Changing the geographic axis can happen at any time.
Original message in the Portuguese language spoken in Brazil. Translation into English using Google Translate.
Subject: Changing the geographic axis can happen at any time. It's time to pray to God.
To all
Mainly to governments around the world.
While some governments only think about war, they should be concerned about our planet and the spirituality of our people.
Many rulers, in many countries, say they believe in God. Regardless of the name they call God, Universal Father, there is this common link in religions that seek good.
If you really believe in God, stop thinking about war!
How much do we need to say that the planet is about to collapse on its geographic axis with natural catastrophes throughout the world?
Yes, science knows this, the main rulers of the world know this.
The change in the planet's geographic axis can happen at any time.
I pray that before the rupture of the geographic axis, the different missions of God, the Universal Father, will appear to give hope to the peoples of the entire world.
On the last day there was a strong solar storm (class X) on March 28, 2024, there was a change in the magnetic declination pattern of seven cities that I am monitoring daily (Montreal - Canada, Tokyo - Japan, Brasília - Brazil, Moscow - Russia, Seattle - USA, New York - USA and Fairbanks, Alaska, USA).
The concern is that if there is a change in the magnetic declination pattern for more than a day, the planet's magnetism will rupture, triggering the geographic shift of the poles.
Today is April 15, 2024, Monday and there is a 65% probability of a strong storm (class X) in the next few days.
As far as possible, I will try to attach the files proving what I am saying here.
Yes, I wrote a fiction book about 2012 that demonstrates that scientists know the serious magnetism problems that are occurring on our planet.
Yes, around March 28, 2024, here in this Serara Forum, it was commented that there was a VERY STRONG REBELLION HAPPENING ON OUR PLANET in those days, one of the most serious rebellions.
Yes, this message is for reflection to the main rulers of the world so that they stop thinking about war.
Yes, we are about to have a collapse in the geographic axis that will affect the entire world.
Yes, in this Serara Forum, for example, it has already been said that there will be a very strong collapse on the west coast of the USA.
Yes, in this Serara Forum, it was commented that the USA, in figurative language, will have a black eye, just like Russia, due to the collapse and catastrophes that are about to happen.
Yes, these catastrophes will occur all over the world, and all countries will be affected, some more, some less, but all countries will be affected.
Yes, it is time for governments who think about war to have enough. It's time to think about peace. It's time to think about the people of the entire world. It's time to think about God.
Yes, how many times have God's missions been postponed because of wars and rumors of wars, as commented here on the Serara Forum.
This is a rant that I needed to make today, April 15, 2024, Monday
Post Scriptum: (April 15, 2024, Brasilia time, Brazil, 23:04)
The issue that I am following daily is mainly in relation to the intensity of the magnetism of each city researched, the seven cities that I am following.
Complementing the data, there is a pattern in the magnetic declination due to the change in the magnetic axis from northern Canada to Sibeira in Russia, in the following patterns (approximate analysis over the last thirty days, on average):
1) First Standard - North America:
Montreal (Canada), New York (USA), Seattle (USA), Fairbanks (USA):
- Normally, there is a decrease in intensity of approximately 0.2 to 0.3 each day.
2) Second Standard - Asia:
Moscow (Russia) and Tokyo (Japan):
- Normally, there is an increase in intensity, in the case of Moscow (Russia) the standard is 0.2. Tokyo (Japan) is normally a 0.1 or 0 increase. But the most regular pattern is an increase of 0.1
3) Third Standard - South America:
Brasilia Brazil)
Normally there is no change. But when it occurs, there is an increase of 0.1.
However, on March 28, 2024, when a severe storm is recorded (class X) It is the only period in thirty days of research, in which the change was twice the daily normal in relation to the change in the intensity of magnetism in the seven cities researched.
I was aware on March 29, 2024, but from that day it returned to the normal pattern.
I will try to attach files
Mensagem original no idioma português falado no Brasil. Tradução para o idioma inglês pelo Google Tradutor.
Assunto: Mudança do eixo geográfico pode acontecer a qualquer momento. É hora de rezar para Deus.
A todos
Principalmente aos governantes do mundo inteiro.
Enquanto alguns governantes só pensam em guerra, deveriam estar preocupados com nosso planeta e a espiritualidade de nossos povos.
Muitos governantes, em muitos países, dizem que acreditam em Deus. Independentemente do nome que chamam a Deus, Pai Universal, existe este elo comum nas religiões que buscam o bem.
Se acreditam em Deus, realmente, parem de pensar em guerra!
Quanto precisamos falar que o planeta esta prestes a ter um colapso no eixo geográfico com catástrofes naturais no mundo inteiro?
Sim a ciência sabe disso, os principais governantes do mundo sabem disto.
A mudança do eixo geográfico do planeta pode acontecer a qualquer momento.
Eu rezo para que antes da ruptura do eixo geográfico apareçam as diversas missões de Deus, Pai Universal, para dar uma esperança aos povos do mundo inteiro.
No último dia em que houve forte tempestade solar (classe X) no dia 28 de março de 2024, houve alteração no padrão da declinação magnética de sete cidades que estou monitorando diariamente (Montreal - Canadá, Tóquio - Japão, Brasília - Brasil, Moscow - Russia, Seattle - EUA, Nova Iorque - EUA e Fairbanks, Alaska, EUA).
A preocupação é que se houver alteração no padrão de declinação magnética por mais de um dia, ocorra a ruptura do magnetismo do planeta, iniciando-se a mudança geográfica dos polos.
Hoje é 15 de abril de 2024, segunda-feira e existe probabilidade que uma forte tempestade (classe X), 65% de probabilidade nos próximos dias.
Na medida do possível, vou tentar anexar os arquivos comprovando o que estou falando aqui.
Sim, eu escrevi um livro de ficção sobre 2012 que demonstram que os cientistas sabem os graves problemas de magnetismo que está ocorrendo em nosso planeta.
Sim, por volta de 28 de março de 2024, aqui neste Fórum Serara, foi comentado que havia uma FORTÍSSIMA REBELIÃO ACONTECENDO EM NOSSO PLANETA naqueles dias, uma das mais graves rebeliões.
Sim, esta mensagem é para reflexão aos principais governantes do mundo para que parem de pensar em guerra.
Sim, estamos prestes a ter um colapso no eixo geográfico que afetará o mundo inteiro.
Sim, neste Fórum Serara, por exemplo, já foi dito que haverá um fortíssimo colapso na costa oeste dos EUA.
Sim, neste Fórum Serara, foi comentado que os EUA, em linguagem figurativa vai ficar com o olho roxo, assim como a Rússia, decorrente do colapso e catástrofes que estão prestes a acontecer.
Sim, estas catástrofes ocorrerão no mundo inteiro, e todos os países serão afetados, alguns mais outros menos, mas todos os países serão afetados.
Sim, é um momento de basta aos governantes que pensam em guerra. É hora de pensar em paz. É hora de pensar nos povos do mundo inteiro. É hora de pensar em Deus.
Sim, quantas vezes as missões de Deus foram adiadas por causa de guerras e de rumores de guerras, conforme comentado aqui no Fórum Serara.
Este é um desabafo que eu precisava fazer no dia de hoje, 15 de abril de 2024, segunda-feira
Post Scriptum: (15 de abril de 2024, horário de Brasília, Brasil, 23:04)
A questão que estou acompanhando diariamente está principalmente em relação a intensidade do magnetismo de cada cidade pesquisa, as sete cidades que estou acompanhando.
Complementando os dados, existe um padrão na declinação magnética em decorrência da mudança do eixo magnético do norte do Canadá para Sibéria na Russia, nos seguintes padrões (análise aproximada nos últimos trinta dias, em média):
1) Primeiro Padrão - América do Norte:
Montreal (Canadá), Nova York (EUA), Seattle (EUA), Fairbanks (EUA):
- Normalmente, existe um decréscimo da intensidade aproximadamente de 0,2 a 0,3 a cada dia.
2) Segundo Padrão - Ásia:
Moscow (Rússia) e Tókyo (Japão):
- Normalmente, existe um acréscimo da intensidade, no caso de Moscow (Rússia) o padrão é de 0,2. Já Tokyo (Japão) normalmente é 0,1 ou 0 de acréscimo. Mas o padrão mais regular é acréscimo de 0,1
3) Terceiro Padrão - América do Sul:
Brasília (Brasil)
Normalmente não existe alteração. Mas quando ocorre, existe um acréscimo de 0,1.
No entanto, no dia 28 de março de 2024, quando existe o registro de tempestade severa (classe X) é o único período em trinta dias de pesquisa, que a alteração foi o dobro do normal diário em relação a alteração da intensidade do magnetismo das sete cidades pesquisadas.
Eu estava atento no dia 29 de março de 2024, mas a partir deste dia voltou ao padrão normal.
Vou tentar anexar arquivos
Search sites appear at the top of the image. On the other hand, today's date appears in the footer, April 15, 2024, and the time the research was carried out, here in Brasília, Brazil
Solar activity research data for today, April 15, 2024, Monday, according to attached files (seven files)
Part 1 - Four files
Solar activity research data for today, April 15, 2024, Monday, according to attached files (total of seven files)
Os sites de pesquisa aparecem na parte de cima da imagem. Por outro lado, no rodapé aparece a data de hoje, 15 de abril de 2024, e o horário que foi feita a pesquisa, aqui em Brasília, Brasil
Dados pesquisa de atividade solar de hoje, 15 de abril de 2024, segunda-feira, conforme arquivos anexos (sete arquivos)
Parte 1 - Quatro arquivos
Dados pesquisa de atividade solar de hoje, 15 de abril de 2024, segunda-feira, conforme arquivos anexos (total de sete arquivos)
=======Part 2 - Three files
Solar activity research data for today, April 15, 2024, Monday, according to attached files (total of seven files)
======= Parte 2 - Três arquivos
Dados pesquisa de atividade solar de hoje, 15 de abril de 2024, segunda-feira, conforme arquivos anexos (total de sete arquivos)
Post Scriptum 2 (April 15, 2024, 23:37 Brasilia time, Brazil)
I will attach three files to see the variation in intensity over the last three days, that is, considering today, April 15, 2024, Monday, of the seven cities researched that I am monitoring every day.
For now, the intensity variation is normal.
I believe that the moment of rupture will be when there is a change in intensity in magnetism and either it will last more than two days or even longer.
Moment of rupture of magnetism, when the change of the geographic axis will begin, with natural catastrophes and the entire planet.
Post Scriptum 2 (15 de abril de 2024, 23:37 horário de Brasília, Brasil)
Vou anexar três arquivos para verem a variação da intensidade nos últimos três dias, ou seja, considerando o dia de hoje, 15 de abril de 2024, segunda-feira, das sete cidades pesquisadas que estou monitorando todos os dias.
Por enquanto, no momento, a variação de intensidade está normal.
Eu acredito que o momento de ruptura será quando houver uma mudança de intensidade no magnetismo e quer irá perdurar mais de dois dias ou até mais.
Momento de ruptura do magnetismo, quando irá começar a mudança do eixo geográfico, com as catastrofes naturais e todo o planeta.
Ron Besser:
Julio Luz is attempting to show us a flip of the sun's axis approaching. To help him, the sun sometimes flips its corona mass from north to south.
That seems to be the order of the day again, and it produces, on earth, lots of sun spots and the northern lights. The last time it did this was in 2012 I believe. Every 11 years it goes through this, but this year it is particularly strong, and the reverberation of a sun changing its axis does not physically change anything on earth, but the pole shift on the sun changes its polarity, and for that reason some of you might experience battery problems for a few days.
Like it says, I am Ron Besser, and I have this from Michael of Nebadon and the issue the sun's change of polarity this time is to force the sun's declination a little further east for a few months. What that does is force the sun's appearance to falter a little longer beneath the southern horizon. The north and Mexico, the US, Canada, Russia, northern China (and figure the rest in the northern hemisphere), will likely experience a delay of approximated eight (8) SECONDS before the sun shines brightly this time of year. There is no danger to earth and its solar system, but we might get a real southern display of the NORTHER LIGHTS for a night or two.
While I am at it, let me explain a critique of problems here on earth, not with the sun problems, but with out own problems of a serial display of intransigence over the rebellion we are currently facing in the northern portion of the Master Universe.
"I am very tired of the rebellion, and Ron is made ill by it, and for a reason of his own, he has responded to this thread about the sun and its problems of service to the norther portion of my Master Universe.
"First let Me assure you there is no trouble or danger about it for Urantia.
"Second let me remind Julio, that this is a public forum and to stop post such large amounts of information you can reference by a URL to the charts.
"Third, Ron is expected to return to normal in about five (5) minuets not, but in five (5) days. He is seriously ill but sit and read what is put on the forum.
"Fourth, I am leaving the communication belt over Urantia, and becoming secured on Paradise then I have been for days. For that reason then you will find the CABAL trying to undo communications with all of you again, and this time I will remove them quickly and evenly to re-establish order on this sphere.
"Finally, I am quite sure this entire picture of a sun going crazy with leaping choirs of flame is quite normal to Ron and oldsters, as it goes, because eleven years ago he calcled members of his Urantia Group to watch the northern light explode over York, and it is quite a treat since York does not see them for years. They might get quite a dose soon to see them again.
"I greet MICHAEL OF NEBADON shortly on Urantia.
"I have been on the planet now for 14 (fourteen) days and I want you all to know, I know what is wrong with the place and I told MICHAEL OF NEBADON, to cool the United States down by four (4) degrees, and let it rain over the desert southwest until the cows come home, as it is overheated again, as is norther Canada, and southern Spain to name one important area of the world you might be interested in. I let this all go now for I must return to Paradise.
"For those who might be concerned about Ron Besser, and how this discussion form runs, know he will be better in about two more days, and that is preparation for a MISSION BY MICHAEL OF NEBADON again on and not turned off this time.
"For your information, the MISSIONS WERE PLANNED TO GO ON ABOUT April 7, 2024, and they have been pushed back to April 30th 2024 as of now. I have no idea what to say about them and I leave that to MICHAEL OF NEBADON. Thank you and good day." FATHER
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