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TRANSLATIONS / 4.10.2024 – Trójca mówi o sobie
« Last post by Andre_P on Today at 10:49:31 »
Transkrypcja nagrania po angielsku :
Napis : Raz, starszy członek
Kategoria / Temat : NUMERY TELEFONU I KODY DOSTĘPU DO HOLENDERSKIEJ MIĘDZYNARODOWEJ / Lightline holenderska międzynarodowa
« Odpowiedź nr 1, 30 września 2024 r., godz. 21:06:32 »

(Jeden urywek)

Trójca :
To mówi Trójca. Jesteśmy Bogiem. Jesteśmy Jednym w Trzech i Trzema w Jednym. Odnajdujemy Nasze istnienie w sobie nawzajem i jesteśmy Bogiem : Ojcem, Synem i Duchem jako Jednym we wszelkiej mocy i wiedzy. Jesteśmy Bóstwem. Znamy początek i koniec. Nasza moc jest nieskończona i nieograniczona. Jesteśmy zawsze Jednym we wszystkim, co jest i na zawsze będziemy. To jest prawda i tylko prawda.
I speak to you today in order to clarify some statements within this Paper so we can at least keep a clear head about the dangers of war in the Middle East and the appearance of myself in a few short weeks or months.  My appearance remains under the control of the Paradise Father I so revere, and

I wish it to be known that I reappear on Urantia because I care what happens to this beautiful planet.
War is present always on educational planets like this planet.  Humans have souls, and those souls are transferred to a new life form after you death in the flesh, and you become yourself again for training in universe administration.  The quality of your learning on earth should not be tempted to argue about the view of my Father on Paradise.  Allah is most acceptable to our Father, and he has millions of names applied to Him from billions of inhabited planets in your local system of space to the tens of millions of other universes with humans on them much as yourself appear.  Because war is a tool of obsession over faults not really important to the Father, I wish to state that nothing about war is acceptable to high spirit or low spirit.  They consider war and the killing unnecessary to provide the soulship of your work to learn on earth as useless and that family and good nation states are essentially your best learning tools.
I return to Urantia because my Father asked me to announce that at what the Bible refers to as the Last Supper.  I gathered my Apostles around me and held them close for I knew that my time was short, and if they ever needed support from me, it was then and how I would not forsake the world or them or myself, and when the time came for me to reappear I would do so.
The Biblical version of the Last Supper is accurate, and I did say that only the eyes of the spirit would behold me when I reappeared.  However, the Paradise Father sees to Urantia and sees that the eyes of spirit are too few on the planet for many to recognize me, and so he has asked that I can be seen by human eyes once more in visible form of flesh and blood.  This I shall do and I will announce such on public media when the Father bids that I should do so.
We wish to warn all nations states that my reappearance will be a shock, and because I have modified in what way I will appear, even a greater shock to Christians who have become so set in their ways they must relearn their Catechism once more if they are to be accurate as to how God works on a planet like this one.  I will explain to them as best I can, but it is doubtful that this can be done easily.
I am Jesus, and I state, categorically, no war will appear on earth when I appear in the flesh.  Any coalition at work in the Middle East will be disabused of its powers immediately.  The Roman Catholic Church will be asked to take vows to the Paradise Father and not revere a man who claims infallibility.  I will ask the nation states of The United States and the western democracies to stand down with their military and dedicate those powers to the Magisterial Son, who will use them for rescue and aide to the teaming millions who will become displaced by my appearance and by my pronouncements regarding national interests and the interests of God to become coincident.  Further, I shall ask my Father to help all of you to discriminate no more between Moslem and Christian, or between other sects and religions, and pray that all may accept the Universal Father as their sole view of God.
I am Jesus, and I bid you all a good day.
The Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon:
Our Work in The Middle East Has Only Begun
I am the Creator Son. I built Nebadon with my bare hands as I have the power to create planets and children who inhabit my evolutionary planets in time to raise souls for the Paradise Father to educate for further service to God.  In this power I wield, I may hold all of my little sons and daughters on each earth accountable to my views and my voice.  Transmission such as this taking place before your eyes is not channel, but a specialized mechanism of brain power directed through the pure spirit of the Father who indwells all nerve cells within the brain- mind in order to live life with you.  When Jesus appeared in the flesh millennia ago, I indwelt his mind too, and we became one as Jesus followed my divinity and was then a Son of God as well as a son of Mary and Joseph, the son of man.  This is allowed only once to happen in ten million inhabited planets.  Urantia had the Creator Son live on its earth as a child and as a man until he died and his soul still resides on Paradise and is asked to return with me to Urantia in a few weeks or months, and then I and the soul of Jesus will be one again as a Son of God, and the son of man.
The problems of the Middle East are enormous, and while all of Urantia succeeds to becoming one of the worst problems my universe has ever seen, and it is not far behind in being the worst world to ever reclaim in the supergalaxy of Orvonton, it is achievable to retrieve.  The rebellion spoken to above briefly has declared Urantia to be in spiritual default and it must be reclaimed first and then corrected.  Jesus and the Middle East are synonymous, but hardly compatible with what has happened to that territory over two millennia ago in fights beyond imagination.  We doubt we can force the Jews or the Moslems to like one another for generations, but eventually there will be no difference between the Moslems of today and the Jews of today.  A world religion will end all of this bickering and we then can get down to serious trading and building of one nation state for all.
As a Creator Son who is responsible for over two trillion humans on all of my inhabited planets that exist today (I am less than half done in populating the rest planned for), there is no other Urantia-like inhabited planet although some are similar.  I tell you this because we need to build a trust between who I am and who you are, and while I am not fancy in words, I tell you the Father requires that you only recognize me as your universe Father-Son, as you are my children as much as your sons and daughters in the flesh are your children.
I also choose this Paper to announce that I am moving my administration to your planet for the foreseeable future.  My work requires that I see to over one trillion humans and about that number of spirit beings who help me raise you and others you do not know about.
Currently I do all of this from Salvington, my capital sphere that contains over 497 planets in a cluster, each double the size of your Jupiter and brightly lit by sunlight I design to filter down on everyone at the brightness of what it is like at 10am in the northern hemisphere on Urantia.  My staff to do all of this will abide with me on Urantia and their numbers will stagger your imagination as they exist in numbers beyond what you can count.
When Jesus appears, I appear. We are one together.  We are the Son of God, and the son of man. Good day. END
General Discussion / FLURRY Number 22 (Oct 4, 2015)
« Last post by Jose Vargas on Today at 09:47:53 »
size=+1]FLURRY Number 22 is enclosed for your edification.
 PDF Link is
 The Most Highs of Norlatiadek, capital of Edentia, have profusely given their time to present to readers their view of the Middle East problems and the Russian Coalition as proposed to the United States.
 They reveal what the Russians may be up to and why, and some good analysis about Moslems and the problems of religion in that area of the world.  It runs 20 pages and is linked to for your download and reading pleasure.

Girona, Catalunya, Spain.
4th October 2024
Hello everyone. Good afternoon or good evening, wherever you are. And welcome to another Lightline on Wednesday the 2nd of October 2024. Just hold on a minute, I want to put my iPhone in my pocket hoping you are still all able to hear me. If you cannot hear me, please someone press four star and tell me that you cannot hear me. All right, so let's see what happens.

Oh yes, well. Well, this lightline is going to be different. How is it going to be different? Well, perhaps by now some of you have realized it. I don't generally receive a transmission from Michael or Gabriel or I have done in the past of course, yes, I have. But more recently that has not been the case.

More recently, I have transmissions from my own Thought Adjuster, my own beloved. And so this lightline is devoted to something that perhaps you have not thought of in the same way as you are about to receive. And so, yes, I'm sorry. All right, thank you,

Lemuel’s Thought Adjuster
This is Lemuel’s Thought Adjuster. And what I want to speak to all of you about is something tremendously important, also tremendously simple, and I hope that you will be able to accept it because it is the truth. Two words. I AM.

Well, each and every one of you have spoken those two words countless of thousands upon thousands of times during your life. And the vast majority of times you don't think twice about it. You say, I am this, I am that, I am the other. I want this, I want that.
This is your human I am which is dominated to a large degree, most of it. I'm not talking to you particularly here now, those of you who are tuned in. I'm talking about humanity in general. The human eye is dominated to a great extent by the ego. Well, you all know this, you all recognize this. This is your human ego, I am.

Well it is very necessary of course. And I'm sure if you ever take the time to think about it, you are or you should be very grateful for your I am, your human I am, because in fact it should be. It should be devoted loving servant for you. In most cases, it is the other way around.
As we have mentioned before, the situation where the tail is wagging the dog and not the dog wagging the tail. I know that's a very simplistic way of putting it, but nevertheless that is the case.

You all need your ego to help you get through your daily lives and it is something that develops almost from birth. You have all seen beautiful and wonderful and adorable little children, barely out of nappies and they have already developed an ego. And it shows itself with a temper and tears and screaming. If mummy or daddy says no, you have all seen this. And in fact, we have mentioned it before.
So for the early years of a child's life, what is developing is the human ego, many times referred to as the false personality. Well, of course it is false. It's not the true personality. But nevertheless, the ego is and should be a loving and devoted servant. But it must be under control. And in order to control your ego, it must be recognized. You all know these things. Yes.

I wonder if you've ever thought about the other I am. The original I am, if I can put it this way, I am the I am. I am that I am that we've heard so many times mentioned. Those who are brought up in the Christian religion, whether it's Roman Catholic or Protestant or Baptist or Methodist or whatever, we are familiar with certain words that are mentioned so many times in the Bible. I am.
We have also heard many times and perhaps read some words that were purported to have been spoken by Jesus. Well, of course, you don't know whether it's true or not. In fact, nobody really knows whether it's true or not. But we have faith and we have trust and you tend to want these things to be true, of course.

Well, Jesus said many things, supposedly. Well, let us accept for the moment that he did. When Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life and no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6 ) Well, yes. You all understand what it means. Jesus is saying to you that He, Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and that no man, gets to see the Father, except through Him, Jesus.

Now let us pause here for a moment and ask ourselves why those words in that particular order, the way, the truth, and the life, instead of perhaps the truth, the way, and the life, or the truth, the life, and the way? Why was it I am the way, the truth and the life?

Well, I know Lemuel has thought about this many times and in fact, I have given him the following many years ago, I think. There is perhaps a word that you could add, just a two-letter word. And you can add this two-letter word after, I am. I am, is the way, the truth and the life.
Now why do I say this? I am, is the way, the truth and the life. I am, is the thought, the word and the deed. Yes. I am is thought, the word and the deed. Therefore, the way is the thought. Thought, word and deed.

Well, perhaps you've not really looked at it this way, before. So just feel about this for a moment because if you can accept that Jesus is saying that He is the way, the truth and the life. Thought, word and deed. He is saying, is He not?

I am, it is my I am. My I am is the way, the truth and the life. Well now think of it. Each and every one of you have your own I AM. Your own divine I AM, not your human I AM. Your own divine I AM is your thought, word and deed. Is your way, your truth and your life.

So each and every one of you can say, I am the way, the truth and the life. My I am is the way, the truth and the life. It's a powerful thought, is it not? And it is not something that one is called upon to believe or disbelieve. What you believe is neither here nor there. What is, simply is.

Deity simply is. Existential deity simply is. Love simply is. I AM simply is. My I Am Is. Your I Am is the way, the truth and the life.
What else did Jesus say? Well, Jesus also said Let your light so shine before men, they you may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 5:16) Well, yes.

When you recognize, when you acknowledge that you are the way, the truth and the life, you embrace your divine I AM. You embrace your Thought Adjuster because that obviously is what I AM talking about. Your Thought Adjuster is your I Am. Lemuel’s, I am, is talking now at this moment.

Do you remember? Just as few days ago. I transmitted through Lemuel about living in the now and how to achieve that. Recognizing the difference, visualizing the difference between the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere of your brain, the objective and subject and being above that and living in that instant, a kind of zero state. That instant is a holy instant because that instant is with me.

And I went on to mention those of you who for your own reasons are afraid learning to transmit you are missing out on the greatest thing that you could possibly achieve whilst still in the flesh because you are refusing to accept what in fact is a gift for you from your I AM Thought Adjuster.

It is not difficult to be with your I Am but you need to become aware of your divine I am and perhaps change your idea instead of thinking that your Thought Adjuster is so far above you that you couldn't possibly have a conversation with your Thought Adjuster. That's just nonsense. That is your human. I am your ego.

Your I Am speaks to you constantly every day but you are not aware. You are not separate. Your I Am is you, not your ego. That is not you. You are not your human ego. You are your divine I Am, God present in you. Therefore, it is fact, it is truth. You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. And it is you that is an example and an inspiration to everyone that crosses your path letting your light shine.

Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven. This is new. This potentially is every Tom, Dick and Harry in the world, but we all know that is not the case. But if it were to be the case this planet would already be in light and life.

I suppose many of you from time to time have asked yourself the question ; What can I do? Looking at the state of the world. Oh, dear God in heaven, what can I do? I have just told you what you can do. You can let your light shine.

Become more and more aware of your light. Of your I AM. And the more you become aware of your I AM light, the more you will realize as a truth that it is. You are the way, the truth and the light for everybody else who crosses your path, if you are able at any given moment to let your light shine.

We all have. You all have your individual views on all sorts of things, of course. But you are all members of the discussion forum and you've been here for years. And perhaps some of you remember the teaching mission way back 30 years ago in the 90s, as does Lemuel. You are all here because of your not just your interest, but it is almost your vocation in life.

You have been able successfully to have some degree of contact with your I AM. Your Father fragment, your Thought Adjuster. And those of you now who are very familiar with Urantia book not just that it is or has been the fifth epochal revelation because in fact, apart from the cosmology and the history of the universe, the fifth epochal revelation was of course the life and times of Jesus and it is Jesus really truly speaking as you all know it is God here on earth Michael

I wonder if you still remember that was also explained in Ron's book- The Crown, Jesus had a Thought Adjuster, just like you. And when exactly he became aware of his I Am, his divinity? Well, that's anybody's guess, really. That is to say, when did he become fully aware of his I Am, his Thought Adjuster we don't know.

But what we do know is from the moment of his baptism by John in the river his Thought Adjuster detached. Why? Because at that moment Michael slowly entered him. So there was no need for a Thought Adjuster, was there?
Well, there was only one Jesus and there is only one of you, individually. You are all unique, you know that. Your I Am is unique. It is your Thought Adjuster; your I Am that chose you be his ward.

Hopefully one day that you will come to understand that in fact he, your Thought Adjust is your way, your life not your ego. This is Lemuel’s Thought Adjuster, and I think I have explained enough for you to understand and I hope for you to accept that it is in fact the truth. It cannot be otherwise. Your Thought Adjuster, your individual fragment of God is your individual I am. Of course.

Alright. Before I hand over, back to Lemuel I know that he thinks that he won't do another Lightline because his lightlines are really me talking through him. Well, we shall see. The other thing on the horizon is it looks as if Lemuel will have to have yet another operation. This time on his neck. The vertebrae and as well as cervicals are in a terrible state and well, I shall let him talk about it if he wants to.

For my part, I just want to say thank you for listening and for those who eventually listen to this recording, I thank you for choosing to listen to the recording and I ask you please don't try to decide immediately whether it is true or false, because that would be your ego. Do not allow it. Let your Thought Adjuster. Let your I Am tell you in its own the truth of these words. Thank you, Lemuel.

Just give me a moment here. All right. Well, just for your information, just briefly bring you up to date of the situation many years ago. In fact, it was January of 1960, that is 64 years ago, I was involved in a traffic accident. And I was in hospital and rehabilitation for about four months. And I had if I remember rightly, the word was subluxation. In three, four and fifth of my spiral... Anyway, I had quite some problems to begin with, but with yoga and exercises, I managed to maintain... What was that, excuse me.
If you cannot hear me, could someone please press 4 star? If something has happened.

We hear you fine, Lemuel.

Okay, thank you. Thank you. Because momentarily, I lost my dashboard as well. I have it back now. I'm sorry about that. Okay. Yes, as I said, yes. So, but it's only recently, well, in recent years, I should say that I began to have problems because of the pressure on my cervicals.
The endless tingling and aching and pains and all the rest of it. It's not just my age, it's simply the fact that the bones are not as they used to, etc. So, when anyway, I'm having what we call here a resonant and magnetic manana and this porous..sorry I’ve spoken in Spanish.
Tomorrow I will have a resonance, a magnetic resonance. And then they would decide, apparently there's three operations, there's three options they can do to solve this problem. Apart from that, I'm fine. I got over my other ailments, I'm just fine.
But as far as lightline is concerned, well, you all know the situation is a bit confusing, whether it's going to be ended or not but I'm not really concerned about that personally at the moment whether it's on or not but I only want to say for now this lightline to say thank you for joining me for this lightline and whether it will be my last one I just don't know but thank you to all of you for joining me for this lightline.

And I'm glad that my Thought Adjuster, said what he wanted to say. It's such a wonderful thing that we all have our own individual I am. Of course we do, of course we do. It's our Thought Adjuster. And so, yes, we are, we all are the way, the truth and the life.

Q & A
Alright. Well, what I would like to do now is to open it up and to press five star if you have a question or a comment, please. And please don't be shy. Would you like to do that now, please? Dominick, alright, I'm coming to you. Thank you. You're unmuted, Dominick.

The question is, could you explain or give more context for anyone new to the specific word Adjuster? Explain what's being adjusted, what it's aiming toward, that kind of stuff? Yeah, I think...

Yes, thank you Dominick, I'll do that. Yes, for those of you who don't know, the I am in you, your Thought Adjuster, I'm sorry, your fragment, your spark of God that is in you, that from your infancy, round about the age of five or six years of age, it is termed your Thought Adjuster because it's the aim of the Thought Adjuster throughout your life is to raise your thoughts, adjust your thoughts from a low level to a higher level. That is to say, to adjust and to raise your human thoughts to be a higher level, leading towards more spiritual thoughts.

And well that in a nutshell is the responsibility and the desire of your indwelling fragment of God to adjust your thoughts to a higher level, a more spiritual level. And why is that you may ask? Well it is those thoughts; higher quality thoughts, if you like, pertaining to love and forgiveness and compassion and acceptance and all the rest of it. It is those things that feed your soul.

And so between your Thought Adjuster, that is to say between the adjustment of your thoughts to a higher level leading to a more spiritual life that helps to mature your soul, will obviously lead you to the situation that when you die and leave your body behind, your Thought Adjuster by adjusting and elevating your thoughts to become more spiritual has helped to develop your soul to such a level that it will and can survive after your physical death. I think that should explain it really. Do you have anything else, Dominick?

Sure, can you help people understand the survival of the personality as opposed to the survival of an ego?

Yes. Well, it's easy to understand, is it not, that when you die, you leave the physical body behind? And what is left? Well, is there anything left? Well, yes, of course there is. And this is not a question of faith. This is not a question of belief. When you die and your body is burnt or buried or whatever it is, what is left is your soul.

Well, in fact, there are elements, rather there are things that one can consider even before talking about the soul. But that's another subject. I'm talking about the emotional body, your astral body, and no, I'm talking about now the soul. The soul is and has been throughout the whole of your life, been with you in a sense, is of a morontial material, it is not physical and it is not spiritual. And that is why, or one of the main reasons that your soul can only develop not from physical food and drink, no, but from spiritual food and drink. And that spiritual food and drink sustains and matures the soul, that is to say.

Thanks to your Thought Adjuster, by elevating your thoughts, you will think more of a spiritual nature. Love. What else can I say to you? The right-hand side of your brain, the right hemisphere of your brain is your subjective side. And this is where your love and your inspiration, your compassion, and all those wonderful things that can be put under the umbrella of love come from and that is the food and the only food in fact that your soul needs in survival.

Well, yes, so when you die and you go to the resurrection halls, it is your soul accompanied by your Thought Adjuster that attends your resurrection. Now, the false personality is referred to also is, of course, your ego. Well, your ego your normal human mind, that is to say, all those things that you have done and you have said throughout your life, the majority of those things are actually forgotten and just disappear as if they never existed because they have no spiritual value whatsoever.

In other words, there is nothing there that is worthy to be attached to, so to speak, your growing soul on the morontial worlds, in the mansion, I'm sorry, I should say. So yes, it's not just a question of survival or not of the ego. The ego really is only about your human activity, your thoughts human feelings, what you said and what you did, etc., throughout your life. Those things, by and large, have no importance or no significance at the end of the day because they have no spiritual value. That's about as much as I would like to say about this at the moment. Then in fact, there's a lot more. But I hope that satisfies you, Dominick.

Of course,

Is there anything else please?

Yeah I don't mean to monopolize go on the Valerie after you're done don't ask me if have anything more I’m done after this but please discuss the subject of any what is pre-existent in relation to all of this if anything what is pre-existent go ahead

Well, the pre-existence, the only thing that's pre-existent is of course your Thought Adjuster. Your Thought Adjuster pre-exists. Your Thought Adjuster comes from the world of Thought Adjusters, so to speak. This is Lemuel talking. Now I can't remember the name, but it is a sphere where Thought Adjusters are trained to become Thought Adjusters. (the sacred sphere of Divinington) Now how that works, I am not going to explain how it works, but obviously this is as far as I can understand now Dominick. The only thing that pre-exists that comes to me is my Thought Adjuster, that Thought Adjuster, see, yes, of course, is, has pre-existed at his level, on his world, before he descends and comes to, well, he doesn't depend on my level, but you know what I mean, he indwells me. It has been said,

Just a minute, I'm just receiving something. Just a minute, please. Yes. Well, I don't know what you're going to make of this, but I should just give it to you as it has come.

They have, and this refers to all of you of course, there has never been a time when you did not exist. I'll repeat that because it's been repeated to me. There has never been a time when you did not exist. Wow, what is this? Well, what exists?
The original I am is the only or the first preexistence of anything. This is Lemuel talking now. So I hope that's the only answer I can give you Dominick and that's the only thing that has come to me. There has never been a time when you did not exist. The thought. If you are a thought of the I Am, that I Am has always existed. So yes, okay, that makes sense to me now. There has never been a time when you did not exist.

Well, I'll leave it like that, Dominick. Thank you. All right. I'm coming to you now, Valerie. I'll just unmute you. Okay, Valerie, go ahead.

Thank you. I'm sorry, I'm losing my voice, but I have been in the church for over 20 years and very faithfully and strictly believing in that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. And then I came to Serara Forum and I understood that, came to understand that people are in heaven from other religions who are not accepting Jesus to be their Lord, but very devoted, of course, to Father. So they live a holy life or, you know, know Father well, and the Thought Adjuster but they do not know Jesus,

So I would like to ask you, Lemuel, if you can add to that. So I understand, actually, that they were accepted, of course. But then how this statement stands alone, my question is.

Yes, Valerie, I think I understand your question. And the answer, in fact, is very simple. It's a lack of spiritual education, generally. And this, obviously, the cause of this, of course, is the Lucifer rebellion. As you all know, in history, there has been no spiritual contact between Paradise and the universe of Nebadon or the planets that went astray for thousands upon thousands upon thousands of years. And as you all know, very briefly, from time to time, there has been someone sent here to try and bring a bit of light here.

Well, as you all know, through the seven bestowals of Michael and him choosing this planet as his seventh bestowal, but even before then, the remnant of light that remained here after the default of Adam and Eve, there was a great deal of light at the time but then diminished and diminished and diminished until it became necessary and thanks to Machiventa Melchizedek and you all know this story, thanks to him, he came, he volunteered to come to bestow himself to rescue that little bit of light that was left here and hopefully to increase that light.

So in answer to your question, Valerie, it is the lack of spiritual education and thanks to Machiventa Melchizedek. And then, well, you all know after Adam and Eve, then much later on that, I'm going to say Moses and the Hebrews and then finally Jesus, but there has been such a lack of spiritual education and that is still the education, the religion that you receive, and I bear witness to this because I was brought up as a Christian in Wales. They teach and still do teach the same things now as they taught me 85 years ago because they don't know anything new, they don't want anything new, or they are afraid of anything new. They are afraid to think outside of the box, they are afraid of change, and yet they want change.

So people are stuck through faith, through fear, I'm sorry, in their old ways. This is the biggest problem Valerie. I don't know if that answers your question, but tell me, does it?

Well, I understand that what you are saying, but we cannot say that for those people, Jesus is the real truth and the life. They don't know Him. And so they...

No, of course not. Yes. Of course, Valerie, that's the problem. How can you tell these people? You cannot. And in fact, that is not our job. I am not here to save the world. I am not here to stop all the wars. I am not to put all the injustices right. None of us are here for that. Of course, we cannot do that. But what can we do? Individually is shine our little light. This is the most that any of us can do. It is the greatest thing that any one of us can do. Let your little light shine. Yes. Those that have no idea whatsoever do not even know God exists and never heard of the word of Jesus, etc., etc. I am fully aware of that. Of course, I am.
But I cannot do anything about that, Valerie, nor can you.

Well, I think that...

I'm sorry?

No, I think that you might not have heard part of my question because the question was the fact that many of those people are accepted in heaven, but Jesus says, I'm the truth, the way and the life, and yet everybody is in heaven who don't know Him or even denied Him, like one of the lightlines we heard someone talking, who was a Jew in a temple, and he said, we didn't like Him to come in there and cause disorder. So everybody goes into the Kingdom on the side way, apart from Jesus, but my point is, or in the past it happened. But today I still see it because I see Hindus.
Devoted sons of God who know Father and the Thought Adjuster, of course, they accepted to the Kingdom, yet they never knew Jesus or decided not to receive Him as their Lord. That was my point. So I'm not trying to argue. My question was how we validate this statement then. That was my question. If everybody... Yeah.

I understand that Valerie, but now thinking about it, listen, whether it's Hindu or Buddhist or whatever it is, they face death like everybody else and after death, what is the state of their soul? You mentioned the word the kingdom. Well, the kingdom is from my understanding to begin with is the mansion worlds everyone must proceed to the mansion worlds and the only way you are going to get to the mansion worlds is if your soul is ready and prepared and qualifies so to speak to go to the mansion worlds well it doesn't matter whether you have heard of Jesus or not but if that person if that person has been devoted in their life and  they have shown to be loving and caring individuals, of course, their souls will grow, whether they have heard of Jesus or not. Okay? This is my answer, Valerie.

Yes, I understand it, but this validates actually that the teaching that you have had today that I am in us is practically or really what he was talking about. That His I Am is the way, the truth and the life, as we all can say that because our relationship with our Father fragment is what matters. And that is the Kingdom of God because Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is within you, so He already said it is already in you, so that's Father in us, so that's the Kingdom of God. Yeah, that actually fits into what you just revealed.

You are also being told and it is true that every right-thinking person has a Thought Adjuster. So the Hindus have Thought Adjusters, the Islamists have Thought Adjusters. Every Tom, Dick and Harry right-thinking person has a Thought Adjuster, no matter what religion they got or no matter what religion they do not have.

Yes I understand.

The bottom line is Valerie, what type of life these people led? How they displayed the golden rule, do unto others as you would have them do to you. If they have lived a life like that, their soul has grown and they will go to the mansion worlds. Never even heard of Jesus. Okay, fair enough. Now do you understand?
Well, I do understand, and again, I repeat that you just said, and now this is coming as proof to it, what we are talking about, that our Father Fragment, I Am in us, is what Jesus refers to, not Himself, but the I Am in Him, and so as well I can refer to the I Am in me to be the Truth, the way the Truth and the Life that will actually open the doors of the Mansion worlds for me too. So that's wonderful. And that just really feeds into what you just, the message you have today. And it's a new revelation in this reference because I always thought Jesus as a person, to get to know Him, to know Him to be the Lord is but crucial in order to go to the Mansion worlds. So thank you.

Also, Valerie, just remember quite simply, it was Michael who chose to come here to experiment what it is like to live as a human being, and he did that through Jesus. Therefore, Jesus is an example as well as an inspiration. So his example was to tell us, look, look at me, but you are the same. I am the way, the truth, and the life. Yes, and you are the way, the truth, and the life.

Yes, I agree. Thank you.

All right.  Welcome, Valerie. Are there any more questions, please? Dominick, you've got your hand up, we can come back to you. Okay, you're unmuted, Dominick, go ahead.

The... Can you hear me?

Yes, I can. Yes.

Okay. To address further, there's... for Valerie's question, there's an evolutionary type of thinking which would lead people to emphasize the Father and the indwelling Spirit as opposed to and not know Jesus. And then there's kind of a rebellion blasphemy that leads people in another direction. So in the rebel's case, there's going to be a subtle replacement of the Father to a different godhead that's redirected to Lucifer and substitutes this whole explanation that's been given in this lightline as non-existent, that that replaces the almost the ego, spiritual ego as the Father, elevating oneself to deity. And those are kind of the religious errors of, say, like New Thought or just flat-out Luciferian type of religions.

The other, the evolutionary mistake, and this leads to a question I've had with George in the past, George H., is that what we've talked about today, how does that relate to the kind of Christian doctrine of Jesus died for your sins, where the Fifth Epochal Revelation de-emphasizes that and classifies that as kind of an evolutionary error of early Christianity that had to give meaning to the crucifixion, whereas Jesus' life and mission was revealing this whole dynamic, I believe, that we're talking about.

And then, of course, the controversy of divinity and humanity, or is it just humanity, or is it humanity? Is it the eternal son, or what's this thing about a Creator son that's complicating religions. And before I ramble on, that's, you know, people should consider the question of who Jesus was, who was he before he bestowed himself on the planet, those types of questions. So that's just one more thing to add to. I'm done Lemuel.

Okay, well I'm not going to comment on that Dominick because each individual, I'm talking about those of us here on the forum and those perhaps who will listen to the tape, they will make what they can of the lightline. But your question or your statements are open it wide open to all sorts of other levels of thought. And so, you know, I'm not gonna comment on that because it depends on so many different factors. The only thing I want to finish now by saying that speaking personally, and I've been treading my spiritual path consciously well, for many, many years, more than 60. So, yeah, getting on for 60 years. And it led me down various paths. And all of them were cul-de-sacs that I had to return to back on the main road, so to speak. And that was to turn from the outside in. Well, you know, I have spoken about this on previous transmissions.

There comes a time, I think all of you here listening to me now, you’ve all reached the moment in your lives when you decided or you felt that your life was more important, your inner life was more important than your outer life. Yes, you still have your responsibilities, etc., etc. Yes, of course but your inner life begins to take over. Because your Thought Adjuster has a degree of success.

Because your Thought Adjuster has influenced you to the degree, with your cooperation, there comes a time when you know within yourself that your inner life is so important. Now, it really doesn't matter for anyone, whether you are Hindu, Buddhist, or whatever it is. If that moment comes in your life,  where you recognize that it is your inner life that is more important than your outer life, that is enough to ensure that when you die, your soul will survive and it will go to the mansion worlds. And I think that's...
Well, it's wonderful. It really is wonderful. That is why things are so simple. It is the ego that complicates things. The golden rule is simply that do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That's it. End of story, full stop. If you are able to live your life like that, your soul grows, it matures, and when you die, your soul is sufficiently qualified, so to speak, to move to the mansion worlds.
Alright. Okay, so with eight minutes over time, if there's nothing else, dear brothers and sisters, I will end this lightline first by stopping the recording, but I want to say to those who will be listening to the recording in the future, thank you for choosing to listen to the recording. And I hope you will accept and embrace the words that have been spoken to you about your I Am, that yes, indeed, you are the way, the truth, and the life. Okay
Transkrypcja nagrania po angielsku :
Napis : Raz, starszy członek
Kategoria / Temat : NUMERY TELEFONU I KODY DOSTĘPU DO HOLENDERSKIEJ MIĘDZYNARODOWEJ / Lightline holenderska międzynarodowa
« Odpowiedź nr 1, 30 września 2024 r., godz. 21:06:32 »

(Jeden urywek)

Van :
Witam. Tu Van. Przechodzę obok i chciałbym do was mówić. Znacie mnie z moich kontaktów z wieloma z was. Żyłem w różnych kulturach na waszej planecie. Żyłem w wielu różnych miejscach we wszechświecie. Miałem kontakt z wieloma kulturami i możecie się zastanawiać, czy ten czas turbulencji i wojny można jeszcze nazwać kulturą, ale jak wiecie, kultura jest stylem życia i zachowania w określonych ramach czasowych i rozwija się, niezależnie od tego, czy na planecie panuje pokój, czy wojna, ewoluuje przez cały czas.

Jestem Van i znam wiele waszych kultur, waszych światowych kultur. Żyłem na waszej planecie przez długi czas w czasach wielkiej kultury, ale także w czasach prawie żadnego postępu. Widziałem, jak wiele kultur przychodziło i odchodziło podczas moich misji. Widziałem piękną kulturę wznoszącą się na wyżyny swojego potencjału i byłem świadkiem upadających kultur i z pewnością warto studiować te kultury dzisiaj, ich historyków, naukowców, artystów, budowle i konstrukcje z wcześniejszych czasów, które pozostały, aby poinformować was o wielu różnych kulturach, które miały wpływ na waszą kulturę, w której teraz żyjecie.

Mądrze byłoby uczyć swoje dzieci o ich dziedzictwie i oferować im lektury, poezję, obce pisma i symbole, które reprezentują różnorodność kultur, które widzimy na waszym świecie. Zabierzcie swoje dzieci z powrotem do historii, żeby poznały zwyczaje swoich przodków, z których wyewoluowały w to, czym są w tym momencie historii. Przeszłość, teraźniejszość i przyszłość są ze sobą powiązane. Ludzie uczą się i przekazują wiedzę następnemu pokoleniu. Tak wiele kultur ma swoje pisma o Bogu, o tym, jak chwalili i czcili Boga w swoich pięknych świątyniach i kościołach oraz jak was uczą o dniach z przeszłości. Czytając i pisząc te pisma, dowiecie się również o wpływie, jaki Bóg wywarł na historię i o znaczeniu Boga w życiu Jego ludu, czy to dziś, czy w historii waszej planety. Wasza kultura wciąż nosi w sobie pozostałości kultur, które istniały przed wami. Jesteście produktem waszej historii i wszystkich poprzednich kultur na Urantii.

Człowiek walczył o utrzymanie głowy nad wodą i wiele razy prawie utonął, ale przez cały czas rozkwitały piękne kultury świata, przynosząc światu wiele dobra. Stracono również dobre okazje i kroki postępie zawodziły, gdy człowiek nie był w stanie utrzymać swojej kultury z powodu nagłego braku zainteresowania lub nieoczekiwanych okoliczności geologicznych na planecie. Opóźnienia występują tam, gdzie wyższe kultury nie rozprzestrzeniają swojej wiedzy na duże części świata, gdy ludzie mogliby stać się bardziej zjednoczeni, gdyby cywilizacja poinstruowała tych mniej rozwiniętych, ale podbój był często celem ekspansji, aż do wojny i zniszczenia, w których każda kultura ulega degradacji.

Część kultur nadal pozostaje z wami w waszych genach i będziecie ich nosicielami dla nowych pokoleń, które nauczą się lekcji z przeszłości, żeby je zabrać na nowe wyżyny społecznego, ekonomicznego i naukowego postępu w historii, który będzie stymulował i będzie falą nowych nauk i nowego religijnego zrozumienia Boga w waszym życiu i kulturze na planecie zamieszkałej przez ludzi. Na Urantii będzie to również żywe doświadczenie w waszej historii, gdy ludzie będą mieli błogosławieństwa wcielenia Syna-Stwórcy z Nebadonu, które ponownie zmieni historię i jest teraz w punkcie, w którym należy iść w przyszłości, aby zachować cenne lekcje dla nowej kultury przyniesionej na Urantię przez Jezusa. Chociaż czasami może być trudno zrozumieć i wiedzieć, jak bardzo zostaliście pobłogosławieni przez obdarzenie waszej planety przez Michała, zobaczycie to w nadchodzących czasach. Pamiętajcie o tym i informujcie swoje dzieci o historii i moralności, które stworzyły dzisiejszą planetę. Wasza kultura zaprowadziła was tam, gdzie świat jest teraz, na dobre lub na złe, jest to odziedziczona historia Urantii, w której wszyscy dziś żyjecie. Jestem Van. Opuszczam was ponownie i życzę wszystkim dobrego dnia.

AUDIO TAPE Links - Comments - Schedule inside / USA LIGHTLINE WEDNESDAY 2 OCT 2024
« Last post by Lemuel on October 02, 2024, 15:21:13 pm »

Thanks to all who joined me for today´s Lightline.


Link to the recording:

  • 100124 Audio Tape Lightline USA; host: Dominick Ohrbeck
  • Subjects: committees once established become oligarchies, the executive, legislative, and judicial are the three inspired parts of a government and represent the first three pillars/columns, columns 4 - 8 are described, eschatology of current as above so below times we are living, Dominick discusses our divisions; Q & A
  • Speakers: Arthura 
  • Transcribed By: RAZ ( I welcome corrections - message me )
  • Link To Tape:

All right, welcome to Tuesday Lightline here in a exciting October 2024. It's already exciting because we have announced a change of the regular Lightline schedules and a possible disruption to our normal rhythm of these Lightlines as soon as next week, and we continue the rest of this week's Lightlines ending with Lemuel on Wednesday and anyone else throughout the week, such as Clency, who typically takes Friday when he transmits for Lightline.

So let's just say well before we start with our prayer, I just want to say that as a rather new transmitter in the public sphere, I welcome the break and change. I think, given the vital volatility, volatility of what's going on in the world, that it's very difficult as a transmitter, and in my perspective, to not fall into subconscious or what I consider issues of the day, and try to defer to whatever is coming through on the spiritual end. So personally, I thank the deities and Michael and Salvington and all universe authority who provides the privilege and capacity and ability to transmit at all and certainly deliver them in an organized manner, like a program like this, on behalf of Michael and with the capacity of our Father within. Put the mic a little closer.

So let's start with a quick prayer to our Father and our Lord Jesus and Michael. Thank you and amen, for those who like to end with that. Before we get into anything super serious and on point, I'm reminded of some fleeting, experiential moments that we all wish to share, but we definitely have in a unity of experience, but not a uniformity of the event in our lives, when we become more than just spiritually conscious, but God conscious, and then furthermore, Deity conscious, and deity becomes the relationship of all types of facets of God and a vast universe of meaning and purpose to our lives and belonging to a love that until that point, is hypothetical and philosophical and such a born again experience is a very joyous occasion and very personal, and I think spiritual capacities to relive that at any moment and recall that.

So we just remind each other why we're here and ultimately these Lightlines have a dual purpose, depending on how you enter the orbit of this material in that you are, or we all are, on a different timeline of this type of experience. And then when we extrapolate that to the planet, we learn that the planet as an institution does not function with this type of universal experience, both officially and unofficially, and that there are serious contentions around the motivations of each other, depending on that experiential moment in time, people are on, and then collectively, we're on.

I welcome Salvador, we're a few minutes in. So with that caveat, the key word today started off with the word committee, that's C, O, M, M as in Mary, I, T, T, as in Tom, E, E, committee. Committee. And this seems to be associated in modern times, and dating back as far as you wish to go to the concept of oligarchy. Now we can easily, 

And this is Arthura stepping in. I wish to hijack the transmitter's line so he can freely speak. Today, we will talk about politics, not but freely extrapolate the lesson to your lives therein. A committee is almost a sure synonymity, or equivalent to an oligarchy in Urantia history. Anytime you have a committee, you have, by definition, delegated some authority, which is natural for things to get done. However, when committees solidify their power and institutionalize themselves, they inevitably become an oligarchy.

Every government institution in the world has some form of national committee that represents a faction and power. Now in communist states, you have an all-encompassing committee, and in democracies, you have various committees of political parties, and all are under a unison of coalesced budding world institutions that claim to unite these nation-states and their economies, which for all intents and purposes are functional oligarchies. And in America, you just need to look at the Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee. As each committee declares the other tyranny over the other, we remind you that democracy is democratic and that most democracies are not purely democracy, but republic, and the republic in a democracy has those three inspired functions of a legislature, an executive, and a supreme court.

But that the democratic aspect is that the officials that ought to be most in charge of those bodies of republican governance when I say republican, it's republic, not the faction, but that these officials are elected. A quick recap is that the legislature proposes and drafts the law, and they also have the power of the purse. The executive has a check on that process and veto power, and also has emergency military power over the borders and nation-state makeup of the geography controlled by this republic, or in some cases, a whole state governed by a committee. The courts determine the rulings of those laws when they are contested, and they also rule on the appeal of any rulings in the lower courts.

Those three bodies are symbolically represented by columns on a building which would give you the icon for government. The triangle over the three pillars was a platform underneath those pillars, and the columns represent governance. Now the fourth column here in the United States is considered a couple of things. One would be the first amendment in the Constitution, and the other would be the unofficial duty of the press, the fourth, considered the fourth column, and we submit to you that the fourth column is something that takes precedence over the issue of abortion.

This is Dominick, does, let me check if that was what you wanted to say, Arthura?

Yes, we will, we will qualify that by supplementing that the reason for that statement is that abortion is not a column in governance. It is not to relegate one issue over the other and remove the agency of any particular voter with particular values, but to say something provocative that clearly juxtaposes when it comes to policy of governance that the fourth column are those things where the check and balance of government is the freedom of speech, officially and unofficially. Unofficially, equating to the grassroots citizen level, and the other end of the spectrum of an institutional level, but that that spectrum is needed to be safeguarded by the laws which would get worked out in the courts.

So when you look at elections coming up, you can see how the more or less executive branch, even on a global level of those global institutions, you should think about how they are approaching the fourth column of governance, and whether that is being done by committee or by democratic means. The fifth column now becomes a little different. The fifth column is considered all of what has been summed up in modern times recently as the deep state. And here you have, you could say Hollywood glorifying the fifth column, but mixing it up to the point that they are literally telling you in the last five to 10 years that good is bad and bad is good, and we don't know who is on the right side of anything anymore, as the classic cold war dichotomy melted away and a new world order is either filling a vacuum or going according to plan, depending on your perspective.

When we continue and go into the sixth and seventh columns, the sixth column would correspond to a science fiction work that this demographic of Lightlines might be familiar with, meaning 50 and over, and that would be the Day After Tomorrow which is a science fiction or fictional novel of this cold war conflict extrapolated into almost a game of function, type of nomenclature of modern times, where super scientific, electromagnetic bioweapons are used against a race of communists, east and west, almost. But that would be an example of a delving where we're evolving to when we reach the eighth column of today's lesson. But the sixth column starts to delve into those metaphorical lands, and the seventh column in modern culture begins to delve into the binary distribution of good and evil, Lucifer versus Gabriel, but around the battlefield meme of workers or soldiers or citizens. The point is a mass appeal to unite and either save the planet, conquer the planet, unify the planet, etc, etc, but it is a rally call to unity which is one of the pillars of the rebellion manifesto, which rebels against original universe governance and wishes to set up its own committee over and rule over this planet.

Now I want you to switch and turn on your visual mind. We're simply going to describe this seventh column as a type of wave. Now think of the wave when you visualize an earthquake machine measuring they are measuring waves, and the needle goes all over the map. Now, in perfect time and space harmony, which would be equated to coherence the wave represents a sine wave, an oscillation, the harmonious up and down waves of equal proportion, an equilibrium of inhale and exhale, and so on and so forth. Now the rebel and its postmodern type of logic creates a different type of wave, but tells you you're looking at a sine wave. But it is not a sine wave.

It is called a sawtooth wave. And a sawtooth wave starts from the bottom and crescendos to the top and then falls off a cliff back to the bottom and it is not a curved wave. In this sense does the sawtooth wave represent a tool of breaking things up, disruption. It could serve a positive purpose. In medicine, for example, it would break up stagnant structures and release a freer flow of energy, and healing of things that were stuck. It might be a way to attack a virus. But in social science terms of governance columns and the realms of the supernatural and super material, the sawtooth wave is the expression given to rebellion governance, and they destroy you, if you don't call it a sine wave, it is the rebels sine wave.

But the objective truth of original universe governance convicts it of being a sawtooth wave, and it is not a sine wave. This brings us to the eighth pillar, and we're going to end it at the eighth pillar because if we went on to a ninth, 10th, and 11th pillar and so on, we would be accused of following esoteric, magical systems and this is not so. For we can effectively end the speech on the eighth column, which is another advanced word. We used epistemology in the last Lightline and today's advanced e word is eschatology, E, S, (C) H, A, T, O, L, O, G, Y. Now this is not such an advanced word when explained, but it deals with the human cultures viewpoints, both believed, but culturally educated, also to indoctrinate a world view of what the future missions that we propose to be broadcasting about from above to you, in terms of these volatile times you live in right now, even heading into next week, very much trigger, if not represent, to some, the eschatological prophecy of their cultures.

Think I am wrong? Look at the Olympic opening ceremonies of the white horse. You need not blame evangelical Christians. You need not blame a Shia Muslim. You need not blame a Hindu, and you need not blame the end times of the Jews. We will be all of those things and none of those things but the eschatological need to define the events in their eyes will be evident in the early moments of the bond of anything visible. Until then, you are left to your own competition. But essentially the eighth column of governance is influenced by a culture within a nation-state, if not the globalist world committees who have a particular eschatology, but should be influenced by what you should detect as sons of God, whether or not that committee will allow you to flourish or seek to destroy you.

Those are powerful words, but understand our contention is that your well or ill-meaning motivations of global committees and national committees and local surrogates of such committees are unified by the culture of the fifth, sixth and seventh and eighth pillars of a shadow governance casting a pall over not just one planet, but many planets and neighboring planets, creating an intergalactic culture  We as original universe governance, have been gaslighted by our own policies, by rebellion governance in that our policy is to quarantine rebellion. So indeed you have been suppressed, not oppressed.

You, ironically, must decide for yourselves when we say to you, this was a necessary policy of Paradise Sons and Trinity function, not just Michael of Nebadon's decision. But that you could chase your tail in following the contentions of rebellion governance, which seems to correctly point out the oppression of Paradise rule by isolating your planet and allowing evil to flourish. But the rebel does not win by blaming all that they have caused on the policies of the Paradise Sons. The Paradise Sons are the ones who reestablish original universe governance and give you the blueprint for a democratic republic of a planet, and the only committees left are the advisory roles of divine governance.

Are there any questions? Thank you, Arthura. Are there any questions? We're at 2:34 (p.m.) and we welcome Jose and George H, welcome. It's 2:34 (p.m.) you can press five star to raise your hand. Donna and Larry, welcome. You just missed the opening, and we've just covered, we've just opened it up to Q and A if need be. Hi, Valerie, go ahead. You're unmuted.

Thank you. I'm not very versed with politics, so I would like clarification on this term democratic republic, because now that we have those two parties always against one another, and then it is this terminology of incorporating both. So I'm not quite understanding that.

Okay, so the end, the end result of a global governance. Go ahead. Just a second, I'm going to unmute you after I get Arthura, okay Valerie?

Yes. Thank you. Thank you.

Please, Arthura, or anyone else, go ahead.

Where to start, Valerie is the concept of a planetary government. Now, a planetary government is something that has been contested bitterly by two sides of spiritual governance ever since the rebellion occurred on this particular planet, but also within the system of inhabited planets, governed by the system sovereign whose name and original rebel was Lucifer. The manifesto declared what we talked about in the seventh column that effective governance could occur, but only effectively occur if there was this unity of beings within the jurisdiction of the system to unite and join in rebellion, which obviously is given other terms, such as more legalistic and softer terms like secession or independence. In some sense, we acknowledge that committees have their place and function, but as a rebel oligarchy that has evolved on the planet, the oligarchies, either evolutionarily, are influenced by rebel spiritual culture, some of it is knowing, and some of it is just going through the rituals which the human may or may not ultimately believe in, but that sees the rituals as a method or preliminary aspect of going through the motions to attain the level of status and power they seek.

Whereas the missions and establishment of universe government will shift this type of oligarchy, committee approach to planetary rule that is guided by a sawtooth wave of rebel energy of cyclical climax and destruction and rebirth. For an energetic method of control by cyclical destruction, which is their cycle of inherent rebellion against an objective reality of the universe existing the way it does, and their Phoenix, like renewal of rebellion that's necessary to stem the tide of Paradise Deity Itself, which they do not recognize. They only see the patterns of the universe and declare that they know it's real. To have a comparison the religious experience talked about at the beginning of this Lightline is explained by the neuroscientists through the observation of what chemicals and brain sections are used being used in expressing themselves during this experience, and to claim that your religious insight, which somehow becomes etched in your permanent record of not only your soul, but also neurologically in your brain's electrochemical areas, but all the neuroscientist sees is how your brain behaved and acted possibly during that process. They infer that religious experience is nothing other than a hyperactive pineal gland and so on.

Similarly, the rebel does not recognize the Father. Does not recognize Paradise Trinity as anything other than what they objectively know, which is the Paradise rule of such Sons originating from that area outside of time and space, and that those Paradise Sons have literally created and are their Creator Father. But ultimately, some of these entities are created, as we have said, with the capability of rebellion, which comes with the supernatural ability of free will. And we only say supernatural so that you understand the difference between an entity worthy of eternity and immortality in the universe, compared to a transient entity without a will, but of a mind, nevertheless, that dies and lives through its creative mechanisms as a species. And so to come back to it, the committee word is both at the beginning of this talk, spoken about in how the rebel government of oligarchy has reformed rebellion governance and its rebellion against original universe governance and ultimately does not rule by a Democratic Republican type of governance, but masquerades as such through the fifth, sixth and seventh and eighth columns of a committee.

Thank you, Arthura, all right, you're unmuted. Valerie, I hope that helped.

Thank you very much. Yes, this is a fascinating Lightline. I believe I have to read it and meditate some more. I will have more questions, but right now, I don't, because just have a deep impact. You know, I prayed about it to understand that the aid or these dark entities are partaking in the government because there are just, I noticed that there are so many layers, like this morning in the news, I have read about FEMA calling out to those who need assistance after the hurricane. So there's so many good initiatives coming from the government, but yet we have, we do see so many dark sides of secret agendas also. So I believe that I have received the answer, but needs some digestion, and I thank you very much, Arthura, and thank you, Dominick.

Thank you, Valerie. All right, the lines are open. We thank Valerie for her question, and thank you Arthura for that answer. Now we don't get more unless we get questions. I can talk all day, every day about my own experience, but why should you be subjected to that? As I said in the beginning. I know many of you have questions, and I don't know what answers I'll get, which helps all of us, but we are since we have the absence of questions at this time. Always. I'm laughing because I got one as soon as that happened. Go ahead, Valerie.

I just want to tell you, Dominick, that the scripture says that by the testimony of the saints they have overcome, that means people who must overcome certain things. So your experiences are very welcome. And I remember from the early times when I have heard experiences of believers they were they were very important to me in building my faith. So I just want to encourage you to share your experiences.

All right. Well, thank you. You know, all right. So thank you, Valerie, and we welcome Lemuel back to the call. The, well let's just go with a bit of current events to put the eschatological into context. I believe the, excuse me, that's my, that's me hitting the sign, we have about 40,000 I believe, troops in the Middle East right now, the US, and Biden calling for a ceasefire. Oh, weydevu. I know you're not on the call, but I know you've asked in the past some of these questions. I'm just riffing at this point.

I don't know if I have a tie into all this, but these are some events going on. You have the collapse of the real estate market in China. And I think they've done what every central bank has always done in such a collapse, except China goes to extremes when they do it. So I believe they're printing money like nobody's business and if you look at a line chart compared to the rest of the nations doing such things, it doesn't represent a natural progressive line, but an exponential off the chart line. For those who hold stocks, that's a good sign, there will be commodities and bubbles, and stocks will go up, and the oligarchy will tell us that the economy is great, and the rest of us in the lower classes who weren't part of the investment class, which in the world is not nearly as many people as we assume they are. The rest of us are going to experience even more inflation, and as we have these global conflicts, you can sure bet that the supply chain will also be disrupted.

The reason I mentioned you weydevu, and even though you're not on the call, you asked about, I think, some geopolitical questions before, and as we come up on this next week of the anniversary of October 7, I believe I've talked in other Lightlines, some of those geopolitical events leading up to such a thing. You had, not only the Abraham accords almost coming into effect with Saudi Arabia officially recognizing Israel, but you had, since the course of 2013 the fifth column influencing the fourth, third, second, and first columns of the Ukrainian government and those factions of the DNC and global supporting things of that, I suppose, are the factions responsible for those type of events.

Now we're on the precipice of World War Three, and if you care less about that than you do about abortion rights, then good on you but that's not the way I personally feel about it. Many others don't. I believe every American household seems to be split right down the middle on this. 2709 in some respects, is no exception. In that sense, Ron is a red coat. He loves his crown and he loves the executive functions of the government that's in their policies that are in power and I've spent my time since I've been here complaining and railing against the fourth column that he digests every day, and that, when I tell him a policy of this and that, he says; well, yeah, that's bad.

But like a lot of, like everybody else in the demographic of 50 and over, you watch legacy media, and everyone 50 and under is no longer watching television. They are getting all their media through other means, and the fourth column no longer exists the way it does in that the election policies and issues around even the very definition of things, certainly is dealing with the First Amendment. And this goes back four years, even with the pandemic, we're dealing with immigration, and as the Haitians declare that they're willing to take the food processing jobs from us, lazy, cigarette-smoking, football-watching Americans, and that's good on them, because that's the way America has been working since food processing. But the oligarchy of food processing declares that that's the way we should eat, and the oligarchy of whether you should be able to grow your own garden says you can't do any of that because the world is too hot and climate change and so on and so forth.

And if you even talk about it, you're spreading disinformation, do you see folks where this is going and what this occurs, and what this happens is you will have an American Renaissance of the citizen railing against an overauthority of the executive. Because it's the executive who when it doesn't get what it wants, is revising all the other pillars of governance. Now that is not a transmission. That is my last say-so before we head into this drastic month and we pray that we get anything. We welcome anything from Spirit and we're unified in our spiritual experience that gives us the ability to cooperate, I think, without it, without that, we just say we can cooperate, but that's purely animalistic behavior of self-interest.

True, altruistic cooperation comes from our super material endowments of God. But how we use that needs original universe governance. You need that aspect as well, to have just the Fifth Epochal Revelation, or a Bible, or anything else of a book of a canon of religious education to help a culture perpetuate its Code of Conduct and ethics and beliefs from one generation to the other is just that, and eventually it degrades, over time, into these human factions which would inherently gravitate towards the committees set up long time ago by the rebels. The Fifth Epochal Revelation is no exception, as its leadership apparatus continually seeks the approval of global oligarchical institutions like the UN and so does any other religion. Look at what Vatican, Vatican Two did, or look at how that gets rejected by other eschatological religions like Islam, which does not compromise at all and instead seeks to establish a religious caliphate wherever they habitate.

Ironically, you have, and this is just my opinion based on observation as far as current events go, you can easily have an October surprise, because politically, when Netanyahu was in the States, Kamala didn't, didn't sit by him when he gave, when he addressed Congress. I don't know how much she met with him, but that was symbolic, whereas Netanyahu went to Trump's Mar-a-Lago and was smiling. Now the recent trip with Zelensky equally, had a press conference with Kamala reading a speech and reading a policy, whereas Zelensky stood by Trump and fielded questions together. One message was perpetual, was the winning of a war under the principles of the conflict, which is marked by, I could remember this conflict well because that's a few months before I moved out here. It's easy to remember that way. It's my historical marker that I moved out here in October, you could say, and in February of the next year that war started. And here we are now, four (2 & 1/2) years later and we have allowed, as a country, the export of our military assistance to be offensive into the state of Russia.

Now this is all a long-winded thing by saying, what did you expect if Russia is competing against us in a proxy war, that they wouldn't work with Iran to split up an alliance aligned against it? And there's no better way you would think logically than to split NATO up by creating a conflict in Israel. Now, how does that split NATO up? It certainly would put Turkey in a bind, which I'm sure it has politically. But Turkey doesn't ever consider itself in a bind. They go in the self-interest of Turkey, but as far as NATO goes, they're not for Israel, which is ironic in the conflict of things. So there are no binaries in this conflict.

It's like a global Mexican standoff, which is a cultural term for everyone pointing pistols at each other, I believe. And that would be such a maneuver when you would trigger an event like that. So when these are simply the things we're faced with heading into this October, and if this is my last Lightline, I need to have my last word. So thanks Valerie, that's just the way I can begin to see it. If there's any more questions, feel free. We're at the end of our hour, and Lemuel, I'm going to come to you just to verify that you will indeed do your Lightline tomorrow. Lemuel, you're unmuted. How's your Lightline looking?

Well, at the moment, it's looking fine and I feel I have reasons for saying this, I am certain that it's going to be my last Lightline as well, and I have a lot to say tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to it. So yes, tomorrow night, at eight o'clock, tomorrow afternoon, at two o’clock, where you are as usual. Yes, thank you. Thank you, Dominick.

Thank you, Lemuel. God bless and God bless you all, and we pray that we can keep it together in our households, in our nations, in our communities, and certainly in our nations. Have a good day.

TRANSLATIONS / 2.10.2024 – Gabriel opisuje nasza sytuację i daje nam zalecenia
« Last post by Andre_P on October 02, 2024, 12:28:56 pm »
Transkrypcja nagrania po angielsku :
Napis : Raz, starszy członek
Kategoria / Temat : NUMERY TELEFONU I KODY DOSTĘPU DO HOLENDERSKIEJ MIĘDZYNARODOWEJ / Lightline holenderska międzynarodowa
« Odpowiedź nr 1, 30 września 2024 r., godz. 21:06:32 »

(Jeden urywek)

Gabriel :
Mówi Gabriel z Salvingtonu.

Elise :
Witaj Gabrielu, witaj. Mów, jeśli chcesz.

Gabriel :
O tak, lubię z wami rozmawiać ludzie. Lubię tu być. Jesteście tutaj na planecie, która została tak bardzo odciągnięta od spraw Ojca i od celów, które Michał, wasz Syn Stwórca, ma dla was na myśli. Chciałbym wam powiedzieć, co was czeka, gdy będziemy pracować razem, gdy będziemy dążyć do lepszych czasów, gdy oddamy się Ojcu, Jego synom i wszystkim, którzy pracują na rzecz lepszej ewolucji waszego świata i innych światów. Tu i tam widzimy uczucia dla waszych braci i sióstr. Wszyscy jesteście połączeni. Wiedzcie, że jako ludzcy odkrywcy i opiekunowie tego pięknego globu, który obraca się od wieków i pragnie iść do przodu w swojej ostatecznej ewolucji z doświadczalnej planety z tak wieloma formami życia na niej. Wszyscy do niej należycie i jest to najpiękniejsza podróż, jaką kiedykolwiek odbędziecie.

Spotykacie ludzi, których lubicie, spotykacie ludzi, których nie lubicie. Starajcie się kochać wszystkich. Wszyscy oni mają dobre osobowości, gdy się ich pozna. Kiedy opuścicie ten świat, spotkacie wiele pięknych osobowości stworzonych wszędzie we wszechświatach, wszystkie podróżujące, żeby służyć jednemu Bogu i Jego nieskończonemu stworzeniu. Muszę wezwać was wszystkich, bo zbliża się godzina, w której nie będziecie już mieli czasu na podjęcie decyzji, co zrobić dla Bożego stworzenia, jeśli nie przestaniecie zabijać i eksploatować waszej planety, która została wam dana, abyście ją pielęgnowali i chronili oraz abyście wyhodowali godną duszę, która może poprowadzić was przez próby i doświadczenia w drodze powrotnej do Stwórcy, waszego Ojca w Raju.

Tu Gabriel. Znam Michała Nebadońskiego od milionów lat i wiem, jak Michał kocha i troszczy się o swój stworzony wszechświat o nazwie Nebadon, który utrzymuje pod swoim własnym boskim panowaniem, ale zawsze zgodnie z wolą Ojca Uniwersalnego i przy jego aprobacie. Często przedstawialiśmy wam wiele możliwości i wieki czasu, żebyście mogli wzrastać i rozwijać się oraz dostosowywać się do tego, co należy do was, abyście to utrzymywali i kochali, ale do dnia dzisiejszego rasy ludzkie nie były skłonne zrozumieć Bożych planów dotyczących człowieka, który jest stworzony na Jego obraz i podobieństwo, który może wznieść się do najwyższego w swojej służbie Bogu i który może spełnić Boże pragnienia, aby człowiek stał się jak Bóg w swojej własnej rzeczywistości.

Teraz pomyślcie o tym ponownie, gdy powrócicie do swoich ziemskich obowiązków i będziecie oddani woli Ojca, który prosi was tylko o to, abyście byli dobrzy i prawdziwi, tak jak On jest dobry, prawdziwy i piękny. Te boskie atrybuty Ojca pomogą wam zrozumieć, kim jesteście i jaki jest wasz cel i obecność w dzisiejszym świecie, nad którym nie macie żadnej kontroli poza poszukiwaniem, odkrywaniem i życiem tymi boskimi cechami, które pomogą wam w waszych wysiłkach, aby osiągnąć prawdziwie znaczące wyżyny służenia Bogu poprzez służenie waszym braciom i siostrom w ciele. Jestem Gabriel. Proszę, zawsze bądźcie świadomi małych rzeczy, których się od was oczekuje, abyście mogli robić wielkie rzeczy, które zostaną wam dane, żeby dzielić się odpowiedzialnością za Boże stworzenie, które nigdy nie przestanie dawać wam satysfakcji z bycia dumnymi dziećmi waszego Ojca w niebie, które mogą na zawsze uczestniczyć w sprawach Ojca. Mówi Gabriel z Salvingtonu, zawsze w służbie Michała Nebadońskiego. Do widzenia.

Elise :
Dziękuję Gabrielu, dziękuję za twoje słowa i za odwiedzenie tej Linii Światła.
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