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TRANSLATIONS / 31.5.2024 – Objaśnienia Arthury
« Last post by Andre_P on May 31, 2024, 11:22:00 am »
Transkrypcja całości nagrania po angielsku :
Napisa : SonsofGod, starszy członek
Kategoria / Temat : NUMERY TELEFONU I KODY DOSTĘPU DO HOLENDERSKIEJ MIĘDZYNARODOWEJ / Lightline holenderska międzynarodowa
« Odpowiedź nr 1, 28 lutego 2024 r., godz. 15:54:47 »

Jeden urywek)

Arthura :
Tu Arthura jako wasz następny mówca, żeby sie przyjrzeć potrzebom planety i waszym potrzebom jako obywateli tego świata, który jest w ciągłym niebezpieczeństwie ruchów geograficznych i nieoczekiwanych zmian w umysłach ludzi. Tak niewielu na tej planecie dowiedziało się jak dotąd o intencjach Michała i jego personelu, jak wy, wy wszyscy w ciągu ostatnich kilku dziesięcioleci, gdy byliście w stanie otrzymywać informacje z niebiańskiej strony i byliście również świadkami buntu, który tak często uderzał w planetę i jej planetarny rząd. Są to rzeczy, które normalnie dzieją się bez wiedzy ludności, ale dzięki Fundacji Magisterskiej i naszemu łącznikowi Ronowi Besserowi i kilku innym na tej Ziemi mieliśmy i mamy możliwość przekazywania wam najnowszych aktualizacji. Jesteście dobrze świadomi sytuacji, jaka rozwinęła się w ciągu ostatnich lat, od czasu wielkiej zmiany, jaką było wejście w Nową Erę Wszechświata zadekretowaną przez naszego Ojca i konieczną po tym, jak najwyższy wysadził nie tylko siebie, ale także wiele niebiańskich istot.

Te wielkie zniszczenia pozostały nieprzygotowane do oglądania przez wszystkich, ta ogromna planeta, na której najwyższy miał swoją siedzibę i z której pracował. To zmieniło i zmieni wiele we wszechświecie Ojca i miało wielki wpływ na wszystkich, którzy w nim żyją, ponieważ wszystko w rzeczywistości jest jednością. Kiedy zmienia się jedna rzecz, wpływa to na całość. Doprowadziło to do pewnej formy współpracy między niektórymi wszechświatami lokalnymi w waszym Superwszechświecie nr 7. Utworzona została federacja między nimi, łącząca siły udzielając sobie nawzajem pomocy tam, gdzie jest to potrzebne. Wszystkie te wszechświaty lokalne są różne i pozostaną zarządzane zgodnie z ideami i ideałami ich własnych Synów Stwórców, ale będą negocjować pewne wzajemne sprawy i starać się pomagać sobie nawzajem, gdy zostaną poproszeni o wzmocnienie swoich zakonów, które wszyscy mają we wszechświatach lokalnych stworzonych przez Synów Michałów w ich własnej domenie.

Zakon Melchizedeków w waszym wszechświecie lokalnym jest ustalony i bardzo odpowiedni do wykonywania wszelkich obowiązków, o które zostanie poproszony. Oni zawsze są gotowi wyruszyć na misję lub pomóc w nieoczekiwanej sytuacji, gdzie tylko mogą i pomóc Michałowi i jego stworzeniu. Jestem Arthura i widziałam Melchizedeków postawionych w wielu niezręcznych sytuacjach, w których to oni zajmowali się sprawami i wiele razy ratowali i ocalili planetę przed katastrofą i utratą wiary w Boga, w Bóstwa Egzystencjalne i ich Rajskich Synów, z których niektórzy schodzą na planety w celu specjalnych osądów i misji.

Jako Arthura mogę wam powiedzieć, że kiedy sprawy zostaną ponownie uregulowane i zostaną podjęte nowe środki, aby postawić stopę na Urantii, Rajscy Synowie, Synowie Magistrowie będą funkcjonować tutaj na Ziemi w zdumiewający sposób współpracy między przywódcami waszych narodów jako boscy doradcy, którymi są. Świat dowie się, że to Bóg wysyła swoich wysokich przedstawicieli, aby utrzymywali rząd planetarny, niezbędny dla każdej planety dla rozwoju w stronę bardziej zaawansowanych czasów, kiedy nie będzie konkurencji, lecz ludzie nauczą się żyć razem, a dzielenie się dobrami i zaufanie do siebie nawzajem ostatecznie doprowadzi do bardziej pokojowych narodów, które nauczyły się żyć jako przyjaciele, a nie wrogowie i kiedy braterstwo między ludźmi może mieć szansę na podtrzymanie życia na planecie na wszystkich poziomach i we wszystkich okolicznościach. I to jest miejsce, w którym ja, Arthura, daję moje wsparcie i pomocną dłoń stworzeniu Michała i pomagam wam, obywatelom tego świata uświadomić sobie, co możecie zrobić i czym możecie być dla waszego świata. Chcę was zapoznać z planami, które są dla was przygotowane przez Ojca i Michała Nebadońskiego dla wszystkich, którzy wierzą i ufają Bogu i jego wysokim boskim współpracownikom. Tu Arthura do waszych usług. Życzę wszystkim miłego dnia.
TRANSLATIONS / 31.5.2024 - Melchizedek Mantutia mówi o Dominium
« Last post by Andre_P on May 31, 2024, 09:25:24 am »
Transkrypcja całości nagrania po angielsku :
Napisa : SonsofGod, starszy członek
Kategoria / Temat : NUMERY TELEFONU I KODY DOSTĘPU DO HOLENDERSKIEJ MIĘDZYNARODOWEJ / Lightline holenderska międzynarodowa
« Odpowiedź nr 1, 28 lutego 2024 r., godz. 15:54:47 »

Jeden urywek)

Melchizedek Mantutia :
Tak, Elise, to jest Melchizedek Mantutia, wasz Książę Planetarny. Chciałbym odnieść się do faktu Dominium, który został wam przedstawiony kilka lat temu. Dominium zostało stworzone z pomysłu, aby móc pracować i jednoczyć się w pewnych przypadkach, aby być silnym i wspierać się nawzajem w potrzebie. Partnerstwo między kilkoma lokalnymi wszechświatami bliskimi siebie, które mogą napotkać te same trudności lub nagłe zmiany w rozwoju lub ochronie ich terytorium, ale bardziej jeszcze w celu promowania współpracy, jeśli okaże się ona przydatna dla wszystkich stron. Zazwyczaj wszechświaty lokalne nie mają ze sobą wiele wspólnego. Wszystkie mają swoich Synów Stwórców, Synów Michałów i wszystkie są stwarzane zgodnie z ideami i ideologiami tych Synów, którzy stwarzają różne formy życia w swoich wszechświatach na wzór światów Hawony, gdzie Wieczny Syn we współpracy z Ojcem dają przykład.

Hawona powstała w całości, wraz z pojawieniem się Nieskończonego Ducha, który powołał to stworzenie do istnienia jako kreację doskonałą. Hawona jest wzorcem dla każdego nowego Syna Stwórcy i jego stworzenia wszechświata lokalnego w czasie i przestrzeni. Każdy Syn Stwórca z zakonu Michałów będzie sie starał o taki kompletny wszechświat, gdy zacznie stwarzać swój własny wszechświat lokalny. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc zakony stwarzane przez Michała są tego samego typu. Gwiazda Jasna i Poranna, Melchizedekowie, Synowie Lanonandekowie, Nosiciele Życia, Synowie Worondadekowie i tak dalej, aż do stworzenia ludzi. Syn Stwórca będzie się wcielał siedem razy w postaci siedmiu stworzonych przez siebie istot, aby doświadczyć, jak to jest być jednym z jego stworzeń. Po tym, jak Syn Stwórca przejdzie przez te siedem doświadczeń, jest on Mistrzem Synem Stwórcą i może całkowicie niezależnie kierować swoim stworzeniem tak, jak mu się podoba. Trudności, które mogą się pojawić we wszechświecie lokalnym, nie są zwykle omawiane z innymi Synami Stwórcami.

Jednak w przypadku porozumienia jako Federacja i to Dominium tworzą oni partnerstwo i mogą również czerpać wzajemnie z wiedzy i siły innych, żeby pokonywać wszelkie przeszkody i trudności. Wspierają się one nawzajem i mogą ustanowić wymianę, jeśli jest to pożądane lub konieczne. Konsultują się ze sobą i mają większy stopień współpracy, który pozwala im prezentować się we wspólnej władzy. Mogą również pożyczać od siebie grupy istot i w razie potrzeby uzupełniać braki, prosząc się nawzajem o pomoc. Niewątpliwie będą istniały konsultacje między zrzeszonymi członkami Federacji zwanej Dominium, którzy budują silne więzi między sobą, ale poza tym są niezależni i mogą mieć bardzo różne polityki w swoich lokalnych wszechświatach.

Dominium utworzone w tym Superwszechświecie nr 7 jest pierwszym tego rodzaju i obecnie składa się z siedmiu członków stowarzyszonych. Siedem wszechświatów lokalnych, których zarząd ma siedzibę w Nebadonie pod przewodnictwem Michała Nebadońskiego na Salvingtonie i miejsce zarządzania może się zmieniać co jakiś czas między członkami tej Federacji Dominium. Jestem Mantutia Melchizedek i to są moje dzisiejsze słowa o Dominium. Życzę wam pięknego dnia. Do widzenia.
« Last post by Rene A Duran on May 30, 2024, 23:16:24 pm »
Group 11:21 Transmission of Truths Phoenix AZ.


Received: Evelio Rivas.

El Salvador, May 27  2024, 6:43 a.m.

"We are THE PLEIADIANS, today we will focus on the topic of existence on Urantia, it is still considered an eventuality to come to incarnate, this leads to the adoption of agendas that are far from the UNIVERSAL FATHER, the vast majority of Urantians are unaware that we incarnate to serve the UNIVERSAL FATHER As long as this vision persists, people will do their will, which is naturally advised by the ego, that is another fiber that is unknown here, the person has almost zero information about self-edification, this is the legitimate interest in the cause of free will"

"As expected, if you assume a basic understanding about self-edification, you will be able to condense the purpose, but if you live routines that do not point inward at all, you will have that objective lacking in achievements, we incarnate to serve the UNIVERSAL FATHER and get closer to HIM, who is our origin"

"That is why JESUS' effort is aimed at showing the mercy and goodness of the UNIVERSAL FATHER, in fact the direct beneficiaries of this task are humanity, since the UNIVERSAL FATHER wishes to give us awards and prizes, which he cannot give us if our attention is oriented to trivial things, as you can see, you cannot force people to take the sense of work that expands the light in them, getting closer to the UNIVERSAL FATHER, they can do whatever they want, the fact is that on Earth a large number of "The population wants to do nothing to grow internally, and as you will understand, the choice of spiritual development is free."

"As we stated in another scenario, a lot depends on how you see yourself, that is what you will put your strength into, that is what your life will consist of, evolution has brought you to the point of being able to choose your destiny, but what follows "It must be made aware, the law makes sense if you do it of your own free will, it can be suggested but not forced."

"Ironically, here on Urantia, challenging the Creator is common, so it becomes complex to help a people who are divided among so much nationalism and who simply ignore basic Christian values, which would allow collective recognition of our UNIVERSAL FATHER."

Love the UNIVERSAL FATHER, trust our lives to HIM, because HE created us and in fact loves us;  If you love a piece of furniture when you are a carpenter, imagine for a moment how much our UNIVERSAL FATHER loves us, who has created us full of wonderful possibilities."

"We are THE PLEIADIANS, ending this approach, we wish for the awakening of humanity to recognize the UNIVERSAL FATHER, we love you all without distinction, have a good day."


Evelio Rivas.


Grupo 11:21 Transmisión de Verdades Phoenix AZ.


Recibió: Evelio Rivas.

El Salvador, 27 de mayo 2024, 6:43 a.m.

"Nosotros somos LOS PLEYADIANOS, enfocaremos hoy el tema de la existencia en Urantia, aún es considerado una eventualidad venir a encarnar, esto hace que se acojan agendas que distan del PADRE UNIVERSAL, la inmensa mayoría de urantianos ignora que encarnamos para servir al PADRE UNIVERSAL, en tanto esta visión persista las personas harán su voluntad, que naturalmente, está aconsejada por el ego, esa es otra fibra que se desconoce aquí, la persona posee información casi nula sobre la autoedificación, este es el interés legítimo en la causa del libre albedrío"

"Como es de esperar, si asumes una comprensión básica, acerca de la autoedificación, alcanzarás a condensar el propósito, pero si vives rutinas que en nada apuntan hacia el interior, tendrás ese objetivo carente de logros, encarnamos para servir al PADRE UNIVERSAL y acercarnos a ÉL, que es nuestro origen"

"A eso se debe que el esfuerzo de JESÚS está orientado a mostrar la misericordia y bondad del PADRE UNIVERSAL, de hecho los beneficiarios directos de este cometido somos la humanidad, pues el PADRE UNIVERSAL desea entregarnos galardones y premios, que no puede darnos si nuestra atención se orienta a cosas triviales, como puedes ver, no se puede obligar que las personas tomen el sentido del trabajo que expanda la luz en ellos acercándose al PADRE UNIVERSAL, pueden hacer lo que deseen, el caso es que en la Tierra gran cantidad de la población desea hacer nada para crecer interiormente, y como comprenderás, la elección del desarrollo espiritual es libre"

"Como afirmamos en otro escenario, bastante depende de cómo te veas a tí mismo, en eso irás poniendo tus fuerzas, en eso consistirá tu vida, la evolución te ha llevado hasta el punto de estar capacitado para elegir tu destino, pero lo que sigue ha de hacerse conciente, la ley cobra sentido si lo haces por voluntad propia y libre, puede ser sugerido pero no obligado"

"Por ironía aquí en Urantia desafiar al Creador es común, de modo que se torna complejo ayudar a un pueblo fraccionado entre tanto nacionalismo y que simplemente ignora los valores cristianos básicos, que permitirían el reconocimiento colectivo a nuestro PADRE UNIVERSAL"

Amar al PADRE UNIVERSAL, confiar nuestras vidas a ÉL, pues ÉL nos creó y de hecho nos ama; si amas un mueble cuando eres carpintero, imagina un momento cuanto nos ama nuestro PADRE UNIVERSAL, que nos ha creado llenos de probabilidades maravillosas"

"Nosotros somos LOS PLEYADIANOS, finalizando este abordaje, deseamos el despertar de la humanidad para reconocer al PADRE UNIVERSAL, les amamos a todos sin distinción, pasen buenos días".


Evelio Rivas.

To all

Additional clarifications on the debate on racism and prejudice (I believe this subject should perhaps be postponed until the future, when humanity is more mature)

You are right, Occerpa, perhaps the debate on racism and prejudice does not add an important agenda at the moment. Over time, with the evolution of humanity, people will gradually evolve, increasingly respecting all races, being free from racism and prejudice.

Dear Dominick, I believe that language barriers, and the use of Google Translate, often with errors or choice of words that are not appropriate for the depth of the subject, often make communication truncated and thus it is possible for an incorrect interpretation to occur.

I am totally against racism and prejudice, and the public agency I work for is also against racism and prejudice.

The lecturer of the course on racism intentionally provokes reflection in everyone with the phrase at the end of the course - Where do you keep your racism?

The reflection in the sense that for him (the speaker) we all have some type of racism or prejudice that we should reflect on and seek to improve. And yes, we are all imperfect and we are gradually seeking perfection. The mere fact that we seek perfection and the evolution of our own personalities already qualifies us as human beings with the possibility of continuing our journey in the heavens. On the other hand, today I realized, that is, I realized that the many countries in the world have different and unique cultures and often different ways of thinking. Furthermore, humanity as a whole evolves in concepts over time. What I want to say is that the main phrase that should be spoken as an antidote is respect for any remnants of racism or prejudice that we may have had in the past, or may still have in the present. Courses on reflecting on racism and prejudice would greatly help to avoid tense situations, and I believe that this should be done, especially in all areas of the police force. Here in Brazil and in many other places, the police are often brutal and violent, and if they had training courses to reflect on racism and prejudice, perhaps they would act more humanely towards all citizens.

But speaking of this subject of police violence, I still believe that one of the best ways to create a society with lower levels of police violence, and I am explicitly talking about human rights for all citizens, is to have video cameras that record without interruption and that the police cannot turn off. Knowing that all the action is being recorded, the police act with more respect. And there are studies that indicate a decrease in the lethality of deaths resulting from police stops when cameras are used to record on uniforms and vehicles, for example.


I hope that with this message I have cleared up any misunderstandings about racism or prejudice, because using respect in our lives is the most important thing, in my limited view, for peaceful coexistence between people and the peoples of our humanity.

I apologize to everyone if my opinions had a negative impact, mainly because they were often unclear or incomplete, because my essence is that, above all, the guidance of the various divinities and celestial beings be given in the light of God, according to the priorities that they deem most convenient at the present time.

I am always open to evolving and even correcting my thoughts in order to improve and help as much as I can, in some way, in God's missions.

In conclusion... there are so many points that humanity needs to evolve at the present time... so, certainly, the main agenda for the spiritual recovery of our humanity must be guided by God, the Universal Father of all, and by God's representatives, such as Michael of Nebadon, Creator Son of Paradise who was on our planet as Joshua Ben Joseph or simply Jesus; the Magisterial Sons; the Melchizedeks, Adam and Eve, among other divinities and celestial beings in the light of God, the Universal Father of all.


A todos

Esclarecimentos adicionais sobre o debate sobre racismo e preconceito (este assunto eu acredito que talvez deve ser postergado para o futuro, quando a humanidade tiver mais madura)

Tem razão Occerpa, possivelmente o debate sobre o racismo e o preconceito não acrescenta, no momento, uma pauta importante. Com o tempo, com a evolução da humanidade, as pessoas irão evoluir aos poucos cada vez mais respeitando todas as raças, sendo livre de racismo e preconceito.

Caro Dominick. Eu acredito que barreiras do idioma, e do uso do Google Tradutor, muitas vezes com erros ou escolha de palavras não tão apropriadas para profundidade do tema, faz com que a comunicação se torne muitas vezes truncada e assim é possível ocorrer uma interpretação incorreta.

Eu sou totalmente contra o racismo e o preconceito, e o órgão público que eu trabalho também é contra o racismo e o preconceito. 

O palestrante do curso sobre racismo, provoca a reflexão intensionalmente  a todos com a frase no final do curso - Onde você mantém seu racismo?

A reflexão no sentido de que para ele (palestrante) todos nós teriamos algum tipo de racismo ou preconceito que deveríamos refletir e buscar o aperfeiçoamento

E sim, somos todos imperfeitos e estamos buscando, aos poucos a perfeição. Só o fato de buscarmos a perfeição e evolução própria de nossas personalidades já nos credencia como seres humanos com a possibilidade de continuar a caminhada nos céus.

Por outro lado, hoje eu me dei conta, ou seja, eu percebi que os muitos países do mundo tem culturas diferentes e próprias e muitas vezes formas de pensar diferente. Além do mais, a humanidade evolui como um todo nos conceitos no tempo.

O que eu quero dizer é que a principal frase que deve ser falada como antídoto é o respeito a qualquer resquícios de racismo ou preconceitos que por ventura tivemos no passado, ou ainda possamos ter no presente.

Cursos sobre reflexão ao racismo e preconceito ajudariam muito a evitar situações tensas, e isto eu acredito que deveria ter principalmente para todas as áreas da polícia. Aqui no Brasil e em muitos lugares, muitas vezes, a polícia é truculenta e violenta e se tivessem cursos de formação para reflexão sobre o racismo e preconceito, talvez, agissem com mais humanidade com todos os cidadãos.

Mas falando neste assunto, violência policial, eu ainda acredito que um dos melhores caminhos para uma sociedade com menor nível de violência policial, e eu estou falando explicitamente em direitos humanos a todos os cidadãos,  são as cameras de vídeo com gravação, sem interrupção e sem que os policiais possam desligar. Sabendo que toda a ação está sendo gravada, os policiais se agem com mais respeito. E existem pesquisas que indicam a diminuição da letalidade das mortes decorrentes de abordagem policial quando existe o uso de camaras gravando nos uniformes e nos veículos, por exemplo.


Eu espero que com esta mensagem eu tenha esclarecido qualquer mal entendido sobre o assunto racismo ou preconceito, pois usando  em nossas vidas o respeito, isto é o principal de tudo, em minha limitada visão, para o convivío pacíficos entre as pessoas e os povos de nossa humanidade.

Peço desculpas a todos, se minhas opiniões tiveram impacto negativo principalmente por não estar muita clara, muitas vezes, ou incompleta, pois minha essência é que acima de tudo seja feita as orientações dos diversas divindidades e seres celestiais na luz de Deus, conforme as prioridades que acharem mais convenientes na atualidade.

Estou sempre aberto para evoluir e inclusive corrigir meus pensamentos a fim de aperfeiçoar e ajudar ao máximo que puder, de alguma forma, nas missões de Deus.

Concluindo...  existe tantos pontos que a humanidade precisa evoluir na atualidade.... assim, com certeza, a pauta principal de recuperação espiritual de nossa humanidade deve ser orientada por Deus, Pai Universal de todos e pelos representantes de Deus, como Michael de Nebadon, Filho Criador  do Paraíso que esteve em nosso planeta como Joshua Ben Joseph ou simplesmente Jesus; os Filhos Magisteriais; os Melquisedeques, Adão e Eva, entre outras divindades e seres celestiais na luz de Deus, Pai Universal de todos.

Interesting question from Herder. I can tell you that I knew personally SAIBABA, who has been the summum plus ultra of what is called materialization, and I had the opportunity to see Him manifesting the famous sacred ash or Vibuthi, but nevertheless, He was often subjected to detractors who tried to distort his divine powers. It is told that once when a skeptic asked Him that, he could only believe in his power, if he saw Him materialize something edible, and SAIBABA asked him, how do you think it would be valid for you to believe? and the individual told Him, that you make a watermelon; and the guy almost went backwards when SAI put in his hands a magnificent watermelon and told him, there you have it; but even the unbeliever man asked Him, and can I eat it? Laughing, SAI answered, and it is very sweet. As far as I can understand this power to materialize, it is potentially available to everyone, as the power to heal, the issue lies in how to activate this attribute, which already belongs to a matter of alignment with your inner divinity that few are able to achieve.
I will transcribe below, an excerpt from Dr. Neruda's Second Interview, belonging to the WingsMaker material, a material that I find quite provocative for the amount of relevant information it contains, but which I give, according to my understanding, all the credit I believe it deserves.
Dr. Neruda:
"Because LERM is the equivalent of genetics for consciousness, and consciousness is the equivalent of reality formulation for sentient beings. So if LERM is understood, one understands the causal system that operates in non-time and non-space, which fundamentally constructs the reality framework of space, time, energy, and matter. Quantum objects operating in the construct of LERM have an existence that is entirely different from macro objects like this table or chair.

"Quantum objects - in their true state - have never been seen by a human. Scientists have witnessed the effects and some of the properties of quantum objects, but their causal nature is not visible through scientific instruments... no matter how powerful they are, because scientific instruments are physical and therefore have a relationship to space and time. Whereas quantum objects have no relationship to time and space other than through an observer."

"So you're saying that the building blocks of matter - these quantum objects - have no existence unless someone is observing them... that consciousness makes them appear real and fixed in time and space? Is that what you're saying?"

Dr. Neruda:
"In a way, but not exactly. Let me try and explain it like this. Consciousness stems or originates from non-time and non-space as a form of energy that is a basic building block of LERM. Consciousness becomes localized as it becomes physical. In other words, consciousness becomes human, or animal, or plant or some object that has physical characteristics. Are you with me so far?"


Dr. Neruda:
"Good. As consciousness becomes a localized physical object, it essentially orchestrates LERM to conform to a reality matrix that has been encoded into the genetic or physical properties of the object it has become. In other words, consciousness moves from non-space and non-time to become matter, and then it orchestrates LERM to produce a physical reality consistent to the encoded genetic properties of the physical object it has become. If that object is a human being, then the genetic triggers that are uniquely human become the tools of consciousness from which it constructs its reality.

"LERM is essentially an infinite field of possibilities, or, as Aristotle referred to it, Potentia. This Potentia is like fertile soil from which physical objects are created. Those who can orchestrate LERM through the application of their consciousness are able to manifest reality and not simply react to it. This manifestation can be instantaneous because again, quantum objects originate in non-time and non-space..."

[page 33 of 48]

"Not to get overly religious here, but what you're really talking about is what Jesus or other prophets have done... essentially manifest things like turning water to wine or curing the sick. Right?"

Dr. Neruda:
"Yes. It's the same principle only I've described it instead of performed it. It's much easier to perform than describe."

"So now you're going to tell me you can turn water into wine?"

Dr. Neruda:
"Actually I've never tried that before, but yes, all of the members of the Labyrinth Group can manifest physical objects from out of LERM. This was actually one of the outcomes of Fifteen's discovery. The process of orchestrating LERM and manifesting physical objects on demand."

"Okay, now you've definitely got my interest, but I'm feeling a little guilty because I swore I was going to stay on the subject of the WingMakers and the Ancient Arrow project. So tell me, can you teach me how to manifest things out of thin air?"

Dr. Neruda:
"Yes, but it would take some time... probably a few weeks or so."

"Can you show me some examples of how you do it?"

Dr. Neruda:
"How's this?"

"For purposes of those reading these transcripts. Dr. Neruda just made a ball of twine appear out of no where. He just made it disappear as well. Now it has reappeared again. This is incredible. He's not holding it, so it's not like a magician who's making this appear from his sleeve or from behind his hands somehow. It's quite literally appearing and disappearing on a table about three feet in front of him, which is about six feet away from me. I can see it all very clearly.

"I'm picking up the ball of string and it's definitely a physical object... not simply a mirage or... or hologram. It has all the normal properties... weight... texture... it's slightly warm to the touch, but in every other respect, it's exactly how I'd expect a ball of twine to feel.

"Can you make something else appear... something more complicated, like a million dollars in cash?"

[page 34 of 48]

Dr. Neruda:

"Okay, let's see it."

Dr. Neruda:
"You see this is the problem with these discoveries and capabilities. If I produced a million dollars in cash right now, you'd have a dilemma. What to do with a million dollars? Could you bear to see me make it disappear as easily as I make it appear?"

"Are you crazy? Since the first moment I met you, I've never believed in what you've said until now. And I'm not even saying I totally believe you even now, but I'm a hell of a lot closer. I... no, people in general, need to see things with our eyes. We need to believe in what our eyes tell us because they - of all the senses - seem to have a fix on reality. And you've finally shown me something that is tangible... that my eyes relate to. I'm just asking for one more confirmation of your abilities. I mean, a ball of string doesn't seem like such a huge deal... not that I'm not impressed. But if you could produce a million dollars in cash... now that's a huge deal."

Dr. Neruda:
"And the dilemma?"

"Okay, I have a proposition for you. I'm going to need to quit my job for at least a few months to get this story out to the public and maybe even relocate or move underground somewhat. What if I kept just ten thousand dollars to help me through the next two months? Could that work for you?"

Dr. Neruda:
"Yes, I could do that."

"I'm now looking at a loose pile of $100 bills that appear to be perfect replicas. I'm touching them... again they feel slightly warm to the touch, but these would definitely pass as the real thing... wow... I can't believe it. But this can't be a million dollars, you only manifested $10,000 didn't you?"

Dr. Neruda:
"Yes, give or take a few hundred dollars."

"You do realize that you just undermined your own credibility to those who will read this transcript. You just made yourself unbelievable. I'm not even sure I should include this because no one will be believe it anyway, and it may instead hurt your credibility in all the other areas of our discussion. This is truly not a believable experience unless you see it with your own eyes. What should I do?"

[page 35 of 48]

Dr. Neruda:
"Sarah, whether any one believes me isn't important. No one believes anything anyway unless they experience it, and even then, most people fall back into doubt. Belief is short-lived and always questioned; as it should be. Even the most devote believer is in doubt most of the time, regardless of what they say. So don't worry about whether this impairs my credibility or not. I don't care. It doesn't matter because I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. I'm only trying to get information about the WingMakers to people who can make their own determination of what is true and believable."
« Last post by Rene A Duran on May 30, 2024, 18:47:13 pm »

Group 11:21 Transmission of Truths Phoenix AZ. 


 Received: Evelio Rivas. 

 El Salvador, May 29, 2024, 6:27 a.m.

 "I AM YOUR ADJUSTER OF THOUGHTS, today we will address the issue of restoring balance, this issue is a topical point at this time, which the planet has reached as a result of the massive living of humanity. We speak that the population on Urantia has grown, it exerts an unbalancing force, the consumption of resources to maintain a population that doubled the capacity of the planet, constitutes an imbalance that is breaking the terrestrial ecosystem, this on the one hand, and on the other, there is the type of inhabitant that has been outlined, it does not cooperate with the cause of good treatment of the home that GOD prepared for the people in this world."

 "Minds easily perceive the psychology of the possession of goods, and the common causes continue to deteriorate without receiving attention, in this field, we would say that the type of priorities for the common man that he carries out of daily effort, rules out cooperation to rescue the balance vital, becoming an issue of no value for the majority"

 "Currently, a humanity that lives for personal goals, does not find data to feel love for the planet, remaining very hidden in the human character, humanity does not listen to calls to review its routines, and retrace its steps and start a wonderful time "For everyone, in this sense, the option of restoring balance naturally opens the way."

 "One of the challenges is that the Urantian mind awaits this way to resolve the matter, the word resolution applies because the ecological decline of the planet is such that only an outcome can restore balance, this may seem, in a certain way, utopian since it borders with skepticism when considering the planet a dead thing, in the Urantian psyche the idea that the planet is a living being does not count and nature is perceived as something that does not feel, people neglect to look at their actions and ensure good treatment of the planet, This is a big mistake, the planet is a living being, and it can activate a mechanism to restore balance, this can happen at any time, of course it is the least indicated option, but given that the population continues not to heed the calls of the Family Heavenly, it is an option that is gaining ground"

 "The vital balance is broken on Urantia, man is called to cooperate to find ways out of this truth"

 "I AM YOUR THOUGHT ADJUSTER, leaving the scene and thanking you for your cooperation, we love you all, have a good morning."


Grupo 11:21 Transmisión de Verdades Phoenix AZ. 


Recibió: Evelio Rivas. 

El Salvador, 29 de mayo 2024, 6:27 a.m.

"YO SOY TU AJUSTADOR DE LOS PENSAMIENTOS, hoy abordaremos el tema del restablecimiento del equilibrio, este asunto es un punto de actualidad en este momento, al que ha llegado el planeta como resultado del vivir masivo de la humanidad. Hablamos que la población en Urantia se ha crecido, ejerce una fuerza desequilibrante, el consumo de recursos para mantener una población que dobló la capacidad del planeta, constituye un desbalance que va rompiendo el ecosistema terrestre, esto por un lado, y por el otro, está el tipo de habitante que se ha perfilado, este no coopera a la causa del buen trato al hogar que DIOS preparó para las personas en este mundo"

"Las mentes perciben fácil la psicología de la posesión de bienes, y las causas comunes siguen deteriorándose sin recibir atención, en este campo, diríamos que el tipo de prioridades para el hombre común que lleva por afán diario, descarta la cooperación para rescatar el equilibrio vital, constituyéndose en un tema sin valor para la mayoría"

"En la actualidad una humanidad que vive para metas personales, no encuentra datos para sentir amor por el planeta, quedando muy ocultos en el carácter humano, la humanidad no escucha llamados para revisar sus rutinas, y volver sobre sus pasos e iniciar un tiempo maravilloso para todos, en este sentido, se abre paso la opción de restablecer el equilibrio de forma natural"

"Uno de los desafíos es que la mente urantiana aguarda esta forma para desenlazar el asunto, la palabra desenlace aplica porque el retroceso ecológico del planeta es tal que sólo un desenlace puede restablecer el equilibrio, esto puede parecer, en cierto modo utópico ya que linda con el escepticismo al considerar cosa muerta al planeta, en la psiquis urantiana la idea que el planeta es un ser vivo no cuenta y la naturaleza es percibida como algo que no siente, las personas descuidan mirar sus actos y procurar el buen trato al planeta, esta es una gran equivocación, el planeta es un ser vivo, y puede activar un mecanismo de restablecimiento del equilibrio, este puede adelantar en cualquier momento, claro es la opción menos indicada, pero dado que la población continúa sin atender los llamados de la Familia Celestial, es una opción que gana terreno"

"El equilibrio vital está roto en Urantia, el hombre es llamado a cooperar para encontrar salidas a esta verdad"

"YO SOY TU AJUSTADOR DE LOS PENSAMIENTOS, dejando la escena y agradeciendo tu cooperación, les amamos a todos, pasen buenos días".

Are you looking for permission?
Ah, I dunno, hahah maybe?

Asking for training?
That would be nice.

Seeking validation of your ideas?
No, because I doubt they would understand what it is to collect cool stuff, enjoying doing that and be unable to do so.
Why are the Pleiadeans the ones to provide any of this to you?
I don't know, I am just asking if they know about it or know someone that knows about it, kind of detective work.
Are you disappointed with the Healing Chamber replies? Where is your focus from that?
About that, since I found out that the claims people are doing on the internet that the Galatic Federation and the Pleiadieans are helping with physical Med Bebs are fake, that helped me a lot because to know the truth is always the best. I thought if this technology was available that I could make good use from that, since it is fake, oh well, might as well meditate and help people to meditate to. Actually I'm doing a healing session with the Acturians, where basically I have to repeat a mantra everyday for 21 days. I would like to know more about that the Pleaiadeans have to teach about food, water, exercise like they said it would be nice to hear and practice. I really wish we could have acesso to advance technology, that is not in the hands of greedy people. You see that video someone posted here about how the USA government and other big companies keep pushing these technologies and their inventors away and even sometimes harassing them. That is so frustrating... Greed people with power is the cancer of this world, and that is what really disappoint me. What is disappoint me even more is seeing Ron having this great technology to help chance the world and no one is investing on it, no money to help... nothing. If good things don't happen even in USA the most powerful country in the World how would they happen in the country where I live? There might be a way to help people, and not just with meditation, but with advanced technology, techniques and stuff like that. I'm just trying to help...

Julio, I believe that everything that can be done against racism from a fragmentary level will be, to say the least, a waste of time, an infinitesimal contribution to the cause; This true misfortune of humanity is so deeply rooted throughout the world. Of course, I imagine that the intentions from the high heavenly spheres, will be taken into account, because according to a teaching of SAIBABA, it is not what man has achieved that matters, but what he longs to achieve.
From my humble approach, much more would be achieved if the reading and implementation of the excellent material consigned to Daniel Raphael by Morojonson, and collected in the book Global Sustainability and Planetary Management in 2007, were promoted, if not I am wrong.
Thank you Julio for your concern. 
Helder, you have nice aspirations.

Are you looking for permission?
Asking for training?
Seeking validation of your ideas?
Why are the Pleiadeans the ones to provide any of this to you?
Are you disappointed with the Healing Chamber replies? Where is your focus from that?
Why don't you just "cut to the chase" and advocate corporate racism training is much different than corporate training on HR policies of professional conduct?  No one is going to embrace the truth of your proposition, and instead you are in danger of being accused of virtue signaling and your un-recognized privilege.

Is your company's HR doing this proactively and/or is there a government provided financial incentive/penalty for doing or not?

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