Author Topic: v2 l41. Summary Lessons Applied. Unnamed Delegation. 10.07.22  (Read 7574 times)

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Offline Dominick O

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v2 l41. Summary Lessons Applied. Unnamed Delegation. 10.07.22
« on: October 07, 2022, 10:44:15 am »
Summary Lessons Applied
Unnamed Delegation
v2 l41
Oct 07, 2022, York, PA, United States
Teacher Transmitter(s): Unnamed Delegation
Receiver(s): Dominick O
Audio File (17m)

A Recap Summary of Previous Lessons Applied

We have covered many definitions of many words. And we will cover a few in an order we hope makes some sense as we begin to apply these terms to our daily lives, our political lives. We have discussed principles, meanings, and values, cultures, civilizations, rebellion, insurrection, sedition; and now, we introduce a few other terms. Linguistic gymnastics for some, but they make us think. Such terms are when we speak of governance, maybe something applicable, like what was mentioned on a Sunday’s call, which was militias. Or it could be anything else political or legal. And these two definitions are words, up for discussion, or root-words, and that is one being counter or count, and the other being contra. For example, you have contrariness, and you have things that are counter to other things. You don't make a contrary-offer you make a counter-offer, for example. When you want to have proposals agreed upon or not. You make a counter proposal. To make contrary-proposals is something entirely different to a counter-proposal, which has a goal of an agreement or settlement.

Likewise, when we discuss cultures, civilizations, principles and values, anyone saying a civilization was founded on, for example, Judeo-Christian values is making an error. Because what they're really trying to say is a civilization is founded on principles. A civilization isn't founded on values. Values are what constitutes, over time, cultures. In the sense, that if we examine the word, what is a culture in science? Well, it's what we learned in basic science class. A petri dish is a culture. You put in water and dirt on the dish, and watch it grow over time. You've got a culture of sorts. The criticism against the big quote-unquote, “Patriarchy” is often a cultural argument. Because they often even cite Judeo Christian values as the progenitor of the boogeyman patriarchy. But it is a philosophy (feminism) quickly becoming devoid of identifying - capable of identifying - the principles which it either stands for or wishes to espouse. In this sense, it is a counterculture. The militias on the other hand, do not know what they stand for anymore, either. They are originally designed with the best intentions of a rather dual purpose. One being a safety-guard against unjust State violence. But what they truly were in origin was the first civil defense in a young nation becoming a state, such as the Americas. Where militias were a requirement because of the lack of an organized military. As a reminder of such militias in those early stages of American, United States history, those early revolutionary militias were born out of what we just described because there wasn't even a constitution at that point. Now, the militias represent the so-called protectors of the Constitution, or the noble rebellion, as outlined by Jefferson's, Declaration of Independence. Which itself is based on previous works and philosophy, modified to its current day. And those militias today are now counter and contrarian to, the very civic nation they were designed to protect.

Thus, cultures become sub-cultures, and sub-sub-cultures and so on. And really, could become a cancerous rot to the civilization. What is a culture could quickly become a tribe, executing covert insurrection within the civilization that it proclaims to be upholding in principle. This is exemplified by the sub-culture organized as the KKK. In so much as they justified their existence based on upholding principles, but what they truly were, was a culture; a sub-culture of the civic nation who were violently executing their racial values. It is one thing to be leery of the dangers of combining Church and State, when criticizing, rather pettily, the Pledge of Allegiance and/or Prayer in School. To the extent that those become marquee issues, rather than the, say, larger harm of an entire Theocratic State.

So, we come back to the new material for today's thought-lesson. And that is to ponder the applications and differences between being countered to anything or contrary to anything. You might say rebellion is counter-to what it is rebelling against. And insurrection and sedition are contrary-to. But likewise, don't over-conflate these examples. They don't mean it is rebellion, insurrection or sedition. For example, if you look at the word countermand, those simply mean there are new orders. A good leader does not give contrary-mands, that would be confusing. A simple example of a countermand is, “go left,” and then you receive a new order saying, “go right.” Those are clear orders. Whereas you might get muddled leadership orders if the command says, “go left, no right, left. Well just go left or right, you choose.” That as a rough example.

Likewise, and we are somewhat rambling here, the common values, core values if you will, are not necessarily principles. And this is why we wish to stress civilization is perhaps sustained by core and common values. But it is established and founded on principles. Let us examine Life. One of the primary core values. Obviously being you value your own life. And you are hardwired to preserve it. Yet, civilization is rather unconsciously formed to preserve this and propel it forward and ever-evolving, progressively for better conditions. But no one evolved to say, “we need to found a civilization because, Life.” As you see, that's almost logically incoherent. It's like saying civilization happened, from scientific analysis, because there is life. It might sound true but doesn't explain anything.

Your cat values that you feed her, keep her warm, and maintain her needs. And for that she is bonded and affectionate to you, and considers you part of her family, and belongs to your family household. But if she were intelligent, and in our student class, we might teach her - and we are teaching you - the principle that those dynamics are able to be done, are based on the Master and the Pet. An environment, that over time the pet learns to master the Master in certain needs and wants.

Point being there is a hierarchy. And where there is a hierarchy there are principles sustained and established for that hierarchy to exist. We will conclude this lesson today by suggesting the Brotherhood of Man is a principle more than anything. It is not necessarily a value, is not a culture, it is not a civilization. It is a principle upon which those other things can thrive.

We thank you for receiving us. And we wish to remain unnamed for now.

Well, we are honored by your presence, and we thank you for the message, regardless of the identity. And we thank you again and it was well received on our end, we hope, in transmission reception.

You are welcome and good day.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2022, 12:52:13 pm by Dominick O »

Online Ron Besser

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Re: v2 l41. Summary Lessons Applied. Unnamed Delegation. 10.07.22
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2022, 15:06:52 pm »
Lemuel, I received a spurious email from you apparently to Dominick that said you completely agreed with this.  How I got that I will never tell you, but the point I wish to make is that the Delegation, aided and abetted by I guess Arthura, speaks clearly, and in agreeable philosophic terms.  However, I find myself sour about this study.  Why?

Ron Besser sees the principles fully well as elucidated by the lesson given above.  However, he notes that the entire matter of civilizations are felt values in the first place that bonds millions of people together on the principle that life is better lived in the protection of groups.  For that reason the only thing besides life safety issues that holds the civilization together as an operating process of community living is the respect for property and loving thy neighbor with enough effort not to go to war with him over a barking dog.

That said, Ron Besser says that the entire matter of neighbors is missing from the Delegates report and what is left is a megalith of sounds about contrariness and counter issues which we agree with as truly worth defining, but that is not entirely what makes a civilization successful or for that matter, sustainable.  Rather what keeps the civilization in motion is its success in supplying the peace and tranquility of daily life without war lord and tax collectors beating the door down for material sustainment.  They are unbearable and no civilization is going to keep such policies going if it wishes those issues going too.  For that reason I would modify today's lesson and insist that the word LOVE is totally absent while it should be at the forefront of any community in order to keep social behavior in check and respect for the law and its corollary, the right stuff at the right time when the whole community is threatened by violence or catastrophe.

Here is ARTHURA to yell at me:

"You are not reasonable Ron to assume I know what I am talking about in every case.  Dominick and I care you intercede all the time but this time you are yelling at the DELEGATION and not at me.  They you have already met and enjoy as the leader is a friend of yours, but when they run into Dominick's mind, there is a coldness to it not in yours ever.  For that reason it translates a study on civilizations on cold cut issues you consider very well present, but not the operating conditions within a civilization.  One, you say, cannot operate without the other, but that is not a consideration ever in the lesson presented.  You do well to make the complaint as I did and that is to say they covered the philosophical definitions of a civilization, but actually failed to explain why some civilizations exist and other leave quickly because they are not useful to anyhone including the leaders of such.  Nazi Germany is a good example of such a civilization, and the Jesus Christ never had a change to form a civilization with the Jews, who are quite capable of establish a civilization based on the Kingdom and not the Law.  We stand back for Big Stuff to report:

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Ron you need to mow but before you do take this down:  The Delegation you just wrote to now understands you depend on me to categorize your discomfort in this case.  You caught on at once it lacked the glue of civilization's sustainability of the love of ones neighbor, but also found the cold cut of definitions a little too well defined, and worry that is how Dominick actually thinks.  No, he does not.  But Lemuel does  uch to my concern and for that matter Lemuel, Ron got that spurious email because I willed it to him and that explains nothing what you did for that to happen.  I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON and the entire matter of civilization needs redefined also by you ARTHURA as the entire matter is dealt a blow by this insurrection over the issue of Ron and Me being totally at odds with the idea of power being able to squash the defenseless creature based on their disfavor for a universe policy the defenseless ones have no issue with or know about.  That is the big fight and Ron says that anyone who would do that is devoid of love to start with and what the hell were they doing in the business of MINISTRY?   I ask the same thing of the old supreme forever, and for that matter so does the FATHER now.

"What has to be taken better by the DELEGATION Ron enjoys is they need to lighten up not on Ron or Dominick, but on Mantutia who does understand the prospect of  Ron delegating certain issues of the Second Return strictly as a human resolve to live better under the powerful guidance of lover and mercy to make things work better on Urantia.  Lemuel if you had the power very little would be left to define your lives in a rich environment you consider to be wives and children and power to run the entire matter without delegating authority any more than you ever used it yourself.  It is a combination for anarchy and that is what you got. 

In any case Ron, your feelings are roiled over the issue fully and you found this lesson to cruel and sure but without ever finding the nexus, the main point of a civilization, and that is to protect its citizens from cruelty and existential need. but that is nowhere to be found in the lesson presented today.  Love is a mitigating factor that allows justice to perform well too and that is not longer true in the western civilization you have today.  That dooms your civilization already and the Jesus Return is now the reformation you need to address, and that to readdress if you can bring yourself to act as Christians and as Civilizers too.    That completes my remarks.  K

[Thank you Michael for self and social clarification of principles hard to fully understand in my case in particular for I have had to create a personal civilization where I did not compromise development in the need for the mores to constantly interfere with the false wisdom of so many things this place called the western world holds dear, too dear.  We appreciate your presence Michael and are deeply grateful for spending time you really should not on we lost ones.  Ron]

THE DELEGATION - "Well, well, well, are we not just wonderful you two, Ron and Michael.  I am a choice Supernaphim who now sees the entire matter differently yet.  Ron you dislike civilizations in general over the issue of so many affairs botched by you you are without a hair of influence in life.  True.  However, you are without influence on Urantia but up here you play a cat and mouse game that is fun and without rancor as you are fully aware the Father's will prevails and you care to place it at the fore front of all plans for the Missions and even for Us.  For that reason this is a friendly jaunt into philosophy you term as cold and calculating, and no unremindful it is correct too.  BUT, and you win this one:  no one ever meant to skip the love angle at all but Dominick is cold and brooding all the time and you wonder how he can keep it up!  BE assured you are a terrible temptation to give in to but he reminds himself you are old and nearly useless, and for that reason not particularly useful for arguments about government he stands so harshly for.  You are aware of his philosophy to stand tall but adamantly admitting the truth man causes most of the evil on Urantia for which you shout with him, "YES!"  Together you are a proud reform team, but he is cold and calculating and you are far from that ever.  It is a pleasure to see you both at work agreeing on the problem but not on the solution.

"What we wrote in our lesson today is not your disfavor but your warning that the definitions are far from complete and we have to amend a sentence he uses that says we believe in peace and tranquility but not the expense of a good civilization (and you agree with that), but that civilization must also become a reward too and not an harassment you count as a tax collector and uncaring not at all about existential threats to the civilization either.  I see your point well now and that is why this civilization you live with now is done for.  IT is old and useless and needs a jolt from God to get it back on track as a means to an end without leaving scratch marks on your face and arms to do it.  The Biden administration tries kindness but bumbles into bankruptcy doing it.  That is excessive care too and must be stopped very soon as the United States is no saint either and needs to be reminded as Occerpa did for all of you there is not a lot of sympathy left for the America that slaughtered Vietnamese too.  For reasons of State that is left alone but you are aware of it yourself and do not let the US always enjoy light rays like arrows around its national eagle either. 

"Finally, the lesson Dominick fielded here today is full of innuendo over issues of his own which he unfailingly transmits when he is deep in thought over what he receives.  You have taught him how to run with a transmission and make the most of it, but you fail to understand he adds his own thoughts subconsciously when irascible Lucifer is around to promote a slightly sour human over human affairs entirely to get the upper hand over ARTHURA or the DELEGATION.   You will not do that ever!  Your believe we deserve full voice however that comes down to hear and read, but you do not allow unsightly fights either only because they confuse an audience who can only hear and you allow that is the case but you are fully alive intellectually over how the message is delivered and that is so much better than just words.  In fact you are the only transmitter that calls it correctly:  WE ARE SCRIBES not publishers of our own thoughts!  Truthfully stated and that is why you can go to place no one else can including inventions that will change this world over and over again.

"WE are sure you keep this well with us, but Dominick does not hear conventional wisdom, he does you and corrects if he can, but you are not easily assuming the mantle of leadership when you must resign from the Magisterial Foundation over the issue of gender intolerance while serving on the Board.  You will not keep Board members because they must vent their emotions and that is not to be done on your Board.  For reasons of State you agree with many religions that the dedication is solely to the business of the Board and not into arguments over marriage difficulties and the like.  You will not tolerate it as they are petty and disruptive, but they are essentially unkind reminders of the human condition and it must be reviewed in all segments of the work in doing the will of God as well.  K"  The DELEGATION.  (We thank the kind spokesman for the law and request your counsel frequently.  Ron]

MICHAEL OF NEBADON -  "Ron knows you Maxine, and you are fully discharging your care for the entire matter we know and he knows that too, but Maxine you fail to understand Ron is on the high ground with this and he fully is aware if a Board member gets into gender affairs, they are history eventually.  It cannot be explained to anyone who does not have China Pond in their history.  For reasons of State, Ron is fully aware of the prevarication of people who play gender upsets over marriage and engagement, and will no tolerate the lovelorn over any of this.  He is also fully aware your performances got to hell when psychically troubled over these matters.  And finally this:  Maxine enjoys your fairness and care and insists you not knowing the gender wars well, you stay at his side anyhow.   Love, MICHAEL OF NEBADON."

MAXINE 0 "PHEW!  Talk about a partnership, I dare not argue what I said anymore but you Ron care not about feelings just as Dominick care not for them anymore either.  You have a full sized partner over these gender issues that constantly stir the pot iwth outrageous media incursions into lives and the failure of people to realize marriage is not meant to be the church, but that the church has to back off on the whole idea of marriage being a scriptural matter.  It is not!  Reform will come bitter, not sweet, once the new civilization is ready to take hold all over the world at the same time in spite of racial differences.  I am MAXINE and good day to you all."  [Thank you Maxine for a tumble into too much truth.]

Ron - And I thank all for following th speech.  Happy days to all.

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: v2 l41. Summary Lessons Applied. Unnamed Delegation. 10.07.22
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2022, 15:58:38 pm »


I am at a loss for what to say. It doesn´t make sense, that´s impossible.
Yesterday, I sent a personal message  to Dominick thanking him for an
excellent transmission re: REBELLION DOCTRINE REFUTED
                                         GABRIEL OF SALVINGTON

Ron, I have never sent an email to Dominick, on the few times I have written
to him, it has always been via the forum´s personal message.


  :Lemuel, and that is where I received it.  It is a note between you and I pay  no attention as it is routine.  But it is rather odd i got a copy, don't you think?  That is the only reason I said so to alert you to nothing really.  Don't know. . . .  Ron
« Last Edit: October 08, 2022, 00:22:34 am by Ron Besser »

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Re: v2 l41. Summary Lessons Applied. Unnamed Delegation. 10.07.22
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2022, 01:09:51 am »

          How strange!
Gremlins at work, I suppose.
