Author Topic: Foundation and Forum updates Oct 30 - Nov 1st  (Read 5028 times)

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Offline Dominick O

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Foundation and Forum updates Oct 30 - Nov 1st
« on: November 01, 2024, 15:12:26 pm »
Recording Link:
(about 20 minutes)

  • Re-affirming what the Foundation and Forum are and do
  • Some clarification and status with the WTP patent

Offline Raz

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Re: Foundation and Forum updates Oct 30 - Nov 1st
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2024, 18:53:48 pm »

Hello, this is Dominick. I'm together here with Steven Gitz today, and not necessarily a Lightline, but it's November 1, 2024 and we have some updates, at least I do, Dominick, from the last several days, of which Steven has been privy to some but I asked him to attend with me so that he can so we can be together as two gather in Jesus name and Michael of Nebadon, and our Father, our Universal Father, and that is Who we are encircuited with.

But the general terms, we're not going to transmit anyone today, unless they happen to come through, but I'll relay some of the transmissions that I've been receiving in terms of that things are different and experientially, it's almost hearkening back to much earlier days learning, I guess the phenomenon of transmitting, it felt like circuits were being built up and learned. And to that respect, that seems to be happening again. So in other words, whereas before you would open up a protocol and a Lightline. These days, it's more like, oh, I seem to be receiving a stream of thought. I better listen more carefully and see if I'm receiving and to that respect that seems to be happening, and some of my duties have changed, assuming some of the roles and leadership of the board that Ron was doing, for example, checking in every morning. And so those are some of the updates I'll be giving.

But in general, one important update for all, on the list, on the forum, is that we're deemphasizing the need to expand the capacity with transmitters for the time being, and that instead of, say, focusing on your training or experiential abilities in transmission, that that's best served in prayer, in worship, and seeking wisdom. And that means seeking the wisdom within which generally seeks the wisdom of the Universal Father within you, and the Father that's the Father that Jesus spoke about, and that would reveal that we all have that capacity of of accessing and having a relationship with.

So a new subject is to reiterate what the Magisterial Foundation is. Certainly from a reporting standpoint, as a foundation 501, c3 is that we spend some of our revenue, which an entity like this is supposed to do, in order not to have a profit, you're supposed to spend X amount percentage on charitable activities. And so those are Lightlines and teams around those Lightlines. It was a kind of staff training for missions and participation, but that's kind of on hold.

But always, is there a general education and topical education with these Lightlines and so this is different from past phenomenon of spiritualism and channeling and whatnot. These are the attempts to reestablish the universe broadcast of the what's been termed as original universe government, or in other words, the government of God that we invoked and talked about at the beginning of this Lightline. So it's universal broadcasts, and it's also revelational education. And in that respect, we have a, we have a membership with and practical application of this in the Lightlines. And we also seek network association into projects and fieldwork.

That was kind of an update I got on 10/30 and yesterday, on 10/31 we got a little more clarification, just a reiteration, on what the Rayson Corporation is set up to do and mainly the personnel within it when we talk about the board right now because there's been a need to clarify the communication process when our membership supports the patent, that's front and center there on the forum. So Ron is the patent owner in the Rayson Corporation. For that reason, he's he is the owner of the patent until he dies because the legal system establishing patents in the United States necessitates or demands that a person, the inventor, is the primary contact, the owner of the patent. Ron, as the patent owner, he's best. He's the best person obviously on why it works.

That's a big distinction between understanding how it works, so someone like myself is very competent in how it works, and I can explain how it works, and I have a basic understanding, because of my time with Ron being educated, of why it works, and he's tried to help you all understand as well why it works, but ultimately, as we evangelize the patent, you are pretty much confident in how it works, and don't get in over your head in ever trying to explain why it works.

That's up to the Rayson Corporation to explain when necessary. Steven also, likewise, has the ability to go out and explain how it works and presenting that to people. He's got some experience in presenting to the public and private sector at this point. Others of you on the forum have helped and to date, you have put yourself in the position of not being able to connect your party, your third party, with us at the Rayson corporation. In that respect, your contacts have turned you, whether you meant to or not, into the negotiators and the go-betweens and that's not a recipe to work. That's not how it's set up to do.

Please just set up a connection between the Rayson Corporation or the patent owner directly. Now, because of Ron's health, I've explained that that situation is in limbo, and for that reason, all developments or activities are now at a standstill. Please cease in actively developing any opportunities, because the status of Ron Besser puts the status of the patent in a limbo that we're frankly, not able to act on it right now. But that doesn't mean you can't make a connection. But if you, if you dare to think you're negotiating anything on our behalf, that's just, that's an error, that's an incorrect way to go about doing it.

George is also on the board. He's specialized in the the range and capacity of the coverage, and his military service puts him in a capacity of being a potential military liaison when it comes to the government. That's just an assumption on my part, George, but you can correct me. Elise has been helping administratively, and most importantly, she's a voting board member. So that would mean in the case of if the board is put into a position of approving something that's being negotiated. She's a voting member on that. Any more board on the human side is to be determined, and an advisory board is certainly likely and encouraged, though we have no one on an advisory board as of yet. We have a couple people in unofficial capacities who are interested parties. So that ends the 10/31 kind of morning session that I'm sharing with you.

And today we'll just continue. I'll share some of the things, but that is to also reaffirm that what we're doing here on the forum is education and services. It's revelation. It's education about revelation. It's also education on spiritual governance, and that also leads into naturally earthly governance. And so what does that ultimately mean? It means we are educating and providing clarification in revelation, because sometimes revelation is an aggregation of previous knowledge and a restatement of what needs to be preserved in knowledge, and sometimes it's a brand new revelation, and that would be explicitly said when that's the case and by who.

And so those things definitely involve the salvation that Lemuel was talking about today, just today, of the soul, and also being born again of the Spirit. So that's spiritual and earthly governance after death and the meaning of what you're ultimately doing in life, and it also deals with the way you are born again of the Spirit, in other words, phasing into a greater reality of spiritual status, even while in the flesh. And so that definitely entails more education and service about the good news and backing that up with good works. And to delve into the modes of operation in revelation is why we started this with the emphasis on prayer, worship, and then using your mind to seek wisdom and that should be within.

The natural tendency in people, and we see this all the time, is that we try to triangulate the truth, and so we take from various sources, and we compare and we contrast, and come up with something that we take as knowledge and belief, and of course, that is filled with of course a journey of a trial and error sometimes. But what I'm getting into is that this new phase is just to reiterate that there is a re-emphasis on the reality that missions may not include the humans, but that it means that we should not fall into the messiah complex of not feeling helpless if there's no divine intervention. Every generation believes it's the well the worst in terms of the global situation of catastrophes and end times, and we lose our ability to affect our world with the good news and the good works, especially with good works, if we sit back and wait for deliverance and without Improving that within ourselves and developing a community effect.

So thank you for listening, in that respect, there is some future news that I don't think we'll say at this time, but we will end with this: that on the forum, Jose, specifically, if you're listening or reading, please stop with the daily Facebook reposting of your timeline. We need to clear the circuits and unless you have a specific reason that you need to explain you're kind of you're gumming it up. So if there's nothing coming in the wire, there needs to be silence and no activity. In other words, if there's no rhyme or reason as to why you're doing it, because you haven't explained why you're doing it, and people are confused, especially when you over time of, say, 10 days. The only thing coming through is that that's outdated information. It hasn't generated any discussion, as it implies it should do, and therefore it's coming across as information that should be read, and that's simply not the case.

I hope you understand why and if you don't understand, always, just talk to me about it. But if you continue, we'll have to take some administrative steps just to educate you on this, if you haven't heard about it, and just ask you to stop. But at the very least, if you're doing it for discussion, explain why, and start a discussion about it, but you can't just leave it out there, because it's taken as information to be read. Now I understand the reason we're doing that is we're you're trying, we're triangulating the truth with it being out there. And that triangulation is not necessarily what's needed at this point, and you're leaving it in the hands of Facebook automation, which seems to dictate; so unless you have a reason why you're putting it out there, you need to state so. And if you don't, please stop, because we need up to date information coming through. I think that's all I have to say about that.

Yeah, yeah, I think that's it. So thank you for listening and Lightlines will probably resume, beginning this Sunday, after the election. So that will put us in it sorry, I'm looking at my calendar. Steve, you there? Can you help me? You're unmuted.

Yeah, let's see, that would be the 10th. Is that correct? The Sunday after the election?

Okay, I'll take your word for it.


There you go, right. So Lightlines are resuming Sunday the 10th. If anyone like Elise, Rene, Lemuel gets a nod to do a Lightline, feel free. But Sunday Lightline will start up with me. Uh, per Ron's wishes, and we're going to do this like we stated after the election, which probably, at this rate, may or may not be decided officially by that time anyway, we'll see. Right, right? Steven, all right. Thanks for listening. Have a good day everyone.

Thank you for this, Dominick, really helpful.

Yeah. Thank you. All right, goodbye, everybody.

« Last Edit: January 08, 2025, 15:51:17 pm by Raz »
Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)