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Can someone please refresh my memory on the status of Angels?  I'm aware that they defaulted in large numbers in 2019.  Those in the category of guardian seraphim (and others) are being revised into a new order and are no longer call seraphim.  Can you tell me what order they are call and what's their status?
Thank you.



Go to the search box type ANGEL and it will take you to what you are

looking for '' A new world order of Angels has been created due to to the 

NUA, they are the new AIDES of super angels.

I hope that help.

Best regards


Thank you Robert for your response, I did what you suggested and came up with nothing, I went through the TM archives and found a wealth of information but not what I was looking for. There are over 20 pages of information but not the timeline I was looking for unless I miss something, but I fret not for all my questions are eventually answered in due time.  Thanks for your response.


Ron Besser:

 Weydevu, your request for information is sure and clear, but the answer is not, and worse yet, it is very confusing at this moment in time to answer you categorically.  When I say that I mean there are so many variations on angelic standing no one definition is fully advising you.

The real answer is the status of the angels depends on which angel you a re talking about.

The destruction of the supreme being has cause a division of angels to fully rebel.  Why?  They feel that the Sons of God saw to his destruction and bitterly resent service God the Local Universe Sons.

But there is another issue between the angels of the realm and the Local Universes.  God the Father has decreed there is no longer a need for angels of the seraphic variety so long as the Local Universe Creative Spirits no longer expertly run their Local Universes without God the supreme.  They cannot because the supreme no longer exists entirely.  

Settle in your mind for the present time only, there is no official status of the angels until they decide they are part of the Master Universe and not just supreme acting entities.  Once they come to terms with that understanding, then they can serve the realm, not as supreme influences, but as angelic influences.

Now I expect you to have problems with that maybe.  Learn Weydevu there is no real chance for improvement to our universe life without the angels accepting they are not supreme acting entities any more.  They are, to put it starkly!  ANGELS! And  that is a fair emphasis Ron to get Weydevu and all other persons who cannot fathom the difference between what the supreme was and no longer is, and what the means to the creation of angles further more.  Angels continue to be created, but they are not held to the standard of god the supreme at all, but they are held to the standard of the Deity of the Infinite Spirit, and it is to that Absolute entity I turn to for a further explanation to you Weydevu.

THE INFINITE SPIRIT SPEAKS - "You Weydevu want a straight forward response from Ron, and he is one of the few who recognizes there is no sure answer at the current time to tell you the status of all angels.  Some of my angels are fully loyal and caring.   Some angels in the Local Universes  have refused to behave in accordance with the rules and laws except as they existed before the destruction of the supreme being in June of 2019 by   his insurrection and his death in September of 2019.  Ron knows the story intimately because the supreme sent Ron his emissary to stop working on Michael of Nebadon's work and work on his work in an insurrection he was mounting as Ron was informed.  Ron refused.  The computer was shut down by  the supreme.  Ron refused to obey and was warned his life could be removed if he stood in the way of the supreme and his terrorizing the LOCAL UNIVERSE OF NEBADON entirely.

"Do you not remember Weydevu, that MICHAEL OF NEBADON had to flee to Uversa to keep from battling god the supreme?  And trhat he had to report to you and Ron from Uversa for six weeks?  I am the Infinite Spirit, and I hear Ron say to you, "Weydevu, there was nothing left on Salvington for weeks while the Supreme held he was in charge of Salvington too.  Michal had to flee yet you Weydevu have no recollection of those days anymore.  Ron does remember them vividly because he was accosted too and for that reason he stands well with Michael ofrever, and that is quite a statement, because Ron has no love of the angles as they currently work around him, but he does advise they are true and necessary when they are themselves and not going about proclaiming an insurrection is the proper response to being thrown out of the circuitry of the supreme being."

Ron here Weydevu and to the rest who are interested in this question of angelic standing.  IT is my experience it varies depending on which angel is attending you.  I have loyal seraphim helping me for which I am grateful, but I also have marauding angles that stick my feet and hit my face with scratches and itches while I am trying to sleep.  I give them hell but that makes it worse and last night they had to call in the liason forces to get the angelic attack against me to stop.  I have no deep interest in what the seraphim do, but I do refuse to dismiss the Michael influence forever and the insurrectionists do not get one good thought from me forever.

You ask an honest questions, but it depends not only on the seraphim you ask, but also to which Local Universe Son is loyal too over the issue of the end of supreme rule.  Look at your understanding the supreme, Weydevu, and the promote the understanding the supreme choices you still make and how reality has no such review of what is to be involving the supreme idea of time unity.  That is gone--  time unity -- and we now have the idea of time dis-unity, and that promotes insurrection all over the place, as suddenly we are dealing with independent decisions of the lower orders of spirit who have no real experience with god the supreme whatsoever.

The spirit Missions to Urantia, Weydevu, I sincerely doubt will settle this question between loyal seraphim and insurrectionist spiritual care by some angels forever in their life cycle.  You asked for status.  It may go like this:

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "I doubt, Weydevu, you will ever understand this, but the following statistics are this:

"Prior to 2019, there were 100% loyal seraphim working for Nebadon.

"After 2019, the loyalty rate for seraphic service dropped in 2019 to 64% of the entire seraphic creation in Nebadon.
After 2020. the loyalty rate for seraphic services fell even further to about 63% and then 58% in early 2023.
After January 2023, the seraphic angelic loyalty rate rose back to 75% but the remaining 25% is worse than ever and we have to employ Liaison Forces from Jerusem and Uversa to control them.

Now this is Ron again, Weydevu.  You can assume you are dealing with loyal seraphim for you I feel sure.  But do not get involved with the Magisterial Foundation and the WTP project as the seraphim attached to that ministry are cowards and fear the retribution against them due to their belief it is entirely their choice to avoid this for placement on Urantia.  I am Ron speaking now:  I see no real reason to berate them but they do stand with me and I appreciate that; however, the world of Urantia humans are being advised to drop the idea of that patent so long as I do not raise the issue publicly. 

Ron - I do fully understand that and remain silent over several layers of influence, but for your information you and the others reading this, please understand I am battling a royal disease of blood not working well for me to feed my body system, and as a result I must face the constant threat of death at any time.  The insurrectionists around me attempt to make sure I stay depressed and useless, but Michael insists on some work anyhow and for that I am truly grateful, but I must battle each day to keep the WTP idea alive and refreshed to go if there is even a nibble to help me out.  Let me conclude this response about the starus of angels first now:

The entire matter I have to face is to relent and allow MICHAEL OF NEBADON decide the course of that WTP invention.  HE has, so far, being unrelenting in the support to establish WTP on this planet.

However, the insurrectionist angles believe it should be deep sixed and to allow it to expire as an idea for Urantia at all.  As a consequence I am under constant harassment and injury, and as a result I am under the protection of the Paradise Trinity entirely; however, also please understand that the inquisition they propose is dying and they leave defeated quite often.


Therefore, to all of you:

There is no further argument about establishing WTP  for Urantia, but due to the illness of what some might call Leukemia,  I am unable to secure this WTP process by myself, and the Local Universe of Nebadon, is now pitching in to revive its presence among those on Urantia who can make to possible to do and to construct.  For that reason I now stand back and let it develop some force on its own until I know my status for the mansion world work to come to me or earth work to come to me.  I do not know yet where I stand truly on that matter.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Ron, you stand well and ready to go.  Dominick has responsibility yet to help but the issue is so large it takes the engineer and the State to perpetrate its true standing for us to develop with them outside of your ownership.  For that reason Ron let things take a natural course which you have done anyhow since March 2023 when the patent was fully issued to you in a surprise move by the Patent Office against its better judgement, but you have it now and we are going to use it well.

"As MICHAEL OF NEBADON, we conclude this post to your better understanding Weydevu over angelic standing, and the insistence they provide that Ron shall not prevail.  He will and I stake my reputation as a wild-bronco Planetary Prince with Michael of Nebadon, as I am Mantutia Melchizedek, PLANETARY PRINCE, and there will be no insurrection around Ron shortly as this WTP business is now so critical to the world it must be brought forward truly and I am seeing to it today to make sure the President of the United States gets the full report on the Patent #11601013 is heard and built.  We are done fooling with a seraphic insurrection that means nothing to the Planetary Government of Urantia, or to Uversa or to Paradise, at this point in time. 

MANTUTIA MELCHIZEDEK - "I just received a message from Paradise via the routine unit of message bearing circuitry, and they insist Ron be protected from the seraphic insurrectionists, and that the entire patent be layed before the President of the United States.  That President is a college grad in seraphic care not, but in the care of the environment and is an engineer in his own right. 


"For our own reasons, Ron, stay the course as best you can and let the others fade if that is what they wish to do.  You cannot help the choices being made and let the chips fall where they may.   Do not deprive yourself of partnership but let things change as they must.  I am NOW SPEAKING MANITUBA MELCHIZEDEK for the MAGISTERIAL FOUNDATION:

"You Ron, are under the care of the DEITY ABSOLUTE at the moment, and you say it is like plowing snow on your knees to type with that power over you.  Good enough.  However this for everybody to hear:

"The United States government now is hearing for the first time the patent for free electricity is not being acted on out of the privilege of the owner understanding it is also a Gift of God.  IT is.  For that reason Ron has stayed out of the fray to produce it through commercial means, and for that reason they have stayed back too.  He advised the company GE, and they dropped the ball entirely as being unsure  the patent is valid or not, but failed to decide anything and let him hang.  As a result they are now out of the running (i.e. GE) and for that reason have closed the books on a highly controversial argument inside the company to do anything about it.  In the old days it would be taken on with Ron, but Ron has made it clear he is sole owner and as a result the fail to appreciate what that means.

MANTUTIA MELCHIZEDEK continues to speak:

"I am quite sure Ron, you have an inquiry from the US Government soon how to proceed with your patent, and for that reason you should have an attorney draw a response back to them.   Allow no discussion but simply state, it is to be built at your pleasure but the patent will never serves a collateral to the expenses required to build the plant for the Susquehanna Valley in Pennsylvania first.  You have single handedly seen to that scenario and that is an excellent cause for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to learn its true calling is as a savior of the electricl grid for America and then the rest of the world.  Biden is seriously concerned you are dying or lying in wait, wither/or, and for that reason has orderd an investigation into who you are not, but of any use he can make of you, and he will find you are so outstanding that he clears a path for you to be heard.  Never did we hear anything wrong about you including your service for  the Air Force years ago.  However, those files are all burned as you learned on your discharge and you just gave up being recognized for that work.

"In any case Ron, you must understand that Weydevu's question is important but hard to answer.  For that reason we state to you Weydevu, he has given you the correct answer, but now you must decide what to do with it.  We are more interested in the status of WTP, than of the angles, and thank you for the question.  THE PLANETARY PRINCE of URANTIA.  k"


I believe that there is nothing published in the forum transmitted by Ron and the other transmitters that is unimportant, so it is necessary to read everything, no matter how extensive and complex it may be. However, most likely, each member will be interested in certain aspects more than others. In my case I make an effort to be interested in everything that is published because nothing can be foreign to man, everything concerns him. But likewise, I feel that for a long time, my most disturbing and intriguing concern is the death sentence that we all must face, much more accentuated the closer we get, for reasons of age or illness, or both, to she. There was a time, when I was quite ignorant about God, existence and everything around it, that I began to feel quite afraid of traveling by plane. It corresponded to the time of a few years of marriage when the children began to arrive; possibly due to the effects of greater responsibility incurred. And the fact was that it turned out, without having imagined it, that almost without realizing it, that manifest fear disappeared, when in an amateur pilot course, I began to perform my solo fligts. That sensation of fullness that I felt in the air was truly the purest experience of liberation from materiality. However, as I have noted, the "condemnation" of death has not ceased to mean a lot of discomfort and unrest, to the point of defining happiness as the state of total forgetfulness of death. I think this can be applied to everyone, as long as we still have that desire to live, commitments and projects to materialize. In such a way and to conclude my cheap philosophizing, one could say that the true triumph of material, "mortal" existence is the triumph over death. "Man is born to die no more" (SAIBABA)


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