*Serara Forum*

General Category => Some Thoughts Muses & Meanderings => Topic started by: Ghost Dancer on February 11, 2025, 14:19:37 pm

Title: Oneness in Transmission for All.
Post by: Ghost Dancer on February 11, 2025, 14:19:37 pm
Since it appears as if this website is to soon close down without the help of our beloved Ron Besser  ? I would like to send out an invitation to all of you that either have participated or not in the various transmissions here in to give it one more try in the way of a transmission, especially those whom never thought it was their calling ?
Come on everybody ? Let's all contribute one last transmission. Your fears or thoughts of separation from all there is, is and has been illusiary. There is only oneness in God The FATHER. 
Title: Re: Oneness in Transmission for All.
Post by: Jose Evelio RivasPortillo on February 11, 2025, 19:11:36 pm
Confiamos que todo serĂ¡ superado 
Title: Re: Oneness in Transmission for All.
Post by: PJammer on February 13, 2025, 09:22:58 am
Thank you Ghost Dancer.  You are, and have always been, a most respected voice on this Forum.

Since your post, I have begun my prayer time each day with this question:

"Father, do You, or any of Your Children wish to speak today?"

I wait in holy silence ... , so far no One shows up that I can hear.
I will not give up easily, and plan to continue my efforts.

Today, after asking this question, I did feel inspired to write (though I do not believe this is a transmission):

God is, this very moment, working with us through untold numbers of Celestials!
Celestial mischief makers are gone!
Truly, this is The "Correcting Times".
The Truth will be known!
Follow the money!
The days where evil profits, are coming to an end, right before our eyes!

Please forgive me, my meager efforts.
Title: Re: Oneness in Transmission for All.
Post by: Ghost Dancer on February 13, 2025, 18:12:48 pm
Thank you PJammer for your efforts.  And they have indeed paid off. This is indeed the 'Correcting' times that we are living in. Liken to a child when the lights are turned off for nap time. The jacket in the corner suddenly takes on shape of a monster or a stranger in one's bedroom. Yet as soon as the lights are turned on we see our folly that there was truly nothing to fear, but fear itself.
All things are, little by little are getting exposed to the light of what they really are. And believe it or not, you have chosen to incarnate during these times to be a most Holy witness to not only who that other person is as well as your true identity. These changes will be gradual for you , but quite jarring for most . Stay you then always in the "peace of God that passeth understanding."
This has been JESUS THE CHRIST  and I step back for those of you here that can and will do greater things that I have done. My love as a older brother watches over you all. Peace be with you always.
Title: Re: Oneness in Transmission for All.
Post by: PJammer on February 13, 2025, 21:26:24 pm
Thank You Jesus, thank you Ghost Dancer.