Author Topic: WTP  (Read 7246 times)

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« on: August 10, 2022, 01:33:16 am »

Speaker: RAYSON
Subject: WTP
T/R: Lemuel
10th August 2022  07:00 Local.

                   You are wondering why it is I who have answered your request
for a transmission, Lemuel, bearing in mind that you are not scientifically
minded at all. Well, it doesn´t really matter, what matters is that you asked
and I was in the neighbourhood, so to speak.

One doesn´t need to be a science enthusiast to recognize what  WTP will do
 to improve the life of billions on this planet and prevent the need for
fossil fuels, that pollute the air to the extent that in many places fresh clean
air doesn´t exist.

Free electricity for all is our goal, but it won´t happen overnight, and there
will be great opposition to it, believe it or not. The petrochemical industry
will not want the world to enjoy WTP and all the benefits that it brings
to society.

There will also be other inventions that are already on the drawing board
that will further improve the lives of many millions of people. There is a great
shortage of water in many places and villagers have to walk long distances to
get it and can only take what they are able to carry. We will put an end to this
as soon as we possibly can.

We are ready to go, as are the Missions, and we have waited long for this
opportunity to introduce new technology that will do away with the old
and usher in the new. 

In the near future, life for everyone on the planet will change and change for
the better and it doesn´t need a science buff to appreciate that.

Good day.

Thank you so much, Rayson
