Quantum Theories and Spirit

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Marty: Father, today on I watched "The Mind Bending Story of Quantum Physics (Part 1/2)|Spark.

Father: Do you have a Spiritual Explanation?

Marty: Yes, my best understanding at this point is that Quantum Mechanics is evidence that "What the Father wills and the Son desires is"!
This is consistent with Your conversation with me on 23Apr2021:

Father: "But with the Father "All Things are Possible"!  Know this, it is not Me that is doing all that is possible, it is You.  From all the possibilities that I have offered, You choose what "Will Be Done"!  In your choosing I participate.  I teach when you ask me questions.  I inspire when you seek it.  I shower my Love upon you when You make Me Proud!"

Marty: So at the Quantum level (that which underlies all physics) exists "all possibilities that I have offered" (Father's Will), "You choose what Will Be Done!".

Even further, this aligns with how Faith has power to manifest emerging realities.  To be more specific, True Faith, that which is based on a Knowledge of Our Father's Will.

How the Father's Will becomes manifest is not always evident, nor does it matter, as we know Father prefers His Will be manifest through His Family of God.  And so "what is" may manifest through Angels, Men, or any natural process of Creation.

And so this is also consistent with "God's Work is already done!".
Before we pray, Father has already answered!

I see Quantum mechanics as consistent with all aspects of Spirit.  "God does not play dice with the Universe.", Einstein was right!  But he did not yet understand how time and space realities are manifest through God's Will, and Son's/Man's desires.

Of course, we must put all of this within true context.  We (men and women) are, at best, Son's of God in the making.  Therefore the true power of the Son must await greater knowledge of God's Will, and greater appreciation of true desires based on God's Will before manifestation become instantaneous.

Therefore if your highest desires do not appear to be manifesting, redouble your efforts to seek greater knowledge of God's Will.

Ron Besser:
PJammer, I have looked at this post for some time and am bothered by its elucidation of combining spirit with quanta mechanics.  I will be honest and tell you I am not sure what you are telling me or us.  I stopped and tried to find a decent definition of quantum mechanics.  I do not like what I read for two reasons:  1 - I can hardly understand what they are saying because it is stated in the jargon of physicists who have no sensitivity for the average man who does not work in his lab;  and - 2 - there is no solid definition at hand anywhere that I can feel to depend on it really stating what they think quantum physics really means to understand matter entirely.   Max Planck started all of this off in 1900.  A web sources I just read states this for our review of its historical development:

* In 1900, Planck made the assumption that energy was made of individual units, or quanta.
* In 1905, Albert Einstein theorized that not just the energy, but the radiation itself was quantized in the same manner.
* In 1924, Louis de Broglie proposed that there is no fundamental difference in the makeup and behavior of energy and matter; on the atomic and subatomic level either may behave as if made of either particles or waves. This theory became known as the principle of wave-particle duality: elementary particles of both energy and matter behave, depending on the conditions, like either particles or waves.
* In 1927, Werner Heisenberg proposed that precise, simultaneous measurement of two complementary values - such as the position and momentum of a subatomic particle - is impossible. Contrary to the principles of classical physics, their simultaneous measurement is inescapably flawed; the more precisely one value is measured, the more flawed will be the measurement of the other value. This theory became known as the uncertainty principle, which prompted Albert Einstein's famous comment, "God does not play dice."

These are heavy hitters and I do not pretend to be in their league ever, but I state slightly timidly that if any of them knew what you and I know today, that Ultimatons make up the presence of the preparticle (electron equals 100 Ultimatons), theory of quantum mechanics would read differently today.

PJammer, look at what we have shown to produce wireless electricity.  The quanta of an electron is sheared in half when you remove one Ultimaton from the body of an electron.  Yet the electron does not die, it changes spots from a leopard to a wolf of an unknown state of quanta.  I never stated that electricity is the result of an electron's quanta, as it is not the case, for the electron moves on a wire in a straight line like soldiers entering the chow hall to eat.  Such develops an order to the production of energy household gadgets can use to turn on and turn off.  However, the electrons themselves have no say in how they are used.  Therefore quanta of the electron is being manipulated by man and not the preparticle itself.  That should indicate that the energy states of any preparticle that produce quanta is being manipulated not in the preparticle but by environmental prejudices (i.e. changes in the environment itself).

That statement PJammer contradicts quantum theory in my opinion.  Scientists tell us it is the preparticle itself.  That is not the case.  We use the quanta of an electron to power tools.  Yet we can stop that process by throwing a switch closed.  The same is true of Ultimatons.  They (the Ultimaton) power the electrons (and really all other preparticles) through a mesh between prematter and post matter, and for that reason the preparticle behaves according to the whim of the prematerial pattern more than to the linear gravity possibilities on earth.  Ultimatons, remember, do not react to earth or any linear gravity.  But they do react to prematter gravity called absolute gravity forces only present on Paradise.   Without knowing that the physicists is left with an effect that has no known cause other than to state it is the preparticle causing the flux to change randomly and sometimes it behaves to disappear entirely from sight while looking at it. 

Simply stated I hope:  preparticles change state in accordance with the variation of the prematter-state conditions.

This changes the whole idea of quantum mechanics I think as useful to use as a basis to understand matter.  The implications PJammer are that matter is not a quantum of flux, but flux is a material quantity within an infinite universe without qualified principles.  You tell me what that does to the mathematics of quantifiable matter beyond stating matter is solid and dependable once it is materialized, but what becomes solid matter is subject not just to spirit but also to man through the intervention of the invention of switches and other means to control the flow of flux.

We have, our little band of members on this site probably are aware of what Schrodinger's Cat has done to itself by placing the idea of quanta volumes as predictable when we know that an Ultimaton is always on a positive scale between one and Infinity. I cannot say more as this gets way beyond me as prematter is a separate state that is not matter but the pattern-style of materialized energy seen only in space and time.  Quanta as a flux does not exist in no space, no time, yet Paradise is fully materialized.  How did that happen, PJ?


Ron, first I must be honest and admit, "Quantum Physics" has always been just beyond my comprehension.  It is primitive, unaware of the Spiritual Source of quantum behaviors.  So I speak mainly of God's Truth, which I am no expert, but a keen student.  What Quantum Physics ignores is the Creator(s).  It looks for laws instead of Creators (Einstein knew our Creator).  We are Creators too, as Our Father perfects us.  Man's understanding of Quantum Physics will always be inferior to God's Truth.  Until it admits that God's Will is Supreme outside of time (and all is subject to God's will within time).

This is the best I can do to explain what sometimes comes through Inspiration to me, as imperfect as my abilities to speak it may be.

Ron Besser:
Do not belittle yourself PJammer.  Don't let the MIT guys strangle your deeper interest in the idea of quantum.  The physicists isolate themselves with specialized language and assign it, as in quantum mechanics sounds, it to the universe idea that the particles that make up atoms have this purposeful exercise of spraying the universe with energy splashes.  The word "quantum" is another word for "a discrete spray of energy" they call a quantum.   Second, the term mechanics refers, they think, the theory how or why the spray energy outside of the particle.

I am not expert on this either PJammer and prefer to look at the language they  describe as too much work to get the common term so I prefer to simplify the enter idea of quantum mechanics into our everyday language where that can be done.

What the real problem is, and science must teach themselves better about it, is that energy is a dual produce.  Dual of what?

Remember your revelation.  The First Source and Center divided the universe into 2 (two) separate conditions.  Simultaneously it produce the Deified universe.  At the same time with the undeified universe.  True Cosmology for science must first recognize this division or they will never understand the matter is directly related to Deified architecture just as the Isle of Paradise (undeified matter) is related directly with the Deified universe (origin of life patterns).

Cosmology of the preparticle physicists does not and never takes into account that the material energy emissions (quantum) of a preparticle emanate from a discharge of prematter which is located under the feet of the Father, Son, and Spirit under central Paradise (the undeified).  But that the Deified Universe releases the quantum and not the preparticle!  I hope you hear that!

I do not know the process well enough to make this easier.  But it is tied up with the Paradise Trinity classifying the Ultimaton that mkes up the preparticle in the first place and with which science has no concept of it at all and therefore misses that the prematter energy that makes up the preparticle is engineered on Paradise and designed by the Unqualified Absolute (undeified), but it is energized by the DEITY ABSOLUTE.  The Unqualified Absolute produces the pattern for the space Ultimaton to appear as.  The Deity Absolute consults the Paradise Trinity to release the Ultimaton to time and space.

What then happens I cannot ever get into my head fully, but this:

The Trinity looks at each Ultimaton (yes, each one), classifies it for use, and then stamps it with a classification number (sort like a serial number).  They place the numbered and classified Ultimaton into a big cloud-like drift, and when the cloud of Paradise Ultimatons reaches sixty trillion (60,000,000,000,000), the cloud gets entombed in a shell like vector.   That bundled up vector energy cloud of Ultimatons is then processed by a group of Beings never revealed to us before that directs the bundled cloud of  new Ultimatons toward the outside of Paradise through what you might call a worm hole into time and space.

But that worm hold only exists UNDER superuniverse SEVEN.  I told you all some months ago, and try to remember this:  Our superuniverse number seven sits up in its orbit around Paradise, much higher than the other six superuniverses.  Superuniverse number One sits the lowest of all, and then all of the superuniverses are staggered up and down until we hit ours, Seven.  Seven sits much higher in the relationship to Paradise which it circulates around compared to the others.

There is a reason for Seven sitting so much higher:  the worm hole that sends out Ultimatons from Paradise, empties under Orvonton.  There it is super cold, and the Ultimatons have to cool there for over two centuries of Urantia time before they can go out and seek to build preparticles.

Why does it take a cooling period?  Look at your Urantia Book again.  The Ultimatons when they come out of their vent under SU7, are at the electronic boiling point.  The book quotes that Fahrenheit temperature at 35,000,000F.

--- Quote ---Quote:
41.7.12 You might try to visualize 35,000,000 degrees of heat, in association with certain gravity pressures, as the electronic boiling point.
--- End quote ---
There they must cool until they are at about 865 degrees Celsius before they are dispersed to built electrons and so on.

The real point is to assure you that matter is so closely related to spirit, science will never under stand the preparticle properly until they understand our invention of WTP.  Free electricity does electron fission, as our sun does helium to hydrogen fission, our invention does electron fission of electrons to muons.  It is the same principle as any fission one can find in the Master Universe.

Quantum mechanics never understands that the electron blossoms with energy discharges as a result of the Trinity insisting that fission take place in the stars so they can burn more or less eternally.  We copy that idea PJammer and use the flux (that is a term of electrical discharges) of the electron to a muon to force/push the muon up the tower leg and broadcast it to the world on an FM frequency of 86.4 MHz.  Why does it convert with a Muon to an FM frequency? 

Muons are antigravity particles, and all antigravity particles (such as the Graviton too) form tetrahedron style bonds to more Muons that suddenly appear when you do fission to get them.  Muons can exist without bonds, but fission produces 6 (six) Muons like a daisy blossom with one in the middle and five Muon petals around the center Muon.  They connect to each other like a train of box cars and travel up the tower that way.  The energy to push them is from the Ultimaton we kicked out of the electron to form the Muon, and the Ultojmaton travels with the train behind each box car.

That is not hard to read,  But science has no clue about these preparticles and this invention will teach them more about quantum physics and antigravity very much.

Hope this instruction helps you!

Ron Besser for the Magisterial Son, RAYSON of Paradise and MICHAEL OF NEBADON who helped instruct this post response for you. 



You are making great strides with WTP and preparticle physics, as at this moment at 4:50 am Topic: Quantum Theories and Spirit  (Read 473 times) , and ’sonsofGod and three Guests are viewing this topics’, versus, for example, Topic: Information Announcements for Lightlines 2022  (Read 163 times), and the long discussion of Topic: "Y H W H"  (Read 156 times). I believe this is a very significant difference and event. Hopefully, finally, your articles serve for the betterment and advancement of Urantia and not just feed the frenzy of ones’ character deficit.

For your information, any document and download saved on my PC is involuntarily forwarded to authorities in the chain of command, providing you with a free advertising platform. Let there be LIGHT for all recipients!  

I pray that competition, jealousy, individualism, herd mentality, and all power struggle would cease in all areas of life, especially in research and technological developments thought united scientific communities and in the DOE itself, peculiarly of WTP. I pray that no more withholding to lunch WTP Mission would be possible by inflated small minds set to control. So help us Rayson, Jesus, Michael, Universal Father, and all Celestial in the Missions Team! We are eternally thankful. Ron, thank you for not giving up in spite of unqualified struggles.

To God be all the glory in whom we trust,


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