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Probationary Board Archive => BREWING EARTH CHANGES TO BE AWARE OF => Topic started by: JuliodaLuz on June 21, 2023, 16:30:03 pm

Title: Artificial Intelligence - The shift of the north magnetic pole
Post by: JuliodaLuz on June 21, 2023, 16:30:03 pm
Artificial Intelligence - The shift of the north magnetic pole

Today, Wednesday, June 21, 2023, I asked artificial intelligence (ChatGPT) a question about this subject




Below the question and answer.



You can inform the history of displacement of the north magnetic pole that is close to Canada that you have obtained on the internet, with information per year only, from year to year, according to existing data on the internet.

Afterwards, you can simulate how far the magnetic north pole will be reached near Siberia, Russia, considering only the arithmetic projection of the last known speed of displacement.

Then translate all the text into the Portuguese language used in Brazil



Certainly! Here is a historical overview of the displacement of the North Magnetic Pole, based on available data up until my knowledge cutoff in September 2021:

Year 1831: The North Magnetic Pole is located near the Boothia Peninsula in the Canadian Arctic.

Year 1904: The pole continues its movement towards the northwest at a pace of approximately 9 kilometers (5.6 miles) per year.

Year 1989: The pole's speed of displacement increases to roughly 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) per year, and it moves towards Ellesmere Island in the Canadian Arctic.

Year 2001: The pole crosses the Arctic Ocean, moving away from Canada and closer to Russia.

Year 2019: The North Magnetic Pole reaches a latitude of 86.54 degrees North and a longitude of 170.11 degrees West, approximately 390 kilometers (242 miles) from its position in 2001. It continues its trajectory towards Russia.

Now, considering the arithmetic projection of the pole's last known speed of displacement, let's estimate where it may be found near Siberia, Russia in the future. Please note that this projection is based on historical trends and may not be entirely accurate.

Year 2023: Assuming a similar speed of displacement as in 2019, the North Magnetic Pole might be approximately 410 kilometers (255 miles) from its 2019 position, moving closer to Siberia, Russia.


Inteligência Artificial - O deslocamento do polo magnetico norte

Hoje, 21 de junho de 2023, quarta-feira, eu fiz uma pergunta a inteligência artificial (ChatGPT) sobre este assunto




Abaixo a pergunta e a resposta.


Pode informar o histórico de deslocamento do polo magnético norte que fica perto do Canada que tenhas conseguido na internet, com uma informação por ano apenas, de ano a ano, conforme dados existentes na internet.

Depois, pode fazer uma simulação de quanto tanto se chegará o polo norte magnético perto da Sibéria, na Rússia, considerando apenas projeção aritmética da última velocidade de deslocamento conhecida.

Depois traduza todo o texto para o idioma português usado no Brasil



Agora, traduzirei todo o texto para o português utilizado no Brasil:

Certamente! Aqui está uma visão histórica do deslocamento do Polo Magnético Norte, com base em dados disponíveis até o meu corte de conhecimento em setembro de 2021:

Ano de 1831: O Polo Magnético Norte está localizado próximo à Península de Boothia, no Ártico canadense.

Ano de 1904: O polo continua seu movimento em direção ao noroeste a uma velocidade de aproximadamente 9 quilômetros (5,6 milhas) por ano.

Ano de 1989: A velocidade de deslocamento do polo aumenta para cerca de 15 quilômetros (9,3 milhas) por ano, e ele se move em direção à Ilha Ellesmere, no Ártico canadense.

Ano de 2001: O polo atravessa o Oceano Ártico, afastando-se do Canadá e se aproximando da Rússia.

Ano de 2019: O Polo Magnético Norte atinge uma latitude de 86,54 graus Norte e uma longitude de 170,11 graus Oeste, aproximadamente 390 quilômetros (242 milhas) de sua posição em 2001. Ele continua sua trajetória em direção à Rússia.

Agora, considerando a projeção aritmética da última velocidade conhecida de deslocamento do polo, vamos estimar onde ele poderá ser encontrado próximo à Sibéria, na Rússia, no futuro. Por favor, observe que essa projeção é baseada em tendências históricas e pode não ser totalmente precisa.

Ano de 2023: Supondo uma velocidade de deslocamento semelhante à de 2019, o Polo Magnético Norte pode estar aproximadamente a 410 quilômetros (255 milhas) de sua posição em 2019, se aproximando da Sibéria, na Rússia.

Title: Re: Artificial Intelligence - The shift of the north magnetic pole
Post by: weydevu on June 22, 2023, 10:28:16 am
Julio, I've heard ChatGPT before but never used it. However after reading your article, I thought I'd give it a try since you gave us the address. So I ask a question here is what I got.

If Jesus came today, how would the world react?

If Jesus were to appear in the world today, it would likely evoke a wide range of reactions and responses, just as it did during his time on Earth. People's responses would largely depend on their beliefs, cultural backgrounds, and personal perspectives. Here are some possible reactions:

Believers' Joy and Worship: Many Christians, who already believe in Jesus as the Son of God, would likely rejoice and worship him. They would see his return as a fulfillment of their faith and eagerly embrace his teachings.

Skepticism and Doubt: There would also be individuals who approach Jesus' arrival with skepticism or doubt. They may question the authenticity of his identity, request scientific evidence, or perceive his presence as a hoax or a trick.

Media Frenzy and Attention: The news of Jesus' arrival would undoubtedly cause a global media frenzy. Media outlets would cover the event extensively, seeking interviews, conducting investigations, and trying to capture the phenomenon on camera. Speculation, analysis, and debates would abound in both traditional and social media platforms.

Curiosity and Seekers of Truth: Many people, regardless of their religious beliefs, would be curious and intrigued by Jesus' appearance. They might seek to understand his message, teachings, and potential impact on the world. Philosophers, theologians, and spiritual seekers would likely engage in deep discussions and debates.

Conflict and Opposition: Jesus' return might also provoke opposition and conflict, as it did during his time on Earth. Some individuals or groups might view his teachings as threatening to their established power structures, beliefs, or ideologies. They could actively resist or even attempt to suppress his message.

Conversion and Spiritual Awakening: Jesus' presence could lead to a profound spiritual awakening for many people. Those who were previously agnostic, atheist, or followers of different religions might experience a transformation and choose to follow his teachings.

Emotional and Personal Impact: For individuals who have a personal connection to Jesus' story or have experienced hardship, his arrival could bring deep emotional responses. It might provide comfort, hope, and healing to those in need.

It's important to note that these are speculative responses based on historical and cultural contexts. The actual reactions would be influenced by the unique circumstances and individual perspectives of people living in the present day.


Title: Re: Artificial Intelligence - The shift of the north magnetic pole
Post by: prozonov on June 22, 2023, 11:33:23 am
Good afternoon Veydev. Your assumptions are very interesting. I also want to express my opinion, which I stated a few years ago and it has not changed.
First of all, I am convinced that there is practically no faith in God on the planet. Nobody prays to the Father. They pray to “saints”, bones, icons, idols, prophets…. Sheer idolatry.
Jesus must open the eyes of Urantians. However, the majority will not accept him and consider him to be the Antichrist.
It is at this moment that the planned cataclysms and cleansing of the planet should occur. Whoever believes will leave this world with a light heart. And whoever rejects it, as if he did not live.
Of course, this is my opinion, and if someone does not like it, please excuse me.
The world and we are waiting for change.
Добрый день Вейдеву (https://forum.serara.org/index.php?action=profile;u=22118). Твои предположения очень интересны. Я тоже хочу высказать свое мнение, которое я изложил еще несколько лет назад и оно не изменилось.
Прежде всего, убежден, что на планете практически нет веры в Бога. Никто не молится Отцу. Молятся «святым», костям, иконам, идолам, пророкам…. Сплошное идолопоклонство.
Иисус должен открыть урантийцам глаза. Однако большинство его не примут и сочтут за антихриста.
Вот в этот момент и должны произойти запланированные катаклизмы и чистка планеты. Кто уверовал, тот с легким сердцем покинет этот мир. А кто отринет, тот как бы и не жил.
Конечно, это мой взгляд, и если он кому-то не понравится, прошу меня извинить.
Мир и мы ждем перемен.