Author Topic: Lesson 29 ARTHURA, EVE & ADAM, MOST HIGHS. Tribes Nations States Civs 8.22.22  (Read 6526 times)

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Lesson 29 ARTHURA, EVE & ADAM, and the MOST HIGHS
Tribes, Nations, States, Civilizations
Thu, 8/25/2022, York, PA, United States
Transmitter Teacher(s): ARTHURA, ADAM and EVE, MOST HIGH
Receiver(s): Dominick O
Audio Link (36m)
August 25, York, PA, Lesson Volume 29.
Tribe, Nation, State, Civilization.
When does a tribe become a nation, a nation a tribe and when does that nation qualify as a state? Well, a state tends to have distinct borders it begins to have institutions beyond the king or ruling tribe. And then the State graduates to a civilization, and a Civilization tends to, and begins to, blur these distinct lines in an expansive quality. Race, philosophy culture, these things within the states, still on your Urantia, create conflict within the civilization. However, strength ultimately does flow better through this diversity as opposed to the mono-cultural, heterogeneous-and-homogeneous policies of a state. There is, and has been, a striking balance, and nothing is perfect nor prescribed. However, it can be said and seen, that attempts of strict policies of one or the other extreme spectrum of hetero or homogeneous states do not lead to an evolution of a sustainable civilization. Let's call it a successful civilization.
For example, the Romans like many other nations, and even a state, became an empire that formed a civilization. And one of its successes was predicated on, or based upon, its decisions in the future of its evolution, to expand what it meant to be a citizen of the Empire. Citizenship was expanded beyond, say, pureblood Roman. Likewise, what can be seen even through now to modern times, is how rapid expansion still invites isolation and non-integration to the point where nations isolate themselves within the state, and form pockets of non-cooperation for the sake of their perceived survival. We don't necessarily have a complaint or prescription to fix this. But this is a problem between nation, state, and civilization.
The point of this lesson is to clearly distinguish the distinction between the nation and the state, and to ask of the tribe-slash-nation, what is best for its survival and success, if it cannot establish statehood? How will it survive and integrate into, not-a-state, but through the civilization? Meaning, it should not pursue statehood it should pursue civilization integration. As a quick recap in lesson 28, we espoused Civilization, and not the State, is the Safety guarantor and Security guarantor. That it was not a privilege of the State to claim these privileges of Safety and Security for its citizens. And that Civilization itself was this guarantee.
And, so, having just defined, roughly, at the beginning here, what civilization is, which is greater than any one nation-state. For example, when one nation state has gone out and conquered, those empires have tended to evolve a civilization, but never have a successful, in other words, sustained civilization. Partly because it was never designed to be that, it just became that through conquest. Rather, what sustains a civilization is typically Commerce of all natures of Science, Agriculture, Trade, Manufacturing, and so on. And having said that, perhaps you can make the link, now, between homogeneous and heterogeneous states and civilizations. Where a heterogeneous civilization will have advantages in these civilization-binding, and literally, chemically bonding so, to speak in analogy, ties that make a successful civilization. And therefore, should guarantee the safety and security of the states within them.
Now, we will move on to a related topic within the thesis of this lesson, and that is to address the eight-hundred-pound gorilla in the room. And that is, what to do with the phenomenon of War and military within the state, within the nation, within the tribe; and ultimately, this perceived clash of civilizations. And let us tell you the policy of Spiritual Government addressing these. It is simply stated: Military will be following the swords into plough shares. But what does this mean? It is not just a phrase. It means that military service, will in fact, remain to be mandatory in the early stages. However, Military will transform into marshaling something else besides the conquests of the State, or the vehicle of growth for any Civilization, in order to be successful.
No, the threats faced today are so dire that survival of the State will depend on the military providing Organization, Resource to the people within its civilization. In other words, the apparatus of the State will have to rescue its Civilization. And now you can forecast the threats to the State will be such a blur of borders, that there will be this natural identification of proximity defining the civilization. In other words, for example, if a disaster were to strike North America, Canadians and US people would not necessarily identify as citizens, if the militaries of one or the other were to come to assist the other. In such a dire situation, say an earthquake, or tsunami, or something even more Earth-category, such as a tilt, where inundation of the Great Lakes occurs upon land.
Similarly, those states claiming even civilization status, who isolate themselves, will be perpetuating cataclysms within their own borders. They may be the last to accept help from Spiritual Governance. But regardless of the, quote-unquote, Spiritual Government’s association with any particular state, know that Our intention is to help on a civilizational basis. And that We will be implementing policies which use the instruments of the state we might be working with to help the civilization, beyond the interests of that particular nation-state itself. Thus, even that state that we work with, and within, will find itself in initial conflict in accepting this policy of the outlook of the Spiritual Government to have a successful Civilization.
Therefore, any nation or tribe should have this general application of the social contract. Where in the past they were conscripted into wars, but Our guarantee is their conscription into service, to marshal the success of Civilization’s survival. And in so much as they are migrating away from their cataclysms, the civilization they migrate to, merits and demands, that they contribute a not isolate. And Our social contract with them, is that they will benefit through this conscription and assimilation into the civilization.
So, what we are also getting at, is that the tribe will die of evolutionary extinction, if it does not become part of a civilization. It should not, and cannot, aspire to statehood as an automatic and granted privilege of being a nation. One evolutionary change that will happen is the return of Jesus, is the known, visible Regencies of the Magisterial Mission. Even other bestowals, such as a Material Son and Daughter, for the sake of Education. This will instigate and put a damper on the conflicts between religions of these nations and tribes. It will be an evolutionary fact and not a conflict, and the same goes for the confusion of Rebellion.
Now, how do we take this macro lesson and apply it to the local situation of a local government? And it is this: the measure of any enterprise, any entity, whether it be a Person, a Business, or a Syndicate; the measure of this benefit of these entities, is measured against the Governance of a successful Civilization; and the Founding Principles that it is based on. From there you beget the Values that ensure your cooperation and your decision making.
You can see how this might reform Education. When generations are taught and asked to measure the success of any enterprise and any entity against the principles and values of the civilization; that the unit of governance that it is in. Just as the State eventually gives way to the Civilization in priority, so must the international business, down to the mayor, or the head honchos of the local Chamber of Commerce, even the head of the PTA, the Parent Teacher Association.
Another area that we suggest will be policy-enforced is the phenomenon of Enforcement as well. Part of the problems is the human proclivity to put a law on the books, and then congratulate themselves for solving a problem. When in fact, nothing actual is realized -- nothing real, actually happens. And so, this will be a form of measurement of these entities, obviously, and the Regency will be, to some extent, demanding enforcement of policy. And the circumstances of civilization survival, and the significance of what the human unit is to Spiritual Government, ensures that the marshaled resources will be used  in enforcement as well. Note how this is not marshal conquest but marshalling human accountability. Which is ultimately what the quiet majority of a Citizen wants anyway. What they assume exists but is not necessarily the status quo on the planet today.
This leads us to another aspect we covered briefly in lesson 28. The institutions of a modern state, and what any civilization has within it, amongst these, say, multiple boundaries of states; and blending of boundaries to create a civilization. And that is the Courts referred to in the previous lesson as the Judicial system. And that is to say, amongst these subjects previously covered here, that marshalling and enforcing by no means will mean judgment by the marshalling forces. And enforcement will mean a summons before a tribunal, so to speak, and a ruling will come down, or a judgment will come down, an order, and so on. And that will be enforced at that point. In other words, if someone is breaking policy, breaking the law to some extent, that they are brought forth before the judiciary or the court system,
then that system will base its judgment and bring an order upon that entity to be done. And this time, there will be follow-through. That's all we are saying. That the military or in marshaling of resources will not be made for conquest, but for an enforcement of, and accountabilities of, the entities within that civilization to ensure the success of the civilization.
So, as you see, if these prerogatives are housed within the singular border of any particular nation-state, that state will act in its own self-interest; and become, as in the past, evolutionarily corrupt by entities within that state, aiming for social, and political, and status-hierarchy dominance. And we are correcting that. We're not eradicating that drive, we are simply correcting and guiding that drive.
For all intents and purposes, a new philosophy, a new policy, and a new branch of Social Science education has been innovated. We don't say invented but innovated. Because we are not here as destroyers, but uplifters, evolvers, co-workers. But what should be exciting is that there is a whole new branch of education along these lines. And that this education is practical, it is to be applied. We anticipate upon such an implementation, that the Sciences could, and will, indeed, flourish. No longer quarantined in military jail. No longer financed by military conquest and competition.
Lastly, we feel what binds this lesson is to remind you the definition of a Epochal Revelation. Not to be confused with the other word similar to epochal, which is epic. Epochal means that the information, the message, gets proliferated and known throughout the lands, throughout the world. In modern times, not so far-fetched in the world of global communications. But what we mean by this is how Epochal Revelation, translated into education and applied policies, will in effect, begin to put tremendous demands upon the last vestiges of tribes and tribalism on this planet. And we urge those people within the tribe, so to speak, that they will best survive and thrive under Our governance. And we wish them to survive as much as the next person.
We thank you for listening today. This has been brought to you by the same group who brought to you
Lesson 28. Thank you and have a good day.
Dominick O:
Thank you, well received.
This is Dominic continuing, I asked if I had left anything on the table, so to speak, and was replied by Eve, Material Daughter of the Material Son and Daughter, Adam and Eve. Go ahead Eve, as you wish.
Thank you, this is Eve, and nothing was egregiously left on the table, but since the door and invitation was invited, we do have something extra to add. Stuff is on the table so to speak. And that would be a list of education, tracks, avenues, a deeper dive into subjects and sub-aspects of this lesson. And that would be in specific cases and the domains of where this all would be applied. So, without going into specifics, I just want to add, as Eve, who will be providing such education in the future. That we are working on having something for all of you to participate in. All of you interested in applying, not these lessons, but these real-world applications to be done in the field. So I thank you and this is Eve out.
Dominick O:
Thank you and thank you everybody once again. And Adam, you have something to say?
Yes, thank you. This is Adam. And I thank you Eve, and would like also to add, as Adam, that I remind you:
that a Material Son and Daughter work on the worlds of our origin, closely, with Life Carriers. They are Sons of the same Order that we all belong to, the Sonship Order of the Eternal Son. Regardless of that repeat of information, I only remind you that, because we are most happily done in the sciences. And while we are always concerned with the social sciences, we are always happy to be mired in the hard sciences, so to speak, that deal with Life. And I will leave it at that.
Dominick O:
Thank you, Adam. Thank you