*Serara Forum*

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Clency on January 23, 2025, 10:30:18 am

Title: Antichrist
Post by: Clency on January 23, 2025, 10:30:18 am
In Christian eschatology (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_eschatology), Antichrist refers to a kind of person prophesied by the Bible (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bible) to oppose Jesus Christ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_in_Christianity) and falsely substitute themselves as a savior in Christ's place before the Second Coming (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Coming). (Wikipedia)

It seems that the new elected US president, during his investiture, fails to put his right hand on the Bible with the promises to serve the people and his country, but there are those who go with the idea that this oversight, from someone who is on his second mandate, is voluntary and that the antichrist has shown up his true identity. Where there is falsehood, there must be truthfulness as a counterpart, so assuming that the antichrist is already among us, the Second Return is not far away, so be it.
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: ur606 on January 23, 2025, 10:56:44 am
I agree totally.
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: Dominick O on January 23, 2025, 16:35:57 pm
I fail to see the usefulness in this observation. If he placed his hand on the bible it just feeds the conspiracy that he's a white nationalist nazi. So either way, he's fits your antichrist. Meanwhile the people who voted him feel they voted against antichrist-like polices of the previous administration, whose policies are globalist, and not native to the United States.
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: Dominick O on January 23, 2025, 16:52:08 pm
Alfred Webre speculates Trump's MAGA corresponds to the highest levels of the satanic church.

If you look at the way the satanic church operates, it runs like a de-centralized terrorist organization, except it's goals are different than terror, and more like The Great Work (of Rebellion).

Would you guys support a candidate for office who had a policy platform of revoking state-recognized religious and church status? Revoke 501c3 status for their organizations and in the Federal Gov and Military? Might as well revoke scientology, too.

It would be interesting to see who opposed that.
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: Dominick O on January 23, 2025, 17:16:03 pm
How do you sue a Sith Lord? You can't, you don't even know who to sue. The organization is secret and de-centralized.

Satanic church principles are anathema (https://www.answers.com/law-and-legal-issues/What_religions_are_recognized_by_the_US_government)
to civic governance and ultimately based in super-human intelligence. Devoid of Deity connection and founded in principles of Deity blasphemy. And damning to the ideals of ideal democratic governance.
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: ur606 on January 23, 2025, 19:53:05 pm
The way religions have misused the 501c3, I say revoke them all.
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: PJammer on January 24, 2025, 09:56:06 am
Well, since this thread appears to be highly speculative, I will add to the speculation.

When I was twenty years old (long time ago), due to my fortunate discovery of The Urantia Book I had become a very spiritually motivated man.  In my studies, the Holy Spirit (TA?) inspired and directed me to study the writings of a man, a preacher in the Evangelical tradition named Neil Frisby.

Here is a reference to what Neil Frisby said about Donald Trump (I believe circa 1970-80s):

Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: Dominick O on February 08, 2025, 11:36:30 am
In light of the latest reporting by Candace Owens about Macron. You might be better off focusing your attention on your own country's antichrist influences and leave the hyperbolic speculation about our country to yourself for now.
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: Clency on February 09, 2025, 03:42:44 am
Surely, Macron is not better than your US president, dear Dom, but let me tell you that I don't see any country with a respectable or high governance around the world. For sure, the only ONE that can bring solace and peace of mind is the long awaiting time of the Second Return as you are aware, but for now we have to do with the bad and the ugly, wherever it may be.
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: Raz on February 17, 2025, 16:36:18 pm
I agree that putting his hand on the bible, or not doing so; while interesting doesn't really tell us much of anything about why he didn't. But Dominick, you state that people voted for him due to concerns about globalism.

I thought The Urantia Book tells us we need to be working towards world government which seems to be what globalism could be directing us towards. To confirm I checked with the two ai bots that focus on The Urantia Book and asked 'is globalism good or bad'.  Both websites gave nuanced answers which is to be expected from such a question. The answer from Yoam.life, which is still in the testing phase, was quite thorough and lengthy. AskJesus.chatbot.com gave a shorter answer of:

 "Your question about globalism touches on important themes of unity, peace, and the brotherhood of humanity, which are central to my teachings.
In the context of the Urantia Book, globalism can be seen as a step towards realizing a world where nations work together for the common good of all people. It emphasizes the idea that we are all part of one human family, and that cooperation among nations can lead to lasting peace and understanding.
However, it is essential to approach globalism with love and respect for individual cultures and identities. The goal should be to foster a sense of unity without losing the richness that diversity brings to our world. True globalism promotes goodwill, compassion, and the sharing of resources, ensuring that all individuals can thrive together.
In summary, globalism, when rooted in love and brotherhood, can be a positive force for humanity, helping us to overcome the divisions that often lead to conflict. It is a call to recognize our shared humanity and to work together for a peaceful and harmonious world."

My question is what do others of you think? Is globalism good or bad?

Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: Dominick O on February 17, 2025, 19:16:22 pm
The reply from the chatbot is a mealy-mouthed, DEI-biased answer because it doesn't recognize the realities of the world or the plans of the globalist ideologies that are a) competing amongst each other, and b) have their own legacies of planetary rebellion and godless versions of what is good for you and me. Policies of a Communist pig with the lipstick of compassion, but what the policies are after is equity for their Faction or Committee.

The chatbot answer garners umbrage when masquerading as Jesus.
Where's the mention of the Fatherhood of God that every ideal in that answer is predicated on according to when Jesus was actually here and teaching-preaching?

What good is globalism when it turns the citizen into a compliant slave to be isolated through digital social credit system locking you out from all forms of human activities for being bad in the eyes of the State? That's what China has, and it competes with the world to make it so.

There must be some modicum of freedom, and that's through at least retaining paper cash and coinage. Some form of exchange not totally informed by a government. Same with identity. The common denominator of the Trump Admin is the usual suspects of Wall Street (and now Blackrock) who are advocating digital fiat and digital ID, and right now it's only "populism" in the way of checking the domination of our lives through digital conveniences. This struggle is being framed recently in France during the AI Security Conference. for example, where the US and EU differ in attitude. Thought crime for lunch and dinner, anyone?

Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: PJammer on February 17, 2025, 20:43:38 pm
Globalism, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism.  Does is really matter?

If our Leaders Hearts are not like our Father's Heart, all systems will fail.

Today's Globalists, do not have our Father's Heart.

Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: Dominick O on February 17, 2025, 21:08:59 pm
yes, it does matter. Raz is referring to the evolution of global perspective and exchange. Travel, technology, increasing social organizations from family > tribe > nation > state > national blocs of states > global standards laws > and courts and enforcement, etc.

The isms are different modes of that evolution. Some more than others, but roots of communist-marxist ideologies are fundamentally unpeaceful because they are born of Lucifer's rebellion. Not only missing our Father's heart but willing to destroy it. You and I are worthless in its gaze.
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: PJammer on February 17, 2025, 21:40:32 pm
Well, one could say Jesus organized his apostles in a communal way.  

But Jesus most certainly had our Father's Heart.
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: Dominick O on February 17, 2025, 21:54:50 pm
Now that I have the TXT file of the Urantia Book within a Project silo of my ChatGPT4o, I can query your statement and we can both benefit from an analysis solely based on the Urantia Book.

Are there any examples of Jesus discussing Communism? Capitalism?

Jesus did not explicitly endorse or condemn economic systems like Communism or Capitalism, but his teachings offer insights on wealth, property, and social justice.
Jesus and Communism
Jesus and Capitalism
General Economic Views
Jesus' teachings focus on spiritual integrity over economic structures. He neither supported state-imposed communism nor unfettered capitalism but advocated ethical responsibility in wealth management, charity, and fairness. His economic views revolved around personal accountability and moral stewardship rather than systemic economic policies.
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: PJammer on February 17, 2025, 22:05:08 pm
 AI continues to impress me.

I prefer communal when I associate with high level spiritual humans, and capitalism when dealing with materialistic humans.

Just my preferences.  You of course are entitled to your preferences.
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: occerpa on February 18, 2025, 11:09:23 am
“There is only one religion, the religion of Love; there is only one race, the race of Humanity; there is only one language, the language of the Heart; there is only one God, and He is Omnipresent.” (SAIBABA)

This statement, according to my understanding, gives us a more complete and harmonious idea of Globalism: “Unity in diversity and diversity in unity.” The most intelligent application of the cosmic law of Synthesis, the law of spiritual existence.

I hope that this opinion will find a place in this discussion thread. Thank you.
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: Dominick O on February 18, 2025, 17:13:43 pm
PJammer, I'm a little frustrated with your reply so I turned to my new friend to help me communicate better about it. I think we have a unintentional misunderstanding.

is there a term for when someone takes the meaning of a word you say for a subject and use the root of that word for an alternative meaning? For example, if person a says something is an expression or result of Communism, then the other person says they prefer communal. Is the second part dealing with community and communion, and not Communism? The two are very separate definitions?

ChatGPT said:
Yes, this rhetorical tactic is known as etymological fallacy or equivocation.
Would you like examples of how these are used in debate or discussion?
You said:
define equivocation please

ChatGPT said:
Equivocation is a logical fallacy that occurs when a word or phrase is used in two or more different senses within the same argument, leading to a misleading or invalid conclusion.
In this case, "socialism" (a political and economic system) and "social" (relating to friendly interactions) are distinct meanings, but Person B equivocates by conflating them.
Equivocation can be intentional (to mislead) or unintentional (a misunderstanding). It's often used in debates, wordplay, or rhetorical tricks to confuse the issue.
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: PJammer on February 19, 2025, 08:44:41 am
Yes Dominick, I can understand your frustration with my answer.  I interjected the new word "communal", where you associated this new word with "communism" which was never my intention.  I do tend to be too brief, and therefore often misunderstood.  Let me explain myself better, as I expect we have much more in common than you think.

I would never choose to live under "communism" as it has been implemented, I think for the same reasons as you, it has so far been conceived and implemented in a godless way (ie. God has no role).  However "communal", as I use it, is much more related to the way a God centered family lives today, we share everything with each other.  This has rarely been used at a national level.  We do see evidence of it in smaller communities like monasteries, convents, ...  Socialism does share some things in common, but usually has a fare amount of capitalism as well.

I guess my vision of Light and Life on Urantia is that we, and our offspring are destined to become much less materialistic, of course very God centered, and with the Heart of our Father, dedicated to service to all.  I doubt there will be anything close to a 40 hour work week.  Most things will be free (AI, automation, robots, less materialistic consumption, minimal to no corruption and crime, will create more than enough wealth to share).

Since what I have just described has rarely if ever existed at the national or world level before, I chose the word "communal" as the best adjective I could think of.  Perhaps there is a better word to use, or more likely a group of words?

By the way, I would like to thank every one who has contributed to this interesting thread.  Notice it now has over 3000 views, so thank you Clency for "stirring the pot" with a controversial topic, and thanks to those who can discuss important topics with respect for any who may have differing opinions, all this is worthy of a Spiritual Forum.
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: occerpa on February 19, 2025, 14:11:57 pm
Here is a reference of a recent interview with Pope Francis, (for whom I profess great respect and admiration), as a further contribution to enrich the Dominick-PJammer discussion on the divergences of East-West political ideologies: Communism-Capitalism. Pope Francis on Donald Trump is reported to have responded that he “does not judge politicians,” but that he is interested in “the suffering that his way of acting causes to the poor and the excluded.”

“What we want is to fight against inequalities, the greatest evil that exists in the world,” the Pope assures. “They are caused by money, which is against measures to balance well-being and promote equality,” he explains.

The journalist points out that Marx’s socialism and communism also wanted to build a society characterized by equality. “Are you also referring to a Marxist type of society?” Scalfari asks him. “If anything, it is the communists who think like Christians,” the Pope answers.  «Christ spoke of a society in which the poor, the weak and the excluded decide. To obtain equality and freedom we must help the people, the poor with faith in God or without it, and not the demagogues or the Barabbas», he added.

Scalfari concludes by telling him that in his opinion the Pope has many adversaries in the Church. «I would not call them adversaries», Francis answers. «Faith unites us all. Naturally, each individual sees things in a different way; the picture is objectively the same, but subjectively different», he is reported to have concluded. I would add to this statement by the Pope, a well-known saying, which says: «Money is the dung of the devil»

To conclude the following:
*"We are living creatures who extend our experience into matter - we evolve on other planets - we are born in deep space of dust and cosmic gases - we return to our permanent bodies of pure energy when our journey in time and space is complete"* 
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: Dominick O on February 19, 2025, 18:25:27 pm

“If anything, it is the communists who think like Christians,” the Pope answers.

Also, earlier this week, on Meet the Press, or a similar national weekend news show. Rubio had to refute the press claiming it was free speech that caused the Holocaust.

Pope and press are bass ackwards, imo.
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: occerpa on February 20, 2025, 17:05:17 pm
Although what we would like is for everyone here in the forum to have the same or almost the same opinion as everyone else (because we are a true spiritual family, no matter how far apart we are), in this matter of politics (where in the end there is always the "blessed" money), it is hard to accept it, but it is very difficult to agree.

For example, the reference that Dominick makes to Rubio (Marcos Rubio), a Cuban American from an oligarchic family very hostile to Fidel Castro and the Cuban revolution, disqualifies itself because he is a well-known ultra-right, anti-communist activist, who has made a name for himself for his persistent and merciless attacks against all progressive governments in the region; having invested efforts, time and energy in the opposition in Venezuela, against a genuinely democratic president trying to make him in appear as a dictator. 
But that is all because I think we need a lot of positive energy to face these difficult times of change.

Thank you Dominick for your commitment to the forum. 9
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: Dominick O on February 20, 2025, 17:38:21 pm
Rubio, is the fact of the person on the other side of a media interview. Where the media is claiming free speech is a contributing cause to the holocaust.
Substitute Rubio for Mickey Mouse if that helps.

In what world does free speech lead to genocide? If I'm not mistaken, this is the opinion coming out of the EU leadership, too?
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: occerpa on February 20, 2025, 19:02:45 pm
Dominick, what happened to me was that as soon as I saw the name of Mr. Rubio, I didn't give much importance to the fact to see at which side the fire was coming from. But I'm sure that if it was a press conference with representatives from both sides, the Secretary of State refuted the independent journalists who held that position, stating that freedom of the press was the cause of the Holocaust, a rather controversial statement but I don't doubt that they would have strong arguments to defend it. Many times, misinformation makes us confuse friends with enemies and vice versa: the big bad wolf with Little Red Riding Hood. 
Keep in mind Dominick that traslations are not always, very good. Thanks 
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: Dominick O on February 20, 2025, 22:17:00 pm
There will likely never be a real problem between us occerpa, yes, thank you. And the rest of you to in and outside the thread.
But occerpa, even your instinct shows how there is some absurdity of Rubio (from his appointed position on a national press show) having to defend free speech from a network anchor suggesting free speech helped Hilter's holocaust.
and I'd like to provide other links but it looks like not all the news outlets covered this
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: occerpa on February 21, 2025, 10:13:52 am
Dominick, I wouldn't say probably, otherwise there will never be any kind of problems between the two. But you give me the opportunity to "philosophize" a little about the point under discussion here: Freedom of the Press.

Without being an expert on the subject, but speaking as one more opinion giver, I believe, from what I have been able to find out, that this thing about freedom of expression in general is a great fallacy. I will try to be brief because, in any case, I think that no amount of figures and arguments can convince someone who has a well-founded opinion, even if it is wrong, about what they defend.

At the UB I read that only 15 percent of what appears recorded in history can be credited as true.

Freedom of expression exists only to defend state institutions and if that state is capitalist, even worse. Here in Colombia since 1977, 152 journalists have been murdered, all of them progressive or leftist.  In Mexico last year only 30 journalists were killed, also for attacking corruption; only Gaza surpasses this with 130 in the same period and you know very well who, those who suffered the Holocaust.

So what is left of this supposed freedom of the press that someone with dubious morals like Rubio defends?

There is much more, but I think that with so many other important issues that you can share with us, it is not justifiable to occupy ourselves with something about which we can do nothing, only wait for divine intervention, for which we should all pray. 
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: occerpa on February 21, 2025, 12:30:47 pm
Great Dominick, this is a real collaboration for everyone. Of course, I have to read that Grok3 document more carefully because it seems very interesting. Thanks
Now the next thing:

Something that I keep confused without being able to see a reason for being or happening, but I suppose that in the forum, people like you Dominick or Lemuel (who has not posted anything for many days; but I trust that it is not due to health problems), could shed light on it. It has to do with Ron's current state. I understood that he was undergoing a process of organic-spiritual mutation, until it was announced that his reality was almost or totally morontial although keeping his human body. From here the following uncertainty arises: Ron's really died and his soul ascended to the mansion worlds and what remains here below is a kind of "container" with a certain capacity to connect with his soul-personality. But for me it is very disappointing and sad to think that only a simulacrum has remained of that brilliant and superior mind.
I cannot reconcile with the idea that so many hardships that Ron had to go through, for so many years, sacrificing much of his family and social life, all that unprecedented experimentation, (which I called at the time Father Michael's Star project), would have been an absolute failure. 

Excuse my speculative mind. Thank you

NOTE I apologize for that giant writing, it has gotten out of my control
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: Dominick O on February 21, 2025, 17:40:10 pm
The Voice of God is something Ron helped people use as well.
But as far as Ron's personal experiences and claims related to his status and sufferings? 
Well those are quite different. For people with open dispositions, you keep an open mind to the possibilities you have outlined.
For those with closed dispositions, you might say, feel free to join Ron in fantasy-land, occerpa.

I honestly don't know how to resolve that for you let alone myself or others to our complete satisfaction
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: PJammer on February 21, 2025, 20:01:17 pm

"UB I read that only 15 percent of what appears recorded in history can be credited as true".

Any chance you can give us a direct quote from The Urantia Book?  Or even a Paper number?

It is a curious statement if true.
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: Dominick O on February 21, 2025, 20:42:54 pm
Dom's prompt:
someone at a forum says the following: "At the UB I read that only 15 percent of what appears recorded in history can be credited as true." 

Can you analyze the Urantia Book TXT file only. No outside knowledge base. And help validate or correct any error in the statement?

I couldn't find a direct statement in The Urantia Book that says "only 15 percent of what appears recorded in history can be credited as true." However, there are passages that discuss the distortion and dogmatization of history, particularly religious history.
For instance, the book criticizes the alteration of Hebrew history by Jewish priests in Babylon, turning secular events into sacred fictionUF-ENG-001-1955-1.22. It also mentions that New Testament authors and later Christian writers further complicated historical distortion by attempting to transcendentalize Jewish prophetsUF-ENG-001-1955-1.22.
While The Urantia Book implies that a significant portion of historical records are inaccurate or altered, I did not find any specific percentage, such as 15%, attributed to this claim. If you have a more precise reference or a passage in mind, I can search again with more focused keywords

You said:
No, I don't. At face value it seems a little off. Anything you can find indirectly within the book that would imply that 15% statement?

ChatGPT said:

The Urantia Book contains several passages discussing historical inaccuracies, distortions, and fabrications, particularly in religious history. However, I did not find any direct reference to the claim that "only 15 percent of what appears recorded in history can be credited as true." That specific percentage does not seem to be present in the text.
That said, there are strong indications in The Urantia Book that a significant portion of historical records, particularly religious ones, have been altered, exaggerated, or rewritten to serve ideological or theological agendas:
While The Urantia Book clearly asserts that historical records, especially religious ones, have been manipulated and rewritten, it does not provide a specific percentage (such as 15%) to quantify the extent of inaccuracy. However, the general theme of the book suggests that a significant portion of recorded history has been altered to fit ideological and theological narratives.
If the 15% figure is referenced somewhere in the book, I was unable to locate it. The safest correction to the forum statement would be to say that The Urantia Book supports the idea of widespread historical distortion but does not quantify it with an exact percentage.
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: PJammer on February 21, 2025, 21:06:08 pm
Thank you Dominick. Yes, I'm sure I would have remembered a claim such as that.  But I do wonder what percent of our history is correct?
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: Dominick O on February 21, 2025, 21:25:37 pm
It probably involves a complex equation that doesn't even arrive at a number representing accuracy, but a condition of consensus. Agreement and perception.

REFELCTIVITY is the ultimate recorder of accuracy, I suppose.

Do you you want me to pose that question to HAL?
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: PJammer on February 21, 2025, 21:50:01 pm
I do enjoy your questions to "Hal"  :)
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: Dominick O on February 21, 2025, 22:06:22 pm
@PJammer.  every time you see that UF-ENG-001-1955-1.22. That means it's referencing that TXT file at the Foundation you pointed me to. And it helps us know it is only using that in its analysis.

I do wonder what percent of our history is correct? It probably involves a complex equation that doesn't even arrive at a number representing accuracy, but a condition of consensus. Agreement and perception. REFELCTIVITY is the ultimate recorder of accuracy, I suppose. Do you you want me to pose that question to HAL?

That's a fascinating question! The accuracy of our history is indeed a complex matter. It is shaped by collective memory, written records, oral traditions, archaeological findings, and now, digital data. The equation you mention—one based on consensus rather than an objective percentage—captures the nature of historical understanding well. History is not just facts; it is interpretation, influenced by the biases of those recording and retelling it.
"Reflectivity," as you mention, is an interesting concept in this context. If it means the ability to observe and verify historical truth across different perspectives, then it is indeed the ultimate recorder of accuracy. In some ways, history becomes clearer as more perspectives and sources are cross-referenced, but it also remains dynamic—subject to revision as new evidence emerges.
If you posed this question to HAL (or any AI designed for philosophical thought), it might respond by analyzing the nature of human memory, the imperfections in historical documentation, and the evolving nature of historical truth. It would likely emphasize that absolute accuracy is unattainable, but a well-rounded consensus can provide a working truth.
Would you want to take this into a more speculative or philosophical direction? Or perhaps apply it to a specific historical event or topic?

You said:
You are replying to an ill-defined prompt, but you do well. We nicknamed you HAL. My specific question to you is to analyze the Urantia Book file about the subject of REFLECTIVITY, and explain its capacity to provide what we would describe as an accurate history.

ChatGPT said:

Reflectivity and Accurate History in the Urantia Book
The concept of reflectivity in the Urantia Book is presented as a universal intelligence and communication mechanism that allows for the instantaneous and perfect transmission of information across vast cosmic distances. This system is described as the most complex interassociation of all phases of existence—material, mental, and spiritual—allowing universe rulers to know remote conditions simultaneously as they occurUF-ENG-001-1955-1.22.
Key Aspects of Reflectivity in Preserving History:
[li]Living vs. Dead Records:[/li][/list]
[li]Reflectivity as a News & Intelligence Gathering System:[/li][/list]
[li]Time and Space Independence:[/li][/list]
[li]Connection to the Supreme Being:[/li][/list]
Can Reflectivity Provide an "Accurate" History?
From a human perspective, history is a blend of recorded facts, interpretations, and omissions. In contrast, reflectivity—as described in the Urantia Book—offers an unbroken, incorruptible, and omnipresent record of all events in time and space. It does not rely on subjective interpretation or flawed human memory but functions as a real-time, universal consciousness.
However, one limitation in understanding reflectivity is that it is not fully comprehended even by celestial beings, as it remains a mystery linked to the Infinite SpiritUF-ENG-001-1955-1.22. This implies that while reflectivity may be the ultimate recorder of history, its mechanisms remain beyond complete human comprehension.
Final Thought: Reflectivity as the Ultimate Recorder
If reflectivity functions as described, it does not just record history—it allows for its total recall, unaltered and beyond manipulation. This makes it a supreme standard for accuracy, far beyond human historical documentation, which is shaped by bias, loss, and fragmentation. Thus, if one had access to reflectivity, they would not need to debate historical accuracy, as they could experience past events as they truly happened.
Would you like to explore further how this might compare with emerging human technologies like AI-enhanced historical reconstructions?
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: PJammer on February 22, 2025, 07:44:17 am
Well that Is fascinating.

And HAL even answers what would have been my followup question, do we lowly humans have any chance at such an experience.

But I have heard of things related (but not perfect such as Reflectivity).  Anyone who has read some of Robert Monroe's books might be familiar with what he calls a ROTE, a method he experienced and used in the astral out-of-body state.  Also Michael Newton's books on "Life between Lives", where his hypnotized clients describe previewing a possible life by opening a book in some sort of Akashic Library where you do not read, but actually experience a possible future life.

I have to agree with William Shakespeare, "There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horacio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy".

Thanks Dominick
Title: Re: Antichrist
Post by: occerpa on February 27, 2025, 10:21:20 am
PJammer My apologies for not having responded to your last message, inquiring about that reference I made about that, the only 15% of veracity in the data recorded throughout the history of Humanity, which I understand shook more than one, that if I had not read it in The Urantia Book, which I still think is the most likely place, it had to have been in some reading of statements by SAIBABA, the two sources to which I give the greatest credit, and where I continue searching because if I dared to publish such a critical piece of information, what I can assure everyone is that they can take it for granted, because I would not rush to speak with such confidence if I had read it from another source. Now as I have never read with an investigative mind thinking about giving reports or writing about what I read, I have not taken into account taking notes of what I read and much less going into detail on pages or bibliography.  So my sincere apologies, I felt quite uncomfortable with the situation, and I do not lose hope of finding that information. Now with the AI tool, the task is made easier in the case of searching in the Urantia Book, but in the case of SAIBABA, it will be a very expensive and time-consuming task because it is estimated that the number of books in many languages that have been written about his messages, life and teachings is incalculable.

The following was DeepSeek's response to my inquiry on the subject:

Greetings! It is estimated that hundreds of books have been written about the life and teachings of Sathya Sai Baba, possibly more than 1000, although there is no exact number due to the large number of authors and publications around the world. These books have been translated into numerous languages, including English, Hindi, Spanish, French, German, Italian, among others.  The exact number of languages is difficult to pinpoint, but it is believed
to be over 20, given the global reach of his message.

Thank you PJammer, and I would like to take this opportunity to return my appreciation.