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Messages - Dominick O

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Tues LL 09.17.24 ARTHURA & Dominick
Late 19th century and early 20th century thoughts influence on the present day

General Discussion / Re: Heads Up - New Information Available
« on: September 03, 2024, 21:51:33 pm »
Hi Occerpa. It is important to know what was your prompt to ChatGPT that generated that set of responses? Do you have it or remember it?

Try giving it more specific prompts (questions) if you want more specific data responses. For example, "how is (xyz -- Deity, Divinity, soul, etc,  discussed on the Serara Forum.

Original Recording:

Tues LL ARTHURA. Cosmology and Our Relationship with Deity

Ron and MICHAEL et al provided Mission updates in 2nd half of the LL

For Wednesday LL, 8/28, Ron and I will be on and at thew very least I'll continue with today's theme and take any Q&A along the way.

Original recording:

Tues LL 08.27.24

Another example to look at is A Course In Miracles. That would be an example where Ron has transmitted with Schucman the author, and it's a text-training to prepare the mind for The Universal Father. And Marianne Williamson came along afterward and has taught the Course in Miracles as a New Thought version of Christ Consciousness.

So much to say. So little time to say it in.
What’s with the world today? When comes the change of season?
It’s a potluck. If anyone has fresh reflections sprouting, we could pass those around as appetizers. Some main course wisdom is definitely needed. Optimistic desserts would round it out nicely.
No need to call ahead. Just bring what you got.
Fortune found a way for me to take an excursion today to Wyandotte Cave. The Odd Fellows got there first and had set up for services with their own version of three circles, standing for “Friendship, Love & Truth.”
Back end work and updates continue.
In harmony,
UBtheNEWS and UBannotated
The intersection of education and outreach.

Topic: ZOOM at NOON ET on XMAS
Time: Aug 21, 2024 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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MICHAEL. Re-born of the Spirit. Your relation to Church and State. Tues LL 08.20.24

original recording:

Ron asked me to notify the forum there is no Sunday LL as normally done today, mostly because of Ron being under the weather and unavailable.
I'll be on at 2pm to inform those who don't get this notice.

Some Thoughts Muses & Meanderings / Re: General Information Part I
« on: August 08, 2024, 14:50:17 pm »
Here's a link to a recorded discussion on the theme of Egregores, and Roger's question in this topic:

Some Thoughts Muses & Meanderings / Re: General Information Part I
« on: August 08, 2024, 10:01:45 am »
Yes and no and maybe, Roger.
This question is too open-ended to answer succinctly or without a body of examples and scenarios or references, definitions, etc.

Would you be available to join me on the Lightline meeting facilities today at 2pm EST? And we can explore your question?

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