Ron here: As I was writing our a not to my files on electrons, this happened to cross by and i find it so good I wished to share it, but found no category which really fits this kind of post. I will just make the post and let it stand as self explanatory. Thanks all for hearing my concern now let's see if it is worth it:
SEPTEMBER 13, 2021
RAYSON - An antiparticle is a reflection of the polarity of the electron restated in visible light and does not exist much as a chimera of a ground object does not exist floating in the air in a mirage. Antiparticles abound in our local area of space as real results of valences not fully controlled and result with a light emission that is not a proton or a photon but as a demigod meaning it has no effect other than to balance its radiation shield so it does not escape and deplete the preparticle of its vigor. The antiparticle appears because the electron in particular is a tiny electromagnet with a positive dipole at its northern tip, and an electron always spins to the left of a vertical axis at 1,800 rpm or in frequency terms, 1.063524192763156 repeat 1.063524192763156 within the Infraultimatonic ray range - and these instructions are frequencies impossible to portray easily to science since they are borderland revolutions of ultimatons as they begin to assume definite form. This is the first stage of emergent energy in which wavelike phenomena can be detected and measured. The antiparticle has no spin and does not exist as an influence except to maintain the energetic vitality of the preparticle.
FATHER: Ultimatons originate out of the UA based on the planners idea of how much matter we need to extend a portions of the Master Universe. The UA surveys the area to be included and determines the volume in a unit we have to make up and defines them and let us call the volume to be filled as Parsections. Infraultimatonic ray frequencies should be denominated in the broadcast spectrum on Urantia as Infraultimatonic ranges of between 10million and 35 million KHZ. - the borderland revolutions of ultimatons as they begin to assume definite form. This is the first stage of emergent energy in which wavelike phenomena can be detected and measured.
What is in Origins that you can create discrete particles like an Ultimaton? The answer is nothing but the mind which must use a device to work a process for the Master Universe. But it is more than mind as it also includes intention and intention is not measurable except in an Infinite mind and intention forms the shape of the original aide or particle.