Divine Guidance of Governance > Series II Lesson 01 to . . . Ohrbeck Tapes - Michael of Nebadon New Series for Missions

Rebellion Doctrine Refuted. GABRIEL of SALVINGTON. v2 l40. 10.06.22

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Dominick O:
Rebellion Doctrine Refuted
v2 l40
Oct 06, 2022, York, PA, United States
Teacher Transmitter(s): GABRIEL of SALVINGTON
Receiver(s): Dominick O
Audio Link (18m)

Lessons From Rebellion and Addressing the Points of the Rebel Manifesto
This is Gabriel of Salvington. I address such legal matters and executive functions when it comes to the governance mandates being carried out and addressed in the Universe of Nebadon.
Welcome, Gabriel, we honor your presence and thank you.
Proceed. We have before this began, a prelude in dialogue covering some of these points. And you wisely asked for the most appropriate voice, and that is I, the Chief Representative of Michael of Nebadon when it comes to presenting the court case to the higher courts of the universe. In this sense, I was the chief spokesman for Michael and for Salvington. And for that matter, Paradise, when it came to addressing and rebuking the rebels and their rebellion. Michael has given us a lesson, previously (v2 l39), on sedition, insurrection, and rebellion, and some of those thresholds. And to remind, for this lesson, a rebellion sets up its own governance and government apparatus, in complete distinction as its own, in difference-to the existing governance and its system. Thus, it was not a war in heaven at the beginning, it was an exertion of the right to set up their own government. And the manifesto laid claim to why. And that is what we will address today and take some of those lessons in the rebuke that I gave constantly.
In this manner, I was not the chief prosecutor of the court case, but the lead antagonist sustaining Michael of Nebadon, Salvington and Paradise rule. Lucifer, the chief rebel, led the rebellion and communicated the manifesto, justifying his own governance in his own mind. And he petitioned those within this jurisdiction of Lucifer and encouraged those beyond it to join. And I, as Gabriel of Salvington, countered that, and wished and asked those to remain loyal.
We may jump out of order of the sequence of what was communicated in the manifesto, but we will cover it nonetheless. First and foremost, to your tangible, human experience as a local creation in a Local Universe, amongst vast numbers of universes, Lucifer, contended and rebelled from a Paradise Son, who is the Creator of Nebadon, A Michael Son of Paradise, Michael of Nebadon. Thus, one thing is made clear. The Lucifer manifesto made no contention that Michael of Nebadon was the creator of not only the universe of Nebadon, but that Michael was the Creator, and hence, Fatherly relation to Lucifer himself. At some level, it made it highly familial and personal for Michael to be caught in all phases of the struggle, and thus removed himself from immediate addressing. Michael had to take into account the wisdom and counsel of Paradise, as well as this familial desire to extend mercy and temper immediate justice. Both familially and strategically, to ensure that the rebellion was willingly adjudicated to be a lasting resolution, of course, in favor of Salvington, Uversa, and Paradise. We mention those three jurisdictions because that represents the jurisprudence of Gabriel versus Lucifer.
A lesson learned from this part of the discussion is how, when you fall back on the planetary habits of rebellion, there is an acknowledgement at the highest levels, acknowledging Michael of Nebadon as your Creator. Thus, don't conflate the blasphemy of the Father with any blasphemy of the Son. The Paradise Sons always refer to the ultimate role of the Paradise Father. It was the contention of the rebellion, and thus the blasphemy. The contention was, the Father was fictitious, that there was no tangible proof of such an existence. And therefore, was a fraud conducted by the Paradise Regime of Paradise Sons to control such Local Universes. The Jesus Bestowal, Michael's seventh of descending Bestowal Missions of Michael of Nebadon, was to reveal the Father even further. To explain, reveal, and demonstrate what it was like to be in factual, real communication with the Father. And this is possible by its lowest Order of Sons of God. The human endowed with a small piece of this Father within their minds and personalities, and wills.
And this brings us to another contention of the Lucifer manifesto. And that is the cliched call, that if you would all just band together, you could win the day against the evil, overbearing, repressive regime of the Ancients of Days and Paradise Rule. And I submit to you both governances wish to unite you. How Lucifer has done this is a folly. There is no such unification, and you know it. You see it around you in the disaster of this world. And yet, such disasters are still blamed on Michael of Nebadon, and the Father because of the habit of rebellion. And so, we lead this lesson with the virtual fact that even rebellion itself acknowledges your Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon. And when He returns amongst you, this fact should not be so shocking. And that furthermore, the unification of the planet is demonstrated and shown the way through Michael and through Jesus. As a reference, not to the blasphemy of the Father, but the Father within. And to appeal to planetary unification in this manner. You choose. Search and discover for something within and realize the Brotherhood of Man. Or continue to resist in rebellion to your own demise. And your immortality will no longer exist, other than to be in the analogy of frozen in amber. To be a lesson in time for ascenders thereafter.
Furthermore, your manifesto of Lucifer also contended that the entire ascension scheme of humans, and lower orders of beings ascending to Paradise and returning, was no proof of the Father either. And yet we report to you, that all ascenders who achieved status and liaison with the Father within, remained loyal. That once you attain this, the lesson is, it is quite real and something to remain certain and loyal in. It is a part of you, it becomes you, hence, the word fusion. We remind you the Father is the Bestower of personality. The Fragment within you does not contain such personality, you the human supply it.
This supplies is a very short address of a fraction of the points and lessons to be learned when this episode of rebellion comes to its inglorious end. And that something to look forward to, truly, is the return of Christ. And is the redemption of those who receive Mercy and Justice. And a new way forward back into the fold of the universe and its governance and family. This is Gabriel of Salvington. And I bid you all a good day.

Thank you, Gabriel. We are honored by your presence, and we thank you very much.

Thank you Gabriel and Dominick for these very clear and instructive lessons on rebellion. 

All Love, Support, and Loyalty to Michael and the Father as we witness the demise of this rebellion, and our Spirit Family reunited once again!

Ron, Archangel Ryan's statement when he says that I always distrust important events, I must interpret it as a judgment that is made mainly against my speculative mind, which indeed often wanders, on those philosophical questions that concern everyone, at some point. of our lives, but not that I let transcend here in the forum in such an obvious way. But thanks to Archangel Ryan for pointing it out here on the forum.
Now, for example, reading the last lesson published by Dominick,(Extraordinary lesson, thank you very much Dominick and thank you very much Gabriel of Salvington) I would like to conjecture about a fact that reinforces my conceptualization of the nature of the human being as a "puppet" (wireless man), taking into account that Lucifer rebels against his own Creator, refusing to accept the design of a Universal Father. In the analysis of the Rebellion, the first thing that is questioned as the most remarkable fact is how it could have been possible for a perfect created being to manifest itself against the plans of his Creator Father. I make the analogy with a robot so technologically advanced that it manages to become independent and act against its human creator, which transcends reality and becomes fiction; but what is really fiction in this Creation or divine game? It was revealed to us here in the forum that if Lucifer had been gifted by an Adjuster he would never have rebelled, as he referenced in this lesson from Gabriel of Salvington or Michael's highest representative of Nebadon throughout the Universe, from Salvington to Uversa and Paradise. , that those who merge with their Adjuster never betray the Universal Father, as one might logically think. From here we can deduce that all the work of the Soul-bearing man, that is, indwelled by a Thought Adjuster, is concentrated in reaching that communion and final fusion with the divine indweller. Individually this represents "The Second Coming" (the second quantum coming) for the one who achieves it; For this, it is necessary to count on our unfortunate planet, with a "programmer" who comes to explain, reveal and teach how to download this new program that reveals the Truth of the Universal Father that frees us forever from the slavery of the flesh and the evil. All speculative, my apologies and excuse the writing errors that very possible exist in these translations. Thanks

Ron Besser:
Occerpa I sense you can sink into to dark speculation of man being too subject to control and therefore is made into a puppet too often or entirely.  I am not sure of your view of it though.  When or if your take a moment to reflect, so is the rose subject to reality control, and I wonder what the alternative would be to the reality that all life grows in a prescribed manner under that is given to grow life in reality.  Underneath your concern over puppets is I guess your dislike of being manipulated toward old age without any say against removal by death-- another unpleasant reality.

I smile thinking how unhappy I am over approaching age and the inevitable death that must follow the end of living on Urantia.  I think, if I read you correctly, you think there is some sort of dishonesty about destiny because you have too little say about using it on a conveyor belt to the end itself too. 

You write:
"what is really fiction in this Creation or divine game? It was revealed to us here in the forum that if Lucifer had been gifted by an Adjuster he would never have rebelled, as he referenced in this lesson from Gabriel of Salvington or Michael's highest representative of Nebadon throughout the Universe, from Salvington to Uversa and Paradise. , that those who merge with their Adjuster never betray the Universal Father, as one might logically think. From here we can deduce that all the work of the Soul-bearing man, that is, indwelled by a Thought Adjuster, is concentrated in reaching that communion and final fusion with the divine indweller."

Ron here - Occerpa the statement is good, but the logic is askew and let me explain something I see:  Adjusters are not critically involved with a soul when the soul is first required to append the coordinated life with God at all, even as a beginning idea.  The Adjuster requires the man or woman to start the process however long it takes to do that in time.   Lucifer never considered life important beyond exercising power over it as a Lanonadek Son of considerable worth and power.  Lucifer choose self expression over God expression and that is eventually fatal to plans to unionize man with God permanently as a new order of being called a Finaliter.

I do not dispute Gabriel here except that Lucifer would HAVE to be human and not Lanonadek for that to have taken place where Adjuster that mind would lead to a different decision of not to rebel.  God can and does force decisions at critical junctures of the life span both in man and in the divine I am sure; however, please understand that a mind indwelt by an Adjuster never seems to understand such is true at all and proceeds to take on life as a lone sentinel to end it all by the forces of evolutionary decrees.  Gabriel has a great point to make then if Lucifer were entirely human, but Lucifer was also determined that no force would ever over take his talent as a great thinker and for that reason he forever denied that God is superior to his thinking, and an Adjuster could never make any strategic difference to such an individual determining thought was superior to God-knowing wisdom.

You ask what is fiction in this Creation or divine game?  Time is the fiction Occerpa.  That is not double talk.  Time permits aging and it permit discussion and it permits random thinking of views that lie outside of reality.  Lucifer knew only time too, and while he was superior in thought to almost any idea of analytical planning by lesser thinkers, he could not be convinced there were superior forces to Michael or to his own order of Sonship ever.  At least that is the analysis of the psychology department attached to the Ancients of Days who fully adjudicated the Lucifer rebellion in 1986, and then to suddenly find there are crucible inheritors of the Lucifer ideas and ideals who were still trying to keep certain elements of Sonship out of divine coordnation with Paradise.

Time is fiction and you know it but forget to name it because it is so encompassing without ever announcing it is always in control to make tiny little steps toward Adjuster advising you to coordinate the center of one's life with the controlling God reality that permeates time but runs a close second to being almost fully invisible.  I am not going to even try to untangle what that does to minds that use the inherent human capacity to doubt everything without making any effort to prove there is a conspiracy against life in God's dishonesty to operation with man.  Man is no fool, but he lets it happen anyhow by being completely unable to fathom spiritual factors in a material mind so lame it carries very little benefit to man's first life starting on  a rock and no way to secure a goal for himself except to do something.  Rarely is that sufficient for eternal life, but the Adjuster adheres to the idea the next life is educational enough to survive as a perfected material start of life in a spiritual ending. 

You have your good points Occerpa and I am not entirely sure you are correct in some of the suppositions you make.  However, I doubt Gabriel ever intended to start a run on your life bank of solid gains in your own spiritual accomplishments which I see are many and well stated.  I leave you to your contemplation, and maybe you have to say something that will cheer me up a little too as I find the bending of ones back from vertical standing life to the bending back of old age no cure to enjoy old age very much at all.  Cheers to you!  And thank you for the post. 

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Ron you and Occerpa feel almost identically over some of these issues.  The difference between you is that you feel you are mistaken, and he feels he is right.  Be assured there is not middle ground.  You Ron are not mistaken in most things, but feel the degree of cruelty of old age under pressure to live again daunting and Occerpa never considers it at all.  For that reason you two are like peas in a pod; he feels much you do, but you are optimistic and he is not.  That is a huge difference between brothers, and Occerpa will never fully comprehend the China Pond experience you had while you cannot view anything without remembering China Pond and the experience of a total return to God you enjoyed in spite of the pain of learning to live with a talkative Thought Adjuster at age 46.  You Ron have taught Dominick to do that at age 48m and he is hardly able to comprehend what you did at 46, but the two of you have one thing in common:  you both achieved Adjuster contact before age 50 and that is a hugely important step toward perfection destiny few ever achieve even in the present FINALITER corp on Urantia, which, by the way, are all former Urantians! 

"Occerpa you have achieved these things already in your fine mind too and Ron admires your ability to speak to spiritual reality with goodness and beauty all the time.  However, you are so pessimistic you cannot see the forest for the trees and let things lie so you do not have to force another issue you just plain do not like!  That is to pray before every meal and eat only judicious offerings from the garden.  Ron never likes to pray that way either and hates being told not to like M and M's to the point he gets sick eating them sometimes.   The religious life is in the doing, and both of you :do."  But Occerpa you cry yourself to sleep, and Ron just goes to sleep without ever worrying about God's role as a controller or some sort of monster reality Occerpa thinks operates some times.  There is not such thing Occerpa, except as Ron has well pointed out that life ends and many things cannot be done in time you can learn to do later on in the continuing life sponsored by God for the ascenders.

"I conclude this Occerpa as you are one of the few that can get Ron's juices working because you are substantial in your comments and decision to take on so-called polemic statements that really are not meant to deeply affect the real meaning of God in one's life as an ascender.  finally Ron, keep your good cheer operating in spite of endless difficulties for and in a life that wishes you to be removed at once, but you refuse to let it end with a whimper and stay the course in spite of all that has gone wrong.  IT is corrected soon enough and RAYSON has a dictation for you not here though.  Good day to you Occerpa and as Ron says, CHEERS, and that should be a good sign he keeps you well for your own sake and concerns he addresses to but somewhat differently than you can or do, because Occerpa you do not have China Pond to remind you of an extraordinary God event to talk about with others.  At least not yet is that true.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON. "  K


Thanks Ron and thanks Father Michael for the special attention my last post deserved; I have felt pleasantly compensated for your comments, which I consider deserve a well-rounded response, but which I will have to postpone at the moment because first, I must reread the comments and try to better understand the statements and judgments that are made to me. For now I would like to know about that experience called China Pond that Ron experienced and what meaning M and M have.
I only allow myself to say that the entire foundation of what I present as "my truths" I owe to the teachings of my beloved teacher Sathya Sai Baba. Thanks


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