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Messages - weydevu

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« on: December 30, 2023, 12:12:54 pm »
I don't know about it being 3 miles wide but it is huge, just by judging the distance from earth to the moon through the lens of a telescope. By it being triangle in nature I believe Ron stated that off planet beings don't use triangle ships.  So it must be ours or some other nation. I will be so glad when LIGHT comes to this world to expose the dark lies of so many things. 

Here is a link to the subject at hand, you be the judge:   JUST IN! THREE MILE WIDE MOTHERSHIP Over The Moon? What THE HECK? 2023 ( 

Oh and thanks for that post from Jerry Lane.


General Discussion / Re: Merry Christmas
« on: December 25, 2023, 06:54:56 am »
May we all combine our light with all the celestials light who are on and around Urantia with the light of the FATHER to disperse the darkness that surrounds this planet, may we ground that light into the earth and anchor it for all of Nebadon to see on this day forward.  MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone. 


General Discussion / Re: STATUS OF ANGELS
« on: December 16, 2023, 11:58:09 am »
Thank you for your valuable input Ron, and all those who participated. You were right, I was thinking of my guardian angel in asking that question. And I do remember the terrible times MICHAEL OF NEBADON had to leave Salvington due to the attacks by the supreme as well as yourself. I also understand the lost of so many of MICHAEL OF NEBADON'S SONS & DAUGHTERS to this insurrection.  I'm glad the percentage has rose back up to 75% but that 25% can be deadly.  They remind me of Lucifer and his gang who refuse mercy from the FATHER and went on to do horrible things. I pray that the HOUSE OF MICHAEL be restored to it's pre-rebellion status. I also pray that all the CREATIVE SPIRITS receive the proper rehabilitation to continue their service to the universe of time and space and beyond.
Thank you also on the discourse on death.  May your days blossom with hope, healing and love for now and the new year. Thank you.


General Discussion / Re: STATUS OF ANGELS
« on: December 15, 2023, 10:17:25 am »
Thank you Robert for your response, I did what you suggested and came up with nothing, I went through the TM archives and found a wealth of information but not what I was looking for. There are over 20 pages of information but not the timeline I was looking for unless I miss something, but I fret not for all my questions are eventually answered in due time.  Thanks for your response.


General Discussion / STATUS OF ANGELS
« on: December 13, 2023, 13:00:37 pm »
Can someone please refresh my memory on the status of Angels?  I'm aware that they defaulted in large numbers in 2019.  Those in the category of guardian seraphim (and others) are being revised into a new order and are no longer call seraphim.  Can you tell me what order they are call and what's their status?
Thank you.


Thanks to SERARA, MICHAEL OF NEBADON and yourself Ron for that response. I must admit my knowledge on the financial market is below standard.
I would love to buy some stock but I wouldn't know where to begin and who would I choose from, if you do, well, I would love to hear from you. Right now I have some transportation problems to take care of now or I'll be stuck in the sticks if you know what I mean.

Speaking of China, they just made a deal with Saudi Arabia worth billions of dollars in Yuan for Saudi oil. Thanks again for your reply.  
Here is the link to the subject:   (2602) China and Saudi Arabia sign strategic partnership deal - YouTube


Two nations have rejected the U.S. dollar in buying & selling in international trade.

Egypt and India, in a strategic alignment with the BRICS bloc’s de-dollarization efforts, have initiated discussions to eliminate the US dollar from their trade relations.

This bold move is a part of a growing trend among BRICS nations to reduce dependence on the US dollar in international trade, and it signifies a significant shift in the global economic landscape.

Egypt, India abandon dollar completely (

Are these the first steps towards America going to the gold standard?


Hey Ron , thank you for the post, I didn't even realize that I had ask a question about it two years ago until I look at the full page. I also remember reading that scientist were doing experiments in  underground caverns with a built in huge tank of water to measure the flow of neutrino particles through the earth. 

As the old saying goes 'If you really want to know something, ask for it, it will be answered eventually? Thank you.


The Webb Telescope has discovered large binary objects in the Orion constellation they call Jupiter Mass Binary Objects or (JuMBO) of which they can't explain because there is no star to contain their orbit.

The James Webb Space Telescope has shown us the most distant black holes known to exist, new exoplanets, possible planets in the making—and now, planet-sized objects previously unknown and unaccounted for by existing theories. Nearly 150 planet-like "Jupiter Mass Binary Objects," or JuMBOs—far too small to be stars, yet not technically planets as they're not in orbit around a star—have been spotted in the Orion Nebula that's 1,344 light years away, often in pairs, as described in a preprint, reports the New York Times. Just 1 million years old, they are gassy and hot, with surface temperatures of roughly 1,000 degrees Celsius, though rapidly cooling, per the Guardian. The weird thing is that existing theories of star and planetary formation don't account for such small, paired, free-floating objects.

As the Guardian explains, "the smallest stars are about 80 Jupiter masses, below which the core is not dense enough to fuse hydrogen." While "smaller objects can coalesce through the same process ... theoretical predications suggest that the lower boundary for an object forming through a star-like gravitational collapse is about three to seven Jupiter masses." "We find [JuMBOs] down as small as one Jupiter mass, even half a Jupiter mass," head of the discovery team Mark McCaughrean of the European Space Agency tells the outlet. "Physics says you can't even make objects that small." JuMBOs may have been ejected from a planetary disc around a star, per the BBC. However, 42 JuMBOs have been found in binary pairs, an unlikely result from such chaos, experts say.
Webb Telescope Makes 'Baffling' Discovery (

What you say Ron?


Ron thank you for that very profound post. Would the 700 trillion Light Years of time be measure as a spiral from the Paradise Center to the outer edges of the Master Universe or from the circumference of the outer edges of the Master Universe?

It's always a joy to hear of other Order of Beings the FATHER has created and HE is always creating. Just the thought of all the unrevealed beings, their force and their purpose could fill the pages of a book the size of TUB. Thank you.


Threads for New Transmissions / Re: Another non event?
« on: September 08, 2023, 13:58:02 pm »
I don't know if it's me, the computer, or some outside source that keeps me rewriting a post that I try to type.  A many of times I thought of you and the struggles you go through trying to get something done on your computer. Have to start all over again is nerve racking and those days of 55 wpm in high school are long gone for me.

Anyway I believe the Lightlines are very valuable to keep us inform even though we may not see it for reasons of state at least we know that things are moving ahead. Also,  and I think this is the most important is the historical factor when all these Missions are known to the public they are going to ask where did all of this come from? How come our government didn't inform us yada, yada, yada.  We can show them that this has been ongoing for twenty years or more. 

Now the Regency is a different cookie it's only been (correct if I'm wrong) several years I believe but even that is still history.

And my last thought which would rate up there with historical is epochal revelations and the VOICE of GOD transmissions which should be rated as number one. I should stop typing now before I lose this post and have to start all over again.


Threads for New Transmissions / Re: Another non event?
« on: September 06, 2023, 16:24:25 pm »
I feel both of you and yet I know you are right Ron my problem is every time there is an announcement some body throws a wrench in the machine. At first it was Administration from Paradise then the Ancient of Days even at one point Salvington got in on it, then the Constellation Fathers put their hands up to stop the action then it trickle down to the Capital of our local System.
After it got pass Jerusem I thought we were in but I forgot about god the supreme, when he jump in all hell broke loose. What bother's me about our U.S.Government they always announce what they are going to do when it comes to retaliation of some enemy to me you just giving them a heads up of your intentions the same thing with the cabal, rebels and insurrectionist apply. But then they are GODS and They know best.


That was so beautifully said Lina and welcome to the forum I know I'm late in saying so but better late than never. May we all grow in Light and learn from each other's Soul. Thank You.


Threads for New Transmissions / Re: "Humanity in Danger"
« on: June 29, 2023, 09:27:55 am »
Thank you Rene for that message and the work you are doing with your group. Your work is encouraging, not only for me but I'm sure for others too.  Did you or could you ask The UNIVERSAL FATHER what that ray of hope is? Thank you.


Julio, I've heard ChatGPT before but never used it. However after reading your article, I thought I'd give it a try since you gave us the address. So I ask a question here is what I got.

If Jesus came today, how would the world react?

If Jesus were to appear in the world today, it would likely evoke a wide range of reactions and responses, just as it did during his time on Earth. People's responses would largely depend on their beliefs, cultural backgrounds, and personal perspectives. Here are some possible reactions:

Believers' Joy and Worship: Many Christians, who already believe in Jesus as the Son of God, would likely rejoice and worship him. They would see his return as a fulfillment of their faith and eagerly embrace his teachings.

Skepticism and Doubt: There would also be individuals who approach Jesus' arrival with skepticism or doubt. They may question the authenticity of his identity, request scientific evidence, or perceive his presence as a hoax or a trick.

Media Frenzy and Attention: The news of Jesus' arrival would undoubtedly cause a global media frenzy. Media outlets would cover the event extensively, seeking interviews, conducting investigations, and trying to capture the phenomenon on camera. Speculation, analysis, and debates would abound in both traditional and social media platforms.

Curiosity and Seekers of Truth: Many people, regardless of their religious beliefs, would be curious and intrigued by Jesus' appearance. They might seek to understand his message, teachings, and potential impact on the world. Philosophers, theologians, and spiritual seekers would likely engage in deep discussions and debates.

Conflict and Opposition: Jesus' return might also provoke opposition and conflict, as it did during his time on Earth. Some individuals or groups might view his teachings as threatening to their established power structures, beliefs, or ideologies. They could actively resist or even attempt to suppress his message.

Conversion and Spiritual Awakening: Jesus' presence could lead to a profound spiritual awakening for many people. Those who were previously agnostic, atheist, or followers of different religions might experience a transformation and choose to follow his teachings.

Emotional and Personal Impact: For individuals who have a personal connection to Jesus' story or have experienced hardship, his arrival could bring deep emotional responses. It might provide comfort, hope, and healing to those in need.

It's important to note that these are speculative responses based on historical and cultural contexts. The actual reactions would be influenced by the unique circumstances and individual perspectives of people living in the present day.


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