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General Discussion / Re: Need your help with transcription work, please
« on: September 05, 2024, 00:36:50 am »
Thank you for your acknowledgement and kind words, Ron, and for taking the time to write a long post. I also wish to address Father Michael with thanksgiving for his words and for clarification, and Dominick to answer his concerns.

First and foremost, there is a level of miscommunication between us that may reveals our hearts and minds, for I have not issued my resignation of any position, other than transcribing Lightline audio recordings, to use the extra time to work more diligently on the Fatherslightline website Second Coming archive, which needs my full and urgent attention before I would need to greet Jesus shamefaced. All other posts are in timely order. Would I have intended otherwise, I should have let Dominick know on the first place, but it did not even cross my mind, rather the opposite, leaving me restless to finish what I started on time.  

This motivated me to quit transcribing and not some personal agenda, which was a very difficult decision to make, being aware of the importance of the transcriptions and leaving other transcribers with two extra Lightlines. For this reason, I seek replacement, and repeatedly ask that someone please sacrifice a few hours per week to transcribe at least one of the Lightlines..

Determined to do more and better, unimaginable events cut back my productivity to a small fraction of my capacity for years, and I never thought of my contribution being satisfactory, but thank you Ron for your words. and this alone causes me utmost anguish while hoping for better days under Father’s wings. Right now all looks bleak, and we should all pray for greater clarity coming to us. It is fully understandable that Father Michael is working towards mobilizing his sons and daughters on the whole planet, and we thank him for allowing us to be a part and pray for success.  

Concerning archiving, Ron, I was able to recollect all Lightline audio recordings (at least 95%) and created an easy reference catalogue file for them. They are stored up on my computer hard drive and external drive for back-up. I should transfer them to mail it to Raz after catching up with the urgent works first.

For my great joy I have recovered over 16 thousand Serara forum pages starting 2018, thus reports of the universal events of 2019 are preserved. They were created by a website copying program; therefore the addresses are indexed without meaning. It takes manual work to rename the files that  is a simple process with the help of Preview Panel in File Explorer, without have to open them. Would someone like to work on those if I send a copy?

These are my current forum activities and I am open for suggestions and Father’s assignment regarding these or other works.

General Discussion / Need your help with transcription work, please
« on: September 04, 2024, 13:01:53 pm »
Dear forum members and friends,

It is time for me to pursue some other works that requires my full-time effort. Consequently, I find it necessary to withdraw from transcribing Lightline audio recordings and ask if you would please consider replacing me to transcribe Monday or Tuesday Lightlines, or both as I did. I will provide training to make sure you will learn it easily and quickly.

The work consists of making corrections to the AI transcription generated on a transcribing website, which is at least 95% accurate or better, as its primary discrepancies are spelling the names wrong. The site also allows for correcting the text online while listening to the audio recording, which is a rewarding experience for deeper penetration of the heard. I loved that part the most and hope that you would enjoy it as much as I did.

Next, you will export the corrected text to your word processor program to do the usual formatting of the document, then post it on the forum. The entire process takes only a few hours, and it is a very important work for non-English speakers, and I believe celestials archive the transcription in the universe archive.

Thank you for giving it a serious consideration and if interested, please message sonsofGod. Thank you again. Blessings and love

  • 090224 Audio Tape Monday Lightline Netherlands International; Host: Elise Sophia Veronica
  • Subjects: It will take many years to thoroughly clean up the entire universe from the rebellion; Machiventa Melchizedek is the new Planetary Prince; missions ongoing; worldly attitudes hold-up progress of the WTP program; small ways to help the planet; universal personalities, roles of the Son of God and journey of sons of God.    
  • Speakers: Michael of Nebadon,Machiventa Melchizedek, and Arthura
  • Transcribed by: sonsofGod
  • Link to tape:
This is Lightline Netherlands international for September the 2nd, 2024. And hello to everyone. I'm Elise, and I welcome all of you. It has been a beautiful day here with blue skies and a little white cloud here and there. I hope you're enjoying the same in the places where you live. Well, let's thank our Father, first of all for the gift of our lives, and the many beautiful things we receive. We also like to thank all celestial beings who give that time and care to this group and to other active groups, whom we hope to include in our cooperative efforts of bringing men to God and God to men. And we pray that the planets soon will be cleared from all insurrection that hinder the plans that were envisioned for Urantia. And we ask your Father, may we please receive your words.
Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you, Elise. This is Michael, your Lord, your Creator Father, your protector, and ruler of this universe of Nebadon, I greet you all.
Welcome Michael, we all greet you.
Michael of Nebadon  
This universe I'm talking about, this universe of Nebadon, that I made entirely to my own ideas and wishes. Every Creator Son has the opportunity to do so, and every Creator Son who has been educated and trained will face the challenges during the times of creation and growth, that such a vast creation brings. But we are Creator Sons, and we are born as such with all the attributes we need, and the long training we have received to do such things.
So, I am Michael of Nebadon, and I love my creation, my universe, and the things that go on in it, despite the trouble and difficulties we sometimes have to face. But I, and I know all Creator Sons work with great pleasure to realize their creation to become better and more created, and working to the will of the Father. And to see their creation enter the first periods of Light and Life must be a joy for all Creator Sons, after having completed the seven required stages and are accepted as a full fledged member in the circle of enlightened planets. And where we have brought forth humans who are capable of knowing God, and are willing and well prepared to serve Him. God, the Father, in His infinite, never ending creation.
You, and all who learn and are here together are working for a better future, for a better creation, for an enhanced creation. There will be a long time before we reach the first stages of Light and Life that will bring the people of Urantia together, and make them fully become aware of what the purpose is for a planet, and for the people who live on it. And the knowledge which is needed that the entire universe is created, ruled, and sustained by the one God, the Creator and Father of all, that is and ever will be.
Urantia is a difficult planet. It has been severely affected by the influence of an apostate Son of God, and it will take many years of decisions and negotiations, many high consultations between your rulers and governors on high, to cleanse the universe of such terrible and profound sins against God, But in the end, that will be the case. There are 1000s and 1000s of celestial beings working together to achieve that, but there are many jurisdictions that must also be taken into account on high. Yes, especially on high, where there are so many highly appointed beings, and where decisions must be taken into consideration that have a major impact, and must be constantly reconsidered to ensure that not a tiny small thread of Lucifer ideas can once again influence the evolution of the universe.
This is Michael, your Creator Father. I have a short message to you, because I have lots of work to do, but I love you all and I bid you farewell. I thank you, and I will hand this over to my Son, Machiventa Melchizedek who would like to address this group. Good day to all of you.
Thank you, Michael, and welcome to Machiventa Melchizedek.Please speak if you wish.
Machiventa Melchizedek  
Thank you, Elise, this is Machiventa. I am the one who comes to this group to have a few words about the new situation that will affect this transmitter and other transmitters. As the Father has decreed recently a new schedule in which each transmitter will have a share in the proclamation of God's word. But not before the insurrectionists have been removed and eliminated. Then Michael will announce his new plans and our work will continue. The Melchizedeks will be back on the planet to continue their work throughout the world, protecting, teaching, and bringing hope to their designated areas where they will be working for some time.  
I, Machiventa ask you, all of you, to not shy away from disturbances that may arise among people, when spirit becomes known among the population. People will someday notice that there is something going on in the world that they are not familiar with, and they will experience it as threatening. But all of you know that we are in the world and that Michael of Nebadon is committed to winning this world for the Father, and bringing the planet to its full potential.
I am Machiventa Melchizedek, and I have resumed my post as Planetary Prince after my special meeting with the Father on Paradise, where I was called upon for specific duties. And together with my staff, and with the Melchizedeks present then on the planet, and the many-many other spiritual groups, we will carry out the tasks in due time that Michael has assigned to us, and perhaps will use small groups of people. We will try to move the world to a new approach of healing the planet and removing it from its dire position by carrying out the works of God on Urantia.
I am Machiventa, and I speak to you openly, as there is only a small group that can receive us. And we depend in part on the willingness of such groups to achieve success in this difficult and vast undertaking. But be patient and do your work as always. Pray for the world and its inhabitants, and pray to God, our Father, for strength for all who participate in this once again adaptive return of spirit to Earth. In which Jesus and Michael will manifest when time and circumstances permit, and the world is ready to receive such a high delegation.  
I, Machiventa, I'm still with you, and I say the following, I am Machiventa Melchizedek. And this transmitter and many of you have been thinking and bringing out information to certain individuals of high influential standing who could have a possible interest in the power of the new electricity patent,  that Ron Besser has made up so clearly. A number of you on this forum have been working to publicize the WTP program, and none of you have had any success in getting a response from those who we need to bring this invention to the world.
We know that countries as Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands, as well as the United States, Canada and other nations with advanced industries, their laboratories and scientific knowledge would all be an excellent place to start a factory for WTP in the world. You all have the scientist and the architect, and you all have the money, but no one knows about the project. Despite your efforts to reach so many institutions and universities, and up to the highest levels of your governments in Europe, as well as in the United States, where scientists and scholars not know about WTP and do not know how to deal with it or what to do with such a simple, yet very ingenious idea of introducing electricity in this fashion.
This is Machiventa, and I tell you this: Everywhere, this is the case in the high industrial developed countries in the world. The institutions that can work with Ron's invention avoid all collaboration out of fear of losing grip on the market by taking a step out of their comfort zone, and they keep believing that they will be able to realize their own invention. In which they are already indeed far advanced, but are not capable to do what is so vital in Ron's invention, of how to make connections and hook-ups between tables and generators as described in the patent. Those people are missing a few things in their theory. They will move forward, but not as Ron has done in his work by the valuable patent that is now his. And is available to start the implementation of constructing a plant that will help the world to be freed from high costs of electricity supply for all Its electrical appliances, from as small as a wrist watch to flying your airplanes.
So, if you look at what is stopping this wonderful invention from facilitating the world, it is the people themselves who are suspicious and selfish, and not at all inclined to share but keep things hidden. As In most cases with people in the industry. Until they finally learn differently and share their ideas and knowledge to feel free and open with each other, to realize that cooperation is the best way to progress in all areas of existence. For improvement should always be and have the greatest effect to produce the next generation of scholars and scientists, and highly efficient leadership. Cooperation is needed to learn and understand each other, and better results will follow. Leading to good relationship and acceptance of all who must learn to live in a world of more harmony and ego conditions for every global citizen.
This is Machiventa Melchizedek. I leave you my support for a world that will hopefully transform men into a more responsive, respectful, and trustworthy human being for each other. But also for us, the spiritual world, that is leading you to these wonderful new methods of scientific progress and use of new resources for all of you. This is Machiventa, and this is all I wanted to say to you, and I wish you a very good day.
Thank you, Machiventa. And this is Elise, and I will have a look at my screen to see if anyone else came in. I heard the ding dong sometimes. (ding dong) Oh, there it goes again! And we Oh, there's Valerie and Salvador, oh he, Salvador, came in again. Well, welcome everyone. Okay, let's continue and see if we will get more for today. Just give me a minute. Hold on please. 
Yes, hello, everyone. This is Arthura at your service. Good day and good evening on the second of September of 2024, where soon the seasons will change, and another season will take hold of your nations with the usual adaptations needed to protect oneself against the cold. Which means for the northern hemisphere, more emissions to warm up your houses, more emissions of gasses and the waste products from high consumption to regulate severe cold with the equipment currently used on your planet. But at the same time, the southern hemisphere will use up a lot of that consumption by cooling their places and homes. It is therefore, that it is so very important that the pilot plan for free electricity will be built, to stop the waste reduction, of which there is already too much and forms a great danger to life on the planet. Man has created an almost unlivable Earth for himself and for the animal and plant life. You know that many species are disappearing, and they will never return. Man has taken from the earth as if it were a candy store to enjoy, and we have talked about that, without thinking of the consequences. 
just a minute. Okay.
We want you to think about this. This is Arthura. Some of you individuals have given out serious warnings over the past years, but most are being ignored, and nations are slow to change and bring more efficient manners. And before you know, a lot of things have been destroyed before measures have been taken.  
I just have to take a minute, there's a problem here is the computer. Just a minute. I do not know what's to matter. Well... Oh, okay, I think I'll just go on. I have to unmute you for a minute and see if you just a minute. Can you hear me all right? Can you hear me? All right? 
Oh, yes. Yes, we can. Yes.
Okay, okay, I'll mute you again, because all of a sudden I have a very strange beep through my telephone. Okay, let me mute you again and continue.
Okay, let's continue. This is Arthura. Well, talking about this all, the people of Urantia have a key knowledge, and have taken their technical knowledge to a high level. But in the meantime, have neglected what people shall desperately need, a healthy environment to sustain life on this planet Or better yet, to improve things for everything and every living being, and assure this through their applied technologies.
This is Arthura. Just go ahead, Elise. Everything is fine.
Okay, thank you, Arthura.
We, from afar and sometimes close to you, we observe man. and we see your hunger for more. More of what you already have in abundance, and what you have taken from nature without giving anything in return. So that now man falls victim to his ever increasing desire to brace himself in contentment. And this will not give him any satisfaction to build a future for all who live on this planet, and only over a short but sour profit for a very small group. And none of this will be helpful in building a soul that needs to mature through life experience and by doing good to others. And none of it will help those when they are going over to the mansion worlds, where the value of his life on this earth will be determined and estimated for its value. Then some might wish to have served much better for the benefit of his own spiritual future. But man will eventually learn, until this planet will be saved and shine. For after all, it is the planet that Michael has chosen for his final bestowal, and it is therefore the planet of the Father, of Michael himself, and of Jesus. 
I am Arthura. I think that man will go through a period of learning in which he will realize his actions, and will have to make amends for what was done to a creation that was beautiful in its origin, and intent bid to serve the human race in its existence. But man will learn to cherish what was once so terribly disturbed by his unwise actions and he will finally understand that what he was given to maintain. And until then, we wait to see what more can be done to help humans in its efforts to bring about change in a world that is now at war. And where people died without having had the chance to grow their souls, because some in this world decided to fight and destroy what was once good and beautiful. Let us hope and pray what Michael and hopefully the Magisterial Sons will be able to do for Urantia. And that the people will get a better insight in good living conditions that will help keep the peace and bring prosperity to many. And to have the opportunity to know God and thank Him for what it is to be a human on a normal planet.
You cannot change the world, not by yourself, but you can make an effort to bring changes to yourselves and to your environment. Show that you care and become active on a small scale. And that may grow into large undertakings that will affect, eventually, the world at large. You all have the ability to have some influence in your societies. You have the knowledge, and you are aware of the need. Keep talking to each other, keep together. If you have a chance, keep talking to your children. And begin working together on a very small project in a very small way, and see where it leads to. It is all a matter of the mind. But we are confident that every effort you make will help bring knowledge and truth to many, and it will make a difference in the approach to life, and the way you use your world as a healthier place to live in freedom and happiness. Remember that even a small change always has its effect, and your initiatives will support goodwill among the people.
When we speak of the mind, we think of a more dedicated and higher knowledge of God, of your intention to find God by trying to live his will, and to live your life as true sons and daughters of God. And when we talk about sons of God, we may speak about all sons of God, whether they are written with a capital S or a small s. Every living being that is an entity, a creature with mind is capable of understanding God, and is a child of the Father on Paradise, the first Source and Center. And each of these individuals know the Father at some point during his or her existence.
There are the higher sons of God. They are those who are working at the higher realms, and they are directly of the Father. They are the Deities, divine creatures, the coexistent Eternal Son and their coordinate personality, the Infinite Spirit. There are other divine beings who are not directly of God, but created by other deities. High divine beings with high specific endowed traits for specific tasks. And they represent God in His universe, and are all endowed with great mind and speak for themselves if they choose to.
There are those creatures created with mind to learn about the Creator or the humans on the planet. But for them, God has created many worlds and millions of ways to climb up along path of their choosing, and to be able to find him while they are extending their knowledge in the universes of time. They are traversing one by one from one sphere to the other, always according to their own free will and choice, assisted by many, many celestial beings.
God has also created other highly intellectual beings to assist and govern the realms and worlds one passes through. And while the lower creatures slowly rise and grow and receive their training in all these different areas, the higher creatures serve to provide the order and all things necessary for those levels of creation to experience and to learn.
Moreover, the Father has given humans a special fragment of himself that guides the human from the beginning, and even gives them the opportunity to fuse with that divine part of the Father. So that they can become like him in his domain on Paradise as finalities, or finaliters. And that is an ascended creature who has passed through all stages of learning in the universe, to be ready to discern the Gods on high, beginning with the Infinite Spirit, then the Eternal Son, and finally, God, the Father Himself, who will receive his child, and after a certain time, this new born son or daughter of God will be given new assignments and go out again into the universes.
You are all children of the one and only Father, the God of creation. The God who sustains his creation through his own power and love that creates his universe of universes, which has no end. And will continue to unfold before your eyes as you adhere the will of your Father on Paradise to become like him, to love him as he loves you, and to be like him in your love for others as he is for all his children. I'm Arthura, always at your service, and I bid you all a good day.
Thank you very much, Arthura. Well, this is Elise, and I'm returning to my dashboard. I see we still have some time, and I will try to receive something more if there is more for me. I still have that beep coming through, but I hope you are not hearing that in my transmission.
Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa Melchizedek, Elise. No, you're doing all right and just do what you like to do. At this moment, you still have a couple of minutes You can go for the question and answer if you like to, or you can turn the Lightline off to your wishes. And thank you for doing the Lightline. This is Machiventa Melchizedek, and I say goodbye for now.

Thank you, Machiventa, thank you for being our helper at any time we need someone to continue. Okay, I'm looking if there are any question marks, or maybe you have someone wants to say something. We still have a couple of minutes, and I'll give you a little time. 
I think we had some information from our celestial friends, which you are lucky to receive regarding the situation and the warnings we were giving yesterday. So it was a good thing that we tried the Lightline and got connected. And I will finish this Lightline and close this for today. 
I want to thank the celestials who came to give us some words. And it was Michael and Machiventa Melchizedek, and Arthura was here. Did we have anyone else? I don't remember. Well, I thank them all, and I thank you all the listeners for attending this Lightline. Thank you so much, and we'll see what happens next week. Thank you and goodbye.

Working my way through Serara Forum posts of old for preservation I came across the January 3, 2024, Wednesday Lightline with host Lemuel. Below is an excerpt from it, but before, I also need to bring to your attention that this ongoing work would require more of my time and effort, thus, I feel it's time for me to withdraw from transcribing Lightline audio recordings. Herein, I extend my invitation and request to please prayerfully consider applying yourselves to continue with the transcribing work of Monday and Tuesday Lightlines as needed (right now it is slowed down, perfect timing for takeover), either one person or divide it between two. I will provide a practice run but would preliminarily inform you that the work consists of making corrections to the AI transcription generated on a transcribing website, which is at least 95% accurate or better, as its primary discrepancies are the spelling of names. The site also allows for correcting the text online in combination with listening to the audio recording, making it a rewarding experience of deeper penetration of the heard. Closing the site after exporting the corrected text to your word processor program, you would be formatting the document to post it in the uniformed LL transcription format. I hope you would enjoy it as well as I did. Thank you for giving it a serious consideration and if interested, please message sonsofGod. Thank you.

Now back to the quote, and I want to thank Amadon for this message. Please read it with the understanding of the latest news of invisible missions.

Well, you all know the fact that Jesus had his team of… like an Intelligence Corps, yes, I can, yes, we can call it an Intelligence Corps, headed by this very young boy David, if you recall. And the reason I am mentioning this is because at the moment, the intelligence services that we have, and when I say we, I mean not just the services, not just the Melchizedeks.

The Melchizedeks are referred to many times as an emergency force, and they can lend their hands to anything and everything when it is necessary, but also there are other intelligence forces and liaison forces, and many other forces that you know nothing about, and they are working, gathering all the information that is necessary for the go-ahead of everything that you have and we have all been waiting for. So, a lack of intelligence is not the problem. What needs to be known is known. What we need is the go-ahead.

But I can tell you that there are at least two plans not quite on the table, but they are being thought about. One is to cause something that will stop everything and everyone in their tracks. Just two days ago, there was an earthquake in Japan, I'm sure you all are aware of this. I think it was 7.3 on the Richter scale, they're still looking for survivors. Because the infrastructure is so disrupted, of course, transport and rescue services, are finding it extremely difficult. If there was a tremendous earthquake in Russia, for example, that would stop the war immediately… This is one scenario.

The other one, of course, is to make the arms obsolete. They can also do this. If there are no bullets, no one's going to be killed by a bullet. The reason these things are being thought about is that something must be done in order for something to start here. To wait for peace, you wait forever. Something can be done to stop people in their tracks and to make them think something is going on here on a global scale and then an announcement can be made to tell people well, we have come in peace. You are unable to find peace amongst yourselves, but we have come in peace in order to save more lives. Well, it may be a bit fanciful for some of you. But I, Amadon, want to tell you that these things can be done when the permission is given.

My own thoughts about the situation, this is Amadon, speaking through Lemuel. My own thoughts about this is yes, something can be done but it needs to be a minimum. Otherwise, there will be global panic thinking that alien forces have come to take over the planet. And that is to be avoided at all costs, of course. But yes, something can be done something not quite subtle, a bit more than subtle, but something that's going to make people think and question; something's going on here? You know. And so I will leave it like that for the moment and I will step back… Thank you.


The reason I post this quote before it all begins is to share my thoughts about it and give you the opportunity to add your input as well.

I believe, complete disarmament of weapons is a wonderful idea for multiple reasons. One, it will immediately stop all wars. No more war casualties and suffering, Two, no more unjustified forceful misuse of technology (aware of all other kinds of horrible ones but need to start somewhere). Three - most importantly - it communicates that God is definitely involved, a miracle took place, and it would strongly display the intention of our Father (or higher power, or whatever names and images people chose to attach to the event at first). It speaks purely of an act of consideration, good intention, power, and love, followed up with appropriate steps. I believe this would most definitely draw the attention of all the living and open their ears to listen to new messages.

This would also swing the door wide open to public appearances of Spirit beings in audible form, or with an art visual background on television, and other devices for communication. First, it would need clarification of who these entities are, how they relate to Universal Father, and that he is in control. People are alien minded because that is all they know. Those who claim to know Father already familiar with certain ways in the religious institutions, so this would serve a needed awakening of them also. In other words, what is/was the excuse for not reading the Urantia book since 1955 if not disinterest and deliberate rejection for religion sake? Everyone’s Though Adjuster is capable of leading their wards to the Urantia book, if there would be a spark of interest. Therefore, nothing will change people’s mind of their current believes, may it be about religion or alien invasion, until Father speaks up through his Sons. The Magisterial Sons, Christ Micheal, Michael of Nebadon, Jesus, the Melchizedecks. All we are listening to they should too, simply because there is no other way. They speak the truth and all falsehood will fall away if confronted by The Truth. Yes, Urantia needs shaking and this is a good way of doing it, the way I see it, without seeing any disadvantage.    

The speeches of educational content could have the dual purpose of exposing the darkness and giving instructions to conquer it. It would allow people to arise and overthrow the deception operating in their personal lives and communities. It would shake up Urantia entirely, true, but for the better and not for worse, because it would give HOPE. Otherwise, with scattered natural disasters globally, it will become worse before it could be better. Recounting the major tsunamis and earthquakes that took millions of lives in the past decades, the world continued on its usual ways after a time of recovery. Even in New Orleans, Father have mercy! I personally do not see - and I can be very wrong about this without adequate data - that it resulted in spiritual uplift of the afflicted areas.

Correct me if I am wrong, or just say what you will. Thank you.






Reading the post about this free energy device sparked my interest too, and revisited the post to watch the video that you provided the link to, Weydevu. There were two patents indeed at the same time 2019, one for the free energy device that is a very simple concept to understand, the other is a room temperature superconductor that would revolutionize the computer industry.  

It claims that the free energy device operates based on channeling electrons through a needle to touch a pointy object placed into an Argon filled gas chamber. It says, it produces this tremendous Terawatt of energy from a 1000 Watt input! Which means 1 million times the input energy. (See the sketch from the patent in the video between the time interval Weydevu added in his post.)

So far, according to the report, triangle shaped spacecrafts - off planet alien technology - utilize this technology by adding four of those objects pointing to the center., creating the energy fuel. The craft is able to travel across Urantia in 9 seconds, it takes 8 minutes to reach the moon, and so on. 

It shown that in comparison to the largest US nuclear power plant in Arizona, this device produces 250X the energy in a basketball sized unite, 4GW vs 1TW. Reportedly, 4GW is enough to fuel a whole city. Is that mean the largest nuclear plan could only produce enough energy to fuel one city? 

This video was published in 2020, we do not hear from it anymore. The man who leaked information was put out. The technology, the patent, and the aircraft are shown as real, but not shown in motion. Can this be untrue if the patent is real? 

My final question is, could energy like this be harvested out from the chamber for commercial use? or without Argon it will dissipate? What do you think about it Ron, please, from physics point of view. I understand it is secret program. So as WTP, apparently. 

Those are beautiful words of commitment, P Jammer. While you were questioning you have answered your question, the way I see it. Just as the Spirit of God came upon the apostles, so it shell come upon us when it's time, if our commitment is as real as you have cried out. We cannot add to it more than our free will offering to hear and obey, but the power of God is strictly coming from Father by the Grace of God when he says, now is the time, empowering us to be more like him without compromise. It is by the power of our Father God through our cooperation that we are becoming his arms, legs and mouthpieces. It is a process. We should seek him daily with knowing his plans for our life, being his sons. 

I was waiting for these days, for all my Christian life as we all do, believing in the 'suddenly'. Father Michael referred to the 'suddenly' in a Lightline about two weeks ago. That will be our Pentecost. Dates may change but we are fast approaching the changes coming upon the earth, and after that it will come, I believe. Apostle Paul described it as the fullness of Christ at the time of Jesus' rule and reign, where we, as part of his body rule and reign with him in our assigned territories, but this has a bad taste now based on how this authority was abused so far. Ruling really means loving as only God can love. It is a beautiful promise. Isaiah described it as receiving the seven spirits of God, which is the fullness. However, before we could claim to represent our Holy Father we need to get purified one more time, as silver and gold is purified by fire. When the gold is melted (may represent our hearts in the midst of earth changes and natural disasters) the impurities in the gold will come upon the top and get skimmed off by the master jewelry maker. We are his workmanship likewise. It will come in God's timing, so that you may hear "Arise and shine, the glory of the Lord has risen upon you", This also means, we have no glory; we can only reflect who he is. 

I received the proof of it that I will share, an experience I had many years ago when I was working in a ministry practically overtime every day. I did not feel tired but one day became mean spirited. I could not extend care and love to the people who came late and wanted me to bend the rules for them. Mercy would do that, but it made me rather irritated instead, and this was going on for three days straight. Then I broke down crying and told the Lord that no matter how hard I try, I cannot be loving and kind, I am sorry, please forgive me! Then he answered and said, "I did it to show you that apart from me you can't do NOTHING. Which part of the nothing you don't understand? This ministered to me very greatly and I will never forget it. 

We strive, and we should do our best, yes, but only with understanding the Source of our existence even for the next breath, and the condition of our being, good or bad. We repent, start a new, try even harder, all is needed, but we have been tested and tried also on purpose, and it did not come easy. I know I failed over and over to be even my best, much less resembling God, but applying what Jesus said to me, did he not permitted it to happen? Yes, he did, he even caused it to humble me some more. And to see the secret parts of my heart, our hearts, how are we going to respond to bad situations? Are we still thanking him and praise him for what is left of us (nothing) or turn against or walk away from God? So, we can say, our bad experiences and longing make us. 

Job lost truly everything and insisted that although he wished he had not conceived in his mother's womb; he will see God on the last day! He knew he was accepted and loved, and innocent. Job was renown and well respected in the land for his goodness and generosity towards his servants and the poor and needy. A beautiful testimony of faith and trust no matter what, and we are always reminded to be like Job to our neighbors. Now I am not comparing ourselves to Job's greatness or Ron's, but Father always gives us the opportunity to please him. He will accomplish his will through us as long as we are willing to work it out with him. 

I share this scripture that was presented to me this morning through a channel I love to watch. Jeremiah 17:7-8 says, "...blessed is the one who trusts in the Lordwhose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” Amazingly, as I just finished writing this post, I turned on my phone where the YouTube app was open, and a video came on. The speaker momentarily started to pray for the fullness and to Father to fill us. Then she mentioned Job, and I hear this message of hers for the first time, totally unexpected to hear it, but serves as confirmation. All Glory be to God. 

This Tuesday Lightline revealed a concept that ignited much thought in me over the years, the forthcoming of the true ‘false’ religion, that New Though, during the time of the tribulation on earth (call it earth changes), during the time of the antichrist. I am not suggesting that one person will come forth as such, in spite of the endless speculations who might it be, besides many signs and clues given to identify him. Apart from all that however, I am now referring to the scripture that says there are many antichrists in the world today, which is the majority of all the earth population by definition of being in Christ. Same as it was over 2,000 years ago when this word came forth through Apostle John.  

What is called false religion? We can simply say, what is not true is false, right? Since Jesus Christ - as he had proclaimed and also Apostle Andrew just urged us to always remember it - Christ Jesus IS the Truth, the Way and the Life. That means if Jesus is not the center of our religion, if we would have no Christ consciousness WITHIN, or if we chose to compromise to go sideways a little beside the strictly conservative notion that Christ is all, which nowadays is highly criticized and condemned, we are at danger of promoting false religion while claiming to be Christians, claiming to be in Christ, if we live by some worldly standards as most of the Christians do today. If it would not be the case, this world would already have the Kingdom of God established on Urantia, by and through believers in Christ, for in him (Father, Christ Michel, and Jesus Christ as One) should we move, live, and have our BEING.

So, importantly not only knowing of, but also being IN, doing and loving as Christ, to walk the walk and not just talk the talk. IN HIM, as part of him, as one of his cell in his body, we follow (copy, multiply) him, and be like him by the power of God, and not the power or self or the power of the whole universe (which in fact Father, but in that scenario going unrecognized), or by any thought or experience, or imagination, but by true Christ Conscious Spirit. The Truth is, he is The Truth, and apart from him we can do nothing. And this is the answer to the fact that we have yet accomplished little to nothing for the Kingdom's sake, other than always should love our neighbors as ourselves. So, we can build the kingdom daily in our direct environment, and again, if all the billions of church members done that the Kingdom of God would already be on earth. Importantly, while many people are doing nothing but good, even sacrificially, this unity consciousness is still missing, which has the power to turn the world right-side up, but not without facing the resistance of the dark ones.

We were also advised that Jesus NEVER looked at anyone’s religion or origin (that includes all types of manifestations of a person based on ethnicity and culture), therefore, he never caused division into many factions but united all who listened into one. The current estimated 45,000 Christian denominations in the world fall so short on this unity Christ consciousness, thus it lost its power as a whole due to fragmentation, individualism, headiness, and egocentricity. But is that false religion? Anything other than true Christ consciousness is not from Father, for it is not representing him in a manner that he would be glorified, that people would be helped and blessed, thus should also be considered false, regardless of its doctrinal identity.

Unlike Dominick, I spent over two decades with bible studies and with trying to interpret and understand prophetic messages, whereby Christian interpreters believe in the coming of a new form of religion that would become mandatory to join for one’s social acceptance. Needless to say, the liberalistic approach of Christ consciousness where practically anything goes, literally will ease into this new false religion, promoting the New Thought without the awareness of the already lukewarm and compromised members. It is already in operation with the widespread prosperity gospel. Who will tell the difference? The only obvious distinguishing factor will be - if this ever comes to pass, but the religious concept of indifference already exist - that the worship and church services will move to Saturday as it has been in biblical times, and so most Christians will not have an objection, or option in compliance with the law passed at the time, otherwise will be labeled a rebel and enemy of the state. This will flow into the New Thought that Dominick so brilliantly described, without many realizing its deceptive nature.

The fundamental difference between true and false Christianity is and ever will be, is the manifestation of the power of God. As Dominick pointed out, that is the divine inherent power, now weakly expressed through some without the deep relationship with CHRIST and the Spirit of God, with all due respect for the exceptions. Those therefore has no concept of submitting to the Father’s will, has no community consciousness, rather promoting universal freedom of existence on higher dimensions, greater resonance frequencies and higher energy levels of divine illumination in their new realities. And it is so. All due recognition to those who could break free from the material realm to soar in the realms of the spirit.

If you want to see the perfect example of such divine manifestation, you may want to take a look at Alysa Rohston, whom I adore for her ability to embrace such gift of the universe, which made her a sought out spiritual light versus the very sickly overweight human being she was at her young age with multiple severe illnesses, diseases, and intake of over 20 prescribed pills daily. She had her out of body experience to transform into this wonderful heavenly messenger she is, so full of joy and light. And that is just one example I have encountered lately, but there are many light workers who has the capacity to embrace Christ consciousness, but as if there would be another way around, yet traversing in the universe. They are one embrace away from becoming aware of whom they really are, and it was not their conscious choosing to approach the Way though such experiences. I believe they are ascending to this station in Christ.

So, these new age believers have the capacity to finally learn the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and adjust their believes and service to the ways of our Father, as opposed to serving humanity based on their own understanding which really leads nowhere, because it is built on lack of understanding (false information). They promote individual elevation of soul and consciousness to know the divine ‘higher self’ and that is commendable, but ignore the current times and seasons as if one could elevate self out from this world by human will, using divine energy. Until things are going relatively smooth as they go now, even if we do not necessarily agree with everything that is around us, this approach seems positive and desirable. Yet it is not ready to face the reality of physical and spiritual affliction due to earthly circumstances in the power of the spirit of antichrist. Again, that is everything against Christ’s divine authority and willful submission to his will. Thus, the antichrist is not necessarily a person.

That spirit has already overtaken the earth for the most part, and there are small groups of people scattered around who are willing to give their all for the Father’s Kingdom to come, and his will be done on earth as it is in heaven. And this is the distinguishing factor between fighting for the right cause or representing some unreality that will not be able to stand the test of time. In contrast, we are looking at confused Christianity, whereas, I am afraid, many will continue to be led astray by deception as so many different ways have already happened.

Dominick precisely pointed out this difference by recognizing the new thought of easy life without paying the price, but we all know that it is not a universal law. But what you sow is what you reap as Jesus taught us, and so much more than that. So, we must be very rooted in his doctrine to recognize the deception and mellowed down truth, which therefore becomes untrue as morphing in the process. The analogy given is recognizing the genuine dollar bill versus counterfeit. One only needs to be completely familiar with the original to immediately spot out the fake one.

Thank you, Dominick, and thank all of you who is taking the time to meditate over these words and thoughts. Not necessarily to agree, but to be able to have a healthy argument within, if needed, against the tricks of the enemy, and to develop a solid foundation in Christ for the times ahead. It is not by a mare accident that Europe has been flooded by unlawful Islamic immigrants for reason of this New Thought religion, aka one world religion under new world order and one world government. Just landed on articles at muckraker .com, revealing that the same is happening in our backyards, for neither it is an accident to insist keeping those borders broken down. Although the plots of the elite against humanity was delayed and halted greatly and may never come to full power, I hear little bits and pieces through Lightlines that are foretelling its coming, at least to a certain extent. The world will have to choose Father by free will through tribulation, but for us IN Christ who already made that choice is the manifestation of the power of God under the banner of divine missions to Urantia. So, we should never fear just praise and worship Father; but get ready to proclaim the Truth and cast down that New Thought, being the new seed of deception. And as Jesus Christ told us yesterday (Monday LL), we are responsible for knowing the gospel.    



Welcome to Tuesday Lightline, August 27, 2024. I'm Dominick, your host, and this is a weekly Lightline for Tuesdays. And they happen on Sundays and Mondays for sure, and some other days sometimes as well. We start with a prayer and an invocation of God our Father, our Universal Father, also that same spirit of God that Jesus revealed that resides in us and that we pray that we can achieve brotherhood and being born again of the Spirit, and that we have the benefit of your clear communication and transmission when we gather like this and ask to receive you. It is very clear and important to make it clear exactly who we are invoking and inviting to be with us and to serve. We hold these Lightlines on their request and in their service.

And this is yes, Jesus, who is divine, and that divinity we represent as Michael of Nebadon, a Creator Son stemming from the Paradise Trinity, but a Creator here in the local universe of time and space, who created us. And as Jesus was divine, that was Michael incarnating, bestowing himself as a human in his creation. And that we treat Jesus as a separate person after that event, but they can be one of the same at Michael's and Jesus choosing, to represent God to man.

And so, to be born of the spirit, to be born again of the spirit, is what Jesus taught in the achievement of Christ consciousness, which was to understand the divinity within as the Universal Father, and that this is the way Jesus showed that the relationship born of the spirit, and that such a divinity relationship is also a Deity relationship. And not that man is the sole origin of such a divinity that Christ consciousness recognizes, the divinity of Jesus and Michael, and our Universal Father.

And spirit involves things like the Holy Trinity and the Holy Spirit, who is the spirit associate of a Creator Son, for example. The Son and the Spirit are always intertwined. So, we thank, we thank our Lord, and we thank our Father. Our Lord will always instruct us and join us in thanking our Father.

Now, why is that important or stressed in this Lightline for today's theme? And while we settle ourselves, we welcome Ron to the Lightline. I hope you got your tea, and you're all settled down. And that brings us to 13 on the call.

So, the theme is related to something that's not necessarily controversial, but a divergence in people's approach to Christ consciousness. One of the things we talk about here and why Lightlines exist, or things like the Magisterial Foundation exist, is for things called missions, where these Divine Sons and up to deity status, can incarnate in spiritual missions. This is a .., for Bible students, this could be understood in things when I talk about the Regency, things like Psalms 46. Which also has a very widely interpreted line of 'Be still and know that I am God'. Which, for some Christians is interpreted in more of a mystical Christianity understanding, and treats Christ as a Way shower, more like an Ascended Master, which is what other religions condescend Jesus as, not both a divine Son of God, our Creator Son Michael of Nebadon bestowing, but rather the mystical Christianity views Christ Jesus as an Ascended Master. Certainly, other religions like I think Islam treats it that way.

So, why that's important is more or less an editorial, and I'm not sure if I have a transmission today, so I'm hoping, or if I'm getting any help, it's how to speak editorially on a bunch of information we have to cover. However, it’s needs to be covered, because there, if you, and again, this is editorial, if you're, if you live in the United States or Europe, or really anywhere on the planet, if you're not agitated in some aspect, well, you must be living under a rock, because there's plenty on some sort of screen telling you how to be agitated or vying for your brain space, your mind space, or propagandizing you somehow with some slant on some news that should make you agitated. It's actually designed to make you agitated, so you can't help it.

So, we've just had some political conventions, which is a textbook in rhetorical usage and symbol usage. So, some interesting side effects, well, essentially, we're not here today to be lectured. This is more of a working group Lightline today. And I can be interrupted at any moment with a transmission, but until then, we're just going to go with this lesson, and it's starts like this.

There are more like a State of the Union of transmitters is that certainly, and you as an audience of these core listeners, there is not an encouragement to be uniform in either your understanding, or even your agreement with all the transmitters who say things day in and day out, week in and week out. We have different perspectives and realities, and we try to describe what comes in. But when it comes to applying matter of understanding those lessons were human, and we're very different. And one example is how to interpret the world around us. It's as we are taught, but that's going to be totally unique to you, in your experience and you're all sorts of things. So, all I'm telling you is that there is no total uniformity in the way that Ron and I think about things, and that's why we find each other stimulating, and we find that we have the same type of mind but think and have different experiences in totally different ways, and that's actually stimulating. As Ron hears things, for example, that can test his own thoughts and ideas with new information, and likewise for myself. And same with Elise and Lemuel and other transmitters.

So, I'm just here to give you some insights onto as to why there might be such division in the world, and some of those things are related to Christ consciousness. The religion of the Democratic Party, as it has been or is being reformed. And if you recall, in a Light line, I don't know, a month ago, we talked about how the political parties that you might have grown up with are actually in complete flux by now. There should be no illusions that anything you and I grew up with, even 10 to 20 years ago, resembles anything like what you should or would expect, it’s just don’t look like now. And one of those things is the approach to religion and God. Now, me Dominick, I'm kind of an investigative person. I'm open to information, and I do a lot of like forensic things and critical thinking, and I try to synthesize. And so what happens sometimes is I get - what's the word? - cognitive dissonance. When what was spoken to yesterday, I realized I'm under some sort of spell of illusion of thought that's gone one way, and that new synthesis broke the previous understandings.

Now a lot of propaganda and the information is going to be like a game called Plinko, if you've ever seen prices, right? But that's kind of like an inclined pegboard with a bunch of pegs, and at the top of the slope you let go of a disc. And so basically, this disc has a binary choice, is it going to fall left or fall right? And it falls down like, you know, 50 levels of pegs to the point where you have no idea where it's going to land at the bottom, but it's a kind of fun game. I think they even have those kind of games and casinos. And so, you can imagine the same analogy when it comes to our thoughts. We have all of these issues, and we end up deciding on this validity or truth, and we accumulate all of these thoughts, and we land somewhere at the bottom, and it's built on these series of of decisions on facts and truth and opinion, on right and wrong, or, you know, etc. And then that's always in flux.

So, back to our theme, you know, little things like the alluring that, for example, Eisenhower put inunder God in the Pledge of Allegiance back in the day, so that there would be a distinction between the United States and communist countries. And that we learned that the Democratic Convention in 2020 purposely omitted that, which is politics. You know, you can put it in, you can put it out. But for the lesson, the context is under God is a nod to that personhood of divinity. Whereas the religion of you could say the left today, and we'll get to the right, the right is no saint. So, I don't wish to be biased, because the spell can be easily broken further right as well. But for the sake of the Christ consciousness lesson, the reason the far left and the new alliance of democratic religion of the left can cohabitate religiously, is because of an understanding of Christ consciousness, which has its origins and evolution.

In some respects, Vatican two, you could say, set some conditions for this as an approach politically amongst religions, is to not be so dogmatic about the divinity of God or the divinity and humanity of Jesus, and rather to accept that all religions have a seat at the table. Now this is a kind of origins of what's called post modernism, where opinion and perspective take almost precedence or equality, with fact and truth. So the kind of joke of critics of post modernism is that it doesn't matter if you're right, it matters that you try to answer the question. And the joke is, if the student says that two plus two equals five, well, good for you. You tried to answer the question, and if that's what you think, then your perspective is equal amongst all the others who also have an opinion. And then the fact is that two plus two equals four. But a post modernism says that it's your personal truth that matters more than any objective truth.

And so, with Christ consciousness this post-modernist approach inverts the divinity. Remember rebel doctrine inverts. So, it's not going to be outright evil rebellion declaring, hey, we're evil and you should join us. It's simply going to teach something that they think is good and equal in its value to what they're contradicting. And so it becomes inverted. So, the inversion of the Father within and a divine Christ, representing a deity and being divine and incarnate, incarnating and bestowing and having a fragment of the Father, cohabitating within you and having a relationship. The inversion of that is that you simply need to tap into your inherent divinity. And that would and that achieves your Christ consciousness.

I'd like to thank a source of information for giving more words to this, and it's Melissa Doherty on YouTube, and I'm just citing some passages. But in the Bible, and I'm not a student of the Bible, so I rely on others, but when she cited these passages, it would be Matthew 7:21-23, next would be 2 Corinthians 11:2-4, and thirdly, Galatians. 1:6-7; those passages are in context of the difference between approaches and Christ consciousness. Now, something about these Lightlines and say, the fifth epochal revelation, and something like the teaching mission, or whether transmission with the administration and spiritual circuits of divinity and God are even possible. And welcome, Charlotte.

Anyway, where was I? Yes. The trepidation and criticism have been warranted, but somewhat misplaced at times, and at other times it's been beneficial. Because, well, what do you mean Dominick by saying that you still haven't defined what the left religion is? And so it's not necessarily, it's not theosophy, it's not New Age. It's something that I didn't have words for even a week ago until now, and apparently, it's called New Thought (transcriber’s note: capitalized only for emphasis throughout). And new but I'm, I'm not a stranger, and no one should be a stranger to what's called New Thought. But New Thought is not New Age, but New Thought is this kind of a mystical Christianity. Therefore, people claim to be Christian, but it's a different attitude and view of Jesus. And so Lightlines are not theosophical, because we invoke and we are in service to the divine person of Jesus, and the origins of his divinity, our Universal Father and our Creator Son.

We are not New Thought, which has its origins in fairly modern times. And it's really looking at Christ as something that is of an inversion of being born of the Spirit. I in that you're not born in the Spirit of of our Universal Father and our Lord, rather, you are born in an almostWell, a discovery and ascendancy, if you will, of discovering your power. And so that's why you have all these messaging of good vibes, good thoughts, happiness, and that the goal of Christ consciousness is to find your untapped divinity, which is inherently in you.

Now it's up to the students to determine how truthful all of that is. But now you have a little bit of an understanding how this starts to become applied on a planetary scale, and how something like conflict can happen with large sets of populations hardwired as human free will beings to be self-deterministic. And on one end, you might have a general population who understands Christ consciousness with a with one view of the Universal Father and more biblical nature, and Old Testament nature, and another large segment who, A) views that differently, and B), and B and C), both sides end up seeing the other as in their worst light of threat, existentially to the other.

Now a little bit back to the agitation is that there's no way to remove this from human experience. None of our institutions are immune from this subtle behavior. So, the only reason I shared the fact that I sometimes disagree strongly, is that not to be put off by this, but to understand that a Unity does exist despite any difference in our service, devotion, faith and love for our Father and our Lord Michael and Jesus. And all aspects of any revealed religion, like the Paradise Trinity that we also know as God, such as the Holy Spirit of the Infinite Spirit and our Mother Spirit, who, despite any problems she has endured, we do have an experience with her and have enjoyed that in the past.

So, some of the New Thought authors are, I guess, last names like Goddard and Butterworth. But it's an inversion of Christ consciousness that puts the elevates the self as a little God by replacing your personal divinity with that of our Universal Father and our Lord. And therefore, it also elevates the mind as a method and vehicle to sink our way into Christ consciousness. Which would be the teachings of a New Thought. It's not something we teach on Lightlines, but it does have its influence.

So, for example, New Thought, in my opinion, influences the way Lemuel talks about the ego. Whereas I personally talk about the ego from a psychotherapist and neuroscientist type of perspective. So that I could give you some insights as to why there might be conflicting in transcripts, for example, in subjects like the ego. But a New Thought, the ego is something that gets in the way of discovering and working with your own divinity. For example, with if you leave New Thought and look at it from a neuroscientist psychological perspective, without an ego, you would be the world and universe would be so immense, there would be too much to deal with, and you would you wouldn't know how to have a laser focus of your mind, of an identity, and a drive.

But that where those things come back into a kind of a unification is that you could say, Lemuel and I would both agree that once you learn to direct your ego in the will of our Father, and within a cooperator with spirit in the ego in its right place, then do you have a well-functioning human being born again of the Spirit and the ego is working as it should and could in its peak performance.

And so, just when you think the one side is a god is godless, just understand now they have their own approach, and it's kind of most post-modernistic you understand now, their approach to Christ consciousness doesn't necessarily include a biblical God and the fifth epochal revelation God for that matter.

And then just to be balanced. And who knows what fair is, but to be balanced is that just when you think you fall like that Plinko I was talking about earlier. And if you disagree with the left and you gravitate to the right, or vice versa, but if you gravitate towards the right, and this is why I like Urantia Book crowds. One such being Alfred Weber, who I invited on a forum I don't know, way back in like early 2000s and he writes a book about EXO politics, and he's very much a Urantia book, I don't know, student, advocate, believer, what have you.

Anyway, this last month, he looked at and Charlotte, I think of you because of your question last week, asking what the cabal is. And they get to the point the subject matter that Alfred was presenting, what is the relationship between the word Maga and the Church of Satan being the fifth, I don't know, fifth tier, what have you? Fifth Level of the most adepts of that church reach a level called Maga. And Alfred's claim was that someone like Trump knows that relationship. So that's just to be fair and break the spell. Because what ends up happening is we all fall into some sort of Plinko the world's kind of designed to put us left or right, and some of the service we can do to for each other is to help each other break these spells and continually renew our dedication to God. And so, we renew our service to creating Lightlines and missions, and serving something like the Magisterial Foundation, so that things like the Magisterial Missions can happen through these Paradise Sons called the Avonal Sons. And that the Regency has a flavor and character, not unlike Psalms 46. That peace shall reign, and our spell bound minds will be silent, and we will know God.

So at this point, we'll we can open it up to questions. You can press five-star. A lot of these times, a simple question could mean to be, what did you mean by this or that when you said this or that? Or what does this mean is a good question. I know Arthura talked about words yesterday. I looked a little bit more into those words, and I really ended up liking the word archcremental. And I believe the missions would be archcremental. To clarify the meaning of evil, we have, in a sense, scientifically figured out why Germany followed the Nazis in so much evil, for example, in the what the Milgram experiments is that when people are just doing their job.

But another thing about evil is that people are told to do something, some small thing, by someone in authority, and authority, together with some sort of small increment of a job, will bypass Critical Thinking of whether something was, is, evil or harmful. And that's what those Milgram experiments did, as a person in a lab coat instructed the person in front of them to shock the person in the next room who they couldn't see, if that person got the answer wrong. And eventually, within five minutes, people were administrating lethal doses of electric shock. And before that experiment started, the science hypothesized that a large but not unanimous segment, maybe 15-25% of people would end up giving a lethal dose. It turned out to be nearly 100%.

So, that's just one insight into evil that it is often incremental and involves authority. Now, some of the words around incremental is the root word or root cremate, C, R, E, M, E, N, T, and apparently that means both the quality of something and the quantity of something. So, we have increment, and then we have a word called decrement. Interestingly, we have a sacrament, and the worst of the worst of rebels, like the cryolites, do the opposite and inverted of a sacrament, and they actually use excrement. They're bastards. I'm not endorsing anything about them, but that's an example of the rituals they use to desecrate and mock our Lord when you go down that path fully into being an acolyte of the rebel.

So back to the words, even if you break creement down into just meant M, E, N, T, that could be a noun or a verb, and it also relates to action, result and process. So, be aware now of all the words that have meant in them, and that is the mind, but also how the mind is the first act before something actually manifests, in terms of both your actions and something that happens in the world. And so anyway, the suffix that you add -al, so increment-al, ment-al if you add al. Al also means relating to or characterized by an action or process. So those are just interesting things to think about.

So, another word that Arthura used was comcremental, and so that would be kind of a joining together, whereas discremental would be going apart. And as far as I can tell, those three words would be new words in the English language, archemental, concremental and discremental.

So that's pretty much the end of the Lightline. If there are any questions, or if anyone would like to transmit, we're on press five star. Charlotte, you came in late. We talked about Christ consciousness, and we quoted Psalms 46, Matthew 7:21-23, 2 Corinthians 11:2-4, and Galatians 1:6-7. And we related the New Thought type of religion to a Christ consciousness that the Democrats of the left seem to be embracing, which fits with a post-modernist view and also why it would be more allied with Islam, because Islam treats Jesus as an Ascended Master.

So that's not necessarily New Thought, wouldn't necessarily be the same as Islam, but they could ally in that they would both be allied in their in the benefit of their political alliance in relegating Christ to an Ascended Master. And then, to be fair, we talked about, if you're a spellbound or into the right, I think Alfred Weber not only talked about Maga, but that the generals who, I think his claim was that the generals who support Maga are linked to generals in the United States Army, which should be totally understood in its postmodern approach. Legally recognizes the Church of Satan as a valid religion in the United States Army,

And that we talked about in past Lightlines, I don't think they were recorded. Some of this cabal, when it comes down to earth, is related to how to weaponize an egregore which was kind of a humanized and made to be something good in like the movie Men Who Stare at Goats, but those are the generals who were cited as LaVey and Aquino. Those are Church of Satan founders, for example, and that would be in the military, but that would be also related to, again, what I've talked about in the past, some of the elite remote viewing units would be related to this, and some of those graduates clearly espouse a new thought interpretation of the Bible and Christ. It's clear as day once you start to understand this kind of stuff at a large level. So, I hope that all helps and have a good day. Bye.


  • 082624 Audio Tape Monday Lightline Netherlands International; Host: Elise Sophia Veronica; other transmitter: Ron Besser
  • Subjects: choices between good and evil, how to fight evil, the Father’s mercy; only the collective effort of all people can save the planet; nations must recognize the need to cooperate; Apostle Andrew about their lives with Jesus; who still is the Truth, Way, and Life; Machiventa Melchizedek is in charge of all Urantia missions; Jesus Christ Second Return, call to his apostles, death will never again sepaarte us from Jesus Christ.  
  • Speakers: Arthura, Machiventa Melchizedek, Apostle Andrew, Michael of Nebadon, and Jesus Christ. Transcribed by: sonsofGod
  • Link to tape:

Hello everyone, and welcome George Huber. He just got in. We are about to start. This is the Lightline Netherlands International. It's Monday, 26th of August 2024. I am Elise, your host, and I welcome you all, and thank you for joining. Well, let's ask for the presence of anyone from spirit. but before that, I would like to ask for good and clear connection and I hope we will receive some words from the spirit side. And we ask you, Father, that your blessings may be upon this session. We hope to hear from your messengers, and may you always be with us to guard us and guide us all the way into your kingdom, so that we may serve you forever in your beautiful creation. Well, let's see if there is anybody who would like to speak to us today.

This is Arthura, and I will speak for a moment on a topic that has been brought up before and will probably take some time to be fully understood and lived by every child of God. It's about doing wrong, evil sin, and forgiveness. And most of all, to recognize the blessing received from the Father, always for a new and cleansed soul that will carry one over the hill of regret and contrition, to begin anew with the blessing of forgiveness, fully given by the Universal Father, who is always merciful in all things he does for all his children.

We all know that evil exists. Every one of you is exposed to evil or doing wrong, and you know how wrongdoing may turn into sin. And in the almost unforgivable deeds when one has fallen into danger that can harm the soul forever. And where it's hard to get freed from. because in such a situation one is so self-focused in his thinking of being the most important creature that exists right there and then, so involved in its own tragedy or unsolvable problems, that could drive that person to the most terrible things and act against the will of the Father.

Evil can only be fought if one is truly rooted in the trust of the Creator and believes in the truth of what the Father really is and represents. The Father knows no evil. He allows man to experience good and evil, to learn and to make his own choices, to distinguish good from bed and to seek the truth, beauty, and goodness of God, who created man in His image and gave him the ability to choose according to his own free will.

So, man will be exposed to both good and evil, because there is good and evil in what he has created for himself in the course of evolution. But man, and every creature of God with free will, must learn to make choices and find out what is best for the survival of his being, his soul, that takes him through the long journey of learning and choosing between good and not so good. Which can develop in both directions, where he has always a free choice, and will therefore have to live the consequences.

But God is a God of mercy, and the most true Father for all his children. And even in the erring of his children he shows his love and mercy, when his children show sincere remorse and try to make up for what has been harmed by choosing wrong from right. The sinner will always be given a new chance to prove his loyalty and faith to the Father. And the Father will take his erring children into his heart, when the child is sincerely aware of its wrongdoing, or evil, and decides to make amends for its mistakes and the harm he has done to himself and to others.

Life is full of experience. It's experiencing and making choices that are presented to you at every corner you turn, but to protect yourself from making the wrong choices in life, you have also been given the Adjuster, a mystery monitor of your soul, who is the living presence of the Paradise Father.

I am Arthura. I can only tell you, try to surrender yourself to your guiding and most surfaceable companion, your Adjuster, who will keep you from evil and going astray. As you listen to his whispering divine counsel, where he shows you the way of righteous and honest living among your brothers and sisters, whom you may serve and care for, with the help of His ever-present love and good intentions for you. To keep you from harm and evil doing while journeying to the Holy Father himself for your eternal service to him and his universe. I thank you all. This is Arthura at your service. Good day.

Thank you, Arthura.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Here is Machiventa Melchizedek.

Welcome Machiventa Melchizedek. Please go ahead.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you. Thank you, Elise. I welcome all. I am Machiventa, and I'd like to speak to some practical manners in which your planet can be assisted, and most probably brought into some more... more ways to its existence to go forward and talk about what is needed at this time. The task for all people now, and I mean all people, is to realize that nothing in this world can be achieved, unless all nations become aware that progress and change can only be achieved through cooperation, and by new agreements on all disputes that now stand in the way of peace.

Every effort should be made to create a clear understanding among all countries and peoples that a different future must be achieved in this confused and destroyed world. In which there is no collective courage or willingness to tackle the restoration of order and security, or to start initiatives to find ways to get along and work with and for each other, for all inhabitants of Urantia.

I am Machiventa. And the great lesson that humanity must learn is to realize that through joint effort, and by that we mean the effort and commitment of all nations, some agreements should be reached, and that no country or group will be excluded from the care and attention that need to get them out of poverty and need to build a society for themselves.

The great and powerful nations do have a responsibility to step forward and provide assistance and protection to the less fortunate nations and countries, who have for a very long time been unable to develop themselves to a certain level of government, because of either through domination or restriction of freedom, or through wars that flare up constantly. And don't forget the many wars that have to do with drug, dealing drugs that harm and dominate large populations, that keep countries in the grip of criminals and severely damage progress, with the majority of the population suffering from extortion and deception, and many of their youth deliberately becoming involved in criminal organizations where they hardly have an ability to break away from.

Every individual must become aware of how the world depends on each other in forming states, nations, countries, that can bring prosperity and harmony to all, to all people. All have a right to education, housing, work, health care, and recreation. These are the basic needs for a good society in which children can grow up healthy and safely, so that they can take on the role of strong and responsible leaders in a time where hopefully selfishness and greed have disappeared, and where poverty and hunger no longer exist.

On a small scale, everyone may have a chance to contribute to change. Look around for those who have the same ideas and ideologies. And will together be able to demonstrate unity of thought and action, thereby inspiring others who will see the results and the power of a common effort and strive for improvements.

Look around in the groups that you belong to. Look to groups that achieve success through mutual understanding and respect for each other, and with the aim and purpose of bringing order to a chaos that now reigns in the world and makes life very unpleasant and unsafe. For every citizen has the duty to care for others. This must be expressed primarily in the family, continued in further education, and become a normal way of working and living in society, in order to maintain rest and peace, in preventing domination over others, and where more goals will be achieved, and society as a whole may benefit from the collective approach and solutions found to what is currently threatening the world.

All are children of the Father, and all have the same rights and duties to guard this world and make it a world that offers men a safe and healthy existence, not allowing the one to benefit more than the other. Each can make a difference and commit oneself in a small circle through collaboration and to show what people can do when they join forces and start living and working, not only for themselves, but also for each other.

I know your world. I am Machiventa Melchizedek. And I know that there is much that can be simplified and unified into one group, such as political, religious and social groups that all share a common goal and have the ability to transform into a powerful movement with all the same goal in mind. it would help to have the people focus together on one thing that could be made better that could work better.

You see it in your own organization. How many groups do you have that read the Urantia book and distance themselves from getting together? They all try to be the best. Are they really trying to do it together with one goal in mind?

This is Machiventa Melchizedek. We advise you to think about this. It will help your community and the world to come together to make decisions that will be easier to implement, if you all try to work in more cooperative groups, pursuing the same goal. Which will certainly improve the quality of material, but also spiritual life on this planet.

We, the Melchizedeks, still have our hopes on many groups that are willing to see the urge to join forces and may unite small corporations into bigger and more effective and strong pillars to support today's society. I am Machiventa Melchizedek, and I thank you for listening. And I thank you Elise for taking this message.

Well, thank you, Machiventa. Thank you very much.
This is Elise. I'm looking at the dashboard for a minute to see if there's anyone. Okay, that's Pictorius who came to join us. Welcome Pictorius, and I will see if we can get anyone else here to talk to us. Just give me a minute.

Apostle Andrew
Good evening to you, Elise, and good day to you all. This is Andrew, the apostle Andrew.

Welcome Andrew. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. Speak if you are ready.

Apostle Andrew
Yes, I am. Thank you. I am Andrew, the apostle, that was appointed at the time, under the care of Jesus as head of the group of apostles that Jesus had chosen to accompany him on his journeys through the regions. The same regions where people are now fighting each other, and peace cannot be found in.

In our time, there was also unrest, as we were dominated by the Romans, who had strict rule over their territories, which included a very great part of Europe, part of West Asia, now the Middle East, and the northern part of Africa. People in those regions often tried to rebel against the laws and rules of the Romans who subordinated them, but the Romans had the task of keeping the population calm. They did not oppress the population to the extent that we were not allowed to practice our own religion or rituals. But they applied their own laws and carried out the orders given by the emperor in Rome, to the authorities appointed over the various territories.

In our time, there lived in Judea and the surrounding area many groups of different faith, but mostly Jewish people who adhered to Jewish customs and laws, which were strictly observed at the time, and under which most of the apostles and also Jesus had grown up and were familiar with. Jesus never looked at origin or faith. Jesus elected his disciples based on their sincerity and their willingness to follow him on his journeys through the regions of Judea. And he asked us to believe in him, and each of the apostles immediately believed in Jesus' sincerity and his honest manner of speaking. And we, the apostles, were all willing to leave our families or work to go with him, to follow him, in complete freedom and expectation in the unfolding of an unknown vision to us, which was to establish God's Kingdom on earth.

In a sense, Jesus has asked all of you the same thing, and you have been following him in his plans for his return as promised, and to help him prepare the world to receive him. Unfortunately, due to various circumstances that you know of, and are quite well informed, this has still not happened. And Jesus has had to adapt several times to try to find an opportunity where he could make his intentions known to the world in a peaceful manner. But war and rebellion, both on and off the planet, have thus far prevented the return of Jesus, and made it impossible for him to mingle with the people in a safe environment, in which he could work and shape his purposes. Which are quite different from what Jesus brought to this world so long ago in his human life, where he came to reveal God as the loving Father of all in an environment subject to the strict laws and customs of the Jewish religion. Or in the case of the Roman Empire in the many gods and customs that very often amounted more into festivities than to a sincere belief and knowledge of God.

I am Andrew. I was appointed as the first apostle. I was the head of the group. We lived and traveled with Jesus, and our life and work with Jesus was not always easy. All apostles had their own task, and all of them held on to their tasks, and Jesus gave us enough time to think and ask questions. But often we misunderstood him, and then we felt disappointed that we did not have the ability to think like Jesus. As he was always a master teacher, and never got tired of explaining the things of his Father in Heaven again.

But because of his kind, impressive, yet simple way of life, and his constant willingness to help people with their needs and the emptiness in their lives, plus his ever-present attention to us, it was easy to remain faithful to him. And we have always found and felt a strong feeling and sincere faith to remain with Jesus. None of the apostles ever seriously considered leaving him or being unfaithful, and we all loved him dearly. We could not imagine our lives without him.

How great was the shock and devastation when Jesus actually died on the cross and we had to carry on without him after a time, a terrible time of fear and uncertainty, and the horrible death of our best friend and teacher. But Jesus remained present as he remains present today to all who call on him and honor his name. Jesus is truly the Way, the Truth and the Life, as we the apostles have experienced with him, and as we were allowed to walk next to and with him in that important part of his earthly life. And where he always encouraged us and told us about the Kingdom of God that everyone could share with him as you follow him on his way to the Father in heaven.

For people today, Jesus is still the most important person and teacher. For many people. And his words and teachings have opened the eyes of many who had forgotten God, or had a wrong idea about their Creator, if they had any idea at all. And Jesus remains the Way, the Truth and the Life, and he will lead this generation also to God, who is his and our Father, and whom we may know and serve in his vast, vast universe, where all his children will find many opportunities to develop their talents, to use for the development of God's creation.

I am Andrew, the apostle of Jesus, and I know from my own experience what I am talking about. Never, never let go of Jesus, and trust him as the Beloved Son of God, our Father, who lived his more than exemplary life as a human being among men in the divine power of Michael of Nebadon. Jesus remains committed to this world. He will continue to fight for the progress and development of the planet that means so much to him, when he represented Michael of Nebadon, the Paradise Son of God in a human body on this world. I am the apostle Andrew, and I am leaving this group, but I will be glad to speak to you again soon. And I wish you all a very good day.

Thank you, Andrew, thank you. (seconds of silence)
Hello Ron, I'm trying to come to you if you don't mind, I am unmuting you, and you might have something for us to fill up the hour.

Ron Besser
Can you hear me?

Yes, I hear you, Ron.

Ron Besser
All right. This is,

Are you able to .. Oh, I see. Sorry. Go ahead.

Ron Besser
This is Ron Besser. I'm here in York, Pennsylvania, USA. And I'm listening carefully to this Lightline. One of the reasons that I am directed to listen carefully is that I am personally going to change styles, undelivered to me as to details. But we have together made it possible to hear the transmissions of the live voice of Michael, the head of our universe, and a divine being Machiventa, who is now the chief of all humans not only on Urantia, but of the current system of Satania, which you belong to. We do not often talk about who is ruled by whom, and I want to give a brief explanation of what this system that we belong to is.

First of all, know that Urantia, the planet that you are born on, belongs to a larger planetary system of Satania. Now the spelling of that, unfortunately, is almost identical to the name of Satan. They have nothing whatever to do and never did with that individual, but the name Satania means peaceful beauty. Satan grabbed the name and tried to convince those of you who were not familiar with the organization of the universe and its rule, to join him.

Apostle Andrew
I am the apostle Andrew. I speak eloquently and carefully through Ron. Ron's time on Urantia is rapidly approaching zero. He's 82 and feels every year of it but is quite capable of speaking God and the voice of reason. In the next six months, you all will have the opportunity to view Jesus in his new personhood.

Michael of Nebadon
I am Michael of Nebadon to you, Ron. You speak eloquently and well. You are slowed down, so that people catch your words. What we want to tell all of you is that Machiventa Melchizedek will be the master in control of all the missions to Urantia, starting now. The Master Sons, the Magisterial Sons, the Sons of Sons, listen!

Apostle Andrew
We, the apostles of Jesus Christ, hereby tell all of you that we will not appear when Jesus appears on Urantia again, but we are all aligned beside him. You just can't see us. We never knew there would be an opportunity to speak so carefully, so well to all of you via a transmission. We give it to Ron.

Ron Besser
It's this. Today I can barely get awake. They are transitioning me, Ron, into the mansion worlds easily, so it's not an abrupt feeling to me. The problem with that is, I can't speak to you if they do that entirely. Therefore, I have asked the powers to be that I be permitted to stay as long as feasible on Urantia, to enjoy the power of these missions, and to take with me to the lands that I know not the experience of having lived in the flesh with a Return of Jesus Christ.

We, and that means Ron and his home in New York, and all of you and your homes around this world. Understand that the topical issue of today is not the Return of Jesus Christ, but about you, the little ones, the mini apostles. We are the grand finale of all that has been done on Urantia to this point, we must allow you, Ron, to understand that this phone connection now is to the universe.

Ron Besser
Thank you.

Michael f Nebadon
Thank you, Ron. Here is the transmitted voice of Jesus Christ.

Ron Besser
One moment.

Jesus Christ
I am Jesus, your friend. I come to you with one understanding that Ron is just a voice and nothing more. The apostles are gathered already around the person of Jesus, and Jesus is about to enter for you to see him once more. Ron prays that he may live long enough to see it too and he will.

Dominick his friend is very tired, but Dominick, find it in your heart to understand that what is about to appear is also the end of your usual concerns, not only with Ron, but with your family out west. You and Ron are now appointed to speak when you can, when you're able, with one voice. Ron gives you gladly his home when he leaves in death for the mansion worlds. But with it comes the responsibility to maintain that which he has maintained religiously for 15 years, from 2709 Sunset Lane, that is his home address.

And finally, to you, Elise. It is getting harder and harder for you to fulfill your responsibilities, but you have. You will, and please continue, even if Ron should die.

And finally, to you, the people who are listening to this transmission, there is no one better done than the voice box of this human. He insists that it be accurate, it be fully spoken, and that it be told to you as he receives it. He has attempted to do all that without concern, and now, let me tell you. That concern is now yours. Every one of you, everyone listening today, and we know you name, and know as a responsibility to know the gospel of our Lord Michael of Nebadon, and the role of Jesus Christ. Know that you are responsible for what you heard.

And now this to you, Ron. Your time on Earth is no longer disappearing. It has fully recapitulated itself into this. I am not asking that your body be removed. I'm not asking that you remove the patent for free electricity. But I am asking that you hold a daily Lightline in spokesmanship every day, after other Lightlines have completed. We'll let you set the time up, because your voice is the original voice of what we wanted to do on Urantia for 50 years. You are fine with it, but your health is beginning to disappear. You find it enjoyable, and you just enjoy listening. And for that means and matter, please note that your turn to come over to the mansion worlds is not soon, it's immediate. Yet you are represented in body form on Urantia, and can speak through your telephone to the group.

You love the work, you found it most entertaining regardless of what era you were in. For that reason, Ron, the Supreme Court is your destination, but that you are not a jurist or the jury, but you are to become one in the commiseration of how the Supreme Court adjudicates those who come before it. You know the new person who is head of the Supreme Court. I am not having you speak her name, but you admire her tremendously.

Ron Besser
Yes, I do.

Jesus Christ
For that reason, Ron, we ask you not to interject any more speech, but to listen carefully with the rest of those listening now. Shortly, Elise, we will return this to you to shut it down, but right now, let me tell you something you really ought to know every one of you. I, Jesus Christ, have no particular love for Urantia, it is a hostile planet to me. Yet I serve it, because that is where my missions took place. I am asking those who do transmissions with Machiventa Melchizedek in charge, learn to be particularly careful when sounding the name of Jesus, because He will transmit through them his views of Urantia, and possibly of you.

For that reason, I am telling Ron to turn this back to Elise momentarily, but to say this before he does turn it back. Each of you is my apostle. Each of you belong in my heart. I will not ever allow you to displace the truth, and you never allow it to happen. But please understand that others will begin to enter the circuitry in order to have these missions to this planet. We will keep sacred these Lightlines. And Ron, you're not going over soon. You have already attended to some of it already, but that is being forced to do it by automatic programs. You are no longer under automatic work, but your choices are with me, Jesus Christ, and Michael of Nebadon. Please understand that Ron is not the only person, you all are. You all are my apostles. Please understand that the voice of Ron is gravelly, because he's old. He doesn't have the force of youth, but we're going to keep him around a good while to make sure that when you get old, you can speak the truth too.

I am Jesus. I am the loving son of Mary and Joseph. And now, let me say one thing before I return this to your host. Ron knows Mary. They often have a conversation. Joseph is much further advanced, but he and Joseph had conversations never recorded for you to read. But have been deleted so that they do not become part of an apocrypha. In any case, Joseph told Ron the day of his death he got baffled to work the wall at the new palace of Herod. He came up the device that took him to the top of the stone wall being built, and when he got to the top, the stone wall gave way. And instead of falling outward, it fell inward on top of the device he climbed to get to the wall to work on. It killed him instantly. Jesus did not know that. He thought his father was hiding. He gathered his tools days later and said to his mother, father shall be home soon. I know it. His tools are ready to work again. Let me go along mother to hold them for you. Mother wisely told him; your father is not coming home. He has gone to see the Father. Learning that Jesus wept. Jesus was inconsolable, and so was the family. But we promise you, no longer will there be death to separate Jesus from all of you. Starting tomorrow and the 27th of August 2024 at New York Time noon, you shall see the first evidence of the missions. Something will appear and you will all know, God is on Urantia once more.

Now, we are just about done with this Lightline. As a matter of fact, we're a little bit late. It's 3:13 by my clock. For the rest of you., those who have heard the gospel spoken today know that there are many more such series coming, and that Ron will speak occasionally, and we leave it at that to all of you. I thank you for being a good audience, a giving audience, a caring audience. We will continue these Lightlines by schedule. Remember that when you enter the portal, you are in direct communion, not only with Jesus Christ, but with the Father. Elise, I'm glad to turn this back to you, and thank you for allowing me this time. Go ahead, please.

Yes, thank you. Thank you, Ron. Thank you, Jesus, for this transmission. So very important for all to hear and understand. So, there's nothing I could say to that, and I thank all attendees, and hope to see you next week again on Monday. Thank you so much. And bye-bye,


  • 081224 Audio Tape Monday Lightline Netherlands International; Host: Elise Sophia Veronica
  • Subjects: The extensive works through the Magisterial Missons; further plans for Urantia; Gabriel of Salvington’s message to us; the sixth epochal revelations to Urantia need to wait; evolutionary planets development by revelation; create your own ministry.
  • Speakers: Monjoronson, Christ Michael, Michael of Nebadon, Gabriel of Salvington, Universal Father, Mantutia Melchizedek, and Thought Adjuster of Elise.
  • Transcribed by: sonsofGod
  • Link To Tape:

Hello to all. This is Elise Sophia Veronica for a Monday Ligh night, Lightline, excuse me, on August 19, 2024. And it's Lightline Netherlands International. I welcome you all, and I have you on my screen here now. It has gone up to 11, and welcome Salvador. We're just starting the Lightline. I'm glad to see that there are so many present, and we will thank the Father for making this gathering possible again. Thank you, Father and Michael of Nebadon, for giving us again the opportunity to be assembled under your guidance. We ask for your presence and blessings for today's Lightline. And we ask for assistance from the spirit side, from which we have had the meetings, the privilege to receive transmissions on this Netherland's Lightline for almost four years now. We pray for healing and recovering for our brothers and sisters on the forum for suffering from pain and discomfort, and we ask our celestial helpers to keep the channels clear and open to be able to hear your voices. And we thank our Father and Michael and Jesus, and all other personalities in our celestial family for sharing time with us. I'm asking for this assistance from the celestial side to come to us and please speak to us if you're there.

Good day, everyone. I am here, and this is Monjoronson, and I would like to speak a little to the concerns that may go through your mind asking yourselves, where did spirit go? And what with the Magisterial Mission, which is carried out in silence? Well, I am Monjoronson. I am very responsible for these missions, and of course, we want to make this mission a success. We do our work, and it will, much later, come to a time when we help people find better ways to deal with today's problems and difficulties that have arisen on your planet, where many people have evolved in a very selfish way, and have failed to find solutions to the problems they have created. And with 'they' I mean, all of them, all of your inhabitants, as a group. By this time, you should be able and have a lot of experience to solve your complicated problems. But we are talking about your civilization where egoistic behavior has kept people apart, and where you are deprived of training in the many issues and things that now affect your life on the planet. And your people need change on a massive scale, for the simple reason that you do have the necessary knowledge but have not used that knowledge for the right purposes.

You have been given revelation to get man acquainted with other realities, to understand how to run a society and prepare for higher spiritual status that will follow after you leave this material world. And your written revelation, such as the Urantia Book, is an important tool to become increasingly involved with the universe, with its creator and rulers, and it helps to clarify your vision on how to see things in a more realistic perspective. And all of that in addition to the revelation you yourselves experience in life as a human being, and later on in your ascension career as a spiritual being.

We, the Magisterial Sons, we will assist humanity. We will counsel your official representatives in governments and otherwise. We do not take the place of Jesus. We never would or could, but we assist Jesus by preparing a way to make the world more acceptable and receptive to his return, by carrying out our agenda. And also trying to connect with the world and its people in what we can offer humanity in its efforts to lead your nations in making this world a dignified and livable place without greed, and without leaving waste products to future generations.

I am Monjoronson, and we have told you before that our work is extensive and may even be surprising to us in some respects. But we have vast experience in missions. And we are well prepared for setbacks or opposition from any hidden quarter or opinion on your world. We keep doing our work as planned. And we are well aware of what the world has missed to achieve, or to which no attention has been paid as a result of its decline, and by the pursuit of power and lust for material profits. Which always leads to abuse and destruction, and it distracts men from progression in making full use of the privilege and presence of the Adjuster to help him remember his purpose. Which goes far beyond the purpose of earthly pleasure, and which has been completely ignored, because you're training and education neglect to teach the very important questions of life. And most of all, denies God his place in your society.

So, as Magisterial Sons, we have our own agenda, and we are trying with many others, to get well, let's say this planet on its feet again, to get some healing for the people, for the planet, which is so necessary. We have been looking at some videos about nature and what has been lost, what has been destructed, and what is left of some beautiful places where people, where mostly wild animals used to live. And it's a very, very sad thing to see what humans do to the beautiful planet of Urantia.

But we say again to everyone, let's work together. Train your patients. We are not there yet to ask for you, but we are sure that much must have gone off to a good start before these missions are fulfilled. And that we can and must help you to find ways to look at your planetary problems to heal this planet, and to look for a fair distribution of what the world produces. And of course, get the people to become much more familiar with our Father in heaven, whom we always represent in all our assignments on any planet in God's universe.

You all live in a small and remote part of the universe, but you are a part of the whole, and therefore you participate in the whole. Be aware of that. Be good to yourself, to your neighbor, to your people, to your planet, stay with us in all your expectations and good work to be done for Urantia. We are here, and we will be in contact. Just wait. This is Monjoronson. I thank you all, and I leave by saying good day.

Thank you. Monjoronson.

Christ Michael
My dear people, as your brother and friend, I come to you as Christ Michael, I speak to you all. I am both Michael and Jesus, and we speak as one, Blessings to you all, and we give you our words here to encourage you to continue and never give up faith in our Heavenly Father, who is the Universal Father of all, of all that is and ever will be.

I am Christ Michael. Please, continue to believe in what will come to you in the future, after the world is cleansed of the evil of war, of greed and lust that now occupy the minds of many on your planet. That will change. For there will come a time, after the Magisterial Sons have completed their routine work to assist you in bringing new, refreshing and more enduring ideas, for all to live by with new assignments, new ideas, new work to be carried out by those who will receive our call. Who have cooperated with us to establish a foundation of trust, and who will be able to provide education to all who show an interest in this world that will be freed of war, domination and violence. This, of course, will take time, but the method used to achieve this will be made clear and the majority of the population will then readily follow new instructions for a society that will bring on Urantia the dawn of time for peace and prosperity that you are all hoping for.

But that foundation of your new society must be solid with clear rules and a charter to live by, just as your constitution. Your constitutions have now been adopted by your nations, and as you have sought to bring the nations together in a union of United Nations, from which the new rules will be derived in an appropriate charter. Which will lead to a more economic, social, and hence more spiritual way of life that will be desired and accepted by all. But we can't be hasty, because a lot of time is needed to prepare all this, and slowly but surely, people are willing to start to see those better ways and means and understand how to deal with the multitude of things in your society that need to be changed radically, in behavior and attitude towards life in general.

I am Michael. I am Christ Michael. I know man's efforts and its failures to make this planet a place where you can live in comfort and peace, but we have all learned that you will never be successful until there is a common willingness to give up greed, power, possession. So that there will be a more or less forced establishment of new governments on Urantia accepted by the majority of the population. Who will then take the lead in rallying the remainder of a stubborn group and convince them of new methods of teaching material, and also spiritual knowledge so necessary for all in this world, where God, our Father, has been lost for centuries, and where the knowledge of human existence on this planet has failed to survive spiritually, and have left its people in a mist of ignorance.

I am Christ, Michael. I am your Creator, your Father, your brother and friend, and I love this planet, on which I had my life in the flesh, as you do at this time in history. The times since my birth have not changed much, except for your technical development, which has not been used properly, but mostly to invent weapons that are so dangerous that they could destroy the planet in a few moments and leave it burning to never again become a place for humans to live on.

As Christ Michael, I tell you that I truly love and care for you and your planet. And that all must become responsible and willing to work together. We have tried to reach you for so long, and we have been stopped by the many acts of insurrection and destruction that leave us unable to begin our shared commitment to help healing the planet. And to negotiate with those who really understand that the planet is on the verge of destroying itself if no urgent changes take place, to look for a different future. A time and place for all people to work and live in a community that strives for good, physical and mental health in a healthy society.

Michael of Nebadon
I, Christ Michael, I am now Michael of Nebadon. Your Creator Father and Sovereign over this local universe, Nebadon, which is facing the many problems of rebellion and evil behavior of human and spiritual life together. And where we must settle matters so that everyone knows that I am the Sovereign of My universe, and I will ensure that it returns to governments that cannot be taken over by rebels who think they can have it their way. They will be pushed aside and have to wait for other assignments that will not be given to them in the near future, because we can't trust them in their specific duties as part of the regulations in my universe. I am Michael of Nebadon, and those who want to follow me are very welcome. And they will share in my responsibilities and duties that I have for my universe. I go by the living truth of our Father on Paradise, and I will never forsake His will. He is the Sovereign of the vast universes of His creation. Those who follow me follow the Father, and they will have eternal life in and with him as a true child of God, the First Source and Center forever. I am Michael of Nebadon, and I step back, and I give you Gabriel of Nebadon.

Thank you. Thank you, Christ Michael and thank you Michael of Nebadon, and welcome Gabriel. Please go ahead.

Yes, thank you. Thank you, Elise, this is Gabriel. Listen to me. I bring you some words. My name is Gabriel. Gabriel of Salvington, and I speak to all on this Monday Lightline. So here I am. This is Gabriel, and I am the one you might call Michael's right hand, as I was the first person created by his hands. And I am very much like my Father and Mother, Michael of Nebadon, your Creator Father, and Mother Spirit, the Creative Spirit, who was previously Michael's concert. I replace Michael, and I work with his staff sometimes where necessary, and I know the universe of Nebadon as well as Michael does. I have inherited many qualities from my Father Michael, but not his divine qualities as a Creator.

I am the first administrative executive in Michael's universe, and I take over for Michael when he is away for an extended period of time. As he was during his bestowals, his incarnations in the likeness of seven of His created beings that he created in his universe. I work with and for Michael daily and my devotion and love are for him and his universe, and the many beings that live in his universe. For the evolution and wellbeing of all that evolves from the day I came into existence and realized my task and responsibility as the first Local Universe Son of my parents. I know exactly my place and my duties, and I love Michael as my Father, as I love our Father on Paradise, the Father of all, who you might say is my grandfather.

My duties are many, and I know this universe, and everything related to it very well. I do take care of everything in this local universe as my Father Michael would do himself. I do not go on missions, but I do represent cases in the high courts, as was the case in Gabriel against Lucifer; to name the most serious case we have encountered in this local universe. Where he, Lucifer, took full action against the will and rules of God, the Universal Father, by denying the existence of God, and demanding free rule over the system of Satania, of which he was then the sovereign ruler. And of which he was expected to assist Michael in that part of the universe of Nebadon. Well, this all was made known to you through the text in your Urantia Book. So, I step in for Michael in many cases and circumstances, including approaching humans, or to announce the good news or just messages such as here in a transmission. I am not a teacher, but I express myself in divine knowledge, which is my own through my high position as the first created divine offspring of Michael in this universe called Nebadon.

I love my Father Michael dearly, and I admire his divine attributes and works that are always dedicated to the Father, to the Universal Father, the mighty God and Creator of all, who is and ever will be. My existence and work are dedicated to that of Michael of Nebadon, and I will always adhere to the will of Michael, who represents the will of our Paradise Father. Ather. This is Gabriel, and I had just these few words for you all, to let you know that I am also here for you as much as Michael is in his love and devotion for your existence and your sometimes troubled life here on this world. I bid you farewell, and I wish you a very good day.

Well, thank you very much, Gabriel of Nebadon. Okay, this is Elise, and I will have a look at the ... at my screen. We have Jose and George and Charlotte coming in. So altogether, we have 15 people, and I am going to see if we have more from the spirit side coming to us. Just give me a minute.

Universal Father
This is Father, Elise. I greet you all. This is the Universal Father speaking to all of you. I am your Universal Father, and if you'd like to know me, you have to learn to listen to your Adjuster, who is a real fragment of me that I gave you, to have the opportunity to learn who I am. And to climb up in a spiritual status to finally meet me on Paradise, where I am present and from where I have my place to oversee my creation at all times.

Because most people do not know how to discover me inside of them, how to listen, how to be still, revelation is given to each world from time to time. And it is through revelation that man learns to know about administration, leadership and educational opportunities in my universe, that is there for all of you to experience for an endless time of no time. Revelation comes to all inhabited planets with a purpose to educate the people of the planet about its history, its spiritual management and assistance that is given to every planet, next to the inner individual assistance, each human receives by way of their own experience and trials in their material, morontial and spiritual lives on the planet and thereafter.

Your planet has received five epochal revelations, beginning with the arrival of the 100, coming from Jerusem, and transferred into beings of dual nature, who were sent to your earth to assist your Planetary Prince one half million years ago. To help him in his administration and progression on the planet, which failed in its purpose, largely by the decision of your Planetary Prince to join your system sovereign in his rebellion and sin against the Universal Father. And the planet from there on, was cut off and in quarantine from any spiritual communication for about 250,000 years.

A second epochal revelation came with the arrival of your Material Son and Daughter, Adam and Eve, who had the task to uplift the population with education, and to improve the human genetics on this evolving world. Because of the planet's isolation and the still influential Planetary Prince, Adam and Eve had to leave the planet in default, but nevertheless left many good things to the planet's progression and to the development of the human population.

A third epochal revelation came to your world by the incarnation of a Melchizedek Son, who came to rescue the planet where hardly any light could be found after so many years of separation from spirit influence and contact. This was Machiventa Melchizedek, who volunteered to go to Urantia, and tried to keep of what was left of the spiritual light on Urantia, and in the human belief in the one God and Creator.

The fourth revelation is the birth of Jesus, where your Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon incarnated in the flesh as a little baby, born as a human, to experience his creation and to reveal God as your Father, and the Father of the universe of universes.

The fifth epochal revelation is the written text that was brought to you in a book form by the name of the Urantia Book. Which tells you about God, the First Source and Center, your Father on Paradise and his existential associates, the Eternal Son, and the Infinite Spirit, and his coordinates in the Holy Trinity. It also explains to you the extensive administrations and divisions in staff and personnel in the Grand Universe, and even about the Master Universe. All of this you have come to know about not even a century ago. But has unfortunately been made partly invalid by the fact that there has been such great disturbance in the universes when a high deity decided to blow himself up and bring enormous damage to the Father's administration and his universes. But the book gives you still enough information to go by.

A sixth epochal revelation was due to appear on your planet. And when it does, it will probably be again in book form to explain to you much more precisely what has happened and the changes that are being made in the universe as a whole, and on your world. Many things you have read and have been listening to over the last years will be explained more deeply, and you will get a much broader picture of the life of Jesus on your world, with a deeper meaning of Michael's incarnation and what it really means for his universe, and in fact for the universe of universes as a whole.

But also, the sixth epochal revelation must be postponed and wait until the people on Urantia are willing to strive for cooperation and become more aware of the truth and faith in God on Paradise. This is your Universal Father. I have spoken.

Thank you, Father.

Mantutia Melchizedek
And this is Mantutia Melchizedek. I greet you all. Let's take a look. Planets all develop in their own and different ways, depending on their position in the universe around the sun, or some other heavy source to which they belong, and from which they sometimes receive light.

This is Mantutia Melchizedek, and we see how one planet can differ from another. As you know from the Urantia Book, there are many planets that are formed in different ways. Some are ejected by parts of other planets and sometimes through suns, stars, but there are also planets that were created by collecting bits of material from the cosmos, and which have been grown under favorable conditions and prepared to develop life on them. You also know how the Life Carriers continuously work to make changes in life patterns to improve the life forms, and to increase the quality of material, and to adapt life forms to the natural conditions of the planets. They work on a planet in the beginning of its existence, and so each planet has its own history and has produced different people who live and work on these planets.

Not all the inhabited planets in Nebadon have been affected by rebellion. The number that Lucifer managed to bring under his authority was already more than enough, and everything was stopped when his manifesto went too far and could possibly expand much more. The planets were isolated and separated from the rest of Michael's regime, and remained so until the last century, where Caligastia was adjudicated by the Supreme Court of Uversa, and condemned into nonexistence.

Most planets have not been under the influence of the rebellion and have avoided the encounter with Lucifer. They have been able to follow their normal evolution, but they each have their own developmental problems, and they all receive help from a Material Son and Daughter coming from Jerusem to improve the races. And learn to use new techniques to make great progress in the revolution and in their biological development. All planets have the honor to receive a Bestowal Son, born of a woman of their own human race, who will bring revelation to them. Not all planets in Nebadon have yet received their bestowal sons. But most have been fortunate to have had the birth of a Bestowal Son, and incarnated Avonal Son, who is doing exactly the same work on a planet as Jesus did on Urantia.

However, Jesus was the only Bestowal Son in which Michael of Nebadon experienced his life as a human being on one of his planets, as one of his created beings. Furthermore, all planets are being visited from time to time by Avonal Sons to judge the state of the planet, which includes, very often, a mission with a specific purpose for that planet. And which varies depending on what is most urgent and necessary for that planet to ensure proper progress in development.

And all planets strive to eventually arrive at the first stages of Light and Life, and to pass through its phases until they can be fully regarded. Regarded as perfected planets that will function in Light and Life forever, in which they have reached a state of peace and harmony and are able to live together and participate in worship to their Creator in an individual but also in a communal way with great respect to God and His creation, with all its inherent persons, animals and scientific facts. The possibilities for a planet to get this far are unlimited, and the path is different for every planet, depending on its location in the universe, its location in relation to other systems and stars, and sometimes the size and conditions of the planet itself. With life on it develops in more or less the same way, but the creatures on it are of a wide variety and adapted to the conditions that the planet faces in its own development and evolution.

This is Mantutia Melchizedek, and I just wanted to give you this overview in a few words. I thank you for doing this transmission. I wish you a very good day.

Thank you, Mantutia Melchizedek. Thank you so much.

Thought Adjuster of Elise
This is your Adjuster, Elise. And let me finish off this Lightline with some words to all. In this spiritual mission coming to your planet, about which your Magisterial Son, Monjoronson has informed you, there is now little you can do at this time to assist. But you can try to make your own little mission, and that is the effort you make to maintain connection with the Divine Spirit living within you. I am the Adjuster, and I ask you to help you on a little mission of your own, by making a list of things you can do, how to create your mission, how to get your mission accomplished. What can you contribute to your planet, to your people, to peace? What are your options? What do you see when you look around? Is there a place to offer your services? Through this self-examination, you discover that there is much that can use a helping hand, and in this way, you create your own mission here and now, and contribute to the realization of a great mission led by the Magisterial Sons, who in turn discover people who will seem to be ready and willing to cooperate, and accept a task that matches their desire to be used, and to help the planet to heal. So that it may flourish and develop and remain safe for dozens of generations to come.

Your desire to be part of a divine mission will stimulate confidence. And experience can be gained through the necessary discipline. People often forget the simplicity of what can be contributed by creating and completing a small task you set yourself and engaging others may be in it. It will encourage you to be more than you thought possible. Do not worry about spiritual missions, about where or when. Start with yourself. Ask your friends to join you, and you will participate in building a creative and cooperative body in your society. Working together on any level with a goal in mind provides a good and broad insight into what can be achieved in these times of intolerance, dissatisfaction and unrest, and it will be a start and encouragement for everybody of what can be achieved through taking responsibility and to act. I thank you for listening. This is Elise's Adjuster, and I say goodbye to all of you.

Thank you, Adjuster. Well, I'm looking at the clock, and I see that we have past the hour. So, I'm going to my screen and see if there are any question marks, questions or no. Well, I take it that there's no one would like to add something, and I think we have heard many celestials speaking today, and I thank them for being here. And I thank you for being with us today on this Lightline. I hope you have enjoyed it, and well, I will listen to my own Lightline again later, because I have not really, do not really remember everything that was said here. So, I thank you very much, and I say goodbye for now, bye, bye, until next time.


Thank you Robert for letting me know. I have corrected the link. 


  • 081324 Audio Tape Tuesday Lightline USA; Host: Dominick. Other Transmitter: Ron Besser
  • Subjects: Pantheism, polytheism, and monotheism; eventual reestablishment of original universe governance; Absolute, the Unqualified Absolute or the Ultimate. Attributes of Trinity, the personality of Father, Son and Spirit; the function of the Magisterial Foundation; issues with transmitting; High textbook level transmitting. Conversation concerning Ron Besser and Phyllis Simpson
  • Speakers: Michael of Nebadon, Machiventa Melchizedek, Monjoronson
  • Transcribed by: sonsofGod
  • Link To Tape:
Welcome to Tuesday. Light line, August 13. 2024 I'm your host, Dominic, we invoke the quick prayer of Michael of Nebadon, our Universal Father and Jesus.

Michael of Nebadon (as revealed later)
Today's light line starts with the theme of recalling the earlier years of the term the house that Jack built, and where is it now? The pillars of information warfare and information in general and figuring out your worldview is ever changing and ever dynamic. Yes, it could be quite stable and close. Some of us were talking about being open and closed, and people are diverse in our makeup. Some people are born with a natural tendency to be open minded, exploratory. Some people are on the other end of the same spectrum of whatever that is and to be classified as or closed. There're benefits to each, and we tend to balance that out as we get older.

The exploration of the meaning of life and developing a world view would entail an aspect of religion, and we've dealt with pantheism, we've dealt with polytheism, and we've dealt with monotheism. And of course, there's a form of atheism, which is a... tends to be a form of a theism, nonetheless, it believes in something. It's basically just rebelling against either the need to pick or choosing a side unwittingly.  

So, let's just go into what pantheism is, and if you can, in your mind's eye, have three columns, and in no particular order, we start with pantheism in the first column. Now pantheism has been defined in past clear, clarified revelation that it can be evolutionary in terms of like the very early ghost cults, or just man's attempt to explain the world around him. Pantheism is also in some respects, epochal, defined as incarnations that have appeared over the course of planetary history that mankind has turned into a God like Pantheon. The Planetary Prince, the Caligastia 100, Adam and Eve, those types of episodes defined in the fifth epochal revelation of the Urantia book would be such an example of divine beings turned into a pantheon. And then, because of the rebellion that Pantheon further schismed into a rebel Pantheon and a loyal Pantheon.  

And before we talk further about that, we need to go into polytheism, which is the multiplicity of God essentially, where, as finite, observing and experiential beings, we have to resolve things that are somewhat multiplicitous or polytheistic in terms of resolving things like time and space, body, mind and spirit, energy and matter, particle, wave and frequency, and kind of the concept of Trinity. And monotheism deal with singular entities of deity, of God. However, like a little bit like the polytheism attributed to a concept like the Trinity, monotheism is rooted in the Holy Trinity. In other words, the infinite, the eternal, the universal, and what was taught in the past, the Supreme, the Absolute. The Unqualified Absolute, which is better understood in a transcript, as you could say, without qualification. In other words, it's not unqualified as in not fit for the job, but it is without qualification, without the need. It is the Unqualified Absolute. And lastly, a monotheism concept of the ultimate. Those are really rough breakdowns in order to have a conversation in the Lightline.  

So, if we classify, for this purpose, the concept of Trinity as a human polytheism, and go back to the pantheon of the rebel, the rebel has an inverted Trinity. The rebel inverts. And so, you can look at what the rebel has ended up worshiping as a polytheistic attribute of God. And instead of worshiping and upholding those monotheistic attributes of the Father, the Son and the Infinite Spirit, the rebel, worships nature and intelligence and strives for power over such things. That concludes that portion, as we circle back to the question of, where has the house that Jack built gone, and why are we off focus on that these days, rhetorically, as opposed to what the world would tell us is our immediate threat. So, before we answer that question or dare to, we would just like to reestablish, re remind and reconstitute, what it is the foundation, the Magisterial Foundation, strives to do as a human organization, and what it attempts to structurally organize to allow it to be used as a divine organization.  

And that is a couple of premises. One, what has previously been established is the stipulation or the contention or the one of the pillar statements or philosophies is that the planet and nation states and the human... humanity in general and its civilizations will not be able to sustain themselves without the re ordered establishment of the original universe government, one that has a defined planned plan for planetary evolution, that involves revelation and representation amongst the population to work hand in hand in its governance. Not to take control of that governance, but to guide and advise. For the..., because the design plan of universe design is that ascending creatures learn by experience in their ascension experience, but that the higher, other high end of deity descends into Its universe creation and also earns experience.

So, the foundation, and what these Lightlines entail, is a core principle that this is a vehicle and exercise to facilitate the eventual reestablishment of original universe governance, through what is both, revelation incarnation and missions of various proportions, that can reach anywhere from specialized unknown missions to very public epochal missions. To that extent, a very detailed hierarchy of universe personalities is revealed to you in the fifth epochal revelation. So, those not familiar with that work would have that as a reference to understand any of the advanced concepts of deity as outlined previously, such as the Absolute, the Unqualified Absolute or the Ultimate. But for all intents and purposes, you can, in time and space, understand God with those three monotheistic attributes of Trinity, God being Infinite, God being Eternal, and God being Universal, and that those are summarized in the personality of a Universal Father and Eternal Son and Infinite Spirit. And that as a human being in the Seventh Superuniverse, you are a being whose evolutionary purpose is designed to express all the combinations of those three attributes of a Trinity, or the three aspects of Trinity.

So, the foundation, the Magisterial Foundation is not something to compete with existing structures, but to augment and codify what has been revealed in the fifth epochal revelation, which is service to God, service to Michael, service to the building of your own self-value as a Father indwelled creature. And nothing exemplifies this more than the life and teachings of Jesus. And at the end of the day, the Magisterial Foundation strives to serve the universe deities and universe governance of time and space, that has both designed the life and organized governance. And also, the combination of those two are the ascension plan, or the ascension scheme being a schematic of your phase transition between a material spirit animal, and reborn of the spirit, and eventually phasing into spirit status as a cosmic citizen and granted eternal life in fusion with the deity Father fragment, the Universal Father.

You are granted eternity of life in the Son and learn the mysteries of the closed and open systems of infinity. So, hopefully that gives a few re summarized or reinstated Terms of Service, as to why the Foundation exists, and what it strives to do and serve to that extent. Some of those projects are certainly include patents that would aid in missions to the planet, but not before the house that Jack built is corrected.

Dominick @19:08
To that extent, this is Dominick speaking now, that if, I suppose, if I were to be given the keys in the case of Ron's passing, and I were given the hypothetical budget of the Urantia Fellowship, which we received as an annual report, thank you, fellowship. It was a nice booklet. And we saw that, let's just say for rounding up purposes, is roughly a million dollars, or half a million, was used on Google ads. I assume most of their... a lot of nonprofits similar, it's conventions and book sales, and then marketing of those books and events. And the way that the rate of the world is going, if I were to be given a million dollars or half a million dollars, I would not, strategically, I might have in the past, but I think there would be a need to flip a course correct. The efficacy of spending that amount on Google ads, for one, we cannot beg the question to assume that if people are aware of the existence of revelation, that they will drink of that water. It's a lot of money down the drain, on an assumption that if they're aware of it, they will come. I would shift that focus primarily to peer-to-peer relationships and face to face meetings.  

There's enough of a groundswell of populism, I guess you could say, where you should understand where the market is. And go, and literally have to go there, and meet people face to face. Technology is at the point now where it's unreliably effective, even though it promises the world. People are finding out that it is not ever a substitute for in person meeting and interaction. To that extent everyone on this call is free to visit us at the foundation in York, Pennsylvania. And we have prepared in the future that if there are such things as missions, even though they're not involving the foundation, that someone like myself might have the chance to go face to face, and I would enjoy that. But the house that Jack built ensures that if we were to spend half a million dollars to a million dollars on Google ads, that it would not be effective. Do we discussed in a impromptu Lightline that did not involve any transmissions last week, the concept of an egregore, or egregor. In the past, that was a type of spell craft. But today, it involves technology in that the house that Jack built has learned to commercialize egregores with techno propaganda and censorship, and shadow banning, and mass psychosis.

Michael of Nebadon @24:21
And enough information to pollute and water down and confuse anyone searching for answers. So how are you to address this using the very same technology? It's not going to be very effective. And I would stipulate that there as a movement and an organization, I would hope that the fellowship as brotherhood would organize that amount of money to, for example, sponsor high profile lectures, events, long form podcasts and ads and produce those things themselves, rather than spend it on, literally, Google ads, which on an occultic or esoteric or on some level, the very people who would be your market audience understand that that's part of an apparatus of the house that Jack built. There is a fundamental change happening in the past 10 years that has shifted the relationship between the state and the citizen. Part of the self-fulfilling prophecy of Civil War is the Leviathan eye of the state turning inward, declaring that the enemy is within.  

So, without going deep into that, let's shift gears a little bit and remind folks that some of the core tenants of the religion and design of the universe is the individual, regardless of their citizenship status on the planet, is a potential citizen of the universe that you live in, but you must be BORN AGAIN of the Spirit to attain the status. How that affects your earthly life and earthly attitudes towards Caesar's government is that the individual and family unit has on this planet structured itself as the backbone of civilization. Therefore, has it been known that the house of the house that Jack built inverts that and subverts that. So, when you do get a Leviathan government, a elevation of the collective in favor or in supremacy over the family and individual unit and claiming that civilization exists on the pillars of the collective state-run government, not the subservient collective, with no emphasis on individual excellence and self-mastery. No, the collectivist state will label you a domestic terrorist now for such fascist white supremacist talk. And that's all I have to say about that.  

There are very faint transmission lines this week. I get very little. But one thing I do get is that right now, Lightlines are not operating as we know it. But that if you are listening, bring your questions, they may respond, I'm, I am as Dominick here, am not currently going to sermonize their voice, and that's why no one is attributed today. But moving forward in the ... for the moment, is your need like the days of old, to supply your questions. Now, I don't mean to put you on the spot. Certainly, you don't, we don't need to have an awkward silence with the condescension that you have nothing to ask. But that we might have future Lightlines, just like we had last week, where if you ask something that spurs a two o'clock, 2pm New York time, Lightline on the off days where we have something not scheduled, we will do that.

But that we're running out of momentum, where we all sit back and ask for a lesson or words. It's time that we ask questions, because it demands that we assimilate information that has already been presented, but slow to be absorbed. Some of this is simply the consequence of the medium, of the information medium defined as its auditory over a phone line, which is not the most optimal way to absorb information. By definition, roughly three fourths to two thirds of us are comprised to assimilate information differently. And some of us are better at it, and so formulating questions helps people who think differently or different modes to come up with things that help them learn experientially. And also help the transmitter from the burden of receiving according to how they are built to receive or structured to receive. And that being always attributing what they say both to the truth as they know it, but also scribing the incoming communications as they receive it, without the filter of their own mind.  

And certainly, one of the biggest lessons we can learn from seeing the various cadre of transmitters over the years and how the development of the planet influences a transmitter, and nothing is more easily seen than the world views of the person transmitting. Without naming names, we've in the last five years, have seen transmitters laud the initiatives and governance of Russia and China. We've heard here in the US, some laud what could be seen as a Democrat or liberal and the other as conservative or Republican.

And so those are the truth intentions of the transmitter, but not necessarily the true or official policy statements of spirit. And to distance ourselves from that trap, we retreat from our current mode of Lightlines and back into a more Q & A format for there are no missions, as have been defined with human involvement, currently at this time and Light lines are under duress from communication circuits, both from above and below. And that's all I think I need to cover today. Certainly, at this point, you could press five star and ask and raise your hand.

Ron, I'm going to come to you and unmute you. You're unmuted, so call your fans. How's your head, Ron?

Ron Besser  
Oh, it's better, but it's not perfect. What would you have me take up?

Can you receive a transmission? Because ...

Ron Besser  
Yes, I can.  

.... I don't trust myself to.

Ron Besser
Yeah, I've got Machiventa here. I think.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is  Machiventa Melchizedek. Dominick, may I go ahead?

Please go ahead.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Okay, thanks. I want you to all understand that Dominick has pervaded the higher circuits of spirit to test you out. Ron was sitting here and thinking, 'This is an extraordinary broadcast, because it is so full of explanations that we need to know. If I were listening to this lecture, I would have to take notes and then come back and ask the transmitter some questions.'

This is Machiventa Melchizedek. Most of you are more or less just following in a blank voice mode. You are not really thinking about what is being said. But Ron was parsing it as it was being spoken and said that 'it would take more than one transmission that Dominick was giving to go over the points he was making, because it was like reading from a... an advanced textbook about the problems. Not only of revelation, but also getting it to be understood by the population'. This planet (cough). this planet has an educational level about the third grade when you take everybody into existence. The problem is that only the top echelon of those who receive a transmission, are really comprehending what is being transmitted. All of you, and I think that's at least 20 on today's call, are understanding perfectly well what is being said, but you are not making a note of it, and you quickly forget some of it. Ron says, 'If I were listening to this, I would take Dominick to be my college instructor and.... and I would ask some questions as he was negotiating the statements. But I am not in a classroom. I'm in a lecture room, and Dominick has no idea how complex the lecture is'.

Ron Besser  
Now Dominick, don't worry about it. It is as dictated, but I also know that the dictation is a college level textbook. I sat here and figured out that if I broke it down into paragraphs, Dominick's lecture would take about two days of off and on lectures to make sense of, because we students are not high enough to absorb it completely all the time, as given, I admire Dominick for being able to do it. Few of us can. And for that reason, I highly recommend listening to the tapes, and fully to you Dominick, for being able to receive a textbook, at least in kind.

Now this is the Magisterial Son, Monjoronson. Ron, I watched you off and on since you joined. Tell the group what happened.

Ron Besser  
At 2:19 until 2:24 the phone completely cut out. It didn't even make a noise. I did not hear the transmission for a full five minutes. I thought at first it was a phone connection. Well, not so. Then I wondered what other connection had failed. My computer screen shows that we have the full amount of people that signed on with their names and their times that was not at fault. What then did I experience? I'm told, because I don't know that the five minutes that I'm missing from 221, to 224, will never be heard by me, and therefore no understanding. For that reason. I looked at the transmission itself and said, well, they control everything. Did they control the phone? The answer was yes. I had it cut off completely for five minutes. I don't know what Dominick said.

And now this, you Ron, are explaining something that happened to several of them. Why did they experience it? And most of them did not. We tried to understand what it was that was being said. Well, looking at the transcript up here, nothing in particular was being said, except there was a test to see what you would do. Ron let the station run, that is the phone line run without fooling with it. That was the proper thing to do, but he sure didn't understand the silence for reasons of state to you, Ron, it wasn't anything you really missed. It was a test. To five others on this call. You had something similar happen. Review what you missed; you're going to find that you didn't miss anything. It isn't Dominick who prevailed to make you miss it. It was spirit. It is presiding, deciding to see what they could do to the transmission on individual phones, to see what they could control. Ron missed a full five minutes but decided that it was routine that is from a textbook, and not necessarily lost. He is correct.

Michael of Nebadon  
Now this, I am Michael of Nebadon. Ron, you are receiving a different level of mind.

Ron Besser  
Yes, Michael, I am aware that there are at least three levels when talking with you. There is a friendly level, there is a lecture level, and then you occasionally use with me what I call the full deity mind. That I don't really know, and that is what you were using to ask the question. I'm aware of it, and I'm slightly intimidated by it. The other voices are fine. I'm not intimidated, but when I have that upper-level voice, I sit back and squinch down to hear exactly what you said. Is that more that you would want to be spoken to or less, Michael?

Michael of Nebadon  
Less. Tell us, Ron, what you were thinking.

Ron Besser  
I was listening not only to Dominick, but I was also deciding at what level he was transmitting from. I looked in, and when I looked in, I saw a textbook, not a person speaking. Of course, I knew a person was speaking, but when I looked into the picture of the origination of the text. I saw a book being read, or at least summarized. I just let it pass by, because I went to look. I don't know of its importance to me, but I enjoyed it, and I told myself, remember, there is a real, live person that I could punch with my fist if he were flesh and blood, and he would probably hit me over the head with the textbook. But I reminded myself constantly a person was speaking. For that reason. I was sure that it was a lecture that was meant to be good and heard, but that the process was unusual to me. I can't tell you anything more. Michael.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you, Ron, you have told me enough. What I learned from Ron's speech was that he knew that I was not speaking it at a microphone. It was being read from a text. And for that reason, Ron was happy, because he converted considered the textbook to be divine and that it was being either read or recorded, what he considered something he could touch as a person. I tell you, Ron, that is all true, but you do it to make it personal.

Ron Besser  
Yes, that's true. I don't know how the rest of you people take the Lightlines and the discussions. But I always see a person speaking or reading or making available the contact information. I always look and I usually see Arthura, sometimes I see Michael, sometimes I hear just a recording that Is being promulgated through the usual that we're listening to. Today I saw Michael. He was not holding a textbook, but he was speaking. I don't know what else to tell you. Michael.

Michael of Nebadon  
That is fine, Ron, thank you. Now let me discuss a little bit of what Ron said. I take personally when I speak, that I am doing the speaking and that it's not a recording. For the past two years, Ron has done a Lightline vigorously and well. He always looks to see who is transmitting. And he often gets a picture of me, Gabriel, Monjoronson, Serara, and so forth. But today, he looked and what he saw was a robust Jesus in physical form. What do we mean by being able to view it? He could go up, see the picture, and he could punch him on the shoulder. That's how Ron sees if something is real.  I would say this, Ron, you are the first to recognize that Jesus is in the flesh. You punched him gently on the shoulder to see who and what was being transmitted. Now, if you're sitting back and just listening to the voice, you'll never know that. But Ron has the facility to be able to go in and kind of see who's transmitting. That is highly advanced. And for that reason, he has seen to it that Dominick can do it. But then Dominick doesn't know that the trick exists. When you transmit. Dominick, if you really want to see who is transmitting, look in deeper. Look in to see the person who is transmitting, and you will have an identification and sometimes a picture. Ron always receives a picture and the warm body. He can punch him on the shoulder and feel the warmth the flesh. It is highly advanced, and I make it available to all of you, if you want to see me transmitting.  Now this Ron is sitting and listening to the transmission, and he's very glad that there is one right now. All day he has been unable to rise from the bed. He's gotten up, he's gotten dressed, and he's been to the computer, but after half an hour there, he has to go lay down, and he sleeps for 10 minutes. It's a damn odd way to get through the day, but that's what's happening. Ron theorizes that he's about to end his life. He's 82. For that reason, he says, 'Well, I've lived a good, long life. I can see maybe it's worn out, and maybe they want to take me. I really don't know how this is done'. Well, the answer is, Ron, with you. We look at your aperture, and that is the cells at the top of your head. When you've got them fully open and dilated, you are able to receive anything the universe wishes to transmit. Yesterday, you were up with the Master Force Organizers. You spoke to three of them, and they informed you of a catastrophe that could happen easily, but you did not record it, nor did you speak of It. Why?

Ron Besser
It is the earth disasters. Michael. It's been spoken to since 1992 when the first teaching mission went on the air. I was part of it from 1993 until now. As a result, I have a long history of this kind of information being spoken to. I also know that the land mass that we live on is subject to breaking up or elevating or whatever land masses do over a certain amount of time, I left it go, because this has been spoken to for the last 15 to 20 years. I did not want to add any more to it. I'm pretty sure that the information is sated, that is, it's well known, and nobody needs to hear it again. So I left it go.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you, Ron. Now this to all of you. The temperature that Ron operates in is about 80 degrees Fahrenheit. It's in the low 70s when he is bodily in the room. He keeps the air conditioner at that. But his internal temperature is always supremely kept at 80 degrees Fahrenheit, not 98.5. He finds it easy to think and easy to promote, but he is not discharging the one thing that you all hoped. And that is a more or less personal evaluation of what is said. He knows that there are Western transmitters. He knows their names and the materials. Machiventa always produces them. He's glad that Machiventa does, because those individuals are not necessarily well connected without Machiventa. As a result, there are posted to the internet various groups supplying information. Almost all of them have Machiventa Melchizedek speaking. I'm aware that he looks at them as repetitive and doesn't look at them closely.  I'm going to tell you something. The main reason that they are allowed to speak is that they are capable of doing what Ron does, but they do not do it with the heart or care that you get here. What you get here is my presentation, Michael of Nebadon in person. I don't send you a recording. The others are usually recordings. The information is the same, but the personal care is not. Now, let me tell you, we are over time by about three minutes. I'm going to turn this back to Dominick and Ron thinks that you have done a smashing report. Dominick, and I do too. It's among the best. Elise and the other transmitters do as well, and I want them to continue, please. I want to also announce that Ron has been in and out of sleep all day, because of an aneurysm in the frontal lobes that is pressing against your ability to use fully, Ron. And as a precaution, the body is shutting you down every hour or so to get five minutes, 10 minutes or 15 minutes of sleep. That is now ended, and you throw fireworks up, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Oh, I'm very sorry. Yes.

Michael of Nebadon  
I am telling you, Ron, you will be awake and running the course for the next 20 years if we can get you off the sleep apparatus. For reasons of state, Dominick is one of the chief spokesmen that Ron has trained. He's trained Elise and the others. We are sad to report that Phyllis is near death.  Yes, Ron, so are we. She will be up here and on the work.

Ron Besser  
She'll love it, I hope.

Michael of Nebadon  
Yes, she will.

Phyllis Simpson  
Ron, this is Phyllis. I'm reporting to you that I'm too weak to go to the computer and turn the Lightline on. For that reason. I lay here and imagine what you're telling us. I do hear this. That's the miracle of Father. Thank you for looking in Ron.

Ron Besser  
I hope we look more than in and support you when you go to the mansion worlds and choose the work you would love to do. You're a top-notch speaker, endure, and I will miss you tremendously. Stay tuned. Father wants to speak to you further. And in the meantime, Dominick, I'm done, and I turn this back to you. Thank you very much. Go ahead.

Confirmed. Thank you, Ron. And I'm muting you just for noise discipline. And before we wrap up, I want to go to Dennis in a second. You've got your hand raised, and I want to at least get your question or comment into the record, and we can always address it later. And I also thank our also newly arriving attendees, and we're at 21 lines connected today. So, Lena, welcome Dennis, Valerie, Gary, Jeffrey, Jose and area code 503, which might be a redundancy.  

So, Dennis, prepare yourself. I'm about to unmute you. Dennis, can you hear me? Try speaking Dennis. Okay, well, he has internet connection, maybe he's going to come in later, maybe not. But we won't wait, and you can always post your question on the forum Dennis, and that goes for all of you.  Thank you, Ron, for some of that exposition on today's Lightline. That helps me understand a few things as well. Thank you all for attending. Thank you all for listening. Have a great day and stay tuned to the forum in case we have some informal meetings at 2pm York time on our off days. We will try to announce them when we can, and sometimes they even happen without any announcements at all. And sometimes you often check in and nothing happens. All three are acceptable. Have a great day, everybody. Bye.


  • 081224 Audio Tape Monday Lightline Netherlands International; Host: Elise Sophia Veronica Other Transmitter: Ron Besser
  • Subjects: Lesson about life’s source of joy, challenges, self expression, family function and dynamic; the Magisterial Missions started; will be around for a long time; Monjoronson’s long history with and knowledge of Urantia will help change the planet by teaching people sustainable management; Celestial observation of the human condition that completely forgot about God and their soul; Social cross examination of Urantia; Goals of the Magisterial Mission, unit consciousness for spiritual growth; outline of future solutions; Potential outcome of presidential election; importance of WTP; Word of Ron Besser to us during his transition        
  • Speakers: Michael of Nebadon, Arthura, Machiventa Melchizedek, and Universal Father.
  • Transcribed by: sonsofGod
  • Link To Tape:

Hello everyone. This is Elise, and this is Lightline, Netherlands international for Monday, August 12, 2024. I am your host and I welcome you all on a very warm summer day here. But we are expecting thunderstorms tonight, maybe you will hear some of it that at least will bring the temperature down, and give us a nice and much cooler night. Well, let's thank our Father for this Lightline again, and ask for clear circuits and connection to help us hear the words from spirit. We pray that all who are listening may enjoy words from spirit. We pray Father that healing may be given to all who suffer, that food and shelter may be available for those in need, and we keep praying for peace that seems to be so far away but so strongly desired on this planet. We pray for Michael of Nebadon and for the Magisterial Sons, and for the Melchizedeks, and for all celestial beings who keep providing us with their love and care. Let's now ask for someone, see if there's anyone available to help us through the Lightline.

Michael of Nebadon  

Hello to Lena, who is just joining us, and hello and welcome to all of you. This is Michael of Nebadon. I am here. I am your Creator Son. I am your Creator Father, and I am a life. And as such, I am to you what your earthly parents were to you when you were young, and you trusted your father and mother in everything. Because they were the ever-present and strong persons in your life, who know everything and would always protect you.

Most of you have had the opportunity to grow up in more or less stable families. And I, Michael as Jesus, was very fortunate to have such caring parents. They were loving and protective. They gave me what I needed, but still let me go and experience life outside of the house. But also always helped me to remember my daily chores as a responsible member of the family, along with my siblings, as many of you in your family might have experienced. And like all God's children, each child has its own talents and special ways of expressing and developing himself. And all these different characters are given the opportunity to grow and become the persons like you are now, having had, after having discovered the talents and skills you developed to use successfully in your later adult life.

It is therefore that you now know how to trust and decide for yourself that you can express yourself freely, and that you know how to deal with your trials and difficulties that life brings with it. Yes, it is certainly true that life must be discovered and resolved by each person individually. But never forget that life, which God has given to each of you, is wonderful and full of adventure, and should be appreciated and gratefully accepted. It teaches you the lesson to discover who you are, what you are capable of, and how to relate to each other, to your parents, children, brothers, sisters, friends, anyone. It is a taste of life for the life to follow, after you leave this world and move on to the mansion worlds. Where you will meet many other human life forms, all children of the same Father, all of whom have been given the freedom to explore life in so many different ways.

And as you discover who you are, your life goes on, and it may continue to fascinate you forever, because as you have discovered, the Father has made life interesting and challenging. There is nothing in life that repeats itself as you go out and discover all the things you come in contact with in your search for purpose in your life. And this is true for everyone, and it is a shame when your life is taken up with too much sorrow and no joy. Life should give fulfillment. So try to look for it and discover that there is a Creator who gives you all of this to enjoy and learn from. So that you can recognize and know your Father in heaven in all that you do and feel, when you feel the love that Father has given to you to share, so that brotherhood among all people may arise.

I am Michael of Nebadon, and as a Creator Son, I have been privileged to create life in many forms and expressions, and to experience life as a human, as Jesus on Urantia as my own creation, thanks to our Father. We have countless opportunities and possibilities to experience life in His creation of Time and Space, and even beyond, to live freely and to choose and shape our choices. Our free will enables God's children to approach him, and to thank him for life. I want to ask you to take some time to ponder my words about life. L, I, F, E, speak it with capital letters.

I am your Creator Father, and I love all my children as our Universal Father does, who lives in the heaven of heavens. But I am also Michael of Nebadon, and let me speak to you for just another moment. Times are difficult. Times are so unusual, not only for you, but also for spirit concerned with Urantia. We, that is me and my staff, have been on your planet, and we will return shortly to see what we can do to alter the situation that is so complex, it will need time to consider again what to do and how to proceed. Although we have no Michael Mission and no Jesus Mission, we fully support the Mission of the Magisterial Sons, who have begun their mission.

The Magisterial Missions may last for a number of years, during which the Magisterial Sons will assist in establishing new ways of living and working. Introducing a more economical way of living and working in your societies, and helping the population to come to Brotherhood of man under the Fatherhood of God. Of course, there are the normal procedures to look at, but we know that Monjoronson will be working with groups of people and students who have met him over the years, and they have been introduced to many things that Monjoronson has taught them about advanced planetary management and all other issues that came to the fore. And he has been teaching to all of you and many, many others. But this will require an openness and willingness of the people, and there must be a certain level of understanding and desire as how to begin under the guidance of the Magisterial Sons, who may eventually be leading you into their means and methods that will be effective in providing new opportunities for Urantia and to see to it that your world will not be torn into two parts, as now seems to be happening between the poor and the wealthy. I am Michael of Nebadon. And here is Monjoronson to speak for himself, and I Michael, shall retreat.

Thank you, Michael, thank you, and welcome Monjoronson. Please go ahead.


Well, thank you, Elise, this is Manjoronson. And good day to all those gathered here. I am Monjoronson. I am the Magisterial Son of record who has long been in service of your planet. I have studied your planet and many other planets in this local universe for many years, and I have made myself well acquainted with Michael and his universe, where I was asked to participate in the missions that would be carried out over time. I am well versed in the history of many inhabited planets, and I am very familiar with the history of Urantia and its people. Serara and I, we have been working for this planet for a very long time. And we have always worked with your wonderful Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon, the master Creator Son and ruler of his local universe of Nebadon in which you all live. Michael has invited us into his universe to assist him in the procedures concerning missions, and many other things related to evolutionary planets for humans.

And over the years, we have been in contact with different groups of people on your planet who have shown interest in bringing new and more sustainable ideas to the world, and we have tried to make it clear that just surviving on a planet is not enough. That human beings need to become aware of a more sustainable culture, a sustainable civilization, and most of all, the need for change on Urantia, where so many things have deteriorated. And where God has been completely forgotten by putting too much emphasis on material things and goods without considering the future for your next generations. The people on Urantia must become more conscious of what is needed and what should be achieved together to get this planet prepared for better and more sustainable management that will get you into the days of light and life. Where the Trinity Teacher Son then begins to start the lessons, his lessons, and educate people in an advanced spiritual way, in which all generations will be able to contact their Adjusters.

I, Monjoronson, have met with many groups around the world on how to change and mature your human institutions. How to introduce new ideas and move forward. Simple survival is not enough to sustain or strengthen the development of a culture. There must be a strong, sustainable foundation, and from there, you may expect growth. But sustainability is necessary for the growth of ideas that are good and useful for every member of the population that will lead to unification in achieving good social and economic conditions, and ultimately lead to a good spiritual relationship with God and between all people. We, the Magisterial Sons, will take every opportunity to keep spreading our teachings to a wider audience, which will be explained at a much later time, when our missions come into effect and times are right to go public.

I am Monjoronson. At this time, I can only ask you to stay the course and keep your faith. Remember what you have been told and what you have learned through these means of communication with spirit. It is not easy, and Urantia is not an easy planet, but we are here to assist in the many very necessary and important changes that must be made to bring this planet some peace and move forward from there in faith. And together with all who have stayed the course, with all of you who are with Michael And in our mutual respect and love for father. Peace is fundamental to a sustainable world. I am Monjoronson. This is all I have to say. I thank you, and good day to all.


Thank you very much,,Monjoronson. I see there are more members joining us on the discussion forum, and I welcome you all who came in after we had started. And trying to see if there is anything else that is coming to us.


Yes, this is Arthura. Good day to all. I am here to give you my message. We, in spirit, have had conference after conference, and we still do not know what will happen to Urantia, the planet that once had everything in preparation for the start of its missions. The Magisterial Sons have taken it upon themselves to do a mission, and they are here to start with their own program. Monjoronson has introduced himself over the years to many. And to whom he introduced his new methods to alter the old systems on your world where most of your administrations fail to serve you, and the whole population for what it needs. And we observe Urantia, where people have become weary of negotiating and get nothing done. Where people fight each other for money, goods, and territory, and where peace cannot be found among the population, or even a quiet and normal life.

People keep rushing from here to there. They are concerned about everything except their own soul that should prepare them for a higher and more satisfactory life after they leave this planet for their next existence. We look at Urantia and we see a planet where people are in stress from work, where they have an abnormal craving for meaningless entertainment, where false news is brought every day, and where everyone moves on without having any knowledge of a spiritual future to come. There is no progress. And the inhabitants are bound to get stuck in their own games and world of unrealities. And where the world is caught in a nest of false information. Your governments do not know how to handle things better, so that an entire population could be aroused into a new form of social and technical structures, and make better use of their time, and set better examples for their youngsters. Who are now poisoned by what they grow up with and are almost doomed to continue if changes are not being made.

Urantia. It is also the planet where the Second Coming of Jesus has been thwarted time after time by rebellion and war, and where people have no idea of the world of spirit wanting to help you. But how could God be received on a world where he is not known or even denied, and where his name is profaned. So many people have entrenched themselves in their habits and ungodly ways of life that it has now become extremely difficult to achieve the purpose of creation and preservation. But spirit is ready to help as soon as a small Light shines on the planet that shows that at least a part of the population is becoming more aware and receptive to guidance that will lead to their improvement and existence on Urantia. Where man should try to bring himself to search for his inner self and open up to find God who has been forgotten and is always waiting for connection to guide his children. For now, the planet will only have the Mission of the Magisterial Sons, and we will see to what extent the planet will develop and how it will take its place among the worlds in the universe.

I am Arthura. I do not concern myself with the future of Urantia. I'm here at the invitation of Michael of Nebadon. I am interested in the development of the people who can be activated and motivated to evoke responsibility and duty, in all who are willing to contribute to a different future, in which the people are central around God, and where they strive to protect themselves. And to rid the planet of negativism and materialism, which has kept it so long from its spiritual growth. This is Arthura. Let us now look at some of the other things we have been talking about.

We have discussed cooperation and how to achieve unity, and we know that will not be achieved until at least there is a basis of cooperation to work towards the same goal and to strive for the best results to serve the majority. You may differ in opinion, of course, but where and when consensus is reached in the execution of the tasks and the Will is present to get the best out of everyone involved for the benefit of all, and to support optimal cooperation. And that requires trust and the will to work together wherever you are, and whatever you do, whether it is governing your country, running an office, teaching school, or practicing your faith, people need to become more aware, more attentive and open to actually seeing each other and practice patience to listen to each other, which will promote respect and tolerance between them. You do not all have to think the same. That would make you puppets without using your own God given ability to reason and be creative.

But you must, after consultation, come to joint agreements and show what you can do to achieve the governed goal, and to decide how to divide the tasks among certain groups of people that are committed to the new ideas. Whether it is development of a project, an invention, or implementation of social changes, or application of medical facilities. Consultation and interest in what each has to offer is important for the outcome of the work that must be solved together. For even the loner, the person who likes to work in solitude needs someone to look after the results of his work, because nothing works for a society if you keep things to yourself. Cooperation leads to mutual understanding and gives each of the participants the opportunity to express his or her opinion and expertise on the subject, which will lead to a broader view of how the issue can be solved. Or how new ways can be found to move forward, to act for the common good.

You know that the basis in society is always the family, and it works so well because its members know each other well enough to speak freely. And ideally give each other the opportunity to express themselves in an environment of mutual love and care, which makes it easy for everyone to be open and thus developed while stimulated and respected. And this is what should also be achieved in schools, where young people of about the same ages are together and have approximately the same level of understanding. Where they should feel comfortable to express themselves fully, with the support of their classmates and under the guidance of their teachers. Who must try to stimulate the students to their utmost of their capacities.

And so, it must work throughout your society in offices and in every workplace. Where people have to work and have a mission to do what they can, to achieve the highest purpose and most satisfaction in their daily work. Stimulated by their colleagues, who all must try to show the best of what they have to offer. And by mutual agreement strive for the best results that are worthy and ensure that the work proceeds in a satisfying and good atmosphere for all, and then this will lead to the highest form of cooperation. And from there into unity, and in execution of what is good and useful for the whole of society. But also for the single person to grow by. Not after cooperation has become normal and an accepted approach of doing things, will unity ever have a chance to be stand with that as a proof or what has been established and become a normal way of living and sharing in all fields of life and the work that comes with it. This is Arthura at your service, and I thank you all.


Well, thank you, Arthura,. Thank you for speaking to us.  

Machiventa Melchizedek

This is Machiventa Melchizedek. Good day. Good day to you all my friends. Here we are. Yes. Now we have a mission by the Magisterial Sons, to see how they can work on your planet without disrupting a population that is already disrupted by war and a variety of other problems. The Paradise Sons of God adversely, firstly, determine to do their work in silence, and to not disturb the people further with announcements. Because the world could become even more disordered in the future, shaken by the United States presidential election and by decisions made by your leaders that will have an effect on the whole world. Which we do not discuss here, and for which we will have to wait for the outcome.

I am Machiventa Melchizedek, and we do not like to talk about politics. But your world is drowning in bad political decisions by your leaders. And there is no one available to take over from those who are now in power in most Western countries. In the United States, Mr. Donald Trump has his sights set on the next presidency, and he is determined to steer the country toward selfish and ruthless power. This will not be appreciated by the rest of the world and could make him one of the most difficult precedents to work with, because he is unwilling to accept opposing discussions or advice. It could happen that you see your loss being cast aside and turned into an extreme right-wing ideology that forgets the majority of Americans and changes their rights as far as the law allows and justifies. And this would affect the rest of the world, where a strong influence is already being felt, and where countries are experiencing decline in their societies because people are not recognized as being all children of the same Father. We have no influence. It's left to the people, but safety and concern for the health of the population could be then reserved for the rich, who will benefit from modern technological progress.

It is therefore so very important that the WTP project is implemented, and that every citizen may enjoy the privilege of using electricity available to everyone. Once enough power stations are built in the United States and around the world, which will be free of charge and supply electricity to the entire world population. We, in spirit, think that this will happen after Ron Besser, or someone capable could assert influence in the United States government and be invited to explain this new form of electricity supply, and its operation to a new United States administration.

Progress may be slow at times, but step by step, the benefit that Ron's invention brings to the world will be known and put into use with all the right that the production of free electricity entails. I am Machiventa Melchizedek, and much more on that will be said after this important invention becomes more widely known, which will eventually provide the world with an almost free electricity supply that will power all its electrical appliances and will give freedom to those who are unable to pay for a luxury that is meant for all.  I am Monjorons.., I am Machiventa, and I step back to let you finish your Lightline , Elise. And you said Monjoronson, because Monjoronson is here, and wants to speak once more.


Well, thank you, Machiventa and welcome Monjoronson. Please go ahead.


This is Monjoronson and Elise, it was a very severe Lightline for most of you, but thank you for doing this. And I would like you to see if Ron Besser is online, and connect me with him, if that is possible, for just a few words. Thank you.


Thank you. Monjoronson, and I will unmute Ron if he is there. Let me look at the dashboard first. ... Okay, okay, Ron is there. I am unmuting you, Ron. Do you hear me?

Ron Besser  

I do and yes, I am unmuted now. Thank you very much.

Machiventa Melchizedek  

This is Machiventa Melchizedek, and I won't take long, Elise. The truth of the matter is that Ron has been hit very hard, not with the chaos of the rebels, but by the body itself, which is deciding to change over to the morontial.

Ron Besser  

I have very little time left because of that. I do not know what the Father intends or Michael will implement. I just don't know what they want to do. But the truth of the matter is that I am barely functioning. I listened to the Lightline today, just glad that I could sit back and listen rather than participate. But I find that the Father wishes to say the following.

Universal Father  

Those of you who are participating in this Lightline are blessed and are willing to spend the extra time, the effort, and in some cases, a little bit of money to listen to these Lightlines. Ron worried and wondered today as he scrambled onto the Lightline, if they are able to continue for any length of time. As far as the spirit is concerned, they will last forever. But you all are on a timer. You've got a lifetime that only lasts so long on Urantia. And for that reason, you do not have forever, either to provide a Lightline or listen to a Lightline. Ron is the one that invented the possibility to put this online and make it available. Those in the United States in particular, don't recognize where the impetus comes from, and Ron really could care less. But the truth of the matter is, when Ron dies, probably the United States Lightline itself will be affected. Now, Dominick has learned under Ron's tutelage how to do all this and how to run it. We're asking Dominick to make sure that the schedule is maintained and that the Lightlines, at least as we have arranged them so far, are available to the people.

One of the most important things to learn from all of this is that God does speak. He can use the human, and the human is quite capable of providing the sounds that you're hearing now. Elise and the others who hold Lightlines are vital to the insinuation that all things must be cohered into the voice of God eventually. That's true of every one of you, when you go to the mansion worlds. That's true of those who can now speak as Ron, Dominick, and the others, Elise and so forth, can speak so easily the voice of God. Let me tell you something. The voice of God as you're hearing it is a an appreciation of the Father, of the Son and of the Spirit. And those transmitters who can put that together can transmit. The truth of the matter is, as much as Ron wanted all of this to be heard, it is still heard almost nothing. Ron is delighted that Lena from Italy should listen. He cares very much that she is happy and will listen.

Ron Besser  

There are other parts of the world, the Philippines, in particular, Australia, England, that we can mention. That I have already joined. The rest of the world ought to listen, but they're too busy.

Machiventa Melchizedek  

For reasons of state, I, Machiventa Melchizedek, say unto you, Ron's voice will be mute in a little while. He is 82 and cannot maintain much more. For that reason, let us at least pray that there are other transmitters available when he leaves the transmission actions and must go to the mansion worlds.

Ron Besser  

And finally, this to all of you. I am Ron Besser. I have produced enough of these Lightlines scheduled alone on this service to provide Lightlines into the future. I would rather that they never end. But Michael of Nebadon has told me that when Urantia is finally into the beginning stages of light and life, light and life will provide the transitions and the transmissions, and actions like this will cease. And now this to you, Elise, and to the rest. I am very tired, but not tired enough to sit out a Lightline I thoroughly enjoy listening to, and the work that the celestials go through to let you know how they feel and what they instruct. I am very happy, Machiventa, that you see to a lot of this for me, because I am becoming very difficult as I begin to fade from my normal lifetime of energy and vitality to a very slow energy that is hard to use. In any case, I thank you, Elise, for coming to me. And now I turn this back to you, Elise, thank you. Go ahead.


Thank you, Ron, for giving us these words in your condition. Of course, we wish you well, and we thank you for attending this Lightline. I hope they are not your final words, but on the other end, I hope that you will get what you deserve and what you long for, and that you will be in the Father's blessings. We all pray for you and thank you. Thank you again Ron, and I think I'm going to close this Lightline by thanking all of you who join us today, and I will thank all the celestial friends who came to us and spoke to us, they took the time to be here. And well, I'm so grateful, and I know that you all are. So, thank you all. And well, I hope we'll see each other, maybe this week. I don't know who's doing the Lightline or otherwise, I hope next Monday to be back again. Thank you very much. And bye-bye.


  • 080624 Audio Tape Tuesday Lightline USA; Host: Dominick. Other Transmitter:  Ron Besser
  • Subjects: spiritual evolution; the infinite complexity to take an idea and make it a reality; manifestation of the Gabriel versus Lucifer decision; unity and cooperation; your faith action needed; Missions are ON invisibly; more transmitter needed; comparative resources to understand world issues questioned on the forum.  
  • Speakers: Arthura, Machiventa Melchizedek, Monjoronson
  • Transcribed By: sonsofGod
  • Link To Tape:

All right, welcome to Tuesday Lightline, August 6th, as time keeps flying. I've been, as a transmitter, it's been a slow go for the last two weeks. Very little contact for myself. We'll see what happens on today's Lightline. And so, my prayer is a little bit more Lightline specific today in that hopefully my words and my content is with God, who is our Father, and always loyal and thankful, and appreciative of our Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon, and his time with us as Jesus. And of course, Jesus, who lives even today.

So, with that being said, we've probably gone through some of the most exciting, egregious and very trying two weeks since I can remember, so much so that it's even hard to keep track. But it's been very rough, and news filling two weeks since I've last held a Lightline. And so, there's a lot, there's a lot to be agitated about. There's a lot to try to wade through in news. But things are literally happening in real time on our planet that could detract from what we were talking about, pre-Lightline, which was unity, which is simply something I think that's a little out of our human comprehension to truly identify with.

It's it's more of an ideal, and really, before we strive for unity, I think in the Lightlines we've been taught that it starts with cooperation. So, let me just start with a review of what I had in Lightline programming in the queue related that was designated for last week, before the planetary environment or climate, if you will, for transmissions was disturbed and interrupted by rebellion, and this evil that the circuits weren't available.

And that is, we should always be reiterating and redefining that Lightlines are programming that are related to missions, that are post bestowal man. And post bestowal man refers to the age of Michael of Nebadon’s Bestowal Son on Mission. Which happens to be a little bit out of sequence of a normal planet, and that there's all sorts of events in human history pertaining to that.

Lightlines are also kind of planetary status updates, and really, that's what Sunday Lightlines are pretty good for with Ron, and that these missions are, primarily in the past, have been with the assumed next step, which was Magisterial Missions, and those are conducted by Avonal Sons, which refer to kind of a justice dispensation. But they also concentrate on governance and ethics.

And Lightlines are also a spiritual review. And I think at least we do a great job in that realm as well. And Tuesday Lightlines have tended to trend towards this governance and ethics trend. So, that's kind of what you get.

And then I think what we've learned from Renee and his group is that they have an angle that's dedicated towards the theme of self-mastery and self-improvement and taking that into their conduct and behavior into the world around them. So, all of those, and that's in the Spanish language on Sundays.

So, before I launch into any of my stuff, let me ask if there's anyone who's available to transmit.

This is a trepidatious Arthura. I stand beside this transmitter, but refuse(s) to transmit my words. For there is a time when the human must speak for themselves, that which is in the realm of the human world to comment upon. However, where we step in is the concern of your life continuance.

The human is concerned about his or her life, while in the flesh. We are more concerned about your life as it is to continue. Well, this is a mystery to you, it is not a mystery to us. Therefore, do we sound callous and uncaring. And even though this is not so, we on the spiritual side of reality understand spiritual reality is inclusive of the material in mind, whereas you have the material in mind and are evolving. And, yes, evolving to a spiritual level. Not only that, but the only way you can truly get to a real spiritual understanding, and therefore a real spiritual composition to your material and mind composition is through engagement with spirit, and spirit has many voices.

Therefore, is God considered a plurality in the human experience, and culminated in the unification of a Father fused creature, when you are able to understand, it is this Father fragment, this Father nucleus of your very composition that unifies and puts it all together. Until that understanding you feel you attain different levels of truth throughout this journey. The paradox of the human condition is that this evolution and plateau followed by a more spiritual evolution, is never fully satisfied, unless spirit and that Father fragment within determines the plateau has been ultimately reached. And that your journey as a human no longer serves you, and that you are best served on the reality you have attained, which is the spirit side. And therefore, you are fused in the so-called chariots of fire. This is the destiny of planetary spiritual evolution far into the future, where you might imagine a transcendent or the transcendent society facilitating such transition between life and death. Until then, and especially on a planet of this status, there is a tragedy playing about.

Sorry, I'm moving my moving my seat, it is a loud and annoying laptop, and for that reason I'm away from the dashboard.

In the theme of things, you do not create unity on such a disparate planet by cooperating with everyone. You must determine who is going to be the best to cooperate with. Sometimes this is a very unspiritual calculus in the human parlay of status and attainment. Until then you have the individual journey of understanding yourself. For those new, and still on this journey as a young person, you simply need to recognize that you have a multiplicity of spiritual voices, impinging, and influences impinging upon yourself, which also, according to your modern psychology, entails more than just one unified model consciousness. You understand the subconscious, for example, is introducing a cacophony and a myriad of concepts, ideas and thoughts. And that these get filtered, for example, and unified in a ego that seeks to delineate and focus on what the biological mind entity reacts to in its environment.

Later as you grow and your body matures, and your mind development matures, age tends to existentially gravitate towards the meaning of life and understanding the fragility of life with the reality of death, juxtaposed or contrasted to the harsh struggle it is to live. And the irony and irritation of the creative mind to think and outpace the reality of time and space and the incremental steps and well-nigh infinite complexity to take an idea and make it a reality.

And the irony that you need other humans to attain such progress in your own ideas. And then must you wrestle with the disappointment of expectations unmet, ideals shattered, and the internal resource and external influence that picks you up and keeps you going in different levels of resiliency.

The spirit of the human being first understands this concept of the spirit playing some sort of aspect in the human experience of resiliency. The habituated and habitual experience of this can lead to a certain form of faith. But it also leads to what humans tend to do to transcend this dilemma of time and space, which is to boil things down to their essence. In modern times, this is called a meta M, E, T, A. In historical times, it was boiled down to rituals and magic.

The societies of old were not so concerned with truth. Truth is something that seems to have injected itself into the planetary environs post bestowal man, and you had a re-invigoration of discovery, together with great, tumultuous societal upheavals. Also contrasted with an embedded regime antithetical, or rather inverted, from the spiritual government of Michael and Paradise. Paradise being the jurisdiction outside of this local universe.

The inverted regime is nearly half a million years of Earth time embedded on this planet, half of that in active rebellion. The universe law of the courts has sided with this. You well understand that court decisions do not immediately transfer into the time space result of justice. All it does is render a decision, and then you have the enforcement and compliance of those decisions.

We are in the very young stage of the Gabriel versus Lucifer decision. And all of those influences on the planet have every rational and reasonable justification to ignore such a decision, if it is not literally before them in their own perception, or their willful denial. Therefore, you always have the burden of proof, but you do not have the burden of no verdict. Of this you are at least unified to know on your planet that the case actually exists. This can be discerned. Therefore, do you have the foundation to discuss it openly.

Thank you. Arthura, the transmission ended.
All right, so, this is Dominick. I don't know if I have anything else. I have… I have more, but I think that's more on a personal level. I guess we could open it to Q and A, and I hope you have something to ask. What I would ask is that you do ask something, maybe not on this Lightline, but in the future. I would hope that we are in touch with what's going on around us, and we can ask, what's going on?

Let me go to you, Ron, because I don't know where the Lightline stands. Ron, you're muted. Are you getting anything?

Ron Besser
Yes, I heard what happened. Machiventa is in my ear. And yes, Machiventa.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Beautifully don. Ron. This, Dominick, you will recover the transmission in about five or six minutes. Ron will pass it to you, so you can finish it with Arthura. In the meantime, this is the Magisterial Son, Monjoronson.

Ron Besser
I was trying to make Machiventa out of that. Oh, (ha-ha) it's very hard.

And it's this, Ron, the Magisterial Mission is now available quietly in the background. What do we mean by that? It means that we are not going to show any physical forms, at least to begin with. We have indicated that the Magisterial Mission itself is slowly becoming truncated, not because of Michael, but because the Father has asked us to slow it down, so that when we do enter Urantia, we have plenty to say and can keep it going for a long time.

So, what we've done is to string it out. We're not doing everything we can do at once, but we're doing it slowly, as though standing in line. This will become obvious to you when you Ron writes a post for the day, which you often do during the morning, and we will explain to the group what is happening, what we will do, and why it is being truncated. Now, I want you to understand, Ron, that you are apparently well available anytime that you're in on a Lightline. But you're happy to stand back and let others broadcast. They need the experience, you don't, but you have the depth of knowledge that no one else does. And for that reason, thank you for staying online.

And now, Dominick, I think we have the circuit repaired. Try to pick us up again. If you can't come back to me, come back to Ron. Go ahead, please.

Okay. Thanks, Ron. I'm going to mute you. All right.

This is Arthura back online. You need not agree with each other at all. What you need to do is cooperate. The unifier is both, Michael of Nebadon and the Father. For many on the planet, this is signified as Jesus. Was he divine? Is he the Son? Is he the Father? And so on and so forth.

The summary of this question is found in Gnostic tradition. Before we go into that, we summarize, this is the reason why the fifth epochal revelation was given in 1955 to finally publish. It clarifies and updates some of the major questions that have arisen in conflict but don't necessarily indicate a permanent conflict. Revelation clarifies and updates as well as provide new information. And the Urantia Book does justify some things in the Gnostic tradition, and that the words of and teachings of Jesus is to be born, rebirth of the spirit. Something we just talked about at the beginning of the Lightline.

But that also, Jesus was a Bestowal Son. He was Michael of Nebadon’s bestowal in His creation, to live the life as a human, and to reveal to all of his universe the Father, the Universal Father. In this manner, was the resurrection real, and therefore validates the Catholic tradition, which is in some sort of conflict with the Gnostic traditions. But we have just removed that conflict through this clarification. Thus, you should take the sources such as the Nag Hammadi scrolls and the Holy Bible, both the Old and the New Testament, and be willing to listen to the updated revelation provided in 1955, and then further graduate to living mission status of this group, and similar groups dispersed throughout the world.

That being said, you cannot simply go forth in the world today and try to spread this message with different segments who are completely ignorant, unwilling or antithetical to its truths and teachings. You must open your eyes. Part of the aspect of Lightlines is to have a bit of guidance as to what your energy could be used to benefit the success of such future missions on the planet, because past missions have been unsuccessful. It is important to attempt to take some sort of action. To make some sort of contribution to your soul, once that soul has achieved faith.

Faith is not the ultimate achievement while living in the flesh and. Faith is an acquirement of your life and tool of living even after the flesh. But what you add to the world now and add to your life in the future is done and accumulated with or without faith. And for those with faith are you emboldened to do more. And the environment around you needs it. Your selfhood needs it, and then your family, and then those areas within your reach, which is the region you live in. And much more is this region affected through a smaller planet, reduced in size through technology, travel, the convenience of food and information. That people are able and willing to travel great distances, as opposed to the past.

I think that's it. Murdered again.
Well, I have no idea how to introduce any context for any further information given in transmission.
Ron, I'm back to you. I don't know if I got kicked out again.

Machiventa Melchizedek
You did. This is Machiventa Melchizedek. Ron, thank goodness you're always on.

Ron Besser
Thank you, Malcolm. What would you have me do?

Machiventa Melchizedek
It's this. I want you to facilitate Dominick's Lightline for the moment by telling everyone that the entire purpose of the Lightline is to infuse you with the idea that God always cares but can't always provide the care immediately. That is what is happening now, but you are so well practiced Ron, you can pick up anything and work it.

Dominick, we take about five minutes, and then we are going to, I think, pass it back to you. It should be picked up at that point, okay. But let's speak a moment about this. Ron, you have dealt now with the spiritual aspect that is being produced by Dominick, by others on these Lightlines for well over 10 years. They have about half of that, and Dominick has a great deal less. But they do extremely well when they use your facilities, because you know what you're doing.

Now, let us look at this. The circuit that Dominick has established to use these facilities is excellent. It's much better than yours, Ron, but you're the one that knows exactly where the subject lies. You never lose it, and you are fully compliant. So is Dominick, so is Elise and Renee, and even Clency. And all who have come before, such as Elise, Amethyst and so forth, you all do extremely well because there is nothing in your way. But today, there is something in your way. It's not the cabal. You're thinking cabal all the time and cursing,

Ron Besser

Machiventa Melchizedek
(ha-ha) Yes, Ron. The truth of the matter is you dislike them so much, you fly into a frenzy if they're around.

Ron Besser
That's right.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Now this I am going to test you, Ron, and I want you to tell me what you're thinking of.

Ron Besser
Nothing. I am looking at the interior of my mind and saying,Where is any speech?” I have nothing.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you. That is what is intended, Ron. Now look and see what you see.

Ron Besser
I see what is the top of a young sapling, and about to be tossed by the storm winds and deep clouds. I suppose rain is there, but I know wind is.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you, Ron. Now, why can you look in and get those pictures?

Ron Besser
I honestly don't know. Machiventa.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you. You are a brilliant salesman for what I want to tell you. When all of you attempt to do what Dominick does, what Elise does, and the rest of them, you have to understand that Ron never knows, and neither does or do the other ones, what is to be said. It doesn't bother Ron. It doesn't bother Elise or Dominick and the others. But you have to get used to it. I need more transmitters, please. I need six more. I want you to write Ron and talk about it, what you're doing, what you're attempting to do, and how you think it should be done. If you really listen, Ron can get you to transmit in five days. In some cases, five hours.

Now I want you to understand why. This is the only way, at the moment, we have a way of communicating with you group of humans on Urantia. The usual processes of appearance and speech are immediately denied right now. We don't know why. But Ron is the premier transmitter on this planet. He rose to it by practice, practice practice. We need you, if you can do it, to practice, practice practice. And then we'll use you for these Lightlines. Write Ron, he is always ready to help, particularly a new transmitter. He will get you going, if it's at all possible.

And now this is Machiventa Melchizedek, Ron, let's attempt Dominick again. We're coming back to you, Dominick. Open your mouth and see if you can get the reconnection.

Oh, dear. I just

Ron Besser  
Go ahead, please.

Ah, all right, I'm opening my mouth, but I'm breathing through my nose.

Ron Besser  
That's well done.

(ha-ha) All right, I muted you, Ron, just in case background noise. And to piggyback on that, I'm reminded of the I don't know how many years ago really, Clency went through the same journey, and that was all online. He's in France. And he was skeptical that he could himself do it, and through, I think, simply positively describing what he's capable of doing, he finally began transmitting. Clency is an example of just one of many who start somewhere and finish where they never imagined they would end up, and that is from someone not fully understanding transmitting to actually doing it. It's something that is described throughout human history that has evolved from something like shamanism and then having revelation occur to the point where the connection with spirit is attempted by the human  And through revelation understanding who and what they're connecting with and to, and how they're doing it, and then simply having the faith to allow that voice in and scribe it. That's scribe, S, C, R, I, B, E,

So let's welcome the rest to the call going through the dashboard. So after Amado joined, we started, and since then, we've had George Huber, Lena, Carole Deptula, Valerie, and Roger Raz, welcome. Additions to our call. So I will close out today, thanking Ron, thanking Machiventa, thanking Arthura, thanking our Father and Michael. And simply ending with a few statements that I don't think can be incorporated as transmission.

There is speaking of unity and cooperation. Please follow your own instincts and do contact Ron, and he will help you find your own voice. And through transmitting, you will find your own talents and perspectives, are a welcome opportunity that Spirit and God can use, and that we all benefit from hearing from.

The Lightline is unofficially closed at this point, and I simply want to address a couple of things that might help the discussion forum, because we don't get enough of stimulating disagreement, which can be healthy in stimulating and finding truth. But I think in any endeavor, and especially in today's climate, we are reticent to open our mouths and expose ourselves, about to really anything that could be turned into an accusation against us at any time in the future. So you have to have the courage of a character out of a Dostoevsky novel to do or say anything today. So I'm going to before I go, and hopefully this can stimulate some conversation on some questions that we've received and frankly, cannot fully address on something that these Lightlines are intended to do. Such as when the assassination happened, attempts a few weeks ago, we were asked about it, and the official policy, and this is still true today, is that the government of God does not assassinate. It is not a method or use of governance at all of Christ Michael, and of the Paradise Sons and of God. Full stop.

But the rest is human. And if you want to get to the truth about such topics, you knock yourself out. Me, personally, I find that some of the better investigators are someone like the name John Cullen, C, U, L, L, E N. And if you want to find out a little bit about the history of assassination attempts, even in the United States, I found a really great one with a usual resource sometimes cited here Real Life Lore, is a YouTube channel that did a video explaining the history of it in the United States.

When it comes switching subjects, when you talk about academia, the Congressional testimony of Ivy League Presidents, specifically Claudine Gay. If you want to contrast Claudine Gay, look at who she allegedly plagiarized, Dr Carol Swain. And then you can come up with a discernment on where you might stand between those two women.

When it comes to a confluence of issues, you can ask yourself related to the truth of all this mass migration and war correspondence and issues of gender, you can contrast the pseudos, the investigative reporting and state reporting and state activities of two reporters that I simply suggest you compare, and that would be Sarah Ashton Cirillo, and compare that to Michael Yon.

Similarly, you can contrast people in the service. You can contrast Chelsea Manning to Chris or Christen Beck. Me, being a 50 year old person, I find myself as the last gateway generation between the principles and values that all of you who are older than me resonate with, but seem to be a little bit more out of touch with what all the people below me in younger age are doing.Umm.. If you look at science fiction, you can look at something like Disney Star Wars acolyte today, and compare that to the science fiction series of Babylon Five. I grew up with that, that's how I identify with it. And you can look at the... from a feminist perspective, what diversity, equity and inclusion look like in Babylon Five, and compare that to the Acolyte.

You can look at… A lot of people are interested in the aliens, and there's some interesting research done by Joseph J ordan. And he claims the one thing that takes the paradigm of that, if you are experiencing that in real life, and this is nothing new to the older generations who grew up with the Bible perspective when wrestling with the alien question. But now that we're in a more materialistic world and the alien question still resonates even more popular today, what's been taken out as the biblical perspective in mainstream media, that Joseph Jordan nonetheless found out that invoking the name of Michael and Jesus is the singular effective method of disbarring that phenomenon in one's life. In stark contrast with millions of viewers, is Billy Carson, who I know, Steven, you would be familiar with, because he's a student of Ed Dames, who I know Steven enjoyed a lecture by Ed Dames and asked him personally whether he knew the Urantia book. But Billy Carson, if you look at his content and interview clearly states, I think, rather succinctly, what the modern religion of satan would look like today. Absolutely. And you can find that succinctly laid out in a YouTube video done by Vision Unveil who interviewed, highlights an interview there.

But that hopefully helps people clarify when you go around, we tend to have a lot of, especially on the forum, ‘Hey, what about this source? Can you compare and contrast this source? And that's all I'm trying to do for some of us, and we can bring that to the forum later. I have more, but I think I'll just end it. Thank you for attending. And if you want to contact Ron, you can do it on the forum or his email, which is

Thank you and have a great day everybody. Bye.


  • 080524 Audio Tape Monday Lightline Netherlands International; Host: Elise Sophia Veronica Other Transmitter:  Ron Besser
  • Subjects: Be still and know that I am God; circuits are restored; more revelation to come; the knowledge of God will come to men on Urantia; the planet can now receive its mission; people know nothing about God on Urantia; everything will change; reaching God by the soul, by free will, through the Thought Adjuster; Do not be disappointed if the Missions do not go as you have anticipated; you are always cared for, stay the course; All is One, and All is God; Ron’s transformation.
  • Speakers: Universal Father, Arthura, Gabriel, and Machiventa Melchizedek.
  • Transcribed by: sonsofGod
  • Link To Tape:


Good day to all of you. This is Lightline Netherlands International, on Monday the 5th of August 2024. And I welcome you all. This is Elise, and I'm your host for this Lightline. We have at the moment... let me see, yeah, we have 13 on the call. We are with 13 and thank you for joining. Before we start to ask for help from the celestial side, we always want to thank our Universal Father, so we turn to him in a little prayer.  Dear Father, we like to thank you for your love and care, for your words that are given to us in the Lightlines. And for this place where we can meet and listen to your voice. We thank you, Father, for clearing our planet and help to see no cabal any longer. We, thank you for letting the Magisterial Sons with their mission, and we pray that we will get celestial programs, that they will come to us and more light shines over the earth again. And of course, we pray that we may welcome Jesus and all other representatives on your planet, on our planet in the future. We are asking now for any celestial being to address this group, and we thank you, Father for your blessings so freely given to all of us.

Universal Father  

Good day to all. This is your Universal Father. Take a short moment for yourself. All of you. Be still and know that I am God. Remember this. It is a good start for the day. It is truth, and that will immediately bring you into contact with me, your Father. This is Father, and I speak for everyone gathered here today on this Monday Lightline, where you receive words from me through these transmitters. I am Father, and we are happy that circuits are almost back to normal, so that our words from the spiritual side can be heard clearly and well. That fussiness and interruptions have disappeared. New circuits have been set up to allow your world-cast that must be well spoken and understandable for all who would like to hear. You have already received much news and revelation on the Sunday Lightline, and that Lightline is still the most important Lightline of the week. It's there where you will hear new revelation and new actions taken by high divine personnel that you can count on, and trust to get done in the universes of my creation.

All Lightlines are held in my name, and all are different, but what they bring is just as important as the Sunday Lightline. All transmitters are different, and they all receive our words for what we want them to broadcast to the audience they are speaking to.  You all here live on your home planet called Urantia. And we know that your planet has always been faced with its many problems and many difficulties, as you have experienced since you joined your discussion forum that was set up by Ron Besser, and which has held you and us immensely in keeping you up to date with true information. And for some and many of you, in addition to your Urantia Book that has given you insight into the history and evolution of your planet, much revelation has yet to come and will be given to you in future times, when people have changed and learned the deep knowledge of cosmology and its sciences and what role and purpose there is for all orders of beings who live united in an endless universe, I am your Father. Know that your planet also will slowly awaken and take its place in a new universe that was created not so long ago, to rid the universe of the damage and pain caused by a supreme ruler, who failed in his duty by giving into pride and selfishness, which caused much disorder in the many systems of which your planet is one. But my Son, your magnificent Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon, has kept your planet safe for most of the time by continually using and applying everything to protect the planet, and deliver it from rebellion again and again. Many of his heavenly workers were injured at the time or even killed in attacks, but most of them have been reviled and have resumed their work and have begun making new preparations to get the planet restored and working again.

It is through your Creator Father Michael that the planet can now receive its mission, in which the Magisterial Sons will eventually assist people to look at planetary life in a different way. And they will be the first to give attention to what is so desperately needed, new knowledge, new discoveries in your sciences. And that will be given to you in formats that will attract the attention of your leaders and scientists, to help them towards renewed and refreshed systems. Not only in governing, but in all fields and on all levels for a sustainable way of living for many, many generations to come. I am your Father, your Universal Father, and I am stepping back. I bless you, my children.


Thank You Father, thank you for speaking to us.  Well, look at the dashboard. Okay, we have other people come in. Welcome, Charlotte, Jose Vargas, Donna and Larry Wheelen, and Carol Deptula. Now let's see if we have more celestial beings addressing us today.


Yes, you have Elise, and all of you who are listening at the moment. You have just heard your Father, your Father on Paradise, by whom you're also blessed. I am Arthura, and I am with you on this Lightline, and I like to address this group on a couple of things. Well, looking at Urantia and the people living on it, what do people know here? What do people know about God on Urantia, about Paradise, about systems and universes, and all who share life with Father and work for Father, who created all this to share in His glory and everlasting love for you.  

Well, I am Arthura, and I can say this. There is no real knowledge about God on Urantia, nor of the Father or the Trinity. You have many churches and many religions, but your churches are stubborn. They are not teaching you anything about God. They have no idea what the universes are all about, what life is all about. Science on Urantia will change and make progress. Financial systems will change. Your entire society will change, and so will religion. People will not be told any longer what to do or what to believe, but they must learn. They must learn how to take care of themselves and their beliefs. There is no church that can help them find new ways, because they are all tied up in their own ideology, no longer working for the people. People must start asking themselves questions that lead to self insight and confidence. It will lead to a search for God to reason for their existence. Meditation and self-examination will provide new insights and knowledge and learn to trust one's inner feelings through the Adjuster, who then has an opportunity to assist men, and help him to find God again. And they will discover that God lives with them, and all they have to do is talk to the inner guide, which is wonderful. And they do experience, and they no longer live in the church to help them find truth or bring peace to their hearts.

I am Arthura, and I am still here to help Michael when it's time to be a full service. Meanwhile, I will help those who are eager to approach God, who is always waiting to communicate with his children as planned and ordained when your Thought Adjuster was given to you. We do need to find better ways for the younger generation. They are the ones who will have a voice in the government of your countries, and they are the ones who will raise new generations that must become aware of the Father's existence in their lives. Just as Jesus was when he was a child, he always took time to talk to his Father, and he continued to do so all his life. He always asked his Father what to do, and he always relied on the answer and guidance of the Divine Father in him. When the majority of your world has found new ways of thinking, individual thinking, maturation, individual maturation, then you will find each other in a common pursuit and come to one world, one religion and faith in the One God and his care for his creation, of which you will be co-creators.

Evolution never stops, and there will always be changes. And even a very small change can have a big effect on many things. This is true on your planet and in the universes, as well as among people as new methods, new scientific knowledge and deeper philosophies are applied to solve the problems that arise in growing into a more mature and spiritually advanced humans. Man is bestowed with mind and with a free will, he has the Adjuster with him to guide and to lead him on the way to Father, which is the destiny for all mind bestowed creatures who, by their free will, learn to live, to do the will of the Father. This is the most important thing that people have to learn and live. I'm Arthura. People on this planet have forgotten the great power of God when they try to connect and communicate with Father. They pass by his temples, and the temples are not used any longer as a temple for the Father. Your Father is the most powerful being. He is the ruler of a universe so vast, so impressive and magnificent in design and function. In that it is even astonishing to the highest in his realm to learn of all the wonderful things and the numerous beings that have come into existence by the will of His Divine Spirit.

I, Arthura. I come from hyper infinity. And I am not originally concerned with the universes of time and space, but I have descended to these creations of the Father, and I have made it my own to see things from your perspective as a human being who is the lowest of all creatures created with mind. And who, by the grace of the Father, are able to find God and to communicate with him, to know him and to approach him after you have discovered God in your lives. And you are created with the ability to ascend to the Father's house after knowingly choosing the way to be with Him, to love and worship him with all your heart, and to surrender to His will in following his divine laws that rule the universes forever.  

I, Arthura, also know how you all struggle in your desire to become a true child of the Father and to answer to his call to become like him. But there are so few in this world who truly seek to start an individual process of learning and practicing how to give their hearts to God, and to his demand to become perfect as he is perfect. Learn to understand what the Father asks of you and how to respond to his invitation. Give your heart to Father and to the world, surrender to His will to make this world a place where men can live in brotherhood among men and share the goods of the earth. Learn, to love your neighbor as yourselves, and treat one another as Father treats everyone is in his creation. And seek to become like him in your own glory, in the heaven of heavens. So, check out your life package. Face your trials and discover what your task is in a world full of misunderstanding, where man seems to disappear under the pressure of the masses. Do step forward courageously to help humanity develop a world that is livable for all, which leaves no one behind, and above all, do it together. Together with your fellow man, seek and reach out to each other to work in an atmosphere of cooperation, and you will see that your days will be much lighter and pleasant. Because what the world needs above all is love and respect for each other, and for its environment to become one, pursuing the same goal, to live in peace, to serve God in gratitude and honor with one purpose in mind, to become like him.

This is still Arthura. I would like to continue with a subject we have touched on before, and that is your ascension. Which, after many trials and lessons, will lead you to the house of the Father, his dwelling place on Paradise, which you will have found by your own free will and adapted to the will of the Father. Free will. Didn't we talk about that? What is it? How do you use it? You have been given several answers on your discussion forum. I am Arthura, and I can tell you how to fulfill the will of the Father in heaven. And please remember what you learned from Lemuel's Thought Adjuster in his talks about his spiritual growth and how to bring about great change in your life, where your Thought Adjuster takes the opportunity to guide you in his ways and actions. Where your Thought Adjuster begins to guide you along, growing your soul, that finds value for survival and its way to God in freedom of thought and action under the positive direction of the Adjuster, who can begin to realize his intended plans for you. And before the Adjuster can really work with you, you have already gone through an initial training, and that may take place in many different ways.  

It's different for every person, but it's always with a deep desire for God, and that happens through your divine indweller. Then changes will occur, because you have come to realize that you are more than just an individual living in this world. You have come to recognize God in your life as the most important and driving factor. You have sought and undergone several changes. You have noticed that your interests are changing, and that you do not need the entertainment that the world offers you. You have learned to seek stillness and peace of mind, you have gone through a period in which you can leave everything behind, and you are very ready to receive your new guidance. And you did all of this out of your own free will, in openness to the guidance of your Adjuster, who gave you the opportunity to work with you on your soul.

The only way you can reach God is through your soul, which is being created by the combined efforts of you and your Adjuster. You begin to live In partnership with your Adjuster, and you are automatically, almost automatically, drawn to his will, which is the will of God, because, as you know, your Adjuster is God within you. And from that moment on, you are really following your Adjuster and his advice, even if you do not hear him, even if you have no notice of this great gift inside of you, your life is changed, and you choose to do good, good to yourself and good to others. Because it feels right to live that way, and it let you live closer to God, whom you, just as before, never seen on that level, but who now has entered into your life in a much-much stronger way. You become a more altruistic life, and you become more aware of the good and pure things that you like to have around you.


I'm sorry. I'm sorry, just continue Arthura.


Yes, and that is a sign that you are freely choosing to do the things of God, to do the things that represent truth, beauty and goodness, the attribute of God, you are choosing the Father's way and applying it in complete freedom in your own life. Thus, you have gone through a period of growth in acknowledging God within you, and without your understanding the whole process you are learning to live by your free will, doing the will of Father. Your free will has become an instrument that is fine tuned to the will of the Father, and you are likely not to want to do it any differently for living through the Father's Will is giving you complete satisfaction and at the same time showing you the way to God, which is your true destination as a child of him.

I am Arthura. I can only say to you, stay the course. Do not give up for you, all of you here, are the pioneers in this undertaking of great change in the history of your planet Earth or called Urantia in the list of inhabited planets among 1000s of other stars and planets in the universe. We are here for you, and as you slowly become familiar with the works of spirit, man will accomplish what he was placed in this world to do, and that is to experience life and serve God and his fellow man, and to prepare himself to pass on to the world on high where you will be taught by many, many teachers of other orders with which you are not familiar, but which you will encounter in your next experiences as a morontial being. This is Arthura, and I thank you all for your attention. I now step back and I say, Good Day to everyone.


Thank you, Arthura, thank you.
I got interrupted here by my granddaughter, who is bringing me dessert. She puts it down on my desk. Okay, let's continue, see if there's more.


Yes, Elise. there is more. And this is Gabriel. Yes, my friends, decisions come and go, and there have been many changes over time, with really, really nothing accomplished for Urantia, where it is so difficult for spirit to reach the people who are so busy and entangled in their affairs. But where the Magisterial Sons have now begun their mission on their own, in their own way, as to what must be done on Urantia to prevent further deterioration. Of course, we would not like that to happen, but let's wait and see how things develop, and whether it's possible to extend our help now that we have a mission.

At least you have a mission. It's going. It's maybe not what you have been waiting for. The Magisterial Mission is running. Most likely, it will be Monjoronson, who will address your people in the near future, and announce their presence on your planet. Shocking many around the world who will listen to his message. We hope that it spreads easily, but because of the many languages spoken on Urantia, it might be a problem for many to receive the announcement. For Monjoronson will use the English language, but by way of mouth it will spread anyway, and the world will know that something very unusual is happening.

The Magisterial Sons will not wait for a human response. They will continue with what they must do, and they will only contact those they wish to connect with, if they wish to do so at all. You, as members on this forum, may be disappointed, but don't be! Do not dwell on things that are not there for you yet. We won't forget you. Try to prepare for the next step and continue to follow the discussion forum where Ron Besser will be the first to hear about further plans and decisions for Urantia, which will always be made by your Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon, your most competent Master, Sovereign of the universe of Nebadon, and much more. Be patient as you have always been, do not give up and continue to trust in the Father's care and love for your planet, and for all of you.

History may undergo great changes for better or for worse, but there will always be new ways and opportunities to move forward with confidence and the knowledge that you will not be left alone. All of you have great opportunities ahead of you, as you heard in yesterday's Sunday Lightline. There is divine care and love for all of you, and you are greatly appreciated by your Spirit friends and by Michael of Nebadon, whom you consider your Sovereign, but also your brother, as he has lived a life with Jesus as a man in the flesh on this planet. Remember, everything has a place in our Father's creation and from which things are sent in all directions, and automatically, we turn to him, because All is One, and All is God. There is no other.  

I am Gabriel, and I advise you to be supportive to one another and to keep keeping on. The cabal will be driven back. It has lost its power mostly. We have a planetary government, and we are still here for you to try to do what is possible for a planet that has sunk so deeply into a miserable state of war and possession, and which could only result in decay. Let's pray that that will not happen to all listening. I say, stay the course, be strong and hold on to your faith. This is Gabriel for now. Good day to all.


Thank you, Gabriel. Thank you very much.
Okay, let me look at the dashboard again. We are with 18 at the moment, and we have a few minutes to go. I'm going to try. I'm going to unmute you, Ron, and see if you have something to add to this. Because I think for me, it's it is the end. I did unmute you, Ron, do you have anything to say?

Ron Besser  

I really don't. You were very complete this time. I appreciate your effort. I know it's not easy under these circumstances, but I really don't have anything but this and it's from Machiventa Melchizedek.

Machiventa Melchizedek  

Ladies and gentlemen, Ron had to fight to just stay awake. It's not that he's sleepy. He is being revised as he listens, and it is very difficult for him to focus on the voice and what is going on with him.

Ron Besser  

Not to worry, but at the same time, it kind of blots me out. I think you did a beautiful job this time. Elise, it was top notch. Keep going with it. We need it. And finally, to you, Machiventa. This is Ron. Thank you very much for your support, your strength and your ability to keep things going in spite of our problems. I am speaking to the gracious Michael of Nebadon, who has also allowed so much to transport itself into these Lightlines that we are stronger and better for it, I am grateful beyond words. Thank you, Michael, thank you, Machiventa, and Arthura, I do love you.


You're welcome, Ron. I want to speak to you personally, but let's do it on the record.

Ron, you had trouble keeping awake because you're now going through the last transition a human can go through. It's got you very sleepy. You've heard three tenths of it, and the other seven tenths you already have. And now I am Arthura to tell you, you are done as a human. That isn't anything new to those that you speak to, but to the group in general, Ron has gone through five stages that you must all go through. And when you reach the end of the fifth stage, which he did today, you get very sleepy, and you're ready for a transition. It must be stopped. We dare not allow the transition to happen in this vapid world. For those of you who reach it and you will, don't be surprised that you are spoken to as Ron has been spoken to.

Ron Besser

And that is thank goodness someone has a Lightline, other than me to contend with, because I'm drifting, but I hear you, Elise, it was a fine Lightline. I wish you all very well, and I will listen to what else happens as we go along the course.

And let me discuss one thing briefly about the course. We have been through a Michael Mission, a Jesus Mission, a Magisterial Son Mission, and other missions you're not aware of. For that reason, you should be aware that you are also graduating. Those who have stayed the course, and those who want to stay the course, please understand that you are also part of a school. Your school is to attend these classes and your teachers like Elise and Dominick, and others you know.

For reasons of state, I am dropping back slightly, and my Lightlines for the moment are done. I cannot stand here and fall asleep. That's what it feels like and still tell you the vagaries and the problems that Michael is having with this awful planet at times. I am hoping that all of you stay the course and stay with it. I will be listening. I will rejoin when I'm not so darn sleepy for what they're doing. I turn this back to you, Elise, and thank you for the opportunity. Go ahead, please.


Thank you, Ron, and thank you Arthura. And of course, we wish you better days Ron, and we wish you well, and we hope that you go through all this, you know, and be over very soon, and that you know where you're at. Well. Thank you all for being here and attending. And of course, our thanks go to all who spoke to us this evening, for you the day, in the middle of the day. We thank Father and Gabriel and also Arthura, and Arthura and Machiventa speaking through Ron. Thank all of you, and hopefully we'll meet next Monday or maybe earlier. It is Dominick tomorrow, I hope. Bye, bye to everyone and have a good day. Bye.


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