, Arthura. Thank you for attending and speaking.

I thank you; we thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael of Nebadon, Ron. That should get him out of there carefully.

Ron Besser
Well, he's a stranger on a picnic, Sir. We must be careful.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you. He dares not get lost.

Ron Besser
I understand hyper infinity is a long way.

Yes, it is Ron. I'm Arthura, and I always enjoy the day to date. Good day.

Ron Besser
Thank you, Arthura. I enjoy it.

Michael of Nebadon
And now this. This is Michael of Nebadon with the final words for this Lightline. The trial that is approaching you, Ron, is the ability just to even, just stay awake for the next hour. You are being appropriated by the Paradise wizard of care that insists that you'll be falling asleep for the next hour or so. When you're done here, lay down. Dominick if you wish to come over entertain yourself with TV until he can get up. And finally this. You, Ron, are the most nascent being I have ever met in favor of these Missions.

Ron Besser
Yes. Hah. You can solve it with a cocktail party.

Michael of Nebadon
All right. (ha-ha) You idiot. Now this, I want you to understand that without the Magisterial Foundation this would have been difficult. But because you arranged it with six other departments as separate corporations, we can run them all with a different board of directors, including ourselves. That affords us huge abilities to inculcate not only the legal world but the corporate world with everything we ever wanted to do. And now it's made so easy, we cannot believe all we have to do is walk in and take the boards by storm.

You have advocated that this six-member board of directors, all humans, be having the chairmanship by Manituba Melchizedek, and Machiventa Melchizedek as his supervisor. You have also dedicated it to Rayson, the Magisterial Son, for he owns and walks in his own corporation, the Rayson Corporation and Rayson Electric.

For reasons of state, the one you call Raz is carefully archiving so that the library known as the Holding Corporation can begin to operate immediately with the materials of the fifth and the sixth epochal revelation on the shelves. For those of you who do not know about this, the library probably will be built in Virginia. They will…, it will not be built here in York. It will be built by the sterling appearance and buildings.

Ron Besser
I hope you have the memory, Michael.

Michael of Nebadon
Hah, yes, (ha-ha-ha) Edgar Casey. We are going to build a library next to the Edgar Casey library. And he will host the library as well as help you the Magisterial Foundation, run your foundation in Virginia.

Ron Besser
Oh, that's wonderful. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you. Now this. Edgar Casey has something to say to all of you.

Edgar Casey
I'm Edgar Casey. I have my own platform in Virginia, as most of you know. I want the library built next to mine. That will place a huge reservoir of an epochal revelation at anyone who wishes to investigate the revelations and our help in putting them together. You are calculating.

Ron Besser
(ha-ha) Yes. I'm just looking at it at the two edifices and wondering how your foundation board is going to handle that.

Edgar Casey
I wasn't going to talk to it, but they will.

Ron Besser
Okay, they need a little instruction at least.

Edgar Casey
Fully, Ron, will send them your way.

Ron Besser
I am grateful, Edgar Casey, please continue.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you. What a nice insight. Now this. This is Machiventa Melchizedek, Ron. Remember, you have your own board.

Ron Besser
Oh, of course. But I was looking at the interface of both libraries on the same street side by side, and most curious how they would reserve each other.

Machiventa Melchizedek
I fully agree and it was just a side note.

Ron Besser
Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek
When the time comes, Ron, we'll talk about it. You do love the work.

Ron Besser
Oh, I do. Yes.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Now this. The Magisterial Foundation will be called the Christ Foundation.

Ron Besser
Entirely appropriate.

Machiventa Melchizedek
I am not referring to the Magisterial Foundation itself, but we will form one of your corporations around it.

Ron Besser
That is just fine.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Perhaps re named the holding,

Ron Besser
I fully agree. I do like that.

Machiventa Melchizedek
And for those of you who cannot understand how Ron knows all about this, he decided in 2008 to do this. He had a memory gland inside him then, that remembered Monjoronson and Serara coming to speak to him in 2003 with a little poem while he sat at midnight in front of his computer, Hickory Dickory Dock, the mouse ran up the clock. Ron says, why in the world is that coming into my head? Monjoronson said to him, I am Serara. You are part of the Magisterial Missions. We invite you, Serara and I, to join with us now. He and his group did. They formed these corporations and now you are using them as members, as listeners, and as of the Board of the Magisterial Foundation.

I'm asking Ron to consider expanding the board, but that is a little bit ahead of things. What we must do in the following days and weeks ahead is to prepare the Urantia Foundation for an explicit report on what we wish to do. Yes, Ron. You say to me, “Isn't that with a visit either by Melchizedeks or others to a trustee meeting?” That is correct. Thank you for bringing it up, Ron.

Ron Besser
I know no more, Michael.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you. And neither do I. I am now quite sure Ron; you will have an opportunity to attend a trustee meeting when we hold it in York. We can command that. Furthermore, the Urantia Foundation is now may be bitterly aware, the sixth epochal revelation is through your auspices. We must make it apparent that the transfer of wealth is not from the Urantia Foundation to York. The Urantia Foundation must keep its own money. We're not asking that. But we must dissolve the archive that was the fifth and produce the sixth and it will be in York, under the Magisterial Foundation. And finally this. Here is Dr. William S. Sadler.

Ron Besser
Dr. Sadler, this is Ron. We are honored. Please take your place and speak with us please go ahead.

Dr. Sadler
Thank you, Ron. It is dear to hear proper protocol. I love it. I am Dr. William S. Sadler. My son Sadler Jr. is sitting with me, and I'm with Lena.

Ron Besser
Bless their hearts. They’re welcome.

Dr. Sadler
Thank you. We have transferred their salutations to you Ron.

Ron Besser
Thank you very much.

Dr. Sadler
And this. I never meant the Urantia Foundation to last more than what I would hope was a century. It is now nearly 70 years old and was not fully incorporated until 1953. The incorporation papers were destroyed when they cleaned up my office. The individual meant well, but she never understood where I kept things and why I kept them. She destroyed my diary. She destroyed the papers of incorporation. And now the only thing you have left are the articles that we use to start the Urantia Foundation, which are well known to all of you.

The following is a report from the cabal.

Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael. Let them run, Ron.

Ron Besser
As you wish, Michael.

This is the cabal, Ron. You are not allowed to report that name. We are entirely in control. We do not permit any change, and we are making it an intercessory demand on you to travel to Chicago and refrain from speech until they dress you down.

Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael of Nebadon. That individual is removed permanently. Furthermore, it is up to the Urantia Foundation to determine if they will go to York for the transfer of authority. They have the fifth epochal revelation. You have the sixth, soon to be published. And following that Ron today, get a little something to eat, have Dominick come over as soon as he wishes. And I want to discuss something between you and Dominick and myself that is lateral to the Urantia Foundation knowledge. We are going to make it clear that the Urantia Foundation has no move to make. If they do, they will be dissolved permanently. For the following information, let us let it be known also... This is Michael Ron.

Ron Besser
Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
… that the entire matter of the Board of Directors of the Magisterial Foundation are under the auspices of Michael of Nebadon starting now, Melchizedeks, because I have to make a transfer. And I insist that Ron live long enough to listen and hear it along with Dominick present. Please be here today, Dominick. And following this, I'm going to take another five minutes. You and Edgar Casey are fine, Ron.

Ron Besser
Yes. I have nothing to say. Michael, regarding the Casey board. They turned their nose up at a message from Edgar himself and refused to comment. I don't know what that behavior portends, but it certainly isn't favorable to my care for that board. That is your board Edgar Casey and I respect you.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you. That fully determines what I was about to say. This is Michael. Edgar Casey, Ronald Besser, please withhold it until I'm done with this. Scoosy (ha-ha), you're welcome, Ron, (ha-ha) you’re scoosed.

Now this to the Urantia Foundation. You will have a trustee meeting on or about May 4th or 5th, it's your choice. It is also your choice whether to attend a York Board meeting May 10th. That is the formal transfer of the fifth epochal revelation from your authority to Ron's Magisterial Foundation. It's no longer Ron's, he sold it to the Melchizedeks for $1, and that the deed for the house and property of three acres is maintained to the Magisterial Foundation directly, Dominick. The attorney must understand that it becomes an office and a place for you to live, Dominick.

And finally, this. I am Michael of Nebadon, Ron. I'll be damned If you are going to die in the middle of all this. You feel it today, you're very weak. I am going to ask the Life Carriers to directly contact your liver and tell us what way they can do with it. For what reason do you smile, Ron?

Ron Besser
Well, I'm thinking of the implantation they made, and the serum they placed in the warm seas, and how it has grown up to the point that I am here. And wondering how in the world the Life Carriers can produce enough serum once more to start me up, at least for a few more years. It is just a kind of amused looking at what I would consider something of an irony to history.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you. And it is indeed, Ron. You are one of the few we have ever met Ron, that takes the Life Carriers into effect. You know, we care. You know, we want to work with you. But the law says we must be quiet. Dominick is to be there today when he can get there. And for further information, Ron, never eat pork before you go to bed. It kept you awake all night.

Ron Besser
It's sure did.

Michael of Nebadon
Anyhow, this. I want you to understand Ronald Besser that the entire issue that we must dedicate to is not your life, but to your legacy. What you have prepared is worthy of something in our book of prayer. And that is to understand that the entire matter of a human to enter the way you did is so rare, we have but three entries. And one is for Urantia and Abraham.

Ron Besser
Oh my goodness.

Michael of Nebadon
Yes. You are aware is quite an honor.

Ron Besser
It seems to me that is sitting with quite an honor roll. I'm so grateful. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you. This. This Lightline will be appended to that charter. No one has a tape of anybody else, but you Ron will be the first in the book to have a tape, so people can listen.

Michael of Paradise
And finally this to you Michael of Nebadon. I am Michael of Paradise. I am the first Creator Son, and I remain on Paradise. And I work in the areas of Havona, all seven circles. It is my appearance there from time to time on the special circle called four. That is not where the supreme destroyed himself. He destroyed himself on the third. There is a burned-out planet to see, as you pass by on the third you can only see it from a distance. But it is the planet the size of a small solar system. It is hollow, it is caved in in the middle. The death of the supreme is hallowed ground, not. We leave the damage so you can see it

Jesus from Paradise
I am Jesus, not from Urantia, but I am Jesus from Paradise. Every Creator Son, when he bestows himself belongs to the Sonship with the Creator Son. There are 1000s of Jesuses. The one for your planet, Jesus of Nazareth. That might be hard to take, but it is the truth. Today is March the 24th Sunday, 2024. This tape will be appended to the archive record. And for your voice to stay clear, we're going to give you a little energy.

Ron Besser
My diaphragm rose, and I felt my lungs expand. Thank you.

Jesus of Paradise
Now this. I am what you might call Jesus of Paradise. I have never spoken before, but I want to, to all of you, and to Urantia. That's Earth. Earth, you are about to receive Jesus again in the flesh. Don't touch! Your hands will go through him. He will walk and speak and broadcast, but always protected by a spiritual flank of powerful liaison officers. When he appeared after the tomb, Jesus of Nazareth was alive and well, and looked like himself and could speak. He was resurrected from the tomb by Archangel Ryan. Ron wrote a book called The Crown and several other words, where Archangel Ryan speaks to the resurrection, literally of awakening Jesus. Jesus fluttered his eyes and wondered where he was in the dark. And the light of the Archangel was enough for Jesus to stumble to the door, to the rock pressed against the empty hole into the rock tomb. When the Archangel pressed it aside, he walked outside at about 2am on Sunday morning.

There he found two ladies who waited on him when he walked Nazareth, and the other places of Israel to teach and lecture. There was a women’s core, the bible doesn't mention it, of 15 women who saw to it that they had food, water, and enough to eat to keep walking Judea and the lands around to speak and lecture, telling about the Father. His life, the life of Jesus, ended on the cross. And the Archangel Ryan arrived after his burial that's Sunday morning and commanded him to rise in the tomb. The book The Crown describes it beautifully. It's out of print. But now this. Ron, I'm asking you to reprint The Crown and write it more fully.

Ron Besser
I'll be glad to.

Jesus Christ
Thank you, Ron. And finally this to those who are listening. The end of this week, this coming Sunday is Easter. Pray, tell, when you attend your Easter greetings and your probably Easter meals, remember me, Jesus Christ. I am here. I'm walking among you invisibly. I will be seen probably a little before the middle of May 2024. Be joyous. Be caring. Be understanding. This is the last time Urantia has a chance to stay a planet.

Master Spirit Two
I am Master Spirit Two. I represent the Eternal Son to time. Thank you, Ron, for having us.

Ron Besser
We welcome you, this holy moment. Please go ahead.

Eternal Son
I am the Eternal Son directly now. We are about to close this Lightline, running quite late, but then this is a special occasion. There are 27 listening now and thank you for taking the time to stay with us. This is running long, but that's fine.

I am the Eternal Son. I have no name. The bestowal Son Jesus is the Son of mine. To those of you who do not know, every local universe has their Jesus. The Jesus that attended you is the Beloved Son of your Creator Son 611121. That's his serial number and in the order, he was born to the Creator Son, or rather to the Eternal Son and the Universal Father. We count each one and give them a serial number. Your Jesus is of the Creator Son 611121. Michael of Nebadon is the 611th 121st Creator Son. All before him in their own places, in galaxies far, far away from you, had their Jesus too by their different names. Jesus is the Bestowal Son to your planet to teach you about the Universal Father. He is 611121. And there are about 90,000 more to come and that will end time, but not before. The more than 90,000 to come are bestowed on their worlds and their local universes.

And now this to you, Ron. Stay affirmed. Do not worry, that you are having difficulty in keeping consciousness entirely. I have ordered the Life Carriers to your side. And you and Dominick are to discuss something very important this afternoon. Do not tarry, Dominick. And finally this. Elise is not so ill she cannot attend. She's forgotten it's Sunday.

Ron Besser
Another vacation, Eternal Son.

Eternal Son
Thank you (ha-ha), thank you. And this to you, Dominick. You're harried by all this work. Its soon ends. And finally, to the rest of you. Ron, Dominick, and the Board of Directors have worked now for over two years on all of this. And I am insisting that you live, Ron, to see it happen.

Ron Besser
Yes. …Yes. In any case, however, my Father wills, Eternal Son.

Eternal Son
Thank you. That is beautifully spoken. Now this. The last moment that we have on Lightline here is to append a small note, so all of you know status. The following schedule.

1. The appearance of Jesus is after May 12, 2024.
2. And announcement will proceed or precede the exact date to this board and to the discussion forum if you're in session. And third, this.
3. The entire matter must be considered fully done and ordered over upon the appearance of the Magisterial Sons and of other concerns.

We are aware of that noise, Ron, and it is not in your system. It's in hours.

Ron Besser
Oh, I'm glad it's yours.

Eternal Son
Thank you (hah). And finally this.

I am the Eternal Son. We congratulate Michael of Nebadon and Jesus for their work.
To you, Ron, and your board for their work.
And finally to the Urantia Foundation. Congratulations. You will be allowed to submit your resignation. If you do not, we will assume it is in place.
I am the Eternal Son, and I say good day.

Ron Besser
We thank you, Eternal Son. Very grateful for your words.
Yes, Michael.

Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael. Thank you. You remembered.

Ron Besser
Barely, but I did. Go ahead, please.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you. And this Ron, we are now going to close this Lightline, almost half an hour late. But you must understand everybody that this Lightline is not the last. We are intending the Sunday, the Monday, the Tuesday, and the Wednesday, continue. If we can obtain Thursday and Friday from the Western transmitters, we would welcome your Lightlines stand broadcast through this system. If you refuse, it's at your own risk. I am now Michael of Nebadon, and we conclude this with a prayer.

I am Michael of Nebadon. I pray to our Father in heaven. Let the peace of a world gone mad become normal again. This world is tired of war. The Muslims can't rest. The Christians are miserable. We pray that all of this may cease in a sudden move for peace by Russia, and a sudden move by peace for peace by the other belligerence. May there be a blessed silence over the world very soon. We pray Father, we ask for nothing more than a sequence of arrival of the Master Sons to Urantia, to the place of foreboding Israel. And that peace be suddenly obtained. We pray that this be our last spoken prayer by Jesus for all of you. God bless you, and good day.

Ron Besser
This is Ron. Thank you everyone. The Lightline is completed and thank you for attending. Bye-bye everybody.

« Last Edit: March 25, 2024, 15:50:35 pm by SonsofGod »
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"

Offline weydevu

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Re: USA Lightline 24 March, 2024
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2024, 15:11:22 pm »
Hello Ron, I'm a bit confused about the communications of the Missions to Urantia.
You said they would be done through transmissions and not the media.  Is that for the month of April and then after May 12, use the media to inform the rest of the world? If not how is the world going to know?


Offline JuliodaLuz

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Re: USA Lightline 24 March, 2024
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2024, 15:59:02 pm »
Title: Two dates - one date for physical appearance to a group of the Missions of God with the possibility of Jesus' return, and another date for public confirmation to the entire world.
(original message in Brazilian Portuguese and translated using Google Translate).
It is possible that God's missions, including the return of Jesus, are physically present on a date here on our planet. And only later, this fact is revealed to the whole world. This way, this issue could be resolved. In other words, two dates, one in April 2024 and the other on May 12, 2024, when there would be worldwide confirmation of God's missions on our planet, and God willing, including the return of Jesus.

Likewise, the Urantia Book talks about the life of Jesus before public work, that is, two episodes, two dates or periods. And the Bible, that is, the New Testament, normally only talks about Jesus' public work.

But this is just an observation, in the possibility of two dates coexisting, one of the physical appearance of the Missions of God and, even, the possibility of Jesus' return only to a more restricted and local group of people, and a second moment, with the confirmation public to everyone. These are my prayers to God, Father, perhaps a date in April 2024 for physical appearance just for a group, and public confirmation to the entire world on May 12, 2024.

This message is just my five cents on the subject, just for reflection.



Thank you Weydevu for your message. So, as I read your observations with two different dates, I have a strong hunch as to how two dates could be held to mark this historical event of the Missions of God and the return of Jesus, being a physical appearance to a more restricted group, and later , another for confirmation to the whole world.

But, if this happens in April 2024 and May 12, 2024, there will possibly be a few days between the dates, as I believe that soon after the physical appearance to a group of the Missions of God and the return of Jesus there will be a demand very large amount of confirmation for it to be revealed to the entire world. And, perhaps, this would be more viable if it occurs at the end of April 2024, and in approximately 15 days, that is, May 12, 2024, public confirmation to the entire world.

But my small contribution of five cents to the topic is just for everyone's reflection, on this historical moment long awaited by millions or billions of people on our planet who believe in God, the Universal Father of All, who is the foundation, the foundation of everything in the universe of universes.


Post Scriptum 2:

Another possibility with different dates:

According to the Urantia Book, normally on the evolutionary planets of time and space, unless I am mistaken, a Magisterial Mission occurs and then later, another mission from God who is the Instructing Son of the Trinity occurs when the planet arrives in light and life.

But also, perhaps, the first date could occur with the appearance of the Magisterial Sons physically and on the second date the return of Jesus.

Thus, in April 2024 the physical appearance of the Magisterial Sons or Melchizedeks may occur, preceding the return of Jesus on May 12, 2024.

In this case, at any time in April 2024, the announcement of God's Mission with physically incarnated Magisterial Sons and physically incarnated Melchizedeks could take place, preparing the appearance of Jesus' return on May 12, 2024.

I pray that this is the choice made for the visible missions of God, the Universal Father of all on our planet, at this historic moment for humanity that we have been waiting for for a long time.

In any case, may the will of God, the Universal Father of all, be done.


Título: Duas datas - uma data para aparição física a um grupo das Missões de Deus com a possibilidade do retorno de Jesus, e outra data para confirmação pública ao mundo inteiro.
(mensagem original no idioma português do Brasil e tradução pelo Google Tradutor).
É possível que as missões de Deus, incluindo, o retorno de Jesus estejam presentes fisicamente em uma data aqui em nosso planeta. E somente posteriormente, existe a revelação ao mundo todo deste fato. Assim, poderia ser resolvido esta questão. Ou seja, duas datas, uma em abril de 2024 e outra em 12 de maio de 2024, quando haveria a confirmação a nível mundial das missões de Deus em nosso planeta, e se Deus quiser, incluindo o retorno de Jesus.

Da mesma forma, o Livro de Urantia fala sobre a vida de Jesus antes do trabalho público, ou seja, dois episódios, duas datas ou períodos. E a Bíblia, ou seja, o novo testamento fala normalmente apenas sobre quando do trabalho público de Jesus.

Mas isto é apenas uma observação, na possibilidade de coexistir duas datas, uma da aparição física das Missões de Deus e, inclusive, possibilidade de retorno de Jesus apenas para um grupo de pessoas mais restrita e local, e um segundo momento, com a confirmação pública para todo mundo. Estas são minhas orações para Deus, Pai, quem sabe uma data em abril de 2024 para aparição física apenas para um grupo, e a confirmação pública ao mundo inteiro em 12 de maio de 2024.

Esta mensagem, é apenas meus cinco centavos sobre assunto, apenas para reflexão.


Post Scriptum:

Obrigado Weydevu por sua mensagem. Assim, que eu li suas observações com duas datas diferentes, venho um palpite forte de como duas datas poderiam ser realizadas para marcar este evento histórico das Missões de Deus e do retorno de Jesus, sendo uma aparição física para um grupo mais restrito, e posteriormente, outra para confirmação ao mundo inteiro.

Mas, se isto acontecer em abril de 2024 e 12 de maio de 2024, possivelmente, deverá ter poucos dias entre as datas, pois eu acredito que logo após a aparição física para um grupo das Missões de Deus e do retorno de Jesus existirá uma procura muito grande de confirmação para que seja revelado para o mundo inteiro. E, talvez, isto ficasse mais viável, se ocorrer no final de abril de 2024, e em aproximadamente 15 dias, ou seja, 12 de  maio de 2024, a confirmação pública ao mundo inteiro.

Mas minha pequena contribuição de cinco centavos para o tema, serve apenas para reflexão de todos, sobre este momento histórico tão aguardado por milhões ou bilhões de pessoas em nosso planeta que acreditam em Deus, Pai Universal de Todos que é o fundamento, o alicerce de tudo no universo dos universos.


Post Scriptum 2:

Outra possibilidade com datas diferentes:

Conforme o Livro de Urantia, normalmente nos planetas evolutivos do tempo e do espaço, salvo engano, ocorre uma Missão Magisterial e depois mais tarde, ocorre outra missão de Deus que é o Filho Instrutor da Trindade quando da chegada do planeta em luz e vida.

Mas também, talvez, possa ocorrer a primeira data com a aparição dos Filhos Magisteriais fisicamente e na segunda data o retorno de Jesus.

Assim, em abril de 2024 pode acontecer a aparição física de Filhos Magisteriais ou Melquisedeques, antecedendo o retorno de Jesus no dia 12 de maio de 2024.

Neste caso, em qualquer momento de abril de 2024 poderá acontecer o anúncio da Missão de Deus com Filhos Magisteriais encarnados fisicamente e Melquisedeques encarnados fisicamente, preparando a aparição do retorno de Jesus no dia 12 de maio de 2024.

Eu rezo para que esta seja a escolha realizada para as missões visíveis de Deus, Pai Universal de todos em nosso planeta, neste momento histórico para a humanidade a qual aguardamos há muito tempo.

Seja como for, que seja feita a vontade de Deus, Pai Universal de todos.

« Last Edit: March 26, 2024, 17:29:41 pm by JuliodaLuz »
Julio da Luz (Bar'MTinsha - Pre'Msha)