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Re: is functionally open and live
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2022, 11:12:09 am »
The web site will be added to as we gather enough time to get it all done.

A news update to know is the following as of 22 November 2022

1 -  We have signed an agreement to obtain a world patent that allows us protection in any country that subscribes to a Treaty (the PCT as they call it) allowing US patents to be replicated in the EU and many other countries around the world.  We expect that Treaty will be extended to us and the WTP patent before the end of the year.

2 - The US Patent has been issued for our WTP invention.  The US Patent office issued its findings in a document called the NOA,  Those are initials for NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE, and that was issued recently .  They charged another fee to print it and publish it to the world on thither notification web site.  I  am told once it is mailed to me,  they place it on their  web site which is  subscribed to by over 400 big  corporations who want to know what new patents are being published for their own information.  Let us hope this opens some of their eyes!

3 -  We are being provided an architectural rendering of what the plant looks like in a picture done by a friend of the court (that is us) to let the public see what we planned and what it looks like.  I will publish the ;icture here when it is finished soon. 

4 -  We added another building to the plant site not shown in the patent graphic in order to address a safety issue.  That issue is that when our generator sends out electricity to our tower, the preparticles being sent to the tower are subject to attack by gamma rays.  To stop that from happening we put that generator in a separate building under a one hundred foot wide glass dome we fill with ultraviolet light.  Ultraviolet light is made up of tiny preparticles we call sub-particles-- not quite a preparticle, but more substantial than a Quark.  Quarks are not preparticles, but are close to being one so much that our current science calls them a preparticle; however these sub-particles follow Quarks around to simmer the flux the Quarks provide to make sure the Quark energy is absorbed by the chemical element being used.  We are using ultraviolet light in the presence of phosphorus, and when the light and the element collide, the phosphorus fluoresces on its own.  We will light the dome with a blue-white violet glow to knock off gamma rays (they hate ultraviolet light and jump out of the way).  That might be quite a tourist attraction just to see the plant at night and all the lights that go on because of the glow of the dome and around the tower.

The web site does not have all this yet.  It might take awhile too put all this up to for many reasons we have to take care of first. 

Thank you for your time and interest over what is a very exciting prospect to re-electrify this world.

Ron Besser/inventor in case you did not know (smile).

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Online weydevu

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Re: is functionally open and live
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2022, 14:29:36 pm »
For those who are interested here is an address to a list of donors.


Online Ron Besser

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Re: is functionally open and live
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2022, 08:23:12 am »
Thank you Weydevu.

As a note to people like yourself Weydevu, please understand we are going to have to battle not only the weather bureau over this idea of WTP, but the mass of people who are going to be afraid of getting shots for Covid19 still, and afraid we transmit live electricity into the air and they are shocked to death if they bump into it.  God what sheep!

Donors,  I am learning are being really picky now and I do not blame them with all of the financial liars working the crowds like pickpockets to investors.  I am asking you Weydevu to stand down on your merits here so we can clear the air over what seems to be a developing trend to make fun of anything new.  I will not tolerate it further and I will say to you Weydevu you have done exactly what we asked all to do, but we are now facing a challenge not only from our fellow man, but from the RAYSON administration coming to Urantia, to see to this thing called WTP.

It has devolved Weydevu, that the record is showing that people do not believe it is possible.  OF course they did not believe television was possible either and for a great while RCA could not sell its little television receiver to anyone because it was a) too expensive; b) it was such a tiny screen.   I guess there was a c) too and that was the fear of atomic radiation.  God knows the problem with the minds of the average person when a new product is introduced.

However, Weydevu, to keep everybody happy let us just stand down until my Patent is issued with a number people can look up and read for themselves.  That will not stop the derision, but it will stop the IEEE from trying t o squelch an email I sent them yesterday outlining the request for the sequestration of their talents to help establish specifications and maintenance of a WTP electric plant we will build.   However, right now that email is no believed except I show nothing but division of faults not and simply state its abilities.  They will have to learn the hard way.  So good friend, you have done your work well on this, and now let it settle for now.

For the rest, we need some good donations as the patent work is expensive and the miles long to go to get this all together for production.  Please donate if you can and thank you for your prayers as well or instead.  We need all the support we can get as it will be a battle to find the millions we need, but the thousands we need now to operate  the registrations we have to go through to produce the patent on the ground. 

Thank you all, and a Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
Ron Besser
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania