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OTHER TRANSMISSIONS POSTS HERE FOR READING => Threads for New Transmissions => Topic started by: Rene A Duran on September 09, 2023, 12:23:53 pm

Title: "The Practical Spiritual Life"
Post by: Rene A Duran on September 09, 2023, 12:23:53 pm
 "The Practical Spiritual Life"
By The Universal Father.
Transmitter: Salvatore
Los Angeles CA August 31, 2023.

The Universal Father:
"On this vitally important occasion I want to suggest learning to live the practical spiritual life and including it in our daily lives, in which it helps us interact with people and our community.
"And it is vitally important to 'persevere', which allows us to experience the divine spirituality that is necessary to do because it is a virtue of obedience and that leads us to do the will of the Universal Father.
"And we must make an agenda in the practice of working, above all, in order so that the results bear fruit and if this is applied in our daily lives we will obtain good results and Spiritual progress.
"Practical teaching is wonderful because it motivates us to live intelligently and consciously in our daily lives and that is an advantage because it motivates us to live wisely on the path of spirituality and it is a new form of help to Ascend to another level and do the will of the inner Father and the strength to continue balanced.
"The Celestial Deities are cooperating to instruct and lead other spiritual horizons to improve the quality of life in all the hearts of this humanity.
This is my message of love.
Thank you.
"I am your Universal Father"

Thank you for your message and hope.

