Author Topic: LLUSA WEDNESDAY 31 JAN 2024  (Read 6343 times)

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« on: January 31, 2024, 15:37:15 pm »

In today´s Lightline we had AMADON as emcee and a surprise visit by

someone not heard of for some time: TANDYBORO.


Link to the recording with Lemuel as Host:

Offline Raz

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« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2024, 11:14:38 am »
  • 013124 Audio Tape Light Line; host: Lemuel; other transmitter: Ron Besser;
  • Subjects: discussion of all of the changes of past years and of our human doubt given all that has transpired, and board members needed for Magisterial Foundation and subsidiaries;
  • Speakers: Amadon, Tandyboro, Michael of Nebadon, Ron’s mother, Cabal, Monjoronson, and Master Force Organizer 407;
  • Transcribed By: RAZ ( I welcome corrections - just message me )
  • Link To Tape: 

Hello to all of you. And welcome to another Wednesday Light Line on today the last day of January 2024. This is Lemuel, your host and we have at the moment 15 on the call. So let us see if there is someone here who will act as our emcee for today's Light Line.

This is Amadon, Lemuel.

Oh, thank you, Amadon. You're so welcome. Thank you. Please go ahead when you're ready.

Thank you, Lemuel, thank you. I always enjoy coming in on a Light Line when I am available. And today I am. And it may just be that I will be the only one available for this Light Line. I don't know. It's possible that Michael of Nebadon can spare a few moments. I don't know. But everyone is so very busy behind the scenes, so to speak. I am aware, in fact, that is an air of well, doubt, I suppose would be the easiest word to describe. If not all of you, some of you. And this is understandable because of the constant changes that you are all fully aware of. Changes from moment to moment.

And we on our side accept that, of course, we understand that perfectly well. But of course, we see things that you cannot see, we know things that you cannot know. And we are unable to tell you those things that we know. And I'm sure you can understand that as well. But it doesn't diminish your doubt. And especially concerning your beloved Ron Besser, he has been at death's door for well, for too long. And there is this doubt that he will not or cannot be here much longer, even perhaps for another day or so. Who knows?

So of course you are all fully aware of that. And the question arises in your mind, understandably so. Well, if Ron goes, What? Can Dominick really take over? Is Dominick, really up to the grade, so to speak? Well, I know Dominick, and I can tell you that Dominick will do his utmost and his best. But also it stands to reason that he is not like Ron. We on our side, of course, will take that into consideration, as I must, if Ron has to go. And so, the whole balance of whether or not it will be possible to continue hoping for and employing human occupation through the Magisterial Foundation will remain to be seen.

In fact, the final decision on this should Ron have to leave will not be just Michael of Nebadon’s decision, it is the decision of course of the Magisterial Sons and then what about Jesus's mission so, I think the final decision will be made one way or the other will come from the Universal Father. Because in fact, as you have all been informed the Universal Father has given his full backing and support for the Magisterial Foundation and the future uses to which it has been planned to be put. So, this remains to be seen.

I doubt if all of you have had the opportunity to read the latest posting through Ron today and to read what Michael of Nebadon had to say. It is hard, it is tough but you need to know the truth of the situation as it is. No decision will be taken lightly. I am aware of the fact that the situation is very serious for many reasons. Your global situation with a number of different wars that are taking place at the moment and the talk of strategic nuclear strikes and all the rest of it is really an abomination. How can we from our side expect that you, all of you humans now on this discussion forum, on this Light Line, how can we expect you to continue hoping and believing with faith and trust in your hearts that you will one day see the Magisterial Missions up and running and the Regency set and started in the United States government. We can see that all these things are deeply embedded in your hearts hoping that they will all come to reality. And I can assure you we all do from our side.

I pause on it because Lemuel was mentioning something to me in the morontial and I will not I will not go to that. In fact, it is not really worth talking about that at the moment. So well for my part, this is Amadon. I have said what I wanted to say, what I think needed to be said. I would only ask you to continue. Keep on. Stay the course. Even though the course is so bumpy and difficult. In fact, what is the alternative? You can give up? Yes, of course you can throw in the towel but that is not why you are here is it? So, please stay the course. Thank you. This is Amadon and I bid you all: good day.

Well, thank you, Amadon. Thank you very much. Well, Amadon, are you staying as an emcee or.

I will stay for the moment. And for the moment, I can tell you that there's no one here.

All right. Well.

No, indeed, that there's no one here at the moment, Lemuel.

All right. And then, well yes, thank you. Yes, thank you, Amadon. The obvious thing to do now is, of course, is to go to Ron, because he's here. Thank goodness. And hopefully, Ron will have something to say. And so Ron, if you don't mind, I'm going to, I'm coming to you and I'm going to unmute you now.

Ron Besser  
Thank you, Lemuel, and Amadon it was a propitious speech. I thank you very much for making one. I do not have anyone in particular here Lemuel and I have been instructed for you to look inside that mind of yours and see if anyone is not lined up with the usual station to transmit but is transmitting more or less ad hoc. That means just receive whatever comes in Lemuel, give it a try. Let me open.

Alright. Excuse me. Excuse me, I beg your pardon. Well. Tandyboro.

Ron Besser  

Tandyboro. Wow. Well, welcome Tandyboro, in fact, if it is you.

Yes, indeed it is, Lemuel, and thank you for picking me up. Yes, indeed. I am Tandyboro and it has been some time since my name has been mentioned here or anywhere else for that matter. But nevertheless

Sorry. I must take a sip. Excuse me.

Yes, to continue, this is indeed Tandyboro. Well, let me remind you, my name was mentioned, oh, must have been two or three years ago. I think it might have been even before the supreme did what he did. Or before your lockdown because of the COVID pandemic. But well be that as it may it doesn't matter. But, yes, I was mentioned that, in fact, I would be a kind of stand-in or taken over, as a new spirit dare to, take over the responsibility of the Creative Spirit, Nebadonia. If you recall, because she had to evacuate, and leave. And you may have forgotten all about that and the whys and wherefores of it, but it's not necessary and I'm not going to waste time talking about it.

Suffice it to say, that it was my appointment, that I accepted, to do that, that is to say, to be a representative, to represent the Spirit of Creation, and the Spirit of Truth and indeed the Holy Spirit. And that was fine. But then, something else happened. Well, as you know, so many things have been changing constantly. And then it was mentioned that in fact, my appointment had been taken over by Archangel Matthew, do you remember? Perhaps some of you have already forgotten. Well, that indeed was the case. And so, for a while, Archangel Matthew took over the responsibility of representing or functioning as a representative of the new Creative Spirit, which included the Spirit of Truth and what is known and referred to as the Holy Spirit.

But what is the situation now? Well, what I am allowed to tell you is one thing, and what I am not allowed to tell you is something else. But there has been further changes all due to the changes that have taken place, because not of just what has taken place with the supreme but the new universe age, which was incorporated inaugurated rather on in August of 2020. Since then, so many things have come to light, so many things seem to be necessary that in fact, were missing before. Not just pertaining to the age of supreme, which in and of itself was a tremendous change of course. But that has also brought into the light so many other things which we could see were necessary to be updated and some got rid of entirely. So yes, as you say: a new broom, sweeps clean.

Well there have been several new brooms I can tell you and a certain amount of streamlining has taken place to; not just. Well, time is something else. I'm not going to talk about time because that is a factor that you all. No, I will not talk about time only to say that no pun intended, but the time that is necessary for all of you to progress substantially on your ascension journeys has increased, or it has speeded up rather. You have all been informed many times of your personality tags and that is to say in your modern jargon what makes you tick really, what is it really that makes you tick, what is your talent really, what is the number one of your personality tag and it is that which is now being concentrated on more than anything else.

Your Thought Adjusters' responsibilities are not increased in the true sense of the word. But their ability and their function has been enhanced because of this streamlining in fact, and they have much more control now, over your ascension journey without supremacy. There has also been an increase in the or an enhancement again I use the same word with, in fact, the Master Spirits. Suffice it to say that because of the demise of the supreme so many other factors have been brought to light so, many things, so, many changes have been identified as being necessary and they have already been taking place as far as possible.

All that taken into consideration brings us to the present state of events which in fact no one could have really foreseen to the extent that it is now that is to say the actual state of events globally is as it is and it is deplorable. So, no matter how many more changes are taking place. No matter how many times we streamline your ascension journeys etc etc. The bottom line is how much longer are you going to be here, that is any of you, given the state that the world is in. Now, you've heard from Michael, you must know the truth, it is hard. But I am not here to instill fear into you. In fact, you have overcome greatly the effect that fear has on you, otherwise, you wouldn't be here. You are far superior as far as fear is concerned or the control of fear than many others of your brothers and sisters.

I can tell you, yes, I have just been given permission, I can tell you a full nuclear war will not, will not be allowed to take place. And we are still doing all we can to ensure that those who are thinking of the probability that it is necessary for a strategic nuclear attack, that their minds can be changed. Well, this is Tandyboro. I am delighted to have slipped in so to speak after such a long time without having the opportunity to speak to any of you about anything. I have said enough, and perhaps I will have an opportunity to speak to you all again. I hope so. You are all well known, all of you and so greatly loved and admired. I am Tandyboro. I leave now. Thank you, Lemuel. And I bid you all: good day.

Thank you Tandyboro. Thank you so much. Well, that was a pleasure indeed.

Well, this is Amadon, Lemuel. And yes, what a surprise. To me, that was a surprise also. And yes. Well, there is still no one here, Lemuel. So I suggest you go back to Ron, and see if he has anything to say again. Thank 

Well, thank you, Amadon. I shall do that. Thank you. I can see you're still unmuted Ron, please go ahead.

Ron Besser  
Yes, thank you. I mention to the audience, that there has been an evolution of the name of Tandyboro from Tandybrook. If that sounds familiar to you, that is an evolution to Tandyboro whom we heard from now, and thank you Tandyboro for what I consider a kindness and care that we are continuing to hear something of news from the Spirit side. Thank you Tandyboro.

Thank you, Ron, I wish to continue with you, Ron. You have written down on your paper. Know the truth. It is hard.

Ron Besser  
Yes. I wanted to remind myself Tandyboro that that is a particular line from your lecture that is somatic for much of this Light Line. Do you wish to speak?

Yes, I do, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Then, please go ahead, Tandyboro. You're most welcome. Thank you.

This is Tandyboro to a higher level that Lemuel has trouble reaching. Ron is what we would call the expert these days on the ability to reach the whole way to Paradise and even some groups there that normally do not transmit.

Master Force Organizers 
We are the Master Force Organizers Ron.

Ron Besser
And Master Force Organizer and to those in general, I have in mind right now, a very stubborn voice that denigrates, please understand, I do not. That is a voice that is alien to me. Thank you. Go ahead. Is it Master Force Organizer?

Master Force Organizer 407
Yes. 407.

Ron Besser
Welcome four oh seven. Please go ahead.

Master Force Organizer 407
Thank you, Ron, we take it into consideration. The truth of the matter is that the cabal or the insurrectionists that are around you, Ron are determined to make a mess of you. When you sit and talk to Dominick, in the evenings, with the missions, being present to you in about three to four hours of transmitting, he is unaware of your fight with the cabal, and that you must constantly ward against it. We are aware of it now and hear the voicing and we agree with you. It must be removed. For that reason, then, Ron, please stay the course while we adjust the mind.

Ron Besser
Folks, give me a moment of silence, please. One moment. It is done. I feel no difference.

Master Force Organizer 407
Thank you, Ron.

Ron Besser
Except for a slight brightness.

Master Force Organizer 407

Ron Besser
I don't feel like I'm plowing snow quite as hard. Thank you.

Master Force Organizer 407
That voicing is removed.

Ron Besser
We are deeply grateful. Thank you, Master Force Organizer.

Master Force Organizer 407
Thank you, Ron. I am now prepared to tell you something to this audience: I doubt you really understand. Ron looked at the missions this morning and wrote out a post he did not post. In it is a contradiction in terms and Ron pointed it out. Michael wants the Missions to go. The cabal wishes to hit Ron and others in the Missions so they can't go. Ron says:

Ron Besser
I will stay the course. But they have impersonated me and done other things they should never do and causes confusion. I am never after anyone for doing something I didn't approve. That's not my nature. My nature is that I take responsibility for what I do. I do not particularly mind what others do. For that reason, ladies and gentlemen, let me warn you about something. Think about it. It's nothing you can do about it. But think about it. There now have been brought on to the playing field, five different spirit agencies on Urantia each of which complain about the other.

I as the Magisterial Foundation with my board. Do not hesitate to criticize the lack of reform required by the Urantia Foundation. But that is their business. I make no move other than to point out, reform is essential. Why? Already they cannot deal with a new Epochal Revelation. I'm sorry. Also, they do not understand that the Second Return is not closed off people. It's just that the schedule according to Jesus is not right. We must understand and this is my point of view, that there is nothing a man can do, whether he has a foundation or not to bring about peace between the various agencies in spirit land.

We are facing with the Magisterial Foundation the fact that we are brought under the aegis, that is under the rule of the Mechizedeks of Nebadon and Dominion. Yes, both. I am proud. I am grateful. I wish them to continue. It is very hard. But I insist to the point that a man can that they stay with us and we will be loyal to their dictates. Furthermore, Michael of Nebadon lectured me this morning. I have not put it up. That the entire issue concerning the Magisterial Foundation is now established. That is His authority, not the Foundation's without His authority.

 Manituba Melchizedek, Mantutia Melchizedek, Machiventa Melchizedek, Sen-Sen the Magisterial Son, Holden the Magisterial Son, Monjoronson the Magisterial Son, and Serara, the Magisterial Son, have complained that the Magisterial Foundation is not sufficient for what they need to do as a mission. I would like it to be understood from Ron, we know that. We are not asking to be assigned as the mission but to prepare things that man can do best without assigning us authority as a mission.

Please understand, I stand that way today. I am not looking for power. I'm looking for service. I will not subscribe to the idea that I take over everything. What I do do is I ask others to join the Magisterial Foundation where the greatest audience is. You do not have to bend to any schedule other than a Light Line schedule. And finally, this to the Urantia Foundation. As far as I'm concerned, you can go through another two centuries. It's fine with me. But I will not cotton to you fooling around with the Fifth Epochal Revelation by rewriting portions of it to reissue. That's not your place. Please get off it. Further, the Sixth Epochal Revelation is already in the can. That is, as the film producers used to say: the movie is ready to go to the theaters. So is the Sixth Epochal Revelation but the Magisterial Foundation has not received it. That is all I can tell you.

And finally this as Ron: I am not going to play the game. You catch up if you can get my voice. No. I am beginning to think that we must publish to the internet, a news agency that outlines the proposed Second Return and the mercy Missions from the Eternal Son to see to it that Urantia reestablishes a God-centered life. I will not prepare anything without the approval of the Melchizedeks. I have placed our board (and) myself under the care and ownership of the Magisterial Foundation to the Melchizedeks of Nebadon and Dominion. I am at their service, as is the Magisterial Foundation. I want to make it clear that helps every one of you because our information is filtered by the Melchizedeks to make sure what you do here is accurate. I now turn this over from myself to you, Michael. If there is anything you would like to address. Please go ahead, Michael, if you will.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you, Ron. You are my commander at times. I see to it that the entire matter of what is to be produced is through the Magisterial Foundation. Others are welcome to join. If and when you join with the Magisterial Foundation, with your own schedules. You will be apprised of what you can do as transmitters and organizations, not in or of the Magisterial Foundation, but of your own choosing. Ron has made it clear, that's always been his approach. But that you must accept one discipline. You must schedule as the Magisterial Foundation asks you do your Light Line approaches or transmission approaches so they do not conflict with each other for what is already five Light Lines every week for your service on this particular phone circuit. And finally, this to you, Ron, and to the people who are your boards.

Ron Besser  
I remind you the board of directors for the Magisterial Foundation is George Meyer, Dominick Ohrbeck, Elise van Ruth, Steven Gitz, and myself. For all of you. There are five other subsidiaries that need boards. Do you hear me? We need boards. But I'm not going to assign any who volunteers until I hear from you and you explain to me why you should be on the board of directors of any particular corporation we have to work with. There are five more without boards. The current board of directors for the Magisterial Foundation oversees the other five right now.

I am dead serious. We will have the best library of materials of the 20th and the portion of the 21st century we can gather and that is for people hundreds of years from now, to see how this developed and from their perspective how what they see is produced. That is a corporation that needs a board right away. If you have a good reason to be interested, let me know. I will not name a board just yet. But when I do if your name is resplendent on why you want to join the board, I will accept it and appoint you.

And finally this: when I do appointments, that is with the already present approval of the Planetary Prince and our chairman of the board, Manituba Melchizedek. I have assigned the ownership of the Magisterial Foundation, not to man, but to God. The Melchizedeks represent it and are my chairman and your chairman of the Magisterial Foundation. Finally, with the approval of Michael, I speak this: as Ron Besser, my life is threatened daily by what is a continuing paralysis that moves up from my lower legs now into my chest. It will kill me in days if I'm not careful. The truth of the matter is, Father may let it go that way. I have no sign. But in all honesty

Michael of Nebadon  
Please understand that the individual that left Ron is no friend of yours and is disgusted with the invocation. I am fully assigned to that individual a disrepair. That was individual number 21 today. And finally this, Ron. We are not closing this Light Line down because it must go back to Lemuel.

Ron Besser  
Lemuel, I'm going to turn this back to you. But don't close it down. When you are finished with your ministrations. Please turn it back to me because Michael wishes to announce something quite new. So Lemuel, go ahead and take it for now. Thank you.

Thank you, Ron. Thank you very much. Well, I only wish to say that. Well, I think you know, I have not been well recently, and I've had a I've had a bad day today. But I was determined to, you know, to try and hold the Light Line. And in fact, I'm quite pleased with what has taken place so far. But at the moment, I'm not, what I want. Yes, yes. In fact, Amadon is here and he wants to say something. I'll say all right, Amadon. Please go ahead. I'm sorry. I forgot that you were still here.

That's all right, Lemuel. This is Amadon. Yes, I'm still here. And it is no one else anyway wanting to come to say a few words, to say when to say anything on the Light Line. So for my part, I'm just grateful that Lemuel had the determination to hold the Light Line. Because it has been a very interesting one, as you are all now fully aware of and maybe that is still something of great interest to follow. And so Lemuel as far as I'm concerned, you can do your goodbyes and say farewell, and then hand it back to to Ron, as he indicated earlier, all right, so this is Amadon. And I'm signing off for now. And I say thank you. And I bid you all a very good day. Thank you.

All right. Well, thank you, Amadon, so much. Thank you. All right. Well, so I say thank you to Amadon. And I want to say a big thank you also, to Tandyboro. That was a really tremendous surprise that He was able to come and I was able to pick Him up and for him to tell us in fact, what He did, which I thought was very interesting, indeed. And thank you to Ron, of course, and thanks to Michael of Nebadon, who is speaking through Ron, and perhaps will continue to do so. So for my part, I am done. But I will not close the Light Line. I think that was the instruction of Ron, I just hand it back to him. If it was his intention for me to close. Just to stop the recording, then I will. So I'm a bit uncertain. So Ron, what would you like me to do now?

Ron Besser  
Just pass it to me, Lemuel.

Okay, Ron, I thought that was what you indicated. So thank you all again, for those who attended. And hopefully, there will be another Light Line again next Wednesday, which will be the I think it's the seventh of February. So until then, good night. Good afternoon, or goodbye, and take care of yourselves. And God bless. Thank you.

Ron Besser  
Okay. Thank you, Lemuel.

Ron, thank you.

Ron Besser  
Thank you very much, Lemuel. The attention we must pay to, first of all, I will shut it down Lemuel when I'm done here.

Michael of Nebadon  
And, further, Ron, we are not going to allow this speech to go on interminably. But I need about 15 minutes. So beware, if you have something you got to do, it won't insult the Creator Son to do it. You are welcome to go if you wish. It's this. I am Michael of Nebadon. And Ron, you are making just fine contact. The truth of the matter is you have been slightly sealed off from the heat of two individuals from the Urantia Foundation that find this a circus. They're staying the course. But not for long if you insist on perturbing the Urantia Foundation for what is now goodwill toward you. The individual who left in a huff is none other than the chief. He is not welcome as long as he performs the duty of seeing over a Foundation that has no real input. I'm sorry, but that is what has caused this ruffle.

I am the Creator Son. I am Michael of Nebadon. You tend not to give me that honor, Urantia Foundation based on the rough idea that I consider it blasphemous to issue a new Urantia Book with your changes in it. Shame on you. And finally this: the entire matter concerning the Magisterial Foundation is not your problem Foundation. The Urantia Foundation is already derelict in one important matter. It cannot seem to gather the forces to change its attitude enough to ask Ron or any of its board to hear your complaints and assign you to work with them. You have not even broached it. That is a sign of failure of statehood.

And finally this: as Michael of Nebadon, Ron, I want it to be known that the trial of the pain, paralysis, and whatever else is developing with you is achieved not through you but through the focal forces of individuals who should not be involved. That is being shut off. The focal forces are not from the Master Spirits, Ron. But from a hive. Yes, like bees, from a hive on Uversa. That is shut down. Once it's shut down, Ron, you will feel quite normal. Fully, he just said thank you. I want it to be known please I have nothing against the Urantia Foundation or any of its subsidiaries like UAI based on performances. But I do take serious issue with the Urantia Foundation and its inability to hear its readership. Ron looked at it with me this morning and said the Hispanic translation is very poor. But you did your best. That's all we request. But then the Hispanic educators turn around and are making it into a cult of unusual release to personages mentioned in the Urantia Book and not through evolutionary religion. You have no idea what they're doing. We're going to shut it down.

And finally the entire matter concerning the Magisterial Foundation … … … … of the CIA.

Ron Besser
This is Ron. I don't like how this is going. I am questioning the bona fides of this transmission. Michael, may I ask your permission?

Michael of Nebadon  
You certainly may Ron. It is not bonafide. It is not from the Father or Paradise. But from Uversa and the hive. They will not transmit further.

Ron Besser  
I thank you, Michael. I don't know how to erase what you just heard. But attempt it. Let's start again, please.

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael of Nebadon. Ron, thank you. I was waiting for your call. Some of it is useful. Yes, as discussed before, thank you, but no longer possible.

Ron Besser  
Ladies and gentlemen, please bear with Ron. I have seen in my mind a huge paper page turned over to my left and nearly a blank page staring me in the face and then saying to Ron, now read it. I can't. There's nothing on it. Michael, may I appeal to you?

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you, Ron. I could expect the best from you and I just got it. That page Ron is not for you to read. I refuse to give the revelation of what I intend to do until the benefactor of Lucifer is removed. And I mean removed from Urantia. The brief picture you got was Mine to give. And I nearly forgot to until you retrieved it on your own. And for you Ron, congratulations. That is the prerogative of Gabriel and he filled in nicely.

Ron Besser  
We thank you, Gabriel.

Thank you, Ron.

Michael of Nebadon  
Now this: I have about five minutes more for you. I am announcing today that the entire spiritual missions to Urantia through the United States is still valid. But we are going to establish a second center in the EU. Ron, you should be there. You should work with Elise. Find a building, open offices, and call yourselves whatever the French word is for Magisterial. And we will call it in the French the Magisterial Foundation as your plaque to operate, Elise. Do not get upset Elise. Stay calm. We don't need a nervous Andy. We need solid both feet on the ground. Ron will be there to help you.

And fully this to you Dominick: Ron is going to be asked to travel along with your travels. We are making it available because of their need to travel the size of a 737 at a local airport about five miles from Ron. He knows it as Thomasville. It can handle the 737. That is our aircraft though. And it will fly back and forth to the EU and to various places in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The plane is permanently assigned to Thomasville, they will travel frequently. And finally to all of you: you do not have that luxury. But when we establish the offices in York, Pennsylvania, come see us. We'll be glad to entertain you.

And finally this from all of us from the Salvington government: Thank you. Thank you. We appreciate your support, even the Foundation and if we can get that fellow back, he should be thanked too, for having the bravery to listen. And finally this: you Ron are not going to overcome the disease. You're going to overcome my distraction with your care for others, and let things alone for good. I am making it impossible to be away from those offices that you need to address further. Furthermore, no, it's not cabal. Ron, thank you. The entire matter of 2709 Sunset Lane will be addressed in another post to you, Ron.

You decide whether you wish to share it. Ron, you're making a point to me that you have taken two posts on my views that you have not posted and the reason was length. I will overcome my objection to length Ron again when we have something to say. Thank you, Ron. Thank you, everybody, for attending to a postscript to the Lemuel Wednesday Light Line. And accept that you Ron will shut down the Wednesday Light Line on behalf of Lemuel because of this additional speech, but before I go, listen to this. I have determined through this Light Line, Ron, there is no one but you who knows, how do I put this, the levers that this requires to make contacts for buildings? Most of you couldn't do it if you were asked to. Elise, you can do it, but remove your fainting spells. Be strong. You, Dominick, be strong. And Ron, you are always strong.

Ron Besser’s mother 
I say this to you, Ron.

Michael of Nebadon
That's your mother.

Ron Besser
I'm getting a picture of my mother. She's deceased for about 11 years.

Ron Besser’s mother
Thank you, Ron. This is your mother, Ron. I am forbidding anyone to say anything against you with my help. I left you a property. You are living in it well, and giving succor to anyone who asks. I now advise you that my change of heart brings with it a change to 2709. You are free to move and the place can remain as is if you give it to Dana's.

Ron Besser
Yes, mother, over my dead body. But let's talk about it. This is cabal?

Ron Besser’s mother
No, Ron, this is your mother.

Ron Besser
The truth of the matter is they do not deserve it.

Ron Besser’s mother
I do not think so. And I am fully aware why. But Dana and her circumstances are to change vividly in about a month or so. I leave it to you and your imagination. Why do I ask you?

Ron Besser
You've got me. And I'm sorry, folks, my audience. This is personal family stuff. It will end as quickly as I can get out from under it.

Ron Besser’s mother
This is your mother, Ron, and I leave chastised.

Ron Besser
Thank goodness. We never do see eye to eye. In any case, everybody. Thank you very much for attending for the extra little session. And I ask you Michael, is there anything final you would like to say?

Michael of Nebadon
Yes, Ron. You have just changed the world. There is no longer need for you to attend any sector of what she suggests. They are done. You are done. The Magisterial Foundation is not. I have something important to tell you, Ron, this: you contacted the Senate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, announcing that there is a patent for free electricity for the Susquehanna Valley to use. You asked them to comment. They have not and will not. They consider you not a fraud, but a dreamer. They are not going to reply. For that reason, Ron, you have done what I asked you to; make an offer to man to supply the means, and welfare of the people of Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland, and Virginia. One tower will take care of those states. But they have refused to reply. For that reason, then we say to the Magisterial Sons. What do you wish Magisterial Sons?

I am Monjoronson, Ron.

Ron Besser  
We welcome you, Monjoronson. Please go ahead.

Thank you. I am now confining my remarks, not to your mother but to the Magisterial Foundation. The truth of the matter is, I want to use it. So does Serara, Sen-Sen, and Hanson. We will. The building to be chosen is not the bank. But a L-shaped building not, but a little colonial building, still standing in the square. It will be the Magisterial Foundation and we welcome it and you, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Thank you.

Our agencies will buy it. That's all we'll say. Furthermore, to you, Ron, the fixer-upper that you live in right now is not to be demolished but to be repaired. We will advise. And finally to the audience: the Magisterial Foundation is now a fixture in the planetary government not but in the Regency that we will call our Missions to Urantia. Thank you, everybody, and good day. Ron's looking at the fact

Ron Besser  
Lemuel. Are you still there?

I'm still here, Ron. I’m still here.

Ron Besser  
I've got a little problem. You have the control, I don't.

Yes. Yes.

Ron Besser  
Would you do the honor of shutting us down, please? Thank you, Lemuel, and bye-bye.

Bye-bye, Ron. Thank you. All right. Well, I've already said goodbye. So I'll say goodbye just once more. And hope to see you all again next Wednesday. So until then, God bless.

Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)