*Serara Forum*
Probationary Board Archive => US PATENT ISSUED TO BROADCAST ELECTRICITY => Topic started by: Ron Besser on May 16, 2023, 10:21:39 am
May 16, 2023
REPORT ON RAYSON ELECTRIC/ The Project Standing as of Today
We would like to update you about this technology and what we have to accept as the reality of the moment.
I review some details with you first.
The Rayson Corporation is assigned to do the construction work as the owner of the pilot plant.
It is owned by the Magisterial Foundation, Patent #11601013, in a Trust Department placed inside of that Foundation.
A Trust was constructed inside the Magisterial Foundation so that the Chairman of the Board of the Directors of the Magisterial Foundation is the Trustee and makes the decisions how to use the patent. The Board of Directors does not warrant control, only the Chairman is the Trustee and he acts independently of the Board itself on any final decision to warrant the patent's use.
The TRUST IS controlled by the Chairman of the Board who is an incarnated Melchizedek, and recently named to our Board as MANITUBA MELCHIZEDEK. He alone concerns himself with the proper displeasure of controlling this patent which is the heart and soul of freely broadcast electricity easily and cheaply.
I Ronald Besser own the patent fully, and I act as Chairman of the Board when the incarnation of MANITUBA MELCHIZEDEK is not present. I have assigned the Trust that when the Melchizedek is present to ordain the Board with His presence, that automatically places control of the technology and its patent under the divine control of their Office as emergency Sons of the Local Universe of Nebadon.
I, Ronald L. Besser, bequeath all such property to the Magisterial Foundation in the event of my death, and that the Chairman, the Melchizedek known as MANITUBA is the recipient of the Trust and Controller of all future decisions regarding the patent's use.
The Magisterial Foundation has opted out to build it and assigns the RAYSON CORPORATION to advise the Magisterial Foundation, when it is ready to take on the responsibility to built the pilot plant to broadcast electricity of a tall FM radio tower. We assign the RAYSON CORPORATION full control for two major reasons:
1 - We are divine institutions run and standardized by the Melchizedeks and the Salvington Government of the Planetary Prince and the Sovereign of our space area Local Universe of Nebadon. For that reason alone, the Salvington Government requests that all money handling be out of their control so as not to get public inquiries how they spend money to unnecessarily influence any public (USA in particular) policies regarding its regulation and build out.
2 - The Salvington Government through the Planetary Prince, Mantutia Melchizedek, has assigned that since they may not handle the money and that any expenditure the Rayson Corporation makes, is now through the hands of Ronald Besser as the human representative of the Treasury for construction only. I therefore retain the ownership of the Rayson Corporation, but assign all authority and care to its operations and policies to the Magisterial Son, RAYSON OF NEBADON for the foreseeable future.
3 - The MAGISTERIAL SON, RAYSON, and his staff direct me to spend the money as they see fit and I am conditioned to do and spend as they direct only. That is how the build is paid for on a regular basis.
4 - The Magisterial Foundation Board is a Interlocking Board, and that means it is the same Board of Directors for the Subsidiary Corporations, which The Rayson Corporation is one such subsidiary.
MANTUTIA MELCHIZEDEK speaks: This item calling for the interlocking Board of Directors is horrible misconstrued by the US Courts, and if necessary the Board of Directors of the RAYSON CORPORATION is assigned to Me alone in a way to avoid further controversy with the United States St ate Department. We consider this a valid statement in all cases, and will assume leadership roles when MANITUBA MELCHIZEDEK resumes incarnating for the purpose of holding a Board Meeting of regular standards on May 30 or May 31, in York, Pennsylvania at an appropriate time. End of Message."
5 - The RAYSON CORPORATION and its template, RAYSON ELECTRIC (the assigned name to the completed power plant build out). Rayson Electric is not a separate Corporation but operates only as a Trademark. For that reason the RAYON CORPORATION is also Chaired by the Magisterial Son, RAYSON OF NEBADON.
6 - The MAGISTERIAL FOUNDATION recognizes that the technology of Patent 11601013 is mostly the contribution of the Magisterial Son, Rayson as named here, and that it is RAYSON who directs the entire matter concerning the issue of construction and the electrical policy the RAYSON ELECTRIC plant shall follow.
7 - A fabrication plant is an additional subsidiary, operating also known as, the York Preparticle Technologies Corporation (YPTC), YPTC is where personnel build cowlings and covers and provide the electronics for inventions and stand by to provide additional technologies to the free electricity technologies provided by the US Patent for a Tesla-style broadcast of electricity plant known as Rayson Electric. This corporation has no Board of Directors and is operated as a department although the US Treasury Department knows it as a charitable corporation (501 -c0 3).
8 - YPTC shall operate as a department in the Rayson Corporation only.
1 - The somewhat arbitrary cost analysis to complete the Rayson Electric pilot plant has produced a build number to offer banks and fiduciary considerations a sense of value and investment size.
2 - Early cost estimates place the plant value together with its land and licensing work, at approximately between $30 and $50 million USD.
3 - Early estimates are that one bank has stepped forward to promise financing but insisting on partial ownership of the patent.
4 - The Trust Department inside the Magisterial Foundation will not accept other ownership or co-ownership of Patent 11601013. The patent is indivisible a divine technology lent to the Magisterial Foundation by the Paradise Force Organizers and its subsidiary offices meant to improve the technologies of any earth they see is lacking in proper power production. Urantia, our earth, has received this update through Ronald Besser transmission work and he is assigned as caretaker of the Patent as well.
5 - There is an investment possibility that can be accepted and that is for the Bank to form a community of interests which the Board considers to be on the same scale as the Tennessee Valley Authority. (TVA) in which we share licensing funds with that organization as payback and operations of how to electrify the United States in particular with this technology.
This is only a preliminary report, and will be followed up later if there if further development and requirement to comment on financing critical to the build out of the RAYSON ELECTRIC plant as proposed by the US Patent 11601013.
Thanks you.
Ronald Besser/
Owner Operator of Rayson Electric and the Rayson Corporation and Technology Inventor until further notice of organization in a proposed Board Meeting on our about May 31, 2023.