Fossil fuel v/s WTP

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France and other european countries are dependent upon fossil fuel at about 80% and Russia is their main provider. It is an evidence that the Russia-Ukraine conflict, if it ever lasted for a given time, will have an effect upon fuel supply shortly. This conflict is a wake-up call for scientists to look for clean energy and this is where the WTP can come into play.

Ron Besser:
Yes Clency.  I am deeply aware this is the case.  I want you to know that in my instructions to the patent application, my remarks were that the Untied States will be obligated, either through me or the Untied States itself, to provide an energy MARSHALL PLAN for Europe, meaning specifically the EU.  It is high time the USA when it has the means to do so, to provide the end to great need and want to the allies of its own birth in nationhood in common with all of the rest of you.  My statements are read by our State Department and they heartily agree with my idea of a MARSHALL PLAN that helped Europe get back on its feet after that devastating WWII.  Thank you for your post Clency.  Ron

Clency and Ron, Just today I discovered that 40% of the houses in India still do not have electricity. That’s 400 Million, more population than USA total. India is entertaining the idea of buying a lot of discounted oil from Russia, which they need, but India is a federal republic/parliamentary democracy government. Ron would know the history, but it goes back 60 years when the new government promised electricity to all, but 40% of the citizens are still without. Hard to believe, isn’t it?

Perhaps India can find the resources to install some towers in the rural areas where mostly needed. It would get the government out of the even tighter energy bind they’re in today.


Geo-politics is not my cup of tea, but when it comes to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, I try to keep myself informed through the mainstream media about who partners with whom. It seems that India has a long relationship with Russia :

“India has a long history of mutually beneficial and friendly relations with the Soviet Union and Russia. The Soviet Union was one of the few countries that supported the anti-colonial movements in countries such as India and China. After Indian independence in 1947, the country sought to develop friendly relations with all countries including the Soviet Union under a policy of non-alignment, that has gradually evolved into the policy of strategic autonomy.

Russia has consistently supported India's interests at the United Nations. Unlike the U.S., Russia remains a reliable supplier of defense equipment to India. In contrast to the U.S., Russia does not impose any technological or legal constraints on the use of defense equipment by the purchasing country. Russia has also reliably supported India's program for nuclear power-based electricity generation besides supplying natural resources to India.” (excerpt from an article)

We must not lose sight of the fact that when references and comparisons are made with India, we are talking about a subcontinent with an area of more than 3 billion square kilometers and a population of more than 1.3 billion inhabitants. Here in Colombia, with barely 50 million inhabitants and more or less 1 million square km, there are about 800 villages that still have to be lit with candles. In fact in both cases it is very unfortunate that in the third millennium this is happening, so the implementation of the WTP will be a blessing for everyone but especially for those human beings who cannot benefit from the Internet, for example, a gift from God. Thanks


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