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Topics - SongatSunrise

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I caught the Tuesday Light Line that had 7 listeners. Ron reminded us to keep our diaries. And that the return of Jesus is not in the offing.

How can you give marching orders to less than a dozen people?
The new year approaches. I expect to play "Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken" by Franz Joseph Haydn for special music. It is a promise of a beautiful new day tomorrow.

Dear Pleiadeans, Is there anything you would like to say?

Thank you, Carole. We are still here waiting our marching orders too.
Waiting is stressful, and non productive. Unless it isn't.
Every moment of every day is an opportunity for thanksgiving.
Look for the things to be thankful for.

You gave Walter a note for Christmas, thanking him for many things. It was moving, and something to remember.
Yesterday, you found two violins in pawn shops that can be used for students or fiddlers.
That is what you do. You have three students waiting in the wings. Your life continues.

What we want to tell you is that reorienting your mind to thankfulness restores the humility that would solve so many of the problems on the planet today. You become an example of the bedrock of the reconstruction.
You cannot imagine the wellspring of gratitude that will bubble forth when the Missions are started. The pictures of "springs in the desert" and the blossoming resulting are well founded. Keep with us.

Thank you! Go in peace.


Thank you Pleiadeans!

General Discussion / The nations of the Middle East are Abraham's Family
« on: December 16, 2023, 22:30:16 pm »
Thank you so very much for your Light Line of December 6, Lemuel.
And thank you Geoff, for the questions about the various nations that currently occupy the Middle East.

Machiventa is addressing the spiritual status of Abraham, and used him in presenting truth to the tribes that existed locally around Abraham. The revelations of Adam and Eve and the Sethite priests were becoming diluted to the point that Machiventa needed to intervene to restore the understanding of the One True God.

Abraham was informed he would have an heir. But as time would have it, Abraham got a little anxious, and jumped the gun. With Hagar, Abraham had a son Ishmael. Thirteen years later Abraham was told that Sarah would be the mother of his heir. It was Isaac. It was Isaac who had two sons, Esau and Jacob. These two sons each had twelve sons of their own, and started their own tribe. Jacob, now named Israel, and his whole family including Abraham, went to Egypt, and became a nation of their own. When they came back to the Middle East, Esau's many tribes were already there, and Ishmael's descendants in Arabia, and many sub tribes that arose from the intermarriage and interaction of all these peoples.

Now we have a number of Middle eastern nations that can all rightfully be called brothers. They are all family.
Melchizedek wanted to point out that the spiritual reunion of these brothers is coming in the "Lifting of the Veil", that is, the Apocalypse, (the meaning of the Greek term), and that these warring nations have to become informed of their familial status through the Regency. National boundaries come later. Along with spiritual understanding will come the appreciation that war is not necessary, and that through Abraham, "all the nations of the earth shall be blessed".

Dear friends and forumites,

 A tune entitled "St. Michael" from the Geneva Psalter (compiled 1551),
has the following words which are so very pertinent today. . . a song for today!  

O Day of God Draw Nigh

O day of God, draw nigh in beauty and in power,
Come with thy timeless judgment now to match our present hour.

Bring to our troubled minds, uncertain and afraid,
The quiet of a steadfast faith, calm of a call obeyed.

Bring justice to our land, that all may dwell secure,
And finely build for days to come foundations that endure.

Bring to our world of strife thy sovereign word of peace,
That war may haunt the earth no more, and desolation cease.

O day of God, draw nigh as at creations birth;
Let there be light again, and set thy judgments on the earth.

Words by R B Y Scott, 1937
Music Geneva Psalter   1551

Music Compositions And Other Artistic Expressions / The Impossible Dream
« on: October 06, 2023, 14:36:33 pm »
Here is a song for today. . . The Impossible 
Dream sung by Gomer Pyle!

Music Compositions And Other Artistic Expressions / Shine Jesus Shine
« on: August 26, 2023, 19:14:55 pm »
Hello everyone,
I found this song to be particularly appropriate for the times at hand.  
I hope you enjoy it like I did.
Song at Sunrise.

On YouTube there was the account of a lady with a near death experience who mentioned her encounter with Jesus, and further on, with the Father. At one point they both sat on a log, and the Father asked her, "If there was only you and Me, what would you do?"

She tried t o avoid answering the question, but Father kept on "If there was only just you and Me, what would you do?"



So here is a song for the occasion:

How do you do?
What will you do?

Just Me and You --
Just you and Me.
What do you see?
What will it be?

Just Me and you,
What would you do?
Just Me and you,
What will you do?

Take a journey to a distant star,
. . . interlude. . .
Find out more about who You Are.
. . . interlude. . .
Smell some roses
All along the way
Sit and listen
To all You say.

What shall we do today?
. . . What shall We do today?

Just Me and you, child.
Just me and You, God.

What a day
We can have today!
What a way to spend a day!

We walk away
In a brand new day
Just Me and You

Just me and You

I want to see
All the things
In the deep blue sea.
I want to glimpse
Into eternity.

Just Me and You,
Just You and me.



Good morning, this is TA.

The most important prayer you can pray is "Thy Kingdom Come".
You say it all the time in the famous "Lord's Prayer".
But that is not a nicey-nice "Let Jesus into your heart", and "Pray the sinner's prayer". Although that is fine, what is far more important is that the Father establish his sovereignty in the Universe with entities that cooperate, and support his vision for the proper running of Universe affairs.

You, in praying this prayer, accept the government of God the Father, and at the same time recognize the prevalence of enemies. They are after you ., . . Every failure of the implementation of the goodness of God is none other than cabal, insurrection and rebellion.
The truth of God, being suppressed from time immemorial, is none other than the work of the supreme and lucifer, who, upon figuring that because the Father is invisible, that He doesn't exist.
Your prayer of "Thy Kingdom come!" maintains your status as a faith supporter, in something you cannot see. How good it is when the Father's will is done!
Africa. For example: on 60 Minutes, last night, there was a story about the recovery of an animal preserve in central Mozambique which had been decimated by civil war. All the animals were gone. But with the investments of the founder, and proper leadership, the people in the area themselves now run their wildlife preserve, and are going to school, and are living much better lives. That is the Father's will being done!  Even an elephant paid a visit to the reporters during the interview!  How good is the outcome of Father's will!
When Father's will is done, the Kingdom appears in its myriad forms. But in the administration, the Melchizedeks are still here, ready to bring forth the missions.

No matter how cabal messes up your life, stay patient. Use your authority to send them packing!
Thank  you, TA.



Threads for New Transmissions / Keep Up The Diaries
« on: November 22, 2022, 13:54:26 pm »
TA: Yes, please keep up your diaries, people. News clips can be important clues as to what is happening.
And further, we are interested in the things you write about, whether is is about your feelings, personal circumstances, troubles and or joys. We need to hear from you, your personal perspective on these things, because, we Thought Adjusters, and the celestials with us need to hear your requests, and prayers. We are a family, that need to communicate with each other, to share your circumstances, and to encourage and uplift one another. We as celestials need your prayers too, Great evil surrounds us as well, and we appreciate your support and awareness. Don't let up! Today I saw a marquee: PUSH. That is, Persevere Until Something Happens! Stay with us people. Don't leave in disgust or discouragement. There is too much of that up here already!


Threads for New Transmissions / A little more from the Pleiades
« on: October 17, 2022, 12:16:29 pm »
2022-10-17 8-30

Good morning All!

In Honedar, Father is called "All".
I speak to Father, TA, Michael, Jesus, and all the celestials who may wish to contribute to today's message.

Thank you All!

We met some entities yesterday who said they want to be part of our conversation. Welcome too.


It was said there was no news. So in lieu of news, please tell us about yourselves.

You have read some of our books in the past.
You realized then in the early 2000's that celestials from other planetary systems know about Urantia, and have had similar experiences. Mr. Emmanuel Swedenborg visited other planets as well, and can attest that they all know about Jesus, and Father.

What is concerning to us is that Urantia has been plied with so many lies and counter lies that the Truth is hardly to be found. And when it is, it is mocked and thrown away. Jesus faced this in his lifetime. and you will face this in yours, if you haven't already!

But the big thing is to hold on to the Truth, and stay strong. Jesus hated the process of dying like anyone does. No one wants to be tortured. No one wants pain. But Jesus stayed strong and told Pilate, "Those who are of the Truth hear my voice." You may ask are attacks from enemies going to be part of our spiritual journey for the rest of forever? Know your enemies! Check first right between your ears!

Listen Urantia people. We are getting lies in our path too. That is the problem with speech through sound waves. There is too much ability to misunderstand. Not hearing well is your physical problem now. But not hearing well is a problem with all who allow a barrier in their hearts that shuts out the Father and his guidance.

Your daughter was recently freed from a spiritual barrier recently, and she is joyous and peaceful. She didn't become aware of the satanic nature of this barrier until she had a long period of silence and meditation. It is hard to find a place in our lives for silence and meditation, but the importance of intentionally searching for the Father's will, looking for balance, accepting every ego-smashing situation that Father presents, and loudly and verbally banishing evil entities becomes a new mindset that must be cultivated daily.

We want to be a part of the transformation of Urantia. And we are glad you want to be a part of that too. Go in peace.


Thank you Pleiades representative.


Dear Friends, I heard Ron say sing praises! Sing alleluias!

A time to sing "Ode To Joy" as you have never heard it!

This piece was written by Herr Ludwig Van Beethoven for everyone on the planet! (A piece written, by the way, when he was totally deaf!). I had the huge honor of performing this in April 2018 with the East Texas Symphony Orchestra~an absolutely transcendental experience!
Here is a short documentary of the preparation of a performance at the capital of Congo:

This is a performance with 10,000 Japanese singers (all from memory, in German), of the entire "Ode To Joy" (a poem by Schiller), the last portion of the fourth movement of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony:


O friends, not these tones
O Freunde, nicht diese Töne

But let's strike up more pleasant ones
Sondern laßt uns angenehmere anstimmen

And more joyful
Und freudenvollere
Joy (joy), joy (joy)
Freude (Freude), Freude (Freude)

Joy, beautiful spark of the gods
Freude schöner Götterfunken

Daughter from Elysium
Tochter aus Elysium

We enter, drunk with fire
Wir betreten feuertrunken

Heavenly, your sanctuary
Himmlische, dein Heiligtum

Your spells bind again
Deine Zauber binden wieder

What the fashion strictly divided
Was die Mode streng geteilt

all people become brothers
Alle Menschen werden Brüder

Where your gentle wing rests
Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt

Who made the big hit
Wem der große Wurf gelungen

to be a friend's friend
Eines Freundes Freund zu sein

Whoever has won a devoted wife
Wer ein holdes Weib errungen

Mix in his cheers
Mische seinen Jubel ein

Yes, who even has a soul
Ja, wer auch nur eine Seele

His names on the earth round
Sein nennt auf dem Erdenrund

And whoever hasn't been able to steal
Und wer's nie gekonnt, der stehle

Weeping out of this covenant
Weinend sich aus diesem Bund

All beings drink joy
Freude trinken alle Wesen

On the breasts of nature
An den Brüsten der Natur

All good, all bad
Alle Guten, alle Bösen

Follow their trail of roses
Folgen ihrer Rosenspur

She gave us kisses and vines
Küsse gab sie uns und Reben

A friend tested in death
Einen Freund, geprüft im Tod

pleasure was given to the worm
Wollust ward dem Wurm gegeben

And the cherub stands before God
Und der Cherub steht vor Gott

Happy, happy as his suns, his suns are flying
Froh, froh wie seine Sonnen, seine Sonnen fliegen

Happy as his suns fly
Froh wie seine Sonnen fliegen

Through Heaven's magnificent plan
Durch des Himmels prächt'gen Plan

Run, brothers, your path
Laufet, Brüder, eure Bahn

Run, brothers, your path
Laufet, Brüder, eure Bahn

Happy like a hero to victory
Freudig, wie ein Held zum Siegen

Like a hero to win
Wie ein Held zum Siegen

Run, brothers, your path
Laufet, Brüder, eure Bahn

(Run, brothers, your course)
(Laufet, Brüder, eure Bahn)

Happy like a hero to victory
Freudig, wie ein Held zum Siegen

Like a hero to win
Wie ein Held zum Siegen

Happy, happy, happy like a hero to win
Freudig, freudig, freudig wie ein Held zum Siegen

Joy, beautiful spark of the gods
Freude, schöner Götterfunken

Daughter from Elysium
Tochter aus Elysium

We enter, drunk with fire
Wir betreten feuertrunken

Heavenly, your sanctuary
Himmlische, dein Heiligtum

Your spells bind again
Deine Zauber binden wieder

What the fashion strictly divided
Was die Mode streng geteilt

all people become brothers
Alle Menschen werden Brüder

Where your gentle wing rests
Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt

Be embraced, millions
Seid umschlungen, Millionen

This kiss for the whole world
Diesen Kuß der ganzen Welt

Be embraced, millions
Seid umschlungen, Millionen

This kiss for the whole world
Diesen Kuß der ganzen Welt

Brothers, above the starry sky
Brüder, über'm Sternenzelt

Must a dear father live
Muß ein lieber Vater wohnen

Brothers, above the starry sky
Brüder, über'm Sternenzelt

Must a dear father live
Muß ein lieber Vater wohnen

You fall down, millions?
Ihr stürzt nieder, Millionen?

Do you suspect the Creator, world?
Ahnest du den Schöpfer, Welt?

Above the starry sky
Ãœber'm Sternenzelt

He must dwell above the stars
Über Sternen muß er wohnen


I invite Mr. Beethoven to come forward, and see his dream come true!

Love to all, Enjoy!

Song At Sunrise


Hello everyone!

Walt Disney made a movie in the 1940's called "Fantasia" . It was a personal favorite of his, though it didn't make a huge box office return. But it had a role for Mickey Mouse that was hilarious in its first time. When Fantasia 2000 came out in year 2000 Mickey Mouse appeared again. It was amusing then, but now it is dead serious.

"The Sorcerer's Apprentice" is a perfect description of what is happening TODAY.
The Lucifer rebellion is a closed case today at 12:00. I post this today at 12:00 York time.
Here is a link to the original production of Fantasia's' "Sorcerers Apprentice.

Hello Everyone!
Here is a song directly from another Time Zone!
This is for those who heard the tape of the Tuesday Light Line of Sept. 20 2022.
Some of you may remember this, from the Moody Blues Album "Octave",  "Steppin through a Slide Zone". (1978)  Here are the Link and lyrics:  Enjoy!
I took a ride in a limousine
I took a road I'd never been
I met a stranger by the way
His coat was torn, but his eyes were clear
Standing in a slide zone
Stepping in a slide zone
He told me where a river flows
He showed me how the apple grows
He told me of a magic stream
His face was worn, but his eyes were clear
Standing in a slide zone
I could be steppin' in a slide zone
Standing in a slide zone
I could be steppin' through a time zone
He went to find a shooting star
Around the bend, that's where they are
I went along just for the ride
Suddenly I began to slide
Standing in a slide zone
I could be steppin' through a time zone
The air raced by, there was no sound
We drifted high above the ground
And then he said, "You know this place"
And then a smile lit up his face
Standing in a slide zone
I could be steppin' in a slide zone
Standing in a slide zone
I could be steppin' through a time zone
I turned my head and looked below
And there was something there I know
Suddenly I began to fall
I looked around and I tried to call
Standing in a slide zone
He had me steppin' in a time zone
Standing in a slide zone
Falling through a time zone
"Help me, please", I thought I said
Then something happened in my head
Music came from all around
And I knew what I had found
Standing in a slide zone
Falling through a time zone
Steppin' in a slide zone
He had me falling through a time zone
Slide zone
Slide zone
Slide zone
Time zone

This evening while still thinking of the Light Line today, I switched on the TV to hear the Theme from the movie "Superman" starring Christopher Reeve.

What an appropriate piece for the birthday of our beloved Jesus, the maestro extraordinaire! I cheered and waved my arms to hear this!  
Here is a quote from actor Christopher Reeve:  
"What makes Superman a hero is not that he has power, but that he has the wisdom and the maturity to use the power wisely, From an acting point of view, that is how I approach this part "

Here is a link to one of the greatest masterpieces of orchestra literature, and of John Williams, composer:

Note the Asian orchestra and audience!



We pray "Thy will be done".
We know the Father's will is goodness for all.

But do we have any idea of how huge the Father's will is?

A song for today is "He Who Began A Good Work In You". by Jon Mohr:

Here is a link to a beautiful rendition:

The lyrics are:

He Who Began A Good Work In You
Jon Mohr


He who began a good work in you,
He who began a good work in you
Will be faithful to complete it,
He'll be faithful to complete it.
He who started the work
Will be faithful to complete it in you.

If the struggle you're facing
is slowly replacing your hope with despair,
Or the process is long
and your losing your song in the night,

You can be sure
that the Lord has His hand
on you, safe and secure.
He will never abandon you.
You are His treasure
and He finds His pleasure in you.

He who started the work
Will be faithful to complete it in you.


It is the will of the Father that we receive his messages. Is "transmitting" a skill reserved for only a few?

Is this something that can be manifested in everyone?

Threads for New Transmissions / How soon is soon?
« on: August 13, 2022, 10:29:36 am »
2022-08-12 8-30

Good morning All!

Thank you TA. Please speak as you wish. Anything to say TA?

TA: Soon is the right now. Soon is happening all the time.

I envision a brick wall to keep the thunderous and explosive traffic noise out, with every brick engraved with "soon".
We will never lay the last brick.

Tarkas said time is all messed up on Urantia. Jesus and the Melchizedeks will straighten things out when they arrive. Tarkas said it will take a while for everyone to accept it.

The earth still spins on its axis. What will change? Our concept of past present and future? Our method of time-keeping? Will daylight savings time be reverted back to standard? A new calendar with a miscellaneous arrangement of months? Will the earth roll on its side and stop turning?
Does it matter now?

Here is something abut "soon". After Jesus arrives, everything will still be "soon". He can't do everything at once and so many things will take years to implement, that "soon" will be everything.
Our cultural mentality now is instant this and instant that. We get mad when the computer doesn't boot up instantly. We get mad at stop lights. We get mad when put on hold on the phone. We get mad with spam calls and commercials that seems to take forever.

"Soon" is how things are. Take a deep breath. Don't go far.

"Soon" is a word that has a life of its own. "Soon" is what you make of it in the here and now. It shapes your vision of the future into present day actions.

The laws of success involving drive, perseverance and resilience all revolve around the concept of "soon".

Thank you TA.

Here is a song for today: "One Day at a Time" by Kris Kristofferson.

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