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"They'll Erase You" - Super Elites, Invention Secrecy Act, Tesla, UFOs | Steven Greer | PBD Podcast
YouTube Link:
2hrs 30minutes

And of course, there are all sorts of short clips by now covering different segments.

I tried using ChatGPTs video tool, Sora, last night with it's image-to-video tool. Uploading the brochure graphic describing the whole process behind the technology system. The tool understood the graphic very well, but output a turd of a video, partially because I gave it very little to work with via prompts. I need to delegate this project to the community. I can supply you with plenty of text explaining various processes that will help in prompt creations in the AI tools.

What we need is someone to create a story board and piece together video segments for each sub-process (not the whole thing at once), not just expect the video tool to do it with just an image. There are many AI video tools available now with free account entry to explore video creation explaining the WTP process from the brochure graphic. The more people trying and collaborating the better. The graphic is easily found at

The deadline for this is immediate, since we will need better marketing established prior to active exploration of interest from third parties.
Many of you WTP fans may already know this but there are some old transmissions which relate to WTP that you may find by entering 'zero' into the TM archive search query. This results with 91 transmissions many of which are not of interest, but several dozen are. For some reason the phrase search for 'zero point' says there are 60 some results but they don't all populate. Just entering 'zero' should bring them all up for you.

General Discussion / Re: Technical Projects Discussion for Archives
« Last post by PJammer on February 06, 2025, 11:01:57 am »
Thanks Dominick.

There is suppose to be a robot.txt file convention that sets the rules for bots on a web site.  Sadly, the worst bot offenders probably are ignoring the rules.  

I did some work for a non profit U.S. site that was getting hit hard from outside the country.  IPs are doled out in number ranges by country, so to defeat them, since this company's users were only in the U.S., we simply limited the traffic to U.S. IPs.  Another way is simply to ban the IPs of the biggest bot offenders (though if they are persistent, they can get around this via proxies).
General Discussion / Technical Projects Discussion for Archives
« Last post by Dominick O on February 06, 2025, 09:57:53 am »

I enjoyed your video. Here's what I know in the world of bot scraping in terms of what-who-how, etc.

Sounds like you can give us some insights why the forum numbers posts are always so high. Seems to me it's 99% bot-spiders crawling and scraping the site?
AUDIO TAPE Links - Comments - Schedule inside / Re: Sunday 02.02.25 Call Recorded
« Last post by PJammer on February 06, 2025, 09:22:42 am »
Wow, thanks Raz for this explanation on how to navigate the Daynal site.  I wonder why they make it so hard to find?  Yes, this is a very useful site!

I did spend a couple hours with tmarchives and the trying to determine overlap.  TMarchives appears to have over 5,000 teaching mission pages.  Without access to the database it is hard to determine exactly how many has as I could only get it to return up to 1000 hits per search.  But my guess is it has slightly more than tmarchive.  It appears Ron's archiving of Teacher Mission pages slowed down around 2017, while I'm guessing the other two sites have been kept more current.

Have not had the time to analysis Raz's link yet at:

Dominick, your web scraping idea is a subject that is near and dear to my heart.  Here is me giving a class on Web Scraping to a Perl Mongers technical meeting some 11 years ago:

Yes the above class is a bit dated, but I don't think the technology to web scrape has changed much.  Perhaps today you might use something like Python instead of Perl.

We really just need to decide what issue we are trying to solve before we choose the best way to achieve it.  I have to say my original concerns that this important information might get lost seems less likely now that we see there are at least two other sites that appear to have a complete set of pages, and appear to be more up to date than tmarchive, plus with Raz's effort to archive.

Dominick, we may want to have a way, or a topic area where we can share our technical ideas without boring the rest of the readership :>) .  I for one, do enjoy discussing tech with you guys.

AUDIO TAPE Links - Comments - Schedule inside / Re: Sunday 02.02.25 Call Recorded
« Last post by Moses Ouko on February 05, 2025, 15:50:54 pm »
Thank you Dominick for these updates. Kindly let's all keep each other in our prayers. This too shall pass.
Thank you Raz for the instructions on how to navigate the Nordan Symposia website and land on the Teaching Mission transmissions.
God Bless to all.

Love and Blessings,
AUDIO TAPE Links - Comments - Schedule inside / Re: Sunday 02.02.25 Call Recorded
« Last post by Dominick O on February 05, 2025, 15:50:02 pm »
Here's a technical project that could be applied to other archives once the process is done with one or more.

Dom asks Computer:
Can a bot scraper or an AI agent, or a combination of the two together, effectively retrieve an archive database of articles distributed on webpages and indexed through links to those pages?

Computer replies:
I'll help analyze this question thoughtfully and provide a balanced technical response.

Based on my understanding, there are both capabilities and important considerations for web scraping and archive retrieval:

Technical Feasibility:
- A combination of web scraping bots and AI agents could effectively:
  - Crawl through webpage links systematically
  - Extract and parse article content
  - Index the content in a structured database
  - Use AI to categorize, tag, and organize the archived materials

However, there are several important limitations and considerations:

- Need to respect robots.txt files and site policies
- Must follow rate limiting and access rules
- Copyright and content ownership rights
- Terms of service restrictions
- Privacy regulations around data collection

Technical Challenges:
- Dynamic JavaScript content may require specialized handling
- Anti-bot measures need to be respected
- Site structure changes can break scrapers
- Content format inconsistencies
- Link rot and dead pages
- Load balancing and bandwidth usage

Best Practices:
- Use official APIs when available
- implement polite crawling with delays
- Cache results to minimize repeat requests
- Handle errors gracefully
- Document sources and permissions
- Follow site-specific guidelines

The most effective approach would likely be to:
1. Check for official APIs first
2. Design scrapers to be minimally intrusive
3. Use AI to help with content extraction and organization
4. Build in robust error handling
5. Maintain detailed documentation
6. Follow all applicable laws and terms of service

Would you like me to elaborate on any of these aspects? I can provide more specific technical details about implementation approaches while staying within appropriate bounds.
AUDIO TAPE Links - Comments - Schedule inside / Re: Sunday 02.02.25 Call Recorded
« Last post by Raz on February 05, 2025, 11:32:14 am »
Dominick if you have a date when you know that TM archives will no longer be available that would be good for me to know.  Ron had asked that I archive all Urantia Book-related websites and I have been working on doing that. Having said that I am no computer geek and I am not even sure what I am doing is the proper way to do it so I'd appreciate guidance anyone wants to give. 

As for the individual transmissions from the Teaching Mission they are available at Daynal and are better organized there than on Serara Forum. Pjammer if you use the second link you posted which lands you on the Nordan Symposia main page and then click on Primary Corpus at the top of the list near the bottom of that page it will bring you to a page with a big long list and at the almost bottom of that list is - The Teaching Mission-Dialogues. If you click on that link you will get another page and at the almost top is a link that says "Here". Clicking that will bring you to the nearly 12,000 pages of transmissions from the Teaching Mission. Nordan is really a more superior organized site once you learn how to find your way around it. 

I started at the beginning of The Teaching Mission and am creating a spreadsheet by date of the transmissions for each year. I am only up to 1999. I would guess that there should be a way for me to access the last 20-some years once you shut down this website, Dominick, but I don't know if that is possible or how it could be done. 

In any regards I estimate that the large majority of the transmissions which are on TM archives are also on Daynal and usually they are identical when looked at closely. Having said that there are as many as ten percent that are a bit differently recorded with either a different date, location, or TR. Daynal will often have a TR listed where TM has unknown and similarly for location or vice versa. There is also a small percentage of less than 1-2 % that appear to only be on TM archives and a larger percentage of about 5% that are only on Daynal. They both have errors and sometimes have different celestials speaking or a different title. Both sites also have duplicate posts of the same transmission differently edited or only partially presented.  There are half a dozen other sites online which have many of these transmissions as well plus hundreds more transmissions that TM doesn't have but Daynal may or may not. I haven't gotten that far in my comparisons.  
AUDIO TAPE Links - Comments - Schedule inside / Re: Sunday 02.02.25 Call Recorded
« Last post by PJammer on February 04, 2025, 13:57:14 pm »
Yes Dominick, I was a full witness, and it was sad to see. 

I have known and worked with Ron since about 2011.  At some point he began to view me as an enemy (which I never was, nor will ever be), simply because I questioned.  But we now know that illness most likely contributed.

I have an update on the Teaching Missions data, and links you gave me.

It appears to be at:

On my own, as time allows, I will do some analysis to see what the overlap is, as well as the usefulness of their site vs, then report back to you.

Thanks Much!
AUDIO TAPE Links - Comments - Schedule inside / Re: Sunday 02.02.25 Call Recorded
« Last post by Dominick O on February 04, 2025, 11:05:48 am »
I'll be frank with you PJammer,
I don't fully know or understand the full reasons Ron took actions he did when he did, other than to share the bafflement of the explanations at times, followed by the frustrations of him being unassailable because he's acting on authority of MICHAEL.

This kind of collaboration left Ron on a high ground that isolated himself and antagonized other groups. They quarantined him and he became 
non compos mentis /nŏn kŏm″pəs mĕn′tĭs/

This is why I compare him to Ellen G. White when Ron continued full time on Lightlines to declare the other groups near apostate for not recognizing his updated revelations, timelines etc.

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