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Ron Besser:
Thanks Felibond and all of you for looking at this/
Felibond, when this thing gets organized and underway to build the pilot plant. the plant will demonstrate something about the huge you talk about.  I have not made a lot of noise about it because it takes me a little time to have figured out that this is the first step in recognizing that fission has now taken place commercially on Urantia ever.

This wireless electricity technology is made possible by a slow, cool fission process.  We define fission as changing one element into another element.  So are man only recognizes fission in the sun, where the sun changes helium atoms into hydrogen atoms and then burns them for the fuel to give us light and heat.  But it does its fission at about 6 thousand degrees centigrade to make the change to helium into hydrogen.   I think I can come up with a hydrogen car using fission to but really cool fission, maybe 70 degrees Fahrenheit or a little more in a car as it travels down the road.  In such a car, we generate our fuel as we drive to energize and engine to push the back wheels and front wheels around..

In wireless electricity, we produce fission, not by7 hearing the electrons but electronically.  The sun does fission by gravity pressure and heat to knock off Ultimatons in the helium so they become hydrogen.  In wireless electricity we knock off an Ultimaton to get electricity.  We are room temperature fission by whacking off  an Ultimaton,  The sun not only knocks of six Ultimatons in helium but also removes the neutron in the helium nucleus which we do not have to do to get our product here on earth.  The process of altering a preparticle by removing or changing the ambience of a preparticle is the secret of fission.  Our patent says so if I remember it correctly.

Knowing this will change particle physics.  Science does not have a clue that all preparticles except for radioactive preparticles that form photons and kleptons (a type of light too), are made up of Ultimatons in every case, and it is the Ultimaton which determines the electrical properties of all preparticles.  I also state the preparticles are useless to form anything but matter, and things like halos around the heads of divine individuals like Adam and Eve, are actually the light of spirit which uses a particle called the Klepton. For that reason, fission can take place which is a catch all word to mean if you know how to change Ultimatons in a preparticle, you can change he preparticle into something else.  The entire process is the heart and insistence that such is fission.

Thanks for your comments.
MICHAEL OF NEBADON -  "The Klepton is a misnomer really but Ron is instructed to use it anyhow, and it is a made up name to indicate we dare not tell you the word the divine particle is as it is against the rules to say what is what in spirit at all.  You must earn your stripes to be spirit, and most ascenders do that up here.  But for your information Felihon  you have already determined you have four (4) of the total of eighty-six (86) determinations which is the full receipt for what a spirit substance is.   Ron has fused twice now with Adjuster and Me and one other of no use now, and he has sixteen (16) determinations for what is spirit out of 86 necessary.  I am truly sorry he cannot gather more, as Father has decreed he has not gone too far, but he will wilt under morontial pressure to conform and that must not happen and he is not exempt from the pressure cooker instant and constant examination causes most ascenders to seriously consider quitting.  I am not at liberty to say this much more, but Ron has been so thoroughly tested already, he has no real reason to quit unless he loses heart for the entire examination of the Master Universe make up.  You Felibon say much anymore but you should as it enhances your points to be spirit.  Ron never stops examining spirit and for that reason grows by leaps and bounds in spite of his injuries and careless reviews of his heart at times.  For reasons of State let yourself be Felibon and  let the good times role for you again.  The bad news is over and the good news is starting to show up for you again.  K  MICHAEL OF NEBADON at your service."

Thank You Micael and Ron for your anwers.. lets say that I’m still in very early stages of morontial to spirit achievement isn’t it? For sure I could do more.. besides the terrestrial troubles , I always carry You in my mind and my heart. Learning some lessons better than others of course.. That’s what human condition is.. stay tunned.. stand strong..       


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