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The nations of the Middle East are Abraham's Family


Thank you so very much for your Light Line of December 6, Lemuel.
And thank you Geoff, for the questions about the various nations that currently occupy the Middle East.

Machiventa is addressing the spiritual status of Abraham, and used him in presenting truth to the tribes that existed locally around Abraham. The revelations of Adam and Eve and the Sethite priests were becoming diluted to the point that Machiventa needed to intervene to restore the understanding of the One True God.

Abraham was informed he would have an heir. But as time would have it, Abraham got a little anxious, and jumped the gun. With Hagar, Abraham had a son Ishmael. Thirteen years later Abraham was told that Sarah would be the mother of his heir. It was Isaac. It was Isaac who had two sons, Esau and Jacob. These two sons each had twelve sons of their own, and started their own tribe. Jacob, now named Israel, and his whole family including Abraham, went to Egypt, and became a nation of their own. When they came back to the Middle East, Esau's many tribes were already there, and Ishmael's descendants in Arabia, and many sub tribes that arose from the intermarriage and interaction of all these peoples.

Now we have a number of Middle eastern nations that can all rightfully be called brothers. They are all family.
Melchizedek wanted to point out that the spiritual reunion of these brothers is coming in the "Lifting of the Veil", that is, the Apocalypse, (the meaning of the Greek term), and that these warring nations have to become informed of their familial status through the Regency. National boundaries come later. Along with spiritual understanding will come the appreciation that war is not necessary, and that through Abraham, "all the nations of the earth shall be blessed".


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