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ALL LIGHTLINE SCHEDULES => THE SPANISH LANGUAGE LIGHTLINE FOR ALL => Topic started by: weydevu on March 02, 2025, 15:39:02 pm
Renee, I forgot to ask you this while on the forum and I know you are into herbs. I'm having problems with COPD. I finally quit smoking three months ago after doing it for 60 years. I can't believe it myself. But anyway, I have a lot of mucus in my lungs, when I lay down, I sound like a cheap organ. Do you know which herbs are best in cleaning my lungs. Any advice would be appreciative. Thank you.
Mullein leaf. I never had it in WA state but when I moved to PA it was growing in Ron's yard. I watched YouTube videos from subject matter experts for weeks. And dried my own last summer.
You can make a tea out of it with natural leaves. 10 minutes steep. And as a supplement it comes in a crushed powder capsule I think. You can also make tinctures out of the flowers that take 2 years to bloom. Just another case of wild "weeds" with actual benefit.
Salt (high quality not the common table salt) can also help.
Avoid dairy, too
Hi weydevu, I would pick some leaves of a Eucaliptus tree and some of a pine tree and make a tea, if you like add some honey for a better flavor, drink it before going to bed, for a couple of weeks. See how you feel,
Salt and warm water
in case You have developed phlegm
Although salt and warm water rinses will mainly tackle any phlegm in the back of your throat, it can also help reduce a build-up in your chest. If you have excess phlegm in your throat, there's a chance that it could drop to your chest and start causing problems there.
Whatever method you decide to try, Weidevu, one strict requirement to keep in mind, which Dominick has already noted, is the "absolute" elimination of milk and its derivatives from the daily diet, the greatest producers of bronchial phlegm. I speak of absolute elimination because a simple reduction does not produce the expected results. I recommend as very important supplementary measures, the minimization of sugar and sweets of all kinds; in addition to the intake of navigable quantities of vitamin C in the form of pure crystals. It is not only a question here of solving the problem of phlegm but also of preventing pulmonary Ca, a considerable risk after a history of 60 years of smoking. Weidevu Successes ok
Weydevu, Other point of view here:
It is a complicated case of detoxification that requires appropriate medical supervision, but not without prior review of your doctor.
Thanks, René