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Online Rene A Duran

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Elementary Training.
« on: October 15, 2023, 13:23:16 pm »

 Group 11: 21, Transmission of Truths, Phoenix Az.

 Elementary Training.

 By: The Adjuster.
 Transmitter: Evelio p

 El Salvador, October 5, 2023, 6 a.m.

 "I Am your Adjuster focusing on the training of children on Urantia for their future life.

 "It is understandable that the current conditions on Urantia are the work of the elders, so the word is organization, in truth it requires little intellect, more load of good will, optimistic vision about our world and its population.

 "Governments are directly responsible for reforming the philosophical basis of academic training, from kindergarten to university, it is evident that a change of generation is necessary among thinking scholars since they are out of context.

 "A new progeny has to arrive, it sounds promising to plant eternal values such as friendship, kindness, beauty (ethics) and honesty (truth), in our little ones.

 "This is, broadly speaking, the yardstick with which every training curriculum must be measured, so that it requires a minimum of intellect for its preparation, the results will soon be seen in humanity, a fertile soil in which to plant, of good and new values worthy of survival will grow rapidly.

 "Today we launch this challenge to the rulers of all the regions on Urantia, there is nothing that can block these new changes, it is about actions more than words, we must learn to measure ourselves by what was stated by our beloved Master JESUS when he said ' By their fruits you will know them', Wanting to know a person by what he says is not useful, it is always better to look at his actions that speak unequivocally of his heart and the vision of his mind.

 "I Am your Adjuster finalizing this focus, on the complexity in the culture of Urantia, greetings to all on this fresh morning in your country we wish you success and as we stated at the time that more reach our table, have a good day."

