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OTHER TRANSMISSIONS POSTS HERE FOR READING => Threads for New Transmissions => Topic started by: Lemuel on February 21, 2022, 02:02:53 am

Post by: Lemuel on February 21, 2022, 02:02:53 am
T/R: Lemuel
Location: Girona, Catalunya, Spain.
Date/Time: 21st Feb 2022  07:00 Local  06:00 Z

When you pray, you are, of course, trying to communicate with Father.
Why do you pray? Is it to ask for world peace or to be cured of an illness?
There are many who only pray in church on a Sunday and there are those who
never pray at all. Depending on your country of origin and its traditions and
cultures, you will grow up and be educated in a particular religion or not.

Those of you who have broken free from institutionalized religion have come
to realize that to pray is an attitude of mind that is mindful of God.
To be mindful of God is prayer and when in this state your silent prayer
is always heard. 

To be ever mindful of your Thought Adjuster is silent prayer without ceasing
and when you pray for others with your mindfulness your prayers are much
more powerful. The power of such prayers cannot be over-emphasized and 
the world is in desperate need of them.

You all have this tremendous power within you to help bring about the many
changes for the betterment and highest good for all.
Silent prayer can work wonders.

Until next time.

Good day.

Post by: Moses Ouko on February 21, 2022, 23:35:33 pm
Thank you CALUMNIA and Lemuel for this post.

Looking back, I grew up as a Saturday and Sunday only praying Christian but all this changed in my second year of high school when I met a girl at a party, had a crush on her and naturally we started writing letters to each other. I remember one letter that I received from her in which she wrote,” Don’t forget to pray before you go to bed at night.” That was the turning point for me. I made sure that no matter what,  I always prayed at night from then on and moved from a weekend only praying person to a daily praying person. A small thing it may seem but it was not easy for me because I really didn’t know how to pray at the time. The acquaintance with a “crush” actually led me on the path to finding my spiritual journey through the years, all the way I believe to the forum. I believe my Beloved Thought Adjuster played a role in all these.Thank you once more and God Bless.
Love and Blessings,