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ALL LIGHTLINE SCHEDULES => THE SPANISH LANGUAGE LIGHTLINE FOR ALL => Topic started by: Rene A Duran on February 02, 2025, 11:07:19 am

Title: "THE VOID"
Post by: Rene A Duran on February 02, 2025, 11:07:19 am
Group 11:21 Truth Transmission Phoenix AZ. 


By: The Thought Adjuster. 
Received by: Evelio Rivas. 

El Salvador, January 31, 2025, 6:18 a.m.

 The Thought Adjuster:
"I am your Thought Adjuster, today we will address the issue of emptiness"

"This is a matter that you immediately perceive when you arrive on the planet, the fact is that a large part of the population turns its frequency away from the UNIVERSAL FATHER, in that case, the result is emptiness, the person goes through life without aplomb that leads him, and fills his life"

"How can we achieve that this feeling of loneliness, which invades this considerable sector of the population, be filled with the great presence of the UNIVERSAL FATHER? It can happen, first of all, the person needs a break from his routine, to dedicate time to his interior, this happens by changing the habit of thinking, thinking must cease, it is urgent that in Urantia you learn to feel, when that happens, you will feel your fellow men, you will realize that they are all children of the same UNIVERSAL FATHER, you will choose to serve, to be useful, this will make moral conditions occur, so that our UNIVERSAL FATHER finds where to rest in the psyche of people, to the point that the mysterious monitor will be attracted who will strengthen the mind of people, and fill the void. The person will see clearly what direction to give his life, and will know how to do the best in the eyes of the Creator, he will feel fulfilled, and will be happy to serve his fellow men"

"Well, there is also a sector of the population that adores materialism, their main desire is to round themselves off materially, for now they do not feel empty, they have temporarily decided to live like this, so they are not interested in filling their heart with the UNIVERSAL FATHER, they presume that their origin is merely material, and they go hunting for every opportunity that makes them stronger, in the conception that they profess, they live on the steps where their evolutionary level does not allow them to feel, they are thinking all the time, unfortunately in Urantia education still revolves around this conception of life, little space is given to feeling, that makes people enter from a young age through the wrong door, and only an effort born from within the person can test a new way of looking at themselves living among humanity, they would necessarily have to enter through the door that they did not see at the beginning. In their lives, the educational system is vital among a people, it is like the beginning of the furrow where the future life of the person will run"

"As you see, helping Urantia is a challenge, and that is where we are, awaiting the moment when our UNIVERSAL FATHER chooses to unravel this skein"

"I am your Thought Adjuster closing this vast subject, I love you, we love you all, have a good day."

The End.

Evelio Rivas.