Author Topic: ARTHURA. The Meaning of Respect. V2 L49 12.04.22  (Read 11331 times)

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Offline Dominick O

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ARTHURA. The Meaning of Respect. V2 L49 12.04.22
« on: December 04, 2022, 18:12:24 pm »
The Meaning of Respect
Vol 2 Lesson 49
Sun, 12/4/2022 York, PA, United States
Transmitter Teacher(s): ARTHURA
Receiver(s): Dominick O
I am very interested in the creations of the Master Universe from the FATHER, CONSUMATOR NUMBER SIX, by many titles.  You are my cousins because we share Personality.  Now, the FATHER is the Bestower of Personality, but as I have said before, and I say again, He is not the Originator of Personality.  This is true because of the revelation of Personality outside of the boundaries of the Master Universe of the Universal Father’s Creation.  I am your cousin, bound by our shared and common aspect of personality association. It is a precious thing. Station, rank, and duty often dictate how personalities may interact, especially if they are vastly separated in evolution. But courtesy and favor are granted by those who properly respect Personality.
The expression, the Father is no respecter of personalities, is true because the Father is functioning as that respecter within you. Not externally in something to appeal to. Rather to listen within and share the self-respect of the Father bestowed upon you, within. In this sense, I personally, find this phenomenon fascinating to perceive the myriad expressions of Father-personalities. The species is no guarantee. Humanhood does not equate to such bestowal. Your Ascension scheme is your respecter of your personality and is not interested in your momentary appeals for favor, material wants, emotions and relational politics. Such relations are the day-to-day, moment-to-moment, and lifetimes of the Personalities of the Universes. And are therefore, subject to Will, Evolution, Law, and Deity.
The folly of Rebellion exists in the misapplication of Will upon Evolution, via the Law, in an attempt to replace the unknowable Deities by those rebelling.  When we speak of Reality, this is the hard-wiring of your personal realities to strive to know and discover the Deities.  The Ascension Scheme is the Deity Adventure.  Read between the lines of what I say unto you and know the truth of Governance amongst yourselves. Help from “above” is upon you, but remains silent and invisible until you do, but not unknowable.  I am ARTHURA.  Good day.

Offline weydevu

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Re: ARTHURA. The Meaning of Respect. V2 L49 12.04.22
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2022, 12:41:07 pm »
To Ron or Dominick:

In light of this statement.
Now, the FATHER is the Bestower of Personality, but as I have said before, and I say again, He is not the Originator of Personality.  This is true because of the revelation of Personality outside of the boundaries of the Master Universe of the Universal Father’s Creation.
Can one of you elaborate on this because it is a new revelation for me and I don't recalled reading it as ARTHURA pointed out. I always assumed how Father fragmented Himself to share with the children of the Grand Universe and eventually the  Master Universe that He did the same with personality as well. So is this a joint act of origination of personality in Hyper-Infinity? Dominick can you refer me to what Vol.#  & Lesson# I can locate what ARTHURA said about this in the past? Thank you.


Offline Dominick O

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Re: ARTHURA. The Meaning of Respect. V2 L49 12.04.22
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2022, 13:23:55 pm »
Hi Weydevu,
Dominick here and thanks for the question. below is a transmission taken. And a quick glance of my archives pointed to these two posts:

As far as we are concerned, The FATHER is the Originator of Personality within His Master Universe of His Creation.  The Revelation is the fact of Personality existing, and therefore, pre-existing, outside and previous to, the Master Universe itself.  You were previously revealed about the Master Universe and its containment therein. The Mystery pertains to the I AM. These are existential questions, not, as I must explain myself and My presence and representation here. Imagine water in cup and the amount of drops of water it took to fill it.  Where did the water come from or exist in as different forms in different places?

[Training Invitation] ARTHURA. Service Operation and Co-operation 09.04.22 (

Service Operation and Co-operation
Sun, 9/4/2022 York, Pa, United States
Transmitter Teacher(s): ARTHURA
Receiver(s): Dominick O
Audio Link (11m)

This is Arthura. I would like to be known as, or referred to as, Arthura, today, to represent the fact I get through to transmit through the Personality Circuit. And this is how I will associate with any of you. It is the reason I respond to however you pronounce my name. I remind you, speaking plurally, I remind you all, one of my enjoying work tasks is to bring out what are your strengths in you, set it free and prove it, identify it. You have enough problems getting in your own way, self-censoring yourselves, having such fear of what others will think, family, friends, the gallery. And one of the more appealing experiences of spiritual living, religious and spiritual experience, is the experience of having those fears melt away, and be a non-factor and insignificant in the grand scheme of things in your life, life in general. But it also does not put food on the table. So, we come back to the keyword, or root of a word, and that is operation. Because that bridges this gap between religious, spiritual experience and putting food on the table.
Whether you are spirit or mostly material there needs this experience of living that requires operation and co-operation. In this sense, I Arthura, help you identify how you operate, without judgment. And the fruits of our co-operation, help you in your operation, and then obviously help in your future co-operation. And this is a little bit different than the ministry of angels and seraphic aids who are working mysteriously in tandem with your Thought Adjusters to forge a soul. My work is a little bit different, in that I am tasked with crafting a team and staff for any human participation in the Missions. In this sense I both train you, vet you, and present you for service.
You do not pray to Me You pray to Father. You pray with Michael and Jesus. But I, Arthura, am one of these first legs of a journey you are asked to participate in if you expect to meet the requisite of transmission ability. And this subject has been quite a bugaboo, but I am here in service to help you develop that ability as your own. So, that you feel you are able to receive Our input, to petition for Our input, and defer to Spirit when you work with and for Spirit in these Missions. In an organization where your operation is essential, and your co-operation is essential. Speak the words that flow into your mind. This is an art form of transmission. It is not a science in your experience. It is more akin to an art form that will take practice, relationship and other things, such as your willingness to co-operate with me in the Personality Circuit. You may connect with me in so much as you petition to have someone else be designated for your training. Just understand I co-operate in that as well.

I will stop here. This is unusually short, I suppose. But the message is clear, is it not? I am here as Arthura, and part of My participation in the Missions is to present you suitable for service. Good day and thank you for reading and listening. And furthermore, for allowing yourself to participate. Good day.

Personality, Experience, and Infinity. ARTHURA. V2 L44 (

Personality, Experience, and Infinity
V2 L 44
Sun, Oct 16, 2022, York, PA, United States
Transmitter Teacher(s): ARTHURA
Receiver(s): Dominick O
Audio Link (12m)
This is Arthura I find it peculiar to witness those endowed with a piece of a fellow - well not fellow - the piece of a Consummator. That you know as Consummator Number Six, the Father of All. That it is difficult for you, but I empathize if that is possible, with your plight. And it is one of the benefits of contributing to this Master Universe of a Consummator, which is a very creative part of Hyper Infinity. You wonder how with such ease I was able to integrate with your kind through a vehicle, if you will, of say, Personality. And we remind you Consummator Six, the Father of All, gifts Personality and gifts Will. And these are hyper infinite attributes. Potentials born out of Hyper Infinity, phased down to Infinity, and then phased down further into the Paradise Trinity. First, Second and Third Sources of, essentially, Consummator Number Six.
We left off the record it's quite a “personality-party” out there, yes, indeed. Which brings us to the point of what you might describe as a lesson or information shared today. Something to think about and give meaning to the day and beyond. That is, what does the universe create? And we mean universe by, what does the Father of All create, through everything we just spoke to? And that is, how is it possible to experience anything? In order to experience, what needs to be in place for some thing, any thing to experience? Well, the answer is something is transformed into someone. And once something becomes someone, that someone, can begin to attain and retain, experience.
Attaining experience is the living experience of the personality. For example, you as an Ascender attain experience, your ascension-slash-salvation mechanisms allow you to retain it. Furthermore, it is not a forced retention, it is a free-will retention. It is a choice to retain your personhood, through your will, to continue to experience. Believe it or not, we remind you, not all Ascenders choose to retain and continue to attain experience as a personality. If you find this concept absurd it's likely an indicator that you are not going to choose to extinguish yourself that way. You are likely to choose to retain your experience and personality and choose to ascend. Furthermore, you can almost, in a sense, reverse the attaining, this choice. Almost like a current of energy, alternating current or energy flow of ascension. And that would be to begin to ascend while still in the flesh. And that would be attaining, not just experience, but assimilating your experience to spiritual advancement and attainment with this Source within you. And all this does is make your personality more real, as they say.
For those of Us outside of the Master Universe with a Hyper Infinity origin. You might imagine those in creation of this master universe of Consummator Number Six, that are so endowed with a piece of this Consummator. Who has downgraded his Consummator status, so to speak, into the Father status of Infinity. In other words, Hyper Infinity to Infinity, and then Infinity to First Source Trinity. That We from Hyper Infinity appreciate the creatures within the Master Universe who are endowed with this Consummator. And those who are created within the Master Universe who have rebelled against the reality of the Master Universe. And furthermore, are not endowed with a piece of this Infinite Source,
they are not as real as you, in the destiny of retaining their experience. And that is like the rest of you, the possibility of expanding to outer space zones. Which are closer and closer to the borders of the Master Universe and Hyper Infinity. Where you may discover personality exists even at those levels.
In fact, you just did.
It boggles my mind, Arthura and at the same time it's almost nonplussed because it's so matter of fact and seemingly unbelievable that we're even talking.
Yes. But there is no other way beyond fiat experience at your stage. And the Father has provided multiplicity of ways and an individualized gift, even with a unification of the experience. And from Our perspective We are encouraged about Consummator Number Six’s adventure here. Through worship and wisdom, worship and prayer, and relationship and love. Which is really one of the best harmonics of reality that originates in Hyper Infinity as well. We will stop it there. When we get into these terms you start to doubt, and think you are tossing word salad about. So, we'll stop here and let you get on with your day. I bid everyone a good day through the personality of Arthura.

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Re: ARTHURA. The Meaning of Respect. V2 L49 12.04.22
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2022, 10:33:28 am »
Thank you Dominick for that answer.  Personality just gets deeper and deeper, I understand the Father is the Originator of personality inside the Master Universe of his own creation.  Outside of the Master Universe hmmm.


Online Ron Besser

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Re: ARTHURA. The Meaning of Respect. V2 L49 12.04.22
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2022, 15:59:30 pm »
 Weydevu, permit me to provide a different approach to this amazing revelation of Arthura through Dominick.  Dominick states it correctly again through Arthura's prompting.

Do you remember in the Urantia Book how the I AM processed through the Infinitude?  Very simply put I remind you:  I AM was tasked to establish the reality of future life in what a master universe should contain.  Reality has many definitions by man, but in this case, the I AM configured what it was like for us to live with.  The main thing to recall in this exercise of selecting the parts that would make reality up was he created the situation where he could materialize matter and produce life and that those things would obey what reality told it to do.

All of those elements that created the reality I AM wish to promulgate were floating around in this endless infinitude, and in that sense, almost everything pre-existed for him to choose from.  Personality is a mystery to me Weydevu and I am very careful not to get tangled up in where it comes from, but please recall I am willing to be the I AM selected the means to bestow personality out of the Infinitude.

What Arthura is telling you, is that many of the elements in the Infinitude were prerequisites for eternal recognition.  What that means is the I AM had to make sure once these elements were put into place they have to work every time all the time and eternally, even beyond time.  Please try to fit that into your brain, as I AM did not selected everything in the Infinitude.  He took only what the Master Universe was to do and provide its life in the future when he later became the First Source and Center, and then the FATHER to the ETERNAL SON and Parent with the Son of the INFINITE SPIRIT.  I remind you too this side view:  When he Personalized the Eternal Son,  PARADISE itself instantly appeared with the Eternal Son. 

The First Source and Center did that, but the I AM selected the means to do it out of the Infinitude which is sort of a bank with all reality of reality choices sit for selection. 

We then must allow Arthura a comment on this:

ARTHURA - "My goodness I had forgotten all of this put together by the Master Spirits so Mantutia when putting the Urantia Book together for publication, could show time beings how the EXISTENTIAL and even more than Existential, I AM designed Master Universe reality from the elements of super infinity from the Infinitude.   What I must configure just a little different Ron is that there are not Infinitudes lurking around to do that, but Consummator Six (FATHER) had access to an Infinitude at the behest of the YHWH (Yahweh) at the pinnacle of  hyperinfinity, and that is not an operator or an inconcussable attribute of Master Universe infinity.

"What I must say is I caught "hell" for introducing this lesson at all, but Ron rightly carries it proudly as a marvelous religious care of myself to explain that the attribute of personality, especially to Urantians, is that Urantia Personality is without precedence except on certain phases of the Havona experiment on high.  For that reason I now lay back and allow this revelation not die, but become part of the selection of how the 5th epochal revelation explains the promulgation of reality through the Infinitude.  It is a handy invention by the First Revelatory Corp made up of Mantutia Melchizedek, Myself, and six ARCHANGELS and twelve (12) Seraphic Graduates from Seraphington.   Today all of the form the 3rd Revelatory Commission. 

"Ron always wanted to know who was on that Commission the Sadlers worked with and now you know pretty much all we can say, [Ron here - Weydevu think.  If Arthura was from hyperinfinity and on that Commission inside the revelatory process - can you extrapolate the possibility that hyperinfinity Counsel was on that Commission too?  That is, more than just Arthura?  think about it.)  And for that reason Ron I let this lie even further because you dig well without forcing it. 

"I only have this to say to all of you:  eat and be merry for the end of Christmas does not come, but the truth of Christmas becomes quite evident in months not, weeks not, but days in all probability.  ARTHURA."

Thank you Santy.  And we stand in awe as usual with what has been done for us.  Cheers to all of you too.


Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: ARTHURA. The Meaning of Respect. V2 L49 12.04.22
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2022, 10:53:27 am »
Thanks Ron , that was enlighten. It appears to be more life in the Infinitude and Hyperinfinity than we realized. To know that there are a number of eternal files to pick from just for the Master Universe and only the Father knows what's after that.

In this statement you or Arthura uses the term Yahweh:       
   but Consummator Six (FATHER) had access to an Infinitude at the behest of the YHWH (Yahweh) at the pinnacle of  hyperinfinity, and that is not an operator or an inconcussable attribute of Master Universe infinity.

I know Yahweh was a biblical Deity for the Jews and still is I suppose, Can you explain His position as the pinnacle of hyperinfinity and how Moses came about His Name?  Thank you.


Offline Dominick O

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Re: ARTHURA. The Meaning of Respect. V2 L49 12.04.22
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2022, 11:11:38 am »
For me personally, this subject has clarified the meaning of Controller. The FATHER as Infinite Controller.  Controller of what, Hyper-Infinity?

0.2.12 1. God the Father - Creator, Controller, and Upholder. The Universal Father, the First Person of Deity.

0.2.13 2. God the Son - Co-ordinate Creator, Spirit Controller, and Spiritual Administrator. The Eternal Son, the Second Person of Deity.

0.4.13 Paradise is not a creator; it is a unique controller of many universe activities, far more of a controller than a reactor. Throughout the material universes Paradise influences the reactions and conduct of all beings having to do with force, energy, and power, but Paradise itself is unique, exclusive, and isolated in the universes. Paradise represents nothing and nothing represents Paradise. It is neither a force nor a presence; it is just Paradise.

Online Ron Besser

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Re: ARTHURA. The Meaning of Respect. V2 L49 12.04.22
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2022, 12:52:02 pm »
 Weydevu, YHWH is the original spelling per the scholars on this particular subject.  IT is meant to be pronounceable, and that is to indicate to the early Hebrews, the face of God is too sacred to use a word for it.  The hyperinfinity subject is rife with insecure writing on my part just because it is so far beyond my ability to describe the controlling Deification of the source of Hyperinfinity.  I also see you are not able to grasp this and for that reason I am very careful to tell you this:

"YHWH is what I adopted to show my respect for this conversion of thought of the might and power of what lies beyond even an INFINITE Master Universe.  Hyperinfinity Weydevu exceeds spirit.  It exceeds materialization,  IT is the ordered Creation of the Infinitude itself.  YHWH is unpronounceable, and that idea of not being able to speak it is resident even in the CONSUMMATORS OF UNIVERSE DESTINY.  Our FATHER, as you correctly related, is a CONSUMMATOR, but that is only to label the FATHER INFINITE as it is written and discussed in the Urantia Book.  The writer of that Paper concerning the Infinitude, actually makes the statement that the Father exceeds infinity, and it is to the idea of Hyperinfinity we assign what it means to be more than Infinity itself. 

You are not asked to try to understand even a cursory explanation as I offer it here.  I admit my inadequacy to talk about, but I do for one important reason to me:  the philosophical problem of what to do with perfection of everything?  What do you use if for?  Think about that Weydevu.  If everyone is perfect there are no courts, there are no broken relationships ever, and no one can tell you what is wrong with you because there is nothing wrong ever with a perfect being.  But Hyperinfinity explains something to us:  The existence of Hyperinfinity actually tells us what to do with perfection.  Since we do not know what Master Universe Infinity means to us in the future, how then does understanding the appearance of the FATHER INFINITE tells us what to do about perfection as participating in a universe with a Hyper-infinite core?  That is why the FATHER did not like me to introduce the concept and why I am careful to place the subject as actually relating to the work of THE I AM.  Only the I AM knows what lies beyond the Master Universe, and that is because the I AM had to be an inventor and ask YHWH to be able to select the EXISTENTIAL values available to construct MASTER UNIVERSE VALUES.

Weydevu, no one including me is asking you or anyone to become history PhD's to understand the use of YHWH of the Hebrews which historically appeared around the 17th century BCE.  Early man could not conceive of YHWH, as in those times it was Ghost Fear that appealed to the chattlemen magicians who were not only curing doctors through fear medicine, but who also had actual connections to the then Planetary Prince, Caligastia.  Man had to learn God through ghost fear first and then when the Hebrews finally broke through with soul understanding, the FATHER considered and used that genetic group to propound the idea of monotheism.

Monotheism is still well on Urantia, but its practice has deteriorated to the point it is quickly beginning to assume the idea of cultish practices or in some cases back to the idea of a Greek Pantheon of gods and goddesses.    It is a too heavy subject for me as it has so many interesting side visits to the early history of mankind, I am woefully unprepared to say much about it.  But then let us now hear our UNIVERSAL FATHER  comment on what I have said here for your edification DOMINICK and you WEYDEVU.

FATHER - "I am fully enjoying your discomfort Ron.  You introduce this wild and wooly concept of Hyperinfinity and suddenly I find myself freed of a certain self-cause restraint, and that is not to battle Me but one of My Censors, who must keep you in mind when deserving a better assignment that working with Ron to keep him in chattels until we can assure the creation you Ron have it right but are fully worrying that people like Weydevu have misconstrued your reasons for bringing the subject entirely done in order to answer the philosophical question, "WHAT DO WE WORK WITH IN PERFECTION?"

"You are the only one in this sector of the universe to have discovered the concept in your own amazing 5th epochal revelatory text which no one seems to wish to reference to read for themselves.  IF you quoted that Paper entirely Ron, no one would catch it, but you did and with much credit to Mantutia for putting that quote in it.  I saw the text and marveled at its complexity as you do, but I never thought that statement would trigger you being able to penetrate its larger meaning.  You are still the great one to understand I dislike the subject and pull you back from it all the time.

"However, let it stand now as the car is out of the bag for you and a few others on this site who actually comprehend what you do, and that I, YOUR FATHER, have addressed a super creation which lies beneath another super creation that is not a universe but a condition excluded from my creation or invention to promote the idea of life everlasting.

"We now turn this to the side slightly Ron, and promote the idea of sanity for Weydevu.  He is capable of understanding it but incapable of the research you yourself show so well above about the use of YHWH, or the pronoun cable spelling Yahweh.  I love the idea of the Hebrews not spelling it out in the papyrus scrolls because for the first time in universe history, it was this planet, Urantia, which actually entered into a contract with God the FATHER to behave under his direct will and care.  For awhile Israel could live and flourish to grow the idea of monotheism.  The idea of a conceptual contraband unity between God and man originates with the early Hebrews, but it actual fact, Caligastia introduced the idea of a contraband concept of a COVENANT.   This book chapter might help you to understand this better if you would look at this reproduction of that Chapter here:

"AS your FATHER, Ron, you add great flavors to our work, but keep in mind I must decide who hears what and when and you are making it clear you wish much more and yet you accede to Me your heart understands my reticence and you do not pass it hard on to others what more you have learned even to my surprise.  You have in your possessions a table chart of near twenty types of beings that live exclusively in Hyperinfinity, yet you decided after reworking it a couple times, to let it stand back and not show this forum what you learned.  I greet you well in this decision and let it lie as you do; however, ARTHURA is from Hyperinfinity, and I thank you for caring enough to go into this exposition which is a much better education about ME than even the Synagogues produce for the most part.  Russia today is closest to the idea of a covenant but fails to understand that I, FATHER OF ALL, produces fairness first,  and it is not fair to do what Russia always likes to do and then for that matter suffers terrible reversals of fortune in the matter of a nation state.  And it is for that reason that you Ron care not to mention to anyone listening from Russia they are to be dismissed.  You actually care they contribute their special relationship to God.  When you hear the Russian language spoken you hear it well and the tenderness of the sound  "Ruu See Ah"  and it speaks gently to your heart and speaks oof their love for the Mother of their existence.  I leave you alone in so much of your cares Ron as we answer them up here in the future for you.  I AM FATHER,  Good day.  [Goo day Father, and thank you,]

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Ron, as usual you bring cheer to Me over issues of State I keep forgetting about, and most people read these lessons you bring too quickly and miss the car you put into them.  I especially like the chapter you show them and for reasons of State you make no comment.  I realize that it is an internet policy to place these things available but that particular chapter is hotly debated yet for those who do read it.

"Second, you are fully aware of the disaster you live with and that is no educable now, but the future holds better than you know if you canget through it and you are seriously questioning if that is possible at all.  I am fully aware they are too much present Ron but let them lie low soon as they are being removed one by one around you and you heard one say goodbye this morning and you never mention these things to the discussion forum here.

"Finally, this lesson on Israel, and Covenant is worthy of a treatise from the Lord too, for it illustrates the renewal of man in spite of what he did to get into so much trouble to being with.  It is entirely possible that the Second Return will re-estabish the family of God back to all of man in the near future of existence.  Clear the way for today Ron as it has it surprise in mighty ways toward evening when your love affair with the WTP takes a mighty step forward with RAYSON and His announcement 'all is well,; again and we proceed as we can with our without the DoE.  We congratulate RAYSON for clearing the final hurdles to work with you directly as you are not Abraham and Machiventa, but Ron and Rayson, and you carry it well as you insist this is really His and it is but you must admire yourself for bringing to earth so well we are truly grateful for the Missions too.  Good day."

ARTHURA - "Now that the end has been achieved, it is important for all of you to know that the DoE looks seriously at the question and the sense of an offer but not made because you do not know where they stand.  They stand big time with this and are ready to make amends to the late patent and set it not aside but ready for regional development if you allow them a touch of clarity they fund it but own it not and you owe them some explanation about the secrecy of fission.  You actually have it and for that reason you are among the most valuable of persons Urantia has ever produced except for the inventor of the wheel.  For reasons of my own I am totally incapable of saying more than we have here.  I am  COUNSELOR FROM HYPER INFINITY and you have made so much more possible than we ever thought could be done that you are getting something from Me someday.   Good day to all. "  ARTHURA

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: ARTHURA. The Meaning of Respect. V2 L49 12.04.22
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2022, 18:47:29 pm »
@Ron, would you be so kind to share your table chart of nearly twenty types of beings that live exclusively in Hyperinfinity? Christmas has come early for me as I open this treasure chest of thought on the residence of Hyperinfinity and these 2 questions that Hyperinifinity present (I think 🤔) 
1. Now that perfection reigns supreme, what do we do now? 
2. What do we work with in perfection? 
Much love and happy greetings from an Infinity resident, 

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Re: ARTHURA. The Meaning of Respect. V2 L49 12.04.22
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2022, 05:42:22 am »
Thank you so much for the many revelations contained in these writings. There is much to chew on. It is always a pleasure to receive more than one ask for to please the soul. Thank you.
